Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Jul 15, 2002


How are you?Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 21

Jason and Shawn had loaded everything into his car and were on their way to their camping destination. It was going to take a couple of hours to get the mountains so they had plenty of music to keep them busy during the trip. As Jason pulled out he put his Backstreet Boy CD in the CD player and turned up the volume. The weather was still nice enough to have the tops out on the Camaro.

With the wind blowing through their hair they made the journey to the camping site with no problems. Either one hardly talked as they listened to the music. When they got there Shawn got out of the car and went into the small building to confirm their reservations. The place that Shawn had selected was a camping ground in the mountains that was closely monitored and had first aid around 24 hours. Since Jason was concerned that something might happen Shawn thought this to be the best place. They would never be bothered once they confirmed their reservations and after they parked their car. The "park" as it was called spanned for many miles and was big enough to explore without worrying about running into people.

Shawn returned to the car with a parking permit in one hand and proceeded to the parking lot. After removing all of the camping gear from the trunk and placing the t-tops back on the car, he locked it with the remote and put his keys in the bag along with his cell phone. Jason was playing with his to see if he would get any signal. He was happy to announce that he had some.

"Okay, are you ready?" Shawn asked. They were standing at the edge of the woods were it forked out into three trails.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Jason answered. He never was the type for outdoor activities.

"Then let's go." Shawn said as he started leading they way down the middle trail. Jason started following behind him. The trail seemed easy at first to Jason but after an hour of trudging along he became tired. Shawn, on the other hand, was still moving along.

"Shawn, can we take a quick break?" He asked. Shawn agreed and put his backpack down on the ground. Jason did the same.

"How do you like it so far?" Shawn asked.

"It's nice." Jason said, reaching in his bag for his water bottle. "I didn't expect the ground to be so rough though."

"Yeah, I think I might have picked the wrong trail." Shawn said. They rested a few more minutes before Shawn spoke again. "We better get going and find a place to set up camp. It's going to get dark soon." Jason looked up at the sky and nodded. They picked up their gear and resumed their path.

About an hour or so later they came across a clearing big enough to set up the tent. They only had about a half-hour of daylight left so they had to hurry. It only took them ten minutes to set up the tent. Jason rolled out the sleeping backs and some food for them to eat. Shawn was setting up some small pieces of wood and placing whatever size rocks he could find around them to contain the fire.

When he was done he asked Jason for the matches.

"Where are they?" Jason asked.

"They should be in one of your bags." Shawn replied. Jason hunted through his bag until he found them. He tossed them to Shawn where he lit one stick and placed it in the middle of the others. Eventually the others caught flame and they had a fire.

"Nice fire." Jason said as it grew. They both sat down beside the fire and cuddled with each other. It was peaceful and relaxing for them and it was what they both wanted before Shawn would have to return to college. After a few more minutes of relaxing Jason moved away and prepared the food for them to eat. Within a few minute Jason and Shawn were eating hot dogs and potato chips.

After eating they decided that it was time to call it a night. They packed up everything that they could and climbed inside the tent. Fitting into one sleeping bag, they snuggled up, watching through the fabric as the fire died down.

"I love you." Shawn said.

"I love you too." Jason said, snuggling closer to Jason. A few minutes passed and both of them were asleep.

MORNING CAME SOON for them. The packed up the tent and sleeping bags and headed out on their journey. Today they were going to explore the caves that lie up ahead at the end of the trail. Shawn was excited to explore the caves more than Jason was but he was looking forward to it.

After three hours of hiking the trails, they stopped to rest. Pulling out two bottles of water, Jason handed one to Shawn and took a sip out of the other one.

"Are you having fun?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah." Jason said. He smiled as he pulled out his cell phone to see if he had any signal. When he turned it on, he had some and then a voicemail alert. He pushed the key to check his voicemail. The first message was his mom hoping that him and Shawn were having a good trip. The second was from Jeremy, wondering where he was and stuff. Pushing the eight key on the phone dialed Jeremy's cell number and within two rings he answered.


