Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Sep 30, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 5

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Adam did as he was told, savouring the smell of Dan's spunk as it slowly dripped down his chin and neck. He remained on his knees and, despite his raging boner, did not touch his cock until the semen was dry enough to peel off in flakes. He still felt in a kind of trance when he shifted from his kneeling position to lay on his back on the hall floor, but could no longer resist the urge to stroke his aching dick and within a minute shot so hard that some of his hot, fresh seed landed on his face, mingling with the residue of Dan's. After resting on the floor for quite a while longer, he dragged himself up and started to run a bath.

One floor down, Dan was sitting at his kitchen island, staring out at the river. His mind was racing. He had just experienced one of the most powerful orgasms of his life, but it was with a man. It wasn't right. He was straight. He liked to fuck pussy and play with tits. He thought of Kerry. She didn't mind giving him blow jobs now and again, but she didn't seem to relish it like Adam. And those things he did with his tongue....

He hadn't been drinking during lockdown, but he needed something to calm him down now. He poured a healthy measure of whisky and sat back down at the island. 2 hours and half a bottle later, far from being calm, he was raging. That gay boy Adam had seduced him. Caught him at a time when he couldn't see his girlfriend. He was a fucking opportunist. Dan's drunken logic left out the key elements that it was he who had invited Adam back to his, had suggested the foot massage and had ordered a hesitant Adam onto his knees. He slammed his empty tumbler down on the counter and headed upstairs to Adam's flat.

After his bath, Adam was relaxed, but couldn't concentrate on anything other than Dan, so was just sitting in his dressing gown, listening to Motown and trying to convince himself not to fall in love with his unavailable, straight neighbour. The ring at his door made him jump and he cautiously opened the front door to see a red faced and slightly swaying Dan standing in the corridor. Dan lunged in, slamming the door behind him. "I need a word with you. We need to sort this out" he said menacingly, shoving Adam in the chest with each sentence. "But I thought you liked it?" replied Adam, his voice faltering. "Of course I fucking liked it. What bloke doesn't like a blow job. But I'm not fucking gay!" Dan was shouting by now, still shoving Adam further into the flat with every few words. Adam could now smell the whisky on Dan's breath and was scared that he was really out of control. He turned away, thinking he could maybe dart into his bedroom and lock himself in. Dan grabbed the collar of Adam's dressing gown and it came off completely as Adam rushed forward into the bedroom. Dan followed him over the threshold before he could close the door and the now naked Adam stood cowering in front of his taller, stronger, ex-army neighbour. Dan stepped closer until Adam was backed up against the bottom of the bed. He started shouting again, "You're trying to make me fucking gay." Despite his fear, Adam couldn't help laughing at this ridiculous statement. In this case laughter did not diffuse the situation. Dan started screaming "DON'T LAUGH AT ME." With one hard shove, Adam was knocked back onto the bed. Dan then spotted a belt that Adam had taken off earlier, grabbed it and started lashing at Adam's naked body. Adam tried to crawl towards the top of the bed to escape from the rain of blows, but it only exposed his buttocks as an easy target for Dan. Dan ignored his demands to stop and it was only when Adam begged, "please, SIR, it hurts too much" that Dan stopped in his tracks. It was as if `Sir' was the magic word that brought Dan out of his drunken fury. He slumped on the bed, letting the belt fall to the floor. "I'm drunk," he murmured, before passing out.

Adam was still in shock. Dan had turned from an exciting lover to a violent attacker in a matter of hours and was now gently snoring on his bed. Even after what just happened, Adam couldn't help staring at the fine specimen of manhood that was lying next to him. The sting of the belting had already worn off and the warm ache the welts left behind were actually a kind of sexy reminder of Dan's power. Adam took himself into the bathroom to examine his backside. It was red and he could see the marks that the belt had left. Somehow his shock and fear melted away and he almost felt proud that his body was carrying the marks Dan had given him.

Adam went back to check on Dan, who was still snoring. He didn't want to risk his anger again by trying to wake him, but couldn't bring himself to go into the other room, so lay on his stomach on the bed (his arse still felt too tender to have any weight on it) watching Dan's muscular chest rise and fall with each breath until he drifted off to sleep.

At 6am Dan woke. He opened his eyes, puzzled. The bedroom was the same layout as his, but the walls were a different colour. He moved his head to look around, but this ignited his hangover and he groaned with the pain that shot behind his eyes. After a few more minutes shuteye, he attempted another look around the room, more slowly this time. His gaze soon fell upon the naked body of Adam next to him, complete with now quite bruised buttocks. "Holy fuck, what have I done?" he said to himself, but loud enough to wake Adam.

Adam raised his head sleepily to look at Dan. He looked scared, unsure what mood his neighbour had woken in. Dan sat up, the memories of last night's outburst rushing back into his consciousness. "I am so sorry," he said contritely, forcing himself to look Adam in the eye. "I hadn't had a drink for weeks and I...I wqs so confused and then I hit the whisky....and then I hit you." He looked as if he would cry, but his military training kicked in and he pulled himself together.

"It's OK," said Adam, reaching out his hand tentatively to rest it on Dan's forearm. Dan didn't pull away, so he decided to continue. "I don't know how to say this without making you mad again, but I think there is kind of a range -- you know, from straight to gay and.." he paused, carefully considering his words "..and it's not like the old days where you had to be labelled. It's possible that you get -- one gets -- turned on by certain things with a woman and other things with a man. It doesn't mean you have to change your whole identity."

Dan was listening very carefully, nodding slowly in agreement. "I shouldn't have done that to you though," he said, reaching out to very gently touch Adam's bruised buttock." The light touch of Dan's strong hand sent a bolt of electricity through his whole body and his cock was instantly rock hard against the mattress. Shit,'he thought to himself, showing off my morning wood is not going to help with Dan's homophobia.' Out loud he said, "why don't you have a shower. Clear your head. Then we can talk if you want."

Dan thought this was a great idea. Adam lay in bed, listening to the shower run in the en-suite and imagined Dan's naked body with the water streaming over it.

10 minutes later, Dan came back out, golden chest hair still a bit damp, with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was holding a bottle in his right hand. He smiled shyly and said "I found some Aloe Vera lotion. Thought it might help with that," pointing to Adam's bruised arse. "I think it might...Sir," replied dam, grinning from ear to ear."

Feedback always welcome Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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