Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Oct 12, 2000


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 15

"Give me five minutes alone." Shawn said. They were standing at the cemetery where Shawn's parents were buried. It was one day before Jason's operation and Shawn wanted to get this done with before that happened.

They both had been busy catching up with school and work and getting better. Things were starting to get back to normal.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad." Shawn said as he knelt down by their graves. "I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to visit you but many things have happened in my life and it's hard for me to come and visit.

"I wanted to tell you that I have stayed in school and that I have managed pretty well by myself. I used the money to get my apartment, pay my rent for a year, and I put the rest in the bank. But there is more.

"I finally met someone. Never in my life would I have imagined meeting someone like this. He is so sweet and caring, and so loving. I know I never got to tell you that I was gay and I wish I had before you guys died, but I am so happy. He's with me today because I wanted to introduce him to you." Shawn said. He placed the flowers that he was holding on the graves and motioned for Jason to join them.

"This is them." Shawn said, standing to meet him. Jason looked at the tombstones. He read their names and noticed that Shawn was named after his father's middle name.

"Hello." Jason said. "This is weird for me but I really love your son. Since I met him we have grown so close and we have the best relationship any two people could ever wish to have. I promise to take good care of him and never let anything happen to him as long as I live."

"See, what did I tell you? I love this man with my heart, and I miss you guys so much." Shawn said as he starting sobbing. Jason wrapped his arms around Shawn and hugged him close.

Shawn cried on Jason's shoulder finding the comfort he needed. After a few minutes Shawn stopped crying and made his way to the car. He decided to let Jason drive since he was too emotional to drive.

The drive home was quite one. Jason drove while Shawn sat in the passenger seat starring out the window.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, just thinking." Shawn answered.

"What about?" Jason asked as he took a left at the stop-light they were stopped at.

"How my life would have been different if they were still alive. Wondering how they would have taken the news and how they would reacted to us being together." Shawn said.

"How do you think they would have reacted?" Jason asked placing his right hand on Shawn's thigh. After a short pause, Shawn answered.

"At first, they would have been shocked and disappointed." He said. "But they would have accepted it for who I am and I don't think our relationship would have changed. We were very close to each other."

"What about me?"

"Oh, they would have loved you. Your sense of humor and they would have seen the way we are together. They would have known we were perfect and welcomed you to the family." Shawn said and placed his hand on Jason's.

Jason smiled and continued driving. The rest of the ride was quite until they got to Jason's. He parked the car and got. Shawn got out as well and they walked into the house hand in hand. "Hey mom."

"Hey Jason, have you guys eaten yet?" She asked.

"Not yet." Jason said.

"Good, I made lunch for you guys and I think you all with like it." Jason's mom said. Jason and Shawn smiled as they made their way upstairs.

"Just call us when it is ready." Jason said. His mom nodded and they continued walking. When they got into Jason's room, they immediately lay down on Jason's bed and cuddled each other, the events from the day and what could happen in the future both on their minds.

"I'm really scared about tomorrow and what could happen." Jason confessed.

"I know you are, I would be too if I were you. But things are going to be okay, nothing can go wrong with the operation. They do it very often." Shawn said.

"I know but I am still scared. Lord knows what could happen tomorrow when I am laying on the operating table." Jason said.

"You'll be all right." Shawn said. Jason nodded, knowing that what Shawn was saying was right.

The laid on the bed for a few more minutes until Jason's mom called from the stairs that lunch was ready. The two teenagers hurriedly got down the stairs to see what was for lunch.

Jason's mom had prepared fried ham and egg sandwiches with potato chips and soft drink. It was a favorite of Jason's ever since he was a little kid.

"All right!" He said when he saw it. Shawn gave him a confused look.

"It was his favorite when he was little." Mrs. Andrews said. Shawn nodded in understanding and sat beside Jason at the table. His mother sat at the head of the table. As soon as she sat down they all began eating. Jason enjoyed the sandwich and even Shawn thought it tasted good. He would have to find out how to make it so he could make it for Jason one night.

