Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Feb 17, 2001


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 18

"So, are you ready?" Jason asked Shawn. Today was the day he was getting ready to leave for college. It had been two months since graduation and Shawn had already packed up his car. Shawn had been staying at Jason's for about a week since he moved all his stuff out and put them in a storage unit and turned in his apartment. There was no use in paying the rent if he was going to be gone for so long.

"As ready as I will ever be." Shawn said. They were standing at the doorway, Shawn getting ready to leave.

"I'm going to miss you." Jason said.

"I know. I will miss you too." Shawn said in return. Shawn reached over and gave Jason a kiss. With that they wound up in a hug that lasted for a few minutes. "OK sweetie, if I don't leave now then I won't make it in time." He said.

"OK, promise me you will call me when you get there and that you will get online at least three nights a week so we can talk and promise me that you will e-mail me everyday." Jason said.

Promise, promise, promise. I love you." Shawn said.

"I love you more." Jason said. With one more quick kiss Shawn scooted out the door and put his remaining bags in his car. Jason stood outside and watched while he started the engine and after blowing him a kiss he put the car in gear and drove off.

JASON WENT UPSTAIRS to his room as soon as he couldn't see Shawn's car driving off anymore. He was so depressed now that he didn't know what to do. He knew that things would be very different but decided that dwelling on things would solve anything.

After laying around some more he decided to get up and do something. He went outside to check the mail and was surprised to see a letter from the community college he had applied to. Anxious that he might have been accepted he went back inside and opened the letter in the kitchen. As he read he found out that he was right, he had been accepted into the college and his first day was only a week away.

Excited and happy he reached for the cordless phone and gave his mom a call at work. After talking to her for a few she was as equally happy too. She asked if Shawn had left and Jason told her he had. She asked when Jason was going to call and tell him and he told her he would wait until Shawn called him.

Deciding that he needed to celebrate he grabbed his keys from the wall and drove to a nice restaurant to treat himself to a nice lunch.

SHAWN WAS DRIVING down the road already starting to miss Jason. From the rear-view mirror he could see Jason watching still until he wasn't in sight anymore. He knew that Jason would go to his room and sit awhile and miss him even more.

After driving a hour and a half more he decided it was time to stop, stretch his legs and grab a bite to eat. He took the next exit and decided to stop at the local McDonald's.

Getting out of the car he silently hoped that he wouldn't have a run in like he and Jason did at another McDonald's. He walked in and was happy to see a small crowd of people. He got in line and ordered his food. He sat down and started to eat some of his food. All he could think about though was Jason and what he was doing and how were the two going to survive so long without each other.

Finally being unable to deal with the thoughts he reached into his pocket and brought out his cell phone to call Jason. After four rings Jason answered.

"Hey sweetie." Shawn said.

"HEY!" Jason said on the other end. "How are you?"

"I am fine. I stopped to get a bite to eat and wanted to talk to ya." Shawn answered.

"Cool, where are you at?" Jason asked.

"I am at McDonald's about a hour and a half away." Shawn replied.

"Cool, guess what?" Jason said.


"I got accepted."

"You did?"

"Yep, I am so happy." Jason said.

"I bet you are. When do you start?"

"A week from today." Jason answered.

"I have very happy for you. OK, well, I gotta run and hit the road again. I love you." Shawn said.

"I love you too, I'm gonna miss you."

"I already miss you." Shawn said. They exchanged good-byes and he hung up the phone. Smiling he finished his lunch and was soon back on the road.

ONE WEEK LATER Jason started his classes. He had already been through Freshman orientation and was excited. He and Shawn had talked many times on the Internet and on the phone, both were anxious for each other. Shawn was trying to adjust to the college life while now Jason would be doing the same soon.

In the first class that Jason had he saw this guy sitting across the room. He could feel the guy's eyes on him and soon as he sat down. Jason smiled and took a seat. Paying attention the teacher who was telling the class the materials and guidelines for the class, Jason's own eyes kept wondering over to the guy, each time catching the other guy looking at him. Smiling and looking away Jason started having feelings for this guy although he knew he shouldn't.

After the class was dismissed Jason was one of the first to get out the door and make it to his next class, hoping the guy wouldn't be in it.

SHAWN WAS SITTING in his Math class thinking about Jason when the teacher suddenly appeared in his face.

