Locker Room


Published on Apr 19, 1993




It had been unreasonably cold. My cheeks were red, my eyebrows bushed with snowflakes and my lips passed a few last whisps of steam as I entered through that all too familiar door. The air inside was welcoming and warm.

A very distinctive odour activated my nostrils. I could feel the air in my lungs as I cringed to examine the scent further. Not an entirely unpleasant one, but there were traces of a rather harsh odour. As I walked down the stairs approaching the main desk, the odour grew. Mmmmmm. I know what it is. Almost too well.

Finally, I reached the main desk, but it seemed as if I had taken a thousand steps to get there. I was still in a trance having floated there on the rising streams of vapour. The vapour emanating from behind that big blue door in back of the desk.

Each time the door opened, I craned to see inside. My efforts were in vain however. The architect of this place must have been very homophobic, I was sure. The hallway immediately inside that door turned to the left sharply preventing even the most ambitious glances. It sure pissed me off. The only reason I was there was to partake of the scenery, shall we say.

A few minutes had passed. The line up of jocks at the desk was an unusually long one today, but I had finally arrived at the front of the line. The guy on the desk wasn't all that great looking. His manners were atrocious and he smelled a bit. At that point I was definitely hoping for more of a show inside.

He took my activity card and as I rushed forward grabbing the towel and sweat band that he shoved at me somewhat aggressively. Maybe he suspected that I wasn't quite the average patron. I had made an extra conscious effort to keep my eyes stationary, though I can recall letting them wander once or twice. It was quite possible he had noticed what I was looking at. Guess that I'll have to be a bit more careful!

Now. At last. I had done it. Grabbing the somewhat precarious handle, I tugged to reveal that homophobic hallway. Well, Mr. Architect, just you try and stop me now. There wasn't anything that could stop me at that point. I was as determined as ever to get what I wanted. Scope up!

Turning left and then right and then left in that endless passage, I had finally entered the LOCKER ROOM. "Men only", said a sign posted above the first bank of lockers. I'm sure that I was laughing out loud at this point. Straight men are so much fun. If only they knew what went on in my mind at that moment. I could just imagine the screams and horror stricken faces.

Where is everyone? There must be someone in here. There has to be. Oh!, the disappointment of it all.

The air in there was so warm and moist. The odour I had followed to the desk resumed. I began to enter that trance again, honing every drop of my consciousness on the one thing that I had set out the get. Voices sounded somewhere ahead in the mist. At first just gruff rumblings of male voices and then a few playful shouts.

Jocks are always playing with each other like that. There's nothing in my mind that could have been more of a turn on at that point. I had always wanted to have been involved in one of those towel fights in the LOCKER ROOM but had never actually seen one in progress. Just a few more steps forward and I would be right in the middle of one.

"Hey!", I yelled, as a soggy towel hit me right in the face. "Sorry, guy", came the response, "That one got away on me!"

He collected his property from my face and turned to walk back to the game. I couldn't help but stare at his ass. It was so perfect - well rounded and very firm. He must have been a dancer or something like that. His muscles were very well defined. I kept walking though, my neck turning as I strained to stay focussed on that male form now fading into the mist. So I continued on, hoping that the way ahead would be just as intimate.

There was an empty locker and I piled my stuff into it. Taking off my winter coat and boots allowed my skin to come into contact with the nectar that filled the room. It somehow made me feel strong. I drew strength from the very air.

It was silly really, but after all that effort of getting in there and getting my stuff stowed, I hadn't even noticed the tanned form off to my right. He was just finishing his workout and was still a bit wet after his shower. Guess I had arrived just at the right moment for a second later and I would not have seen him rush to pull up his underwear. He had definitely noticed my presence.

The one thing that had always bothered me about meeting people was the incredible game playing that always went on. You have to make sure that you let him know that you are interested but not necessarily that you are a fag. It was a game that I was becoming quite used to and in fact, this time, I was determined to win at it.

Trying to show him that I was not the least bit uncomfortable with his presence, I unzipped my pants and slid them off casually. By this time he was more or less clothed but his shirt was still unbuttoned and I took the opportunity to scrutinize his very large and well formed chest.