They ate and talked and then they all moved to the back deck to have tea and dessert. As soon as they were out there Mrs. Andrews started the conversation.

"So, what got you two up so early this morning?" She asked.

"I wanted to go see my parents." Shawn said.

"Oh, and how they doing?" She asked, oblivious to the fact they had passed,

"How, about as good as they can I guess. There're not living anymore." Shawn said.

"Oh, I am very sorry to hear that." Jason's mom said.

"It's okay. The real reason I wanted to go was to introduce Jason to them. Ever since they died I have always thought they were with me. I wanted them to meet him 'face to face' I guess you could say." Shawn explained.

"I see." She said. "So, what are you guys doing tonight?"

"We don't know." Jason said. The phone started ringing and Jason picked up the cordless and answered it.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Jason? This is Richard, how are you?" The voice on the other end said. Jason was shocked to hear his voice and immediately stood up and left the back porch and went inside the house.

"What was that about?" Shawn asked after he saw the look on Jason's face. He could see the worry look on Mrs. Andrews's face so he knew something was wrong.

"The only time he ever makes that face is when his ex calls." She said.

"Oh." Shawn said. "I get a feeling that this is going to be bad."

"Well, Richard only calls every once in awhile but still Jason doesn't like to talk to him unless he has to. Their relationship ended badly." Mrs. Andrews said.

"He hasn't said anything to me about it yet." Shawn said.

"I didn't figure that he would. It's a very touchy subject with him."

"Can you tell me what happened?" Shawn asked.

"I wish I could but that is his place to tell you." She answered. Shawn nodded as they sat there and waited for Jason to return.

"WHAT DO YOU want?" Jason asked into the phone.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I missed you." Richard said.

"Well, I haven't." Jason replied.

"Even so, I wanted to talk, to talk about us."

"There is nothing to talk about us. We are over. Accept that." Jason said.

"But maybe there could be another chance between us, how can you just cut me out of your life like that?" Richard asked.

"Because I can and I have met someone else."


"The most sweetest, caring, loving man I could ever have met." Jason said, a smile growing on his face.

"Oh." Richard said. "Well, maybe one day down the road--?"

"No, there will not be 'one day' for us, Richard, we are through! Don't ever call here at this house again!" Jason said as he hung up the phone. Setting the phone down and bracing himself on the counter in the kitchen he expected a call back from Richard.

After five minutes there was no call from him so he decided that he wasn't going to call back and rejoined the others. Jason knew by the look on their face that they were worried but he reassured them that it was okay.

"How come you never told me about Richard?" Shawn asked

"You never asked." Jason said.

"Well, now I am." Shawn said with a smile. Jason smiled back before his face turned serious.

"I'm going to go inside and get some more tea." Mrs. Andrews said as she stood up. Jason and Shawn nodded and waited for her to leave before he started.

"Richard and I started dating my Freshman year, he was my first boyfriend. I was new to this and he wasn't. He was a Senior and he had 'been around' so I heard.

"We dated for a few months and then football season started and everything was good. He was a football jock and he started going to these parties and he started smoking weed and every time I would say something about it he started hitting me and telling me it wasn't any of my business. But it was my business that he was purposely hurting his body and me in the process.

"Then came the rumors that he started having sex with a cheerleader named Brandy. When I heard the rumor, I was devastated. I couldn't believe it until one night..." He couldn't finish before the memories came back and hit him.

Closing his eyes and turning his head away from Shawn he said, "Until that one night when I walked into his house and caught him in bed with this blonde bimbo. I was furious. There was my boyfriend of four months in bed with a woman." Jason said, opening his eyes when Shawn put his hand on his.

"What did you do?" Shawn asked.

"I stared at them, took off the covers and saw them in my favorite position." Jason said.

"They were 69ing?"

"Yes. After I saw that I went running back out and ran all the way home. He didn't live that far away from me. We never did talk about that night again but I told him the next day that it was over." Jason said.

"That hurt you a lot didn't it?"

"Yes, but I got over it, but every time he calls I still can see that picture in front of my eyes."