"Mr. Smith, if you are having trouble paying attention then you may leave." The teacher said.

"Sorry, Mr. Magna, I was thinking about something else." Shawn said.

"Well, stay focused." Mr. Magna said.

"Yes sir." Shawn said. He was able to keep focus but every few minutes his mind would still wander to Jason.

After class was over Shawn made his way to his next class and sat through it. Things were getting very ritualistic in his dorm. At seven am he would wake up, take a shower, grab his books and head for his English class. After his English class he had a thirty minute break that he normally grabbed some breakfast from the cafeteria and then headed to his Math class for an hour.

After that class was his History class which he enjoyed. He remembered a lot of history from high school so this was mostly a review for him. He had a couple of classes that followed but his favorite class was weight lifting.

He was working out five days a week and was loving it. He mostly loved the locker room though. He loved to look at all the guys changing and taking showers and comparing himself with them.

There was this one guy on this particular day that looked at Shawn with interest. Shawn smiled back at him. When the returned to the locker room, they both unknowingly decided to take a shower.

"My name is Dave." The other guy said.

"Mine is Shawn. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. So you're a freshman? How do you like it here?" Dave asked.

"It's pretty nice." Shawn said as they started to undress. Shawn had taken off his shirt and pants leaving him in just his boxers. Dave had removed everything and proceeded to the showers. Shawn followed as soon has his boxers were removed.

"So, what is your major?" Dave asked. They had taken their shower stalls and turned on the water.

"History." Shawn replied.

"Cool major. Mine is English." Dave said. He washed his body off never letting his eyes wander off of Shawn's. "So, do you have a girlfriend?"

Smiling, Shawn answered, "No."

"Oh, me neither. So what do you like to do for fun?" Dave asked.

"Well, I like to go to the clubs a lot but ever since I got here there hasn't been anytime for that." Shawn replied as he reached to turn off the shower.

"Cool, so do I. Say, are you doing anything tonight?" Dave asked, turning his shower off too.

"No I don't think so." Shawn replied.

"Would you like to go the club tonight with me? Me and some friends are going. I think you will have a good time." Dave asked as he started to put his clothes on.

"OK, sounds like fun." Shawn replied. Dave smiled as they exchanged numbers. They set the time for 10 that night.

The two men gathered their stuff and walked out of the locker room. Shawn had no more classes for the day but Dave did so Shawn decided to go back to his dorm room and study some before he called Jason.

JASON WAS LUCKY as his admirer wasn't in any of his other classes. He was glad of that as he was driving home. He decided to stop at a local restaurant and grab a bite to eat before heading home. Adjusting to college was much harder than Jason had thought it would be.

He pulled into the parking lot of his home and thought about all the work he had to do that night as he put his car in park. Grabbing his lunch he got out of his car and walked inside. His mom was still at work so he had the house all to himself.

He went up to his room with his lunch to eat some and study some. A few minutes later the phone started ringing. After the third ring he answered it.

"Hello?" He said, swallowing the last bite of his sandwich.

"Hey hon, it's Mom. I see you are home from school." Mrs. Andrews said.

"Yes Mom. Where are you?" Jason asked.

"I am still at work. Listen, I won't be home until real late tonight. Will you be okay?"

"Yes Mom, I might go see Jeremy in that case." He said.

"Okay, well, just wanted to call and let you know. I'll see ya later." She said as he hung up the phone. Jason smiled as they phone rung again.


"Hey sweetie." Shawn said.

"Hey baby!" How are you?" Jason asked.

"I am fine. I miss you."

"I miss you too. How's your day going?" Jason asked.

"It's going great. Just got in from lifting weights." Shawn answered.

"Cool. When is your vacation?" Jason said.

"I get about five days off in two weeks." Shawn answered.

"Are you going to come home?" Jason asked, crossing his fingers.

"Of course I am coming home. I have to see my boyfriend." Shawn replied. Jason smiled as they talked some more before the both said they had homework to do. They said good-bye and hung up the phone.

Jason went to his room to finish his homework. After about an hour he decided to take a break and see what Jeremy was up to. He called and as usual he was up to nothing so about 10 that night they decided that they would go out to some local club. Jason knew that he would have fun tonight.