He was not hairy at all and so I could see the detail almost down to his pores. His flesh was dark like he had just returned from somewhere down south and the texture of his rippling muscles showed though quite easily. I wanted to kiss him.

Continuing, I removed my T-shirt. I made absolutely sure that I took my time here. As I pulled it over my head, I was facing him and noticed a very definite sideways glance. I pretended not to notice, but could hardly control the rising heart beat, that was now trying to get into my throat.

When the shirt was off, I threw it into my locker and tried very hard to put an inviting smile on my lips. I wanted so much to talk to him but I couldn't think about what. Maybe he would think me weird or something, especially if I asked a really stupid thing.

The air had started to cool considerably as guys finished their showers. With my shirt and pants off, I was starting to get a bit chilled by the vapour evaporating from my skin. It gave me goose- bumps.

"A little cool?", came a voice off to my right.

It was him. He must have noticed my goose-bumps. Isn't nature a wonderful thing when it comes to breaking the ice? Well, this time I was glad.

"Yeah!", I mummbled rather suprisedly, "But it's definitely not as cold in here as it is outside today."

"This place is pretty busy today. Hope you can get a good work out with this crowd."

"Well, I am sure as hell gonna try, though I guess I'll have to warm up a bit first!"

By now, I was ready to put my shorts on. I had them in my hand and I grabbed at the front band of my underwear. He was still looking, possibly hoping for more conversation and possibly hoping to see just what I had! I wasn't about to pause. He may have guessed by that that I might have been somewhat nervous about my nudity. I just pulled them off and threw them into the locker.

Tugging at the waistband on my shorts, I managed to pull them on quite easily and just in time. All the attention I was getting was starting to get me a little more than excited. In fact, as the waistband reached its mark, I was fully erect. There was no way in hell that I could have hidden anything now. My shorts were somewhat revealing to begin with.

He was still looking at me although he tried to make sure I thought he was just getting his stuff together. I could see his head cocking back and forth between his gym bag and his locker but he was taking such a long time that I felt he was hoping desperately for more contact.

"Do you work-out here much?", I posed, trying to give him a toe hold on me.

"Yeah. I usually come here for an hour or so after class each day. Haven't seen you around here before though."

"No. I'm new this term", I added, "but, I hope that I can get some time in here every day after class."

"Oh. Maybe I'll bump into you again sometime then. We could have a good work-out!"

At this point, the conversation had made me considerably horny. There was no way I was going to let him leave without at least getting his name or making a date to meet the following day for the "work-out".

"Yeah. Well, if you can keep up to me, that is", chuckling as I turned to face him head on. There was no way he could have missed my excited stance.

"Hmmmm.", he murmured, "Looks like that 'work-out' may come a bit sooner than I expected."

He put a hand at my shoulder. I felt it reach me and grabbed it with a hand of my own. I didn't want to attract any attention, so I played the situation real cool.

"My name's Steve, what's yours?"

"Scott", was the reply. "You know, it is quite crowded here today. Why don't you forget it. I can think of something that's even better for building muscle tone, if you know what I mean?"

"Well. I am already changed! But..." He cut me off.

"Come on. You'd rather work-out here? Ok...I'll see you around then!", he uttered in a somewhat disapproving tone.

There was no time. He had started to motion away from me.

"Wait...", I shouted, almost in hysterics, "I'd like very much to...join you."

"Great! I'll wait here then while you change."

My shorts slipped off even easier than they had been put on. Oh! No wonder. He was sort of helping me. Right there in the middle of the LOCKER ROOM. His hands were so strong. There was no part of my body that I wouldn't let them touch. And, as I soon found out, it was intention to touch all of them.

"Mmmmmmmm", he gurgled, the saliva welling up inside his mouth. "I can't wait to have a piece of this! New meat!!"

"Hey! Cool it Scott!". I was getting a bit uncomfortable with his openness. "This is the middle of the friggin' LOCKER ROOM. You can't do stuff like that in here! You'll get beat up!"

"Beat up by who? I'm not afraid of any of these guys! They're just a bunch of pussies. Besides, most of them know I'm gay anyway. They don't even care, though I think I make some of 'em nervous when we're in here! Ha!"

"They know? And they don't ever do anything about it?" I was really amazed at that bit of information.

