Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Oct 21, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 9

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Adam managed to get back to his flat with the sweaty, spunky pile of gym kit without being spotted. He was about to head straight to the laundry room, but now he was back in the privacy of his own home, the temptation to sniff Dan's shorts and socks grew too powerful. He diverted to his bedroom, lay on the bed and carefully brought each item up to his nose with his left hand whilst wanking his aching dick with his right. It was a sock that did it -- sweaty, but not rank, exuding Dan's masculine scent. He ejaculated over his own face and the sock, then drifted off to a blissful sleep, exhausted after the intense work out and the excitement of another amazing encounter with Dan.

When he woke an hour later, the reality of the situation hit him. Here he was laying on his bed, surrounded by an ex-soldier's used gym kit and feeling as if he had won the lottery and was sleeping on a pile of £20 notes. How could he explain to anyone - even his gay friends -- how happy it made him to serve and worship this powerful, straight man? He started thinking about the future and how, the more obsessed he got with Dan, the more likely it was to end in heartbreak when lockdown ended and the pert, blond Kelly was back on the scene. Then he decided it was worth it. He had nothing else to do and he had never been so turned on by anyone, so fuck it, while Dan still wanted him around, he was damn well going to be there for him.

With that, he stripped off his own gym kit and put everything in the washer, actually getting a little hard again at the thought of being Dan's servant.

At 11.59 the next day, Adam was at Dan's front door, holding the clean laundry in his arms. He rang the bell at midday precisely and a few moments later, his neighbour opened the door, mobile phone in hand and gestured Adam to come in. Dan continued his phone conversation, clearly with someone on the end of the line who was not best pleased. Dan flung himself on the sofa next to an open laptop and gestured to his bare feet. Adam interpreted correctly that this was a sign to start giving the harassed security expert a calming foot massage. He was only too willing to oblige, so set the ironed gym kit carefully down on the coffee table and knelt at Dan's feet to begin work. He heard Dan make some more conciliatory remarks and then say, "could you put him on the line please?" To Adam's surprise, Dan suddenly switched to French and not very polite French at that. Adam picked out conard' and sac de merde' amongst other choice insults. Dan was fluent, but somehow his slightly cockney English accent found its way into his French one. `As if this guy couldn't get any more sexy' thought Adam as he continued to massage his hero's beautiful size 11 feet. The phone call ended abruptly with a "ça suffit" from Dan and his hurling the phone across the room. He glared down at Adam and said "you are supposed to be in a jockstrap only when you are working on my feet." Adam recalled the rules Dan had issued in his flat -- he had written them down after their meeting and knew them off by heart. They didn't include wearing a jockstrap during foot worship, but Dan did not look like he was in a mood to be argued with, so Adam just mumbled, "sorry Sir." Ignoring the apology, Dan ordered "strip and get over that coffee table." To Adam's dismay, Dan swiped the whole pile of carefully ironed laundry off the table onto the foor before marching out of the room. He hurried to obey the order and by the time Dan came back with a very solid looking army belt, he was already bent over the table, naked ass in the air. Dan didn't hold back, using all the strength in his powerful right arm to lay into Adam with the heavy belt. By the 7th stroke, Adam was yelping and begging for mercy. "Shut up and take it like a man," was Dan's pitiless response as he laid on more hard strokes. Finally, he threw the belt on the floor and ordered a very sore Adam off the table and onto the floor to kiss his tormentor's feet. As soon as he started kissing, Dan felt moisture on the bridge of his foot and realised Adam was crying. This, combined with the livid red marks he saw on Adam's upturned arse, made the last vestiges of his rage ebb away and he bent down to gently raise his prostrate neighbour's head with a hand under his chin. Adam's big, brown eyes, still moist with tears, looked up at him with a mixture of fear and love. Dan led him to the sofa and patted the seat next to him. Adam sat down very slowly - even the soft sofa cushions sent renewed waves of pain across his well punished backside.

Dan put his arm over Adam's bare shoulders and despite the pain, the touch of it sent an electric current of pleasure through him. "You did say I could take work frustrations out on you," said Dan. Adam nodded silently. "Tell me," ventured Dan in a concerned voice. Adam spoke quietly: "I'm not going back on my offer, but that was a really hard thrashing. You were drunk last time you belted me and I didn't realise your sober strength. That fucking hurt." Dan laughed, which broke the tension and made Adam laugh too. "I guess I did go a bit hard on you, but that silly French bastard has caused a big problem with a billionaire client -- it was him I wanted to beat really." He gave Adam's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Tell you what, I'll let you choose what we do now...within reason."

Adam hesitated then just came out with it, "well, I saw this dom guy a couple of times -- a school teacher. He used to work out his frustration at cheeky pupils on me with a belt or cane, then he used to have me kiss his ass -- to give him pleasure where he had given me pain." He glanced around at Dan to gauge wether his idea was within reason.' Dan was smiling. "Give me pleasure where I've given you pain. I like it." He withdrew his arm from Adam's shoulder's, pulled his grey joggers down to his ankles and draped himself over the back of the sofa. Adam began with very gentle kisses at the crease between Dan's thighs and arse cheeks, then slowly worked his way all round each cheek. From the contented sighs and muttered good boys' Dan was clearly enjoying this new experience, so Adam decided to risk taking things up a notch by poking his warm tongue into Dan's crack. "Jesus fuuuuuck," exclaimed Dan, "so that's what rimming feels like. It's amazing." Encouraged, Adam very gently parted Dan's cheeks with his hands, revealing a smattering of blond hair and a twitching pink hole which he licked intently. Dan was now groaning constantly and pushed back into Adam's face so that he had enough room to reach his leaking cock and start wanking. "I'm gonna cum," he shouted. "Get on it." Adam stopped licking and swung himself under Dan's stomach and got his knob in his mouth just in time to swallow a huge load of soldier spunk.

Dan lay back on the sofa, panting and Adam hitched himself up to sit beside him. His own dick was hard as a rock, but, conscious of his still painfully throbbing arse against the leather of the sofa, thought he had better not risk more punishment by wanking in front of Dan without his permission. Coming out of his post-coital daze, Dan noticed his neighbour's desperate erection and took pity on him. "OK, you can cum, but you make sure you catch it in your hand. I don't want your jizz on my sofa." "Thank you Sir," replied Adam in a very grateful tone.

Thank you for all the great feedback so far. Please keep it coming. Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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