SHAWN HAD JUST gotten dressed when the phone to his dorm rang. He answered the phone and it was Dave. He was making sure that Shawn was ready and to find out what dorm Shawn lived in. He told him the info Dave needed to know. He said he would be over very soon.

Within ten minutes he was at the door and the two went out. Shawn decided that they would take his car and following Dave's directions he found the club. He parked and they both walked in. After showing ID's they were allowed in. There was dance floor and a bar and then another dance floor on the other side of the club. The music was nice and Shawn was eager to dance. As he walked in he saw the Pride flag and instantly knew this was a gay club, which meant that Dave was gay. Or was he? Shawn didn't know and didn't take the time to think about it. He was dragged out to the dance floor by Dave and began dancing. He was having a good time and enjoying himself. School worries were behind him now as he relaxed and danced away. Before he knew what was happening Dave reached over and kissed Shawn on the lips. Shawn was taken back and broke the kiss. Since it was so noisy Shawn couldn't say anything until he moved outside with Dave.

"Why the hell did you do that?" He asked.

"I don't know, it just came over me. I am sorry." Dave said.

"I didn't even know you were gay. Why didn't you tell me?" Shawn asked.

"Because I didn't know if you were too and I didn't want to risk asking you. I figured that if you didn't object to going here when you saw the flag in the front I knew you were gay."

"That still does not explain why you kissed me. But even still, I need to tell you that I have a boyfriend that I am happily contented with." Shawn said. Dave's smile faded but quickly returned.

"That's okay. Let's forget this ever happened and go back and have fun." Dave said. Shawn shook his head in agreement as the two went back inside the club.

"JEREMY I DON'T know what I am supposed to do. I miss Shawn badly but this new guy is in my mind. What do I do?" Jason asked Jeremy. He had been over at Jeremy's house since 10pm. They were getting ready to go out to a club as well. It was a Friday night and the local club would be jamming. Jason's mom still wasn't home and he had decided he would spend the night at Jeremy's.

"I think you miss Shawn and you want to find companionship in someone and Mark just happens to be the only guy that looks at you in that special way. Maybe you should talk to Shawn about this and see if you guys can agree to start seeing someone else why you both are in school." Jeremy asked as he tried on one shirt. "How does this look on me?" He asked.

"Try the other one. Talk to Shawn about this? Are you crazy? I could never ask him that. What would that do to our relationship? That might make us grow apart even more. I don't want that to happen." Jason said. Jeremy tried on another shirt and he agreed.

"That might happen but tonight I want you to put this to rest and enjoy the night. We haven't gone to the club together in so long. This is going to be fun." Jeremy said as he looked in the mirror, checked his hair and turned back to Jason. "Let's go." He said as he took Jason's hand and led him to his car.

SHAWN AND DAVE returned back to their dorms, said good-night and went to bed. Shawn laid in his bed and thought about the previous events running through his mind and wondering how this would effect his newly found friendship with Dave. He figured that since Dave knew that he had a boyfriend he shouldn't have to worry about anything and dozed off soon after that.

JASON WAS STILL having fun at the club when Shawn was going to sleep. Jeremy was right, this is what he needed to relax. After dancing for a little while Jason made his way to the bar to get a Pepsi. He ordered and paid for the drink. Before he took a sip, Jason turned his head to the dance floor as something caught his eye. While his head was turned, the person standing beside him slipped a white powder into the drink. It mixed in with the carbonation when Jason turned his attention back to the drink. He took a sip and walked away from the bar and back to where Jeremy was sitting.

They sat down for a few minutes relaxing when a guy came up to Jason and asked him to dance. Jason agreed and followed him to the dance floor. Jeremy watched them dance for awhile and then turned his attention to the table. Feeling thirsty he reached for Jason's half-empty drink cup. He was about to take a sip when he noticed the white specks near the lip of the cup.

Jeremy looked at the specks closer and realized what it was. There had been a lot of date drugs going around and he knew that it had been happening at this gay club but very rarely. Jeremy quickly scanned the dance floor for Jason but it was so crowded and dimly lit that he couldn't see where Jason was.

Worried, he got up from the chair and walked up toward the dance floor. Still no sign of Jason at all. Getting more worried he walked to the men's room and still no sign of Jason. Frantic by now, he walked to the bar tender and tried to ask him if he remember serving a Pepsi to Jason but he couldn't hear anything he was saying.