"Well, I hope he never calls-" Jason started to say but the phone cute him off. He grabbed it and hit the Talk button. "Hello?" He said, a little more aggressive then he intended.

"Hey Jason, what's the matter with you?" His friend Jeremy said.

"How hey Jeremy, I thought you were Richard." Jason said.

"Why is he calling you?" Jeremy asked.

"He wanted to get back together."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that I had found somebody else and hung up the phone." Jason answered. Shawn was looking at him with questioning eyes.

"So, what are you and Shawn doing tonight?"

"Nothing planned why?" Jason asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you and him wanted to come over to my place and watch movies and order pizza. My parents are out of town for the weekend and when the cat's away the mice will play!" Jeremy said.

Jason laughed as he answered. "Sure sounds good to me, let me ask Shawn." Jason put his hand over the phone and asked Shawn if it was okay. Shawn nodded and Jason went back to the phone. "What time do you want us over?"

"How about 8 tonight? Does that sound good?" Jeremy asked.

"Sure does." Jason said.

"Okay, well, see ya then." Jeremy said as they hung up. Shawn and Jeremy had met one day at school and they immediately liked each other.

"Who was that on the phone?" Mrs. Andrews asked walking out to the porch.

"Jeremy, he wants us to come over tonight." Jason said.

"OK, what are you guys going to do until then? She asked.

"Hang out here I guess." Jason answered.

"OK, I have to be at work later so you two will be alone." She said as she took the dishes from the table and took them to the kitchen.

"Cool." Jason said with gleam in his eye. Shawn knew what this meant. After his Mom got all the dishes they went up to Jason's room to watch TV.

They lay on Jason's bed with Shawn leaning between his legs, flipping through the TV before the phone rang. Since the cordless was downstairs his Mom answered it. A few seconds later she yelled his name telling him he had a phone call.

Shawn volunteered to go and get the cordless and bring it to Jason.

"Hello?" Jason said.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" It was his Dad calling him.

"No." Jason returned.

"Are you still going to do it?" His dad asked, panic visible in his voice.



"I'm scared." Jason said.

"I know, I am too, but there isn't anything to worry about."

"What if something goes wrong?" Jason asked. Shawn saw the look of conflicting emotions on Jason's face and slid over to offer comfort to him.

"It won't go wrong. Trust me on this." His Dad said.

"How can I trust you? I don't even know you." Jason said. There was silence on the other end before his Dad spoke.

"I know that, and I apologize for that. I should have done things differently but I didn't and I can't change the past."

"OK. Well, I have to run. I'll see you tomorrow." Jason said.

"OK, see ya then." His Dad answered. They hung up as Shawn looked him in the eyes.

"Shawn, I'm so scared, I don't know what I am supposed to do." He said.

"I know you are baby. But we will get through this, we have to get through this." Shawn said, kissing him on the cheek. Jason knew he was right but the thought of the surgery still scared him. He melted in Shawn's embrace as he thought about the next day's events.

"WHAT DO YOU guys want on your pizza?" Jeremy asked a couple hours later.

"I want mushrooms." Jason said from across the asle. They were at the movie rental place trying to pick out a movie as well.

"I don't care." Shawn said, putting down the movie title he was reading.

"OK, whatever then." Jeremy said as he pulled out his cell phone to call in the order. "Yes, I would like to order a meatlover's pizza with mushrooms added on please." Jeremy said, giving the person on the other phone his address and last name.

"So, what movie do we want to see?" Shawn asked. Jeremy and Jason both shrugged their shoulders. "Well, that helped." He laughed.

"I want to watch a romance." Jason said.

"Only you would." Jeremy retorted.

"Fuck you." Jason said.

"Hey, my territory only." Shawn said.

"I didn't want the offer in the first place." Jeremy said.

"I want to watch horror." Shawn said.

"Me too." Jeremy answered.

"Maybe I don't." Jason said.

"Oh well, majority wins." Shawn said.

"What kind of boyfriend are you? Not tending to your boyfriend's needs and wants." Jason asked.

