Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Aug 16, 2001


The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 19

"Where in the hell am I?" Jason asked aloud in the car. He has been driving for the past 3 hours and most of it was traffic. He had finally arrived in the city that Shawn was attending school and was trying to find the hotel that Jason had booked the night before online. Shawn had emailed him the directions and now they weren't helping.

Reaching to the passenger seat he picked up his cell phone and dialed Shawn's number. When Shawn answered Jason explained to him that he was lost and had no clue to where he was. Shawn told him where to go and Jason was soon on the right path.

When Jason arrived to the hotel room, Shawn was already there waiting for him. "Hey." Shawn said as Jason opened the door. Jason didn't say a word as he walked straight into Shawn's open arms. After a few seconds of staying there he pulled back a little.

"I missed you so much." Jason said.

"I missed you too." Shawn said. "How do you feel?"

"Horrible. I feel so guilty for cheating on you." Jason said.

"Don't feel guilty for something you couldn't control." Shawn said. Jason nodded as he leaned his head into Shawn's chest for a few minutes.

When Jason was okay he and Shawn sat on the bed. "So how have you been?" He asked

"I have been fine, very busy with school. It wasn't as easy to adjust as I thought it would be." Shawn answered.

"So now that I am here, what are we going to do?" Jason asked.

"We could go see the town, or we could do this." Shawn said as he leaned over and kissed Jason.

"This we could do." Jason said, breaking the kiss for a second to talk. Shawn agreed as he dragged Jason down on the bed. He began to remove Jason's shirt and lowered himself to kiss his chest. Jason moaned as Shawn went lower. He giggled when Shawn licked his belly button as he undid the snap to Jason's jeans and lowered them around his ankles. Jason kicked them off over the side of bed as Shawn started working on his lower mid-section. Jason moaned for it has been so long. Too long for the both of them.

After about thirty minutes of their long due reunion, they lay on the bed exhausted.

"That was amazing." Jason said.

"Huh-uh." Shawn replied. After a few more minutes of trying to recuperate, Shawn asked him Jason if he was hungry. Jason nodded that he was. "Where do you want to eat?" He asked

"I dunno, what is good around here?"

"There are a few good places that I like." Shawn answered.

"Okay, pick your favorite and that is where we will go, but first I am going to take a shower." Jason said.

"I think I will join you." Shawn said.

"No complaints here." Jason said. Shawn smiled as they both got up, still nude and made their way to the shower.

AFTER TWENTY MINUTES they were walking out to Shawn's car. After a short drive they were at the restaurant of Shawn's choice. Walking into the front entrance, Jason was very impressed, this place was nice.

"Wow." Jason said as they had a seat. "How did you find out about this place?"

"Some friends from school told me about this place." Shawn replied as he looked over the menu. "Do you know what you want?"

"Not yet." Jason answered.

"I think the spaghetti sounds good." Shawn said. Jason nodded as the waiter came to the table. He asked what drinks they would like and disappeared.

"I think I am going to have the Barbecued chicken platter." Jason said.

"I think I will have the spaghetti with a salad." Shawn said. The waiter soon returned with their drinks and took their order and went back to the kitchen.

"So, have the police come up with anything?" Shawn asked.

"No, they are still looking. I went to Danny's house and talked to him before I went to them though." Jason said.

"Who is Danny?" Shawn asked.

"He is-was the guy I slept with." Jason, pausing to her what Shawn's reaction would be.

"Oh." Shawn said.

"He didn't put the drug in my drink." Jason said. "He went to the police station with me and told them exactly what he told me."

"Which was?" Shawn said.

"That he was watching me from a distance and saw me at the bar getting my drink. When I sat down at the table he came over and asked me to dance and I did." Jason said. "He was nowhere near me when I ordered my drink."

"So, what are we going to do now?" Shawn asked. Jason looked away for a second before answering.

"I don't know. I wish it had never happened but it did and I don't know how to change it." Jason replied.

"I don't know what we can do either. Hopefully we can move beyond this." Shawn said.

"Me too." Jason said. After a few minutes the dinner arrived at the table and they slowly ate it. After about twenty minutes their dinner was eaten and they both sat back in their chair stuffed. They both stood and made their way to the register. Shawn paid for their dinner and they made their way back to the car.

"So what do you want to do?" Shawn asked. It was only 6:30 and there were still plenty of things to do.

"I don't know. What is there to do?" Jason asked.

"We could go to see a movie." Shawn said. Jason agreed. Shawn drove to the movie theater and looked at the movie selection. After deciding on a movie they purchased the tickets and walked into the theater and picked out their seats. After a few minutes they watched the previews. When the lights went down, Shawn reached for Jason's hand and took it. Jason smiled as he gripped it tighter.