"Hey Jeremy, whatcha doin?" He asked.

"Nothing much, where are you?" He asked

"Camping with Shawn How have ya been?" Jason asked.

"Pretty good, bored really. How long have you been gone?"

"Since yesterday." Jason replied. They talked for a few minutes longer before Jason hung up, he wanted to conserve battery power in case he needed to use the phone. He turned the phone off and returned it to his bag. After a few more minutes they returned to the hike.

After a few more hours they had arrived at the opening of the cave.

"Hand me the flashlights and put your sweatshirt and jeans on, it'll get cold in these caves." Shawn said. Jason nodded and retrieved the flashlights and his clothes. Shawn took his clothes out of his bag and put them on as did Jason. After they were ready, they both got entered the cave. At first it was extremely dark until their eyes could adjust to the light produced by their flashlights. After they adjusted they proceeded along the small trail way on the right. In the middle of the floor was a 50 foot drop.

Clinging to the side with one hand and holding their lights with the other they continued on. After a few more steps, Shawn came across a wall. Putting the small flashlight in his mouth he began to climb the wall. There were handhold all over it so it was easy, but Jason had other thoughts.

"You expect me to climb this?" He asked.

"Yeah, how do you expect to see the best part?" Shawn replied.

"I'm going to get you for talking me into this." Jason said with a smile.

"You know you love me." Shawn returned with a small laugh. Jason put his flashlight in his mouth and began climbing the wall behind Shawn. After a few feet or so they were at the top. Now the floor was completely solid and they were able to walk wherever they wanted to.

They kept walking when suddenly there were several high-pitched shrieks and then a commotion Jason had never heard. In a second they saw a few hundred bats flying at them. Jason screamed and hit the floor along with Shawn. He knew they would be coming but Jason did not.

"Anymore surprises?" Jason asked. Shawn thought for a moment.


"They better not be." Jason said, picking himself up and began walking ahead. Shawn smiled and followed him. They continued like this for about a half hour, Jason leading with Shawn telling him which turn to take. The last turn took them to a beautiful site. It was a waterfall that emptied into a stream at the bottom of the cave, about 1,000 feet from where they were sitting.

"It's beautiful." Jason said, sitting down to watch it.

"I know." Shawn said. "I've been coming here since I was a kid." He said.

"Tell me about the first time you came her." Jason said. Shawn nodded as he moved to sit behind Jason, with him leaning in on his lap. He began to tell him when his parents brought him here, made him climb the wall when he was seven years old and the first time he saw the waterfall. It seemed so big to him back then and ever since than he had been mystified of the waterfall. That was one reason he wanted to bring Jason along this weekend.

"This is also the spot where my dad proposed to my mom when they were young." Shawn said, moving to sit beside Jason.

"Really? That's romantic." Jason said, oblivious to what Shawn had planned

"Yep, and my dad told me once before he died to bring the person I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with here." Shawn said. "And that person is you. I know we've only been together for a short time and we've been through so much in that short amount of time that I feel that we were meant to be together." Jason looked at him as Shawn reached in his pocket and pulled out a silver wedding band and took Jason's left hand. His face turned into shock as Shawn finished talking.

"Jason Andrews, would you do me the honors of become my life-long partner, to be with me for the rest of our lives, come what may?"

Jason sat their stunned, he couldn't believe this was happening. He looked at the ring, then back to Shawn's face before replying, "Yes." Shawn smiled and slid the ring on his finger.

"This was my dad's wedding ring and I want you to wear it." Shawn said. The ring was a perfect fit. "I had it re-sized so it would fit you."

"I love it, and I love you." Jason said as he kissed Shawn. They leaned into each other and watched the waterfall crash into the bottom of the cave.

Hard to believe huh? Shawn and Jason are going to get married. I hope everyone is enjoying these installments as these may be the last ones for this story. After almost four years it is time for an ending. That doesn't mean I am going to stop writing, I am thinking of a new story and it will be posted on nifty. As always, send any and all comment to or catch me on AIM at KVBOY1982 Have a good day.

Next: Chapter 22

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