Locker Room Love

By Jason

Published on Jun 11, 2005


Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction. It never actually happened, but wouldn't it be really cool if it did? Comments/suggestions are always appreciated. You can send them to the e-mail address above.

The first part of the story, shown here, is about 2 high school aged girls. Later on, I'll add some more girls, some boys, and probably a few adults too.

Mary and Beth loved basketball. It helped that they were really good at it, too. Although both were only Sophomores, they both had made the varsity squad and were competing for starting spots. They were also the hardest working members of the team. They would stay after practice every day to improve some aspect of their games. That wasn't the only reason they stayed late, though. They were also lovers. Being the last ones out of the gym, they usually had the locker room all to themselves.

Both girls were very attractive, even though they looked a lot different. Mary was about 5'4" with short brown hair that curled just above the shoulders and blue eyes. She was a bit heavy-set, but certainly not fat. Her breasts had grown into a C cup already and got lots of looks from the guys at school. Her hips were also well rounded and they swayed seductively whenever she walked. Beth, on the other hand, was very tall and slim. At 6'1", she had long, bright, straight, red hair that hung down to the middle of her back. She also had green eyes. Her breasts were just little bumps, fitting into an A cup bra when she chose to wear one. Usually, she only wore one for sports. Her hips barely rounded out from her waist and her legs seemed to go on forever.

Today had been an unusually hard practice. The coaches, Mr. Jensen (Coach J) and Ms. Oswald (Coach O) hadn't been happy campers, either. But like always, Mary and Beth stayed after, working on their skills. Finally, the girls headed to the locker room. They both sat slumped on one of the benches.

"Good god, I thought practice would never end!" Mary said.

"I'm so sore I don't think I can move," replied Beth.

"Maybe I can help take your mind off of it," Mary said, with a sly smile.

Mary's hand had moved halfway up Beth's thigh as she said this. Beth met Mary's eyes, then they both leaned in for a kiss. Beth's hand caressed Mary's thigh as Mary reached up to play with Beth's right breast, rubbing the nipple with her thumb. Their tongues wrestled as they kissed, with an occasional moan escaping from one of them.

As they made out, they began to undress each other. Mary started by lifting off Beth's practice jersey, their lips parting as Mary took it completely off. The sports bra came off in the same manner. Beth then did the same thing for Mary. So there they were, making out topless as their breast rubbed together as their tongues continued their duel. Both girls got an extra surge of sexual excitement whenever their nipples brushed against each other.

By this time, Beth had certainly forgotten about her pain and stiffness. Her hands were rubbing Mary's butt, kneading it softly. Mary on the other hand, had one hand between Beth's thighs, softly rubbing up and down against her pussy.

"Ohhh god, you're making my cunt all squishy," moaned Beth.

"Mmmm, your hands sure know how to work my ass," Mary replied. "Let's get naked and in the shower and finish the job."

So the girls stood up, still kissing as they peeled off each other's practice shorts and panties, leaving them scattered on the floor. They walked into the shower and Mary turned the water on. As the water was warming up, Beth came from behind and wrapped her arms around Mary, kissing her neck as her hands rubbed Mary's already hard nipples. Mary let out a moan and moved her ass back into Beth and rubbing up and down against her.

Then, Beth reached for the soap and tenderly started to wash Mary. Beth soaped up Mary's back first, then turned her around. Beth then rubbed soap on Mary's breasts. Beth never could get enough of Mary's C cup tits and wished she had a matching pair. She slowly rubbed the soap on each of Mary's soft, firm mounds, then washed the soap off. As Beth continued to soap Mary's stomach, her mouth came down on Mary's breasts. First, Beth kissed all around one breast, then her tongue licked around and eventually reached the nipple. She then took Mary's nipple gently between her teeth and pulled out on it slightly and then let go. Beth then did the same with Mary's other breast.

Meanwhile, Beth's hands had moved down and began to lather up Mary's ass and hips. Beth slowly rubbed on some soap, then gently caressed the area. Soon, one of Beth's hands had moved between Mary's legs and was slowly rubbing up and down her slit. At this point, Mary's knees gave out and she kneeled down on the floor. Beth came down with her and helped Mary onto her back as the water continued to rain down on them. Beth parted Mary's legs, then moved her mouth to her pussy. Beth started by kissing around her cunt and short trimmed pussy hair. Then, Beth started licking up and down Mary's slit. Mary's hands then went to the back of Beth's head and pushed it farther into her thighs. Beth found Mary's clit and started licking it as first one, then two fingers entered her cunt. It only took about a minute before Mary started moaning, "Ohhhh, I'm gonna cuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm!" Mary's pussy juice gushed out as Beth licked it all up.

By this time, Beth's squishy cunt was begging for attention. She needed to get off, and soon. Mary knew this, so about 30 seconds after she came, she went for Beth's juicy cunt. Mary licked up and down Beth's pussy several times as her hands went up to play with her breasts. Beth always liked it when Mary was a little rough with her tits, so Mary first smashed Beth's tits with her palms as she rubbed around in circles. Soon, her fingers started twisting and pulling on Beth's nipples, causing her to moan loudly. Knowing she was going to cum soon, Beth reached down and rubbed her clit between two of her fingers. In no time at all, Beth was cumming and bucking her hips against Mary's face as Mary slurped up all of her pussy juices.

After a couple minutes of rest, they got up from the shower floor, kissed once more, then finished cleaning up. After getting dressed, they both left the locker room with a big smile, knowing that tomorrow would bring more of the same.

Next: Chapter 2

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