"THAT WAS A pretty good movie." Shawn said as they were walking back to the car.

"Yeah, it was." Jason replied. They reached the car and Shawn opened it with his transmitter. The had small talk on the way back to the hotel.

"I am so happy that I came up here." Jason said as they walked into the room.

"I am glad you came." Shawn said as he started to change into his night clothes that he had brought.

"Do you have any classes tomorrow?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, one at noon but I am free for the rest of the weekend." Shawn replied as he climbed in the bed.

"Cool." Jason said as he changed and went into the bathroom. He splashed water on his face and brushed his teeth before joining Shawn at the bed. "So what are we doing tomorrow?" He asked.

"I don't know, whatever you want to do. We can do some shopping or I can take you for a tour of the campus and my dorm room." Shawn answered.

"Sounds really cool. I would like to see the campus." Jason said.

"Cool, then you can meet me there tomorrow when I get out of class."

"Sounds like fun." Jason said.

"Okay, well, let's get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us." Shawn said.

Okay, goodnight. I love you." Jason said.

"Night, love you too." Shawn said.

SHAWN WOKE UP at 11 the next morning. Carefully slipping out of the bed he made his way to the bathroom to get ready for his class. He was showered and ready in thirty minutes. He left Jason a quick note telling him that he would call his cell phone when he was out of class. Bending over the bed he gave Jason a kiss and went out the door.

JASON WOKE UP to his cell phone ringing on the end table.

"Hello?" He asked, not looking at the screen to see who it was.

"Hey Jason." His mom said. "How was your trip?"

"It was fine. What time is it?" He asked.

"About 12:30. Where is Shawn?"

"He is in class." Jason said. He struggled to open his eyes.

"Well, okay, I just wanted to make sure that you got there okay and everything. Also, I wanted to tell you that an Officer Taylor called for you. He left a number, is there something going on?" She asked.

"Not that I know of." Jason said.

"Well, I hope everything is okay." She said and gave the number to him and hung up. He got up out of the bed and saw the note that Shawn had written. Smiling he picked up his cell phone again and dialed the number that his mother gave him.

"SO THIS IS the campus? It's very nice." Jason said. It was 1in the afternoon and Jason had driven to the campus.

"Yeah, I think it is gorgeous." Shawn said. They were walking in the courtyard. Shawn had just gotten out of class and they were headed for lunch.

"How was your class?" Jason asked.

"It was okay, not much fun though." Shawn said. They walked inside the cafeteria and got in the line to get some food.

"My mom called this morning." Jason said.

"What did she want?" Shawn asked.

"She wanted to make sure I got here okay and then told me that an Officer Taylor called for me." Jason said.

"What did he want?" Shawn asked.

"The police have no leads on the drugging but he has an idea of how to solve the problem." Jason said as he and Shawn took trays and ordered their food. When they sat down at a table Jason finished what he was saying. "They want me to go to the club with an undercover cop so I can ID the guy."

"Why?" Shawn asked.

"Because I am the only one that can positively ID the guy that was sitting beside me when I ordered my drink." Jason replied.

"How does this plan work?" Shawn asked.

"An undercover officer will accompany me to the club and we will sit at a table and look at the people. When I recognize the guy, they will take him in for questioning." Jason said.

"Oh." Shawn said.

"But I told them that I would talk to you first and see what you said." Jason said as he took a sip of his drink.

"What do you want to do?" Shawn asked.

"I want to find the guy that is doing this to people. But it is up to you. If you don't want me to do it then I won't."

"No, I want you to do it. I know that it is something that you want to do and it is the only way to find out who the guy is." Shawn answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am." Shawn said.

"Okay, I'll call him later and tell him that I will do it as soon as I get home." Jason said. They talked for a few more minutes before deciding that they were done eating. They walked around the campus some more before deciding to tour the town.

After two hours of driving around and doing a little shopping they decided to return to the hotel and rest for a while. They got there and crashed on the bed.

"So, now what?" Jason asked.

"I dunno. I guess we could just lay here and watch some TV." Shawn said.

"That's sounds like fun." Jason said. Shawn reached for the remote as Jason reached up and kissed him.

"What was that for?" Shawn asked.

"For just being sweet and being here for me when I need you." Jason answered.

"Oh, you're welcome." Shawn said. He straightened himself up against the backboard of the bed and guided Jason between his legs. They found something to watch on TV and stayed there for a couple of hours.

FOUR HOURS LATER the two were dressed again and headed out. Since Shawn's college was near a beach they planned to have dinner on the boardwalk and walk on the beach. Jason would be leaving to go back to school the next day and they wanted to have a very romantic evening that night.