"I'm the boyfriend that you love and adore and you will do whatever I want you to." Shawn answered.

"Whatever." Jason said smiling.

"So if horror is what we are watching what movie shall we see?" Jeremy asked.

"How about 'I Know What You Did Last Summer?'" Shawn asked.

"It don't matter." Jason said, Jeremy picked up the movie and paid for the rental fee and left the store.

Ten minutes after they got to Jeremy's the pizza was delivered. They took their normal seats, Shawn and Jason on the couch and Jeremy in a chair. The movie started and they started to watch the movie.

Halfway through the movie, Jason fell asleep.

"We're ready doctor." A nurse said. The doctor nodded as he finished washing his hands and put on his gloves.

"Let's begin." He said. He moved over to where the patient was laying on the hospital bed. He took a knife and started cutting where the incision marks were.

After careful cuts the doctor removed a kidney. He placed it on the table beside as the alarms started going off around him.

The computer monitor watching the heartbeat singled that the heart has stopped beating.

"We're losing him!" A nurse shouted.

"Paddles!" The doctor ordered. He was immediately handed the paddles and told them to charge them. They already were being charged and when they were ready they were placed on the chest and activated. Nothing happened.

Jason jumped up from his nightmare. It took him several minutes to realize what happened. The movie was almost over and Shawn and Jeremy were staring at him with concern in their eyes.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, just had a really bad dream." Jason said, not wanting to go into details. Shawn sensed it left the subject alone until later.

"So, now what do we do? The movie is basically over and I am still wide-awake." Jeremy said.

"We could play cards?" Shawn said. Jason nodded and Jeremy liked the idea. He went to his room and got a deck of cards while Shawn and Jason talked. "What was the dream about?"

"I was in the hospital having my surgery and when the doctor removed my kidney my heart stopped beating. It was really scary." Jason said as he slipped his hand with Shawn's.

"I bet it was. But don't get worried about it, you only dreamed about it because you a nervous about tomorrow." Shawn said.

"I know." Jason said. "But I am still very worried about it."

"I don't blame you. I'm even scared but I know that everything will turn out all right. I have to believe that." Shawn said.

"Why are you so good to me?" Jason asked.

"Because I want to." Shawn said as he leaned over kissed him the lips. Jeremy walked in and saw it.

"Ugh, get a room you guys." He said.

"Great idea, can we use yours?" Jason said.

"Over my dead body." Jeremy said.

"Get him!" Jason yelled as he and Shawn jumped up and attacked Jeremy. The play wrestled for awhile before Jeremy had them both pinned to the floor.

"Where did you learn those moves?" Shawn asked.

"My big brother and I used to wrestle all the time." He said.

"Good, now, get off us!" Shawn said as he suddenly raised up, throwing Jeremy off balance and to the floor.

Laughing, they picked each other off the floor and brushed themselves off. Jeremy picked up the deck of cards that he had dropped and moved to the kitchen table, the other two following behind him.

"So, what are we going to play? Blackjack, Strip Poker, Crazy Eight?" Jeremy asked.

"It don't matter." Jason said.

"Blackjack." Jeremy said as he started shuffling the cards and dealing them. They played cards for two hours before the both said they were tired. After saying goodnight, Jeremy went on to bed, leaving Shawn and Jason blankets for the living room floor.

The made out their pallet on the floor and laid down. Removing their outer clothes, the talked about tomorrow's event and how this could change their lives together.

"I want you to know." Jason started. "That if anything should happen to me tomorrow on that table that I love you and that you are so precious to me." Jason finished, taking Shawn's hand into his.

"I love you too and I don't want anything to happen to you." Shawn replied.

"I guess we will have to wait and see what happens tomorrow." Jason said. Shawn agreed as they lay there and dozed off. Fate was now out of their hands.

I know, I know, it has been a VERY long time since I have posted an installment but I am busy with work and college and trying very hard to keep the stories coming. I have the next two chapters already outlined so they should be coming out very soon. Anyway, thinks for waiting so long and being patient. Remember; always e-mail any comments to Thanks. -JRC

Next: Chapter 17

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