Frustrated, Jeremy went to the front desk to ask if he had seen Jason leave.

"What does your friend look like?" Jeremy described Jason's looks to him and the man replied, "I just saw him and another guy leave here five minutes ago."

"What? Do you know who the guy was?" Jeremy asked.

"No, but I know that he was a regular every Friday night. Why?" The front desk man said.

"Oh God. He's in trouble. I think my friend was drugged."

"How do you know?"

"Here is his drink, tell me what you think." Jeremy said as he put Jason's cup on the counter. The front desk man pulled out a flashlight and held the light beam towards the bottom of the cup. He could see some white crystals on the bottom.

"We better call the police." He said. Jeremy agreed as the man picked up the phone and dialed the number. "Yes, this is Brett from Club Dynasty, I need to report a possible date rape drugging. Thanks." Brett said

"Well?" Jeremy asked.

"They are sending a unit over now to investigate. Until then I am going to shut down the club." Brett said as he stood up from and walked to the DJ's booth with Jeremy behind him.

After briefly discussing something with the DJ the music stopped and the microphone was handed to Brett.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention please, the police are on their way now to investigate a possible date rape drugging that may have taken place tonight. Until the can investigate this matter further they have asked that everyone remains in the building until the police say it is okay for you to leave. Until then all alcoholic drinks are not to be sold but all other non-alcoholic drinks are on the house. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause anyone." Brett said. The music returned but was at a lower volume and Brett walked over to the bartender. After saying a few words he motioned for Jeremy to follow him up front to welcome the police when they arrived.

After fifteen minutes or so the police pulled up and asked everyone some questions and after thirty minutes they got what they needed and left. Jeremy was very concerned about Jason and didn't know where he was but all he could do was hope that everything would turn out okay.

JASON WOKE UP in the bed of the guy he had met at the bar. When he realized what he had done he jolted upright and was greeted with a pounding headache. Putting his hand to his head he looked at the time. It was near noon. He looked at his surrounding and realized what might have happened.

Jason started to put some of his clothes on when the bedroom door opened. The guy he slept with came in carrying a drink and only wearing pants. He had a smile on his face as he sat on the bed.

"Hi, how are you this morning?" He said.

"I have a headache." Jason said. "Where am I?"

"You are at my place. Don't you remember any of last night?"

"A little bit. I remember leaving the club with you and you insisted on taking your car. Then I remember us kissing and then I woke up. Did we...?"

"Yes, and it was great." He said.

"Oh. I want to go back to my car." Jason said.

"But I thought we could-."

"No, I want to go back to my car so I can go home." Jason said, finishing putting on his clothes.

"Okay, whatever you wish." The guy said as he walked to the closet and retrieved a shirt to put on.

"By the way, what is your name?" Jason asked

"Danny." He said.

"Mine is Jason."

"Nice to meet you." Danny said he slipped on his shirt and grabbed his car keys from the table. "Let's go." He said he walked out of the bedroom, Jason right behind him.

THE DRIVE BACK to the bar was very quiet and uncomfortable, but it was short as well. When they got there, Danny said good-bye and off he drove. Jason reached in his pocket and took out his car keys and unlocked the door. He got in and sat there for a few moments thinking about what he had done. He had sex with a guy who's name he didn't know until afterwards when it was over.

Sliding the key into the ignition Jason's thoughts drifted over to Jeremy. 'He must be worried to death.' Jason thought as he turned the key and put the car in gear and drove to Jeremy's house.

JEREMY WAS SITTING on the couch watching TV when the doorbell rung. He wasn't expecting company so he had no idea who this could be. When he opened the door and saw that it was Jason he screamed with relief.

"Jason! Are you okay?"

"No." Jason said.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asked, moving away from the door so Jason could come in.

"I have done something terribly wrong." Jason said before looking away.

"What?" Jeremy asked.

"I had sex with a stranger last night." Jason said, fighting the tears away.

"I know." Jeremy said. That got Jason's attention.

"What?" He asked.

"Last night when you went to the dance floor with that guy, I got thirsty and started to take a sip of your drink when I noticed some white powder in your drink. I took it to the front desk man and he called the police. Jason, you were drugged last night." Jeremy said. Jason looked at him for a minute before it sunk into his head what all this meant.