They arrived at the beach as Shawn parked the car. He got out of the car and opened the door for Jason. He got out and looked around at where Shawn had taken him.

"This place is nice." Jason said.

"I know. I ate here once about two weeks ago and the food was delicious. I figured that you would be here and this was your last night that I would treat you to a nice dinner." Shawn said. Jason smiled as they walked into the restaurant. It was a small but very nice place. There was quite music in the background and dim lighting.

"Hi, I am your waitress, smoking or non-smoking?" A young woman asked. "Non-smoking." Jason answered.

"Sure, right this way." She said as she lead them to a small table. They sat down at the table and asked them what they wanted to drink and disappeared for a few minutes.

"So, what time are you leaving tomorrow?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know, whenever I get up. Why?" Jason asked.

"I just wanted to know." Shawn said. There was a note of sadness in his voice that Jason noticed. He was about to speak when the waitress brought them their drinks.

"I kinda dread the drive back tomorrow too. I hope I don't run into any of the traffic that I did Friday." Jason said.

"I know traffic can get pretty bad around here too." Shawn said. They started looking at the menus and decided what they wanted to eat. When the waitress returned they knew what they wanted and ordered. They talked about little stuff while they waited for the food and while they were eating Jason's cell phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

"It's Jeremy. Hello?" He said.

"Hey, how is it going up there?" He asked.

"It is going pretty good. What are you doing?" Jason asked.

"Just watching TV by myself." He answered.

"Sounds like fun." Jason said.

"Yeah, loads. When are you coming home?" Jeremy asked.

"Tomorrow why?"

"Because I miss you. It is so boring down here without you." He said.

"Ah, how sweet." Jason said. "I miss you too. I will call you when I leave for home."

"Okay, have fun. Tell Shawn I said hey." Jeremy said.

"I will. Talk to you later." Jason said as he hung up.

"Jeremy miss you?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, he said it is boring without me. Also he told me to tell you he said hey."

"Cool." Shawn said. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." Jason said. They stood up and made their way to the front register to pay for their dinner. Shawn reached in his pocket and paid for the dinner and walked out the door. They got in Shawn's car and made their way the boardwalk. "So, what is all on this boardwalk?" He asked

"Well, they have a small carnival that I know you will like. It has a Ferris wheel and all kinds of different rides. I know you will have fun." Shawn said as they walked through the entrance.

"Okay." Jason said. They walked around for the next two hours enjoying themselves. Towards they end of the night, after Shawn had won five stuffed animals for Jason they took a ride on the Ferris wheel. They were able to get a car by themselves. Interlocking hands they enjoyed the ride and the view once they got up top. Jason was a little nervous but he was fine.

"You know, I am going to miss you when you leave." Shawn said.

"I know, and I will miss you too." Jason said.

"I love you." Shawn said.

"I love you more." Jason said.

"I guess life will resume to normal in a couple of days." Shawn said.

"Yep, back to school and work." Jason replied. "I dread the work part."

"I know the feeling. How is everything there?" Shawn asked. Jason laughed as he began telling him who had quit and who was still there. By the time he was done telling his story the ride was over. Getting off the ride they decided to head for the beach to watch the waves.

Within five minutes they were sitting in front of the waves. The noise was relaxing as they found a secluded spot away from view of anyone.

"This is so beautiful." Jason said.

"I know. This is the nice part living near a beach. I can come here whenever I want." Shawn said.

"I wish I could." Jason said.

"I know. Are you ready for what you will have to do when you return home?"

"Yeah, a little. It's kinda scary though. Going to the club to catch the bad guy is kind of scary. I just hope everything go okay." Jason said.

"I am sure it will." Shawn replied. He put his arms around Jason. He was sitting in front of Shawn and snuggled a little closer.

"I will call you and let you know how things go."

"I hope so. I am going to miss you so much." Shawn said. Jason leaned up and kissed Shawn on the lips. They both smiled as they sat there for 15 minutes before deciding it was time to go back.

THEY ARRIVED AT the hotel and laid down on the bed.

"Man, I am tired." Jason said.

"Me too. Ready for bed?" Shawn asked.

"Yep." Jason said. They changed into their night clothes and brushed their teeth before climbing into the bed.

"What time do you want to get up?" Shawn asked.

"Set it for about 9." He answered. Shawn did so as they snuggled up together. "I have had a really great time this weekend."

"Me too. I am glad you enjoyed it."

"Thanks for being there when I need you." Jason said as he reached over and kissed Shawn on the lips.