"Na. Are you kidding? Anyway, I'm on the football team and I know quite a few choice pieces of gossip about the other guys too. They aren't all as straight as they look!"

That fact shocked me just as much, if not more. Hey! I was about to go out with someone on the football team! Hot damn. A real man!

My pace quickened as I put the last of my clothes on, then my boots and coat. I was anxious to get back to his place and 'get it on'. But, no sooner than I had zipped my coat up and had taken a motion forward, he was grabbing at my arm and rushing ahead. He was strong!

We were soon in his car and on our way. I sat there silently. My eyes covered every inch of that gorgeous tanned face. His lips were full and as I thought of what they would feel like on mine, they were there. I peered deep into his eyes as our lips met. My level of excitement rose even more. I felt the blood rushing to my crotch. I glanced down, something that didn't go unnoticed.

"Horny?", he asked, his lips curling slightly at the edges, enough to reveal a perfect set of teeth.

"Yeah. Can you drive faster? If not, I'm gonna have you right here!!"

"Well. I can't promise anything Steve! They do have a speed limit in this province and I am doing another 10 km/hr on top of that. You wouldn't want me to get a ticket would you? I'm just as horny as you are too!"

"Guess I'll just have to loosen that belt of yours then!"

Before I had finished my sentence, I was already grabbing at the leather and pulling to release the buckle. It moved freely, and seconds later, his zipper was down and his jeans pulled aside revealing a large wet spot on his underwear and a throbbing buldge inside.

"Hey! Someone IS horny!"

The waistband of his underwear was straining to adhere to his body. I was not helping it any. In fact, a gentle tug made it give way easily and his cock sprung out almost hitting me in the face.

"This looks inviting. Mind if I have a snack before we get to your place?"

The answer wasn't important. I was determined to have some anyway and no more than a few seconds had gone by before he was deep in my throat. I hummed a little, making sure he felt it. He lifted slightly from his seat and moaned consentingly. I bobbed my head and made my tongue work along its entire length.

As I sucked, trying to get the first drops of pre-cum, I felt the speed of the car growing. I was obviously exciting him abit too much becasue he had diverted some if not all of his concentration from his driving to the warm, wet sensation of my mouth going down on him.

He started to get wet. I quickened my pace until I was bobbing with such magnitude that he left my mouth every time I reached his tip. I worked a hand around my seat belt and lodged it firmly under his crotch. This was obviously a sensitive area for him as his sudden release of groaning indicated. I continued, knowing now that I had found his vulnerable spot. He would soon be orgasming deep in my throat. There was no escaping now.

My fingers worked their way into his tightening jeans and around to that sensitive target beneath. I worked a finger loose and masaged his hole. It was wet, very wet, and it wasn't long before my finger was entering him. I shoved the entire length in and pulled it out slowly, making sure to hit the all important prostate with every thrust.

The action up front hadn't stopped either, only now, he had taken a hand from the wheel and placed it atop my head and shoved excitedly with every advance I made. I could feel the warmth of his balls rising in my face and the odour of his manhood greeting my nostrils. I was getting hard myself. I thought that I might cum soon, even sooner than I could get him too. He was so good looking and muscular. The perfect fantasy man, and I was going down on him and enjoying ever drop I sucked from him.

Before I had time to think, my tongue was going crazy, eyelids convulsing and a cold sweat running down my spine. He was almost jumping from the seat. I felt him coming up to meet me every time I pulled along his throbbing cock. One last push forward and I felt a spasm of hot juice enter deep within. I was cuming too. My pants were full and I felt the warmth of it oozing up into my shirt. He was still coming when I had finished. I kept going down on him and sucked even harder making the sensation last until he could no longer maintain orgasm.

His hand fell from my head and the car jerked as the brakes went on hard. His cock was ripped violently from my mouth and I sat up quickly to see what was the matter. He shivered in his seat.

"I don't think I can drive anymore", he uttered, in a somewhat drained tone of voice.

"Oh. Was I too rough? I thought you could take it...after all, you are on the football team!"

"Well, I wouldn't call it rough so much as the best head I've ever had. Let's go. I'd liek a chance to reciprocate at my place!"

While he was talking, I had dragged him from his seat and thrown him into the back and was stepping hard on the gas, driving for my reward!


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