"Oh my God. When was I drugged?" Jason asked.

"I would assume it was at some point when you ordered your drink. That was the only time you had ordered on or had anything to drink there. Did you leave your drink unattended last night, even for a second?" Jason thought for a moment and remembered looking at something on the dance floor and then taking his drink.

"I looked at something on the dance floor after ordering the drink. After I got the drink I went directly to our table, and you were there for the rest of the time." Jason said.

"The guy you went home with, do you think he did it?" Jeremy asked. Jason shrugged his shoulders as him and Jeremy moved from the foyer to the couch. "What was the guys name?"


"Danny what?"

"That's all I know, we didn't exchange full names or anything." Jason said.

"Do you remember anything happening after you left the club?"

"Just him insisting that we take his car and us kissing later. After that I don't remember anything." Jason answered.

"The police were called last night and they are investigating into this matter. We need to let them know what is going on." Jeremy said. Jason nodded as they both stood up and headed towards the door and to Jeremy's car.

SHAWN WOKE UP the next morning, his ears still ringing from the loud music at the club. He looked at the clock. It was 12:30 in the afternoon. Moaning he got out of bed and made his sluggish way to the bathroom to use it and brush his hair. His stomach growled and decided to go to the cafeteria and get lunch. Throwing on the clothes form last night he made his way to it and grabbed lunch.

Deciding that he should just take it and go he started walking back to his room when Dave walked up to him.

"Hey buddy." He said.

"Hey." Shawn replied.

"You look tired." Dave said.

"Well, I did have a busy night last night." Shawn said.

"I know. Look, I wanted to apologize for what happened last night. I never meant to 'move in' on you and your boyfriend. I still hope we can be friends." Dave said.

"Sure, no problem. Are you doing anything right now?" Shawn asked.

"No, why?" Dave asked.

"I was heading up to my room for lunch and though you might like to join me and keep me company." Shawn said Dave nodded his head and followed him up to the room.

When they got there Shawn cell phone alerted him that he had a voice mail message. Shawn picked it up and checked it.

"Shawn, this is Jason, I need to talk to you. It is an emergency so please call me on my cell phone, I am over at Jeremy's. Bye." The message said. Shawn knew something was wrong. He quickly dialed Jason's cell number and after two rings it was answered.

"Jason's cell phone?" Jeremy said.

"Hey Jeremy, this is Shawn. Where is Jason?"

"He is in the shower right now." Jeremy said.

"Can you tell me what is going on? I got a message from Jason saying that he needed to talk to me. Is he okay?" Shawn asked.

"Yes he is okay but he is a little shaken up after what happened last night." Jeremy replied.

"What happened?" Shawn asked.

"I think he should be the one to tell you this, I will let him know you called and to call him back. Gotta go." Jeremy said as he hung up.

"But-." Shawn tried to say but was caught off by a busy signal.

"What's going on?" Dave asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I don't know. He didn't say but something is wrong." Shawn said, moving his lunch away.

"So, your boyfriend's name is Jason, nice name." Dave said.

"Yeah, he really is a nice person and I love him a lot." Shawn said, smiling as he thought about Jason.

"I am sure you do. How long have you two been together?" Dave asked

"About six months." Shawn replied. Dave was about to say something but Shawn's cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Shawn, it's Jason. How are you?" Jason said.

"Never mind about me, how are you? What's wrong?" Shawn said.

"I don't know how to say it exactly. You know that I love you very much and I would never do anything to hurt you. But, last night, Jeremy and I went out to a club, and I wound up sleeping with someone else. But I didn't do it on my own will, I was slipped a date rape drug. I want to come see you very much." Jason said. Shawn was quite for a moment as he thought about what was said.

"Are you okay?" Shawn finally asked.

"Physically yes, but mentally I'm a wreck. I don't know what to do and what this is going to do to us. I don't want to hurt you." Jason said.

"Do you know who did this to you?"

"No." Jason replied.

"Tell me exactly what happened." Shawn said. Jason explained to him how he got his drink from the bar and got distracted for a moment and the guy coming and asking him to dance.

"Do you think the guy that you slept with was the one that slipped you the drug?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not." Jason said.