"You are very welcome. What are boyfriends for?" He asked, returning the kiss.

"I don't know, what are they good for?" Jason asked.

"Hmmm, I dunno, maybe this." Shawn said as he reached his hand under the blanket and into Jason's boxers. He toyed with the contents as Jason moaned some.

"I didn't know this was what boyfriends were for. I think I could get used to this." Jason said.

"Really?" Shawn asked before climbing under the covers and taking him into his mouth. Jason gasped as Shawn did his work. After a few moments he came up from the blankets. Jason smiled as he took his place under the blankets and returned the favor. Shawn groaned and moaned until Jason came back up from the covers.

Without saying a word Jason lay down on his back while Shawn assumed position in front of him. Gently removing Jason's boxers he entered him slowly and then picking up pace he made love to Jason. Shawn began moving faster and faster while Jason moaned louder and louder. They made love like they had never before. They both knew that they needed this, needed this closeness between them that at least Jason had thought that would be lost forever. Within a few minutes Shawn moaned and Jason could feel him tighten up and explode inside him. Shawn collapsed on the bed exhausted.

Jason leaned over and kissed Shawn. Without saying a word they snuggled up and fell into a deep sleep.

"JASON, TIME TO wake up." Shawn said the next morning. It was almost 9:30 and Jason had wanted to get up at 9.

"What?" He asked, still asleep.

"It is time to get up. You wanted to get up at 9 and it is 9:30." Shawn said.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." Jason said. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in the bed. Shawn was sitting on the bed. He leaned in for a kiss.

"Good morning sleepy head." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jason replied. He stretched and got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom.

"I am going to get some breakfast you want some?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah." Jason said as he started the shower.

"Okay." Shawn said as he put on his clothes from last night and walked out the door. While Jason was in the shower his cell phone rang. Hearing it but choosing not to get out and answer it he let the voicemail get it.

"After getting out and drying off he went to where it was on the charger and saw that it was his mom. Pressing the button he checked the message.

"Hey honey, this is Mom, just wanted to call and see when you were coming home. Miss you and call me when you get this. Talk to you later, Mom." Sighing he pushed the call back button and waited while it rang. After two rings she answered.

"Hey mom." Jason said.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked.

"I am fine." Jason said. They talked for a few minutes while Jason went into the bathroom and ran the water into the sink to shave. After talking to her he hung up and began shaving.

While he was still shaving Shawn walked in the door with breakfast from McDonald's.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." Shawn said. "I brought your favorite. Egg McMuffin with a hashbrown and Coke." He put it on the table and walked to the sink and kissed Jason's neck.

"You know me." He said. "Mom called wanting to know when I was coming home."

"Oh. I wish you didn't have to leave." He said.

"Me neither." Jason said as he took the razor down the side of his face. Shawn kissed his neck again and went to the table to eat his breakfast. When Jason was done he joined him at the table, still in his towel.

After five minutes they were done eating and Jason made his way to get dressed. Shawn took out the suitcase and started packing Jason's clothes into it.

"You don't have to do that, I can do it." He said.

"No, you get dressed, I will handle it." Shawn replied. Jason nodded and finished dressing. Within 20 minutes Jason was dressed and packed. They both loaded everything into the trunk of his car and went back into the room. Everything was packed and ready to go. Now all they had to do was say goodbye. And it wasn't going to be easy.

"I want to tell you that last night was very special to me, especially here in this room. I was afraid that we could never be that close again since that night. But you showed me otherwise and I love you for that." Jason said as he hugged Shawn.

"I love you too and I had a great time. You mean so much to me. You are my life, my reason for living. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." Shawn said and kissed Jason, first on the lips and then on the forehead. "It's time to go."

"I know." Jason said. They hugged for a few more moments before walking out of the room. Before Jason could walk to the front desk to check out Shawn grabbed his arm.

"I want to pay for half of the room." He said as he reached for his wallet.

"No, I got this. I got it." Jason said.

"No, I insist. I wouldn't feel right if I let you pay the whole cost." Shawn said. After looking into his eyes Jason consented and let him.

"I'll be right back." Jason said as he pushed Shawn's hand away. Five minutes later he came back to the car. "It was $150."

"Here is $75." Shawn said. Jason took it and placed it in his wallet. They got into their cars and started the engines. Blowing a kiss from the cars they drove out of the parking lot, each going a separate way.

Well, after several months another installment is finally ready. I have a few ideas to the next one and it should be ready soon. I hope everyone enjoyed it and don't forget to write me and let me know what you think. You can reach me at, KVBOY1982 on AIM, or NCBOY1982 on Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger. Have a good day!

Next: Chapter 20

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