"Have you reported this to the police?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, Jeremy called them last night but we are going to talk to them and see if the need any information from me. Shawn, I am taking a week of from work and school, I want to see you." Jason said, Shawn could hear the plea in Jason's voice.

"That's not possible. I am not allowed to have visitors on campus." Shawn said.

"What if I stayed in a hotel room and you came and saw me there?" Jason asked.

"That would work, but that would be expensive." Shawn said.

"I don't care, I need to see you." Jason said.

"Okay, when are you coming?" Shawn asked.

"I'll leave tomorrow morning. I will get on-line and find a hotel and make reservations. Will you e-mail me the directions there?" Jason asked.

"I will. Have you told your mom what has happened?" Shawn asked.

"No, I haven't been home yet. She knows I am at Jeremy's but that's all she knows." Jason said.

"Okay, I got to go. Good luck at the police station. I'll call you later tonight okay? I love you very much and I can't wait till you get here." Shawn said.

"I love you too. See you tomorrow." Jason said as they hung up.

"What happened?" Dave asked.

"Jason and a friend of ours went out to a club and Jason got date raped." Shawn said. He reached for his lunch now and started eating.

"Does he know who did it?" Dave asked.

"No." Shawn replied.

"I hope everything turns out all right. When will Jason be here tomorrow?" Dave said.

"I don't know, we'll discuss that tonight on the phone." Shawn said.

"I hope I get to meet him." Dave said.

"You will." Shawn said.

"Uh oh, I am going to be late for my class, I'll catch ya later." Dave said. Shawn said good-bye as Dave made his way out the door, leaving Shawn to his worries about Jason and their future together.

"WHERE ARE WE going?" Jeremy asked as he got into Jason's car.

"We are going back to Danny's to ask him some questions and then to the police." Jason said

"Shouldn't we go to the police first?" Jeremy asked.

"I don't want to suspect Danny until I talk to him first. I have a feeling that he wasn't the one that did this to me." Jason said as he started the car and put it in gear and drove off. Remembering the way Danny took him to the club he backtracked his way to his house. They pulled into the driveway and walked up to the door.

After knocking a few times Danny came to the door.

"Jason, what are you doing back? I thought you didn't want to see me anymore?" He asked.

"Something's come up. May we come in?" Jason asked.

"Sure, come on in." Danny said stepping away from the door. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"No thanks, we need to talk." Jason said. Danny motioned for them to sit in the living room on the couch. "Last night when you came up to our table, how long had you been watching me?" Jason asked. Danny had a puzzled look on his face but thought about the question.

"I noticed you when you first walked in the door. I kept my eye on you a little but I was busy checking out everyone else as well. Why?" Danny asked.

"Did you see me go up to the bar and order my drink?" Jason asked.


"Did you see me look away for a minute?" Jason asked.

"No, there was a flash of light that grabbed my attention." Danny said.

"Hold on, where were you before you asked me to dance?"

"I was sitting at a table on the far side of the bar. Why are you asking me these questions?" Danny asked.

"I was drugged last night. When I got my drink a date rape drug had been placed in it. I was trying to make sure you hadn't put in and then take me home. I had a feeling you didn't do it but now I know you didn't. Do you remember what the guy looked like standing beside me?" Jason said.

"A little, he was older looking and he kept looking at you while you were in line. I remember him watching you with a smile on his face as you walked back to your table." Danny said.

"Did you recognize him?" Jason asked.

"I have seen him once there before but that's it." Danny asked.

"Are you willing to go to the police with me today and tell them what you know?" Jason asked. Danny nodded his head. "Then let's go." The three of them got up and left the house in Jason's car headed towards the police station.

Well, another installment is completed and this one is quite long too. I hope everyone enjoys this one as the next one should be better when Shawn and Jason re-unite after being separated after Shawn went to college. Again, although I am not able to send or receive any e-mail please let me know what you think by e-mailing me at Thanks for your patience as I am still in the process of moving. -JRC

Notes: They go to the police and find out that the date drug that was used on Jason in a new one and all they know that his has a knew kind of drug that causes a person not to be aware of what they are doing, which will explain why Jason can't remember anything. Danny DID NOT put the drug in his drink. He took Jason home because Jason insisted on going home with him.

Next: Chapter 19

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