Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Sep 24, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 4

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Dan was awake early as usual and took himself for a run and then back into the communal garden of the apartment block for some cool down stretches. Back in his flat he had a leisurely shower, made a healthy breakfast and then checked his emails. There were a couple of work messages to attend to, but as most of his personal security work had dried up during lockdown, it did not take long. He switched to the personal email he had given Adam and was pleased to see a message timed at 08.30 from his obedient neighbour.

He had been thinking about Adam a lot since their encounter yesterday. He had surprised himself by opening up so candidly to a man he hardly knew. The only gay experiences he had had were a few drunken army initiation ceremonies where forfeits had included kissing another guy's arse or having to peel back their foreskin.

The episode about getting turned on by his friend humiliating other soldiers in a training session had led to a few wanks, but he hadn't thought about it leading to actual sex with another man. There was something about Adam though, that made Dan question himself. Adam was a good looking guy, and the way he looked so blissed out while kneeling, massaging his feet as well as the physical sensation of his hands, gave Dan immense pleasure. After Adam had left, Dan realised he was half hard and pulled down his shorts while still on the sofa. He slowly stroked his thick, uncut cock until the pre-cum was oozing out of his piss slit. He looked down at his own feet and imagined Adam still on his knees, looking up expectantly and surprised himself by suddenly shooting an impressive load over his defined chest. As he squeezed the last few drops of spunk out of his cock head, he shuddered. What was this Adam guy doing to him? He hadn't planned to ejaculate there on the sofa, so had to waddle to the bathroom with his shorts still round his ankles trying not to let the cooling jizz drip onto the rug.

Thinking about this the next day, Adam's unopened e-mail sitting in front of him on the screen, Dan hesitated. He was excited and curious to see exactly what Adam had written, but wary about getting too involved with a gay guy. Maybe he should just delete Adam's message without even reading it and suggest a bit of cam sex with the isolating Kerry instead. While he was still pondering, his phone rang -- a client from Monaco checking the quarantine regulations for the security guys Dan's company were providing. By the time he'd finished the call and done some further checking for the client it was lunchtime. He didn't get back to his laptop until 2pm and, having nothing else to do, he decided to go for it and read Adam's email.

He read it twice and, by the time he got to Adam's sentence "I want it to be about you, Sir, and your pleasure' for the second time, he was as hard as a rock, his erection tenting the jogging bottoms that were his usual lockdown attire.

In the army, only the officers were addressed as Sir.' He was just Sarge.The fact that Adam fantasised about calling him Sir was a massive turn on. He started stroking himself through the cotton of his joggers as he imagined Adam's educated voice sayingplease may I suck your cock, Sir?'

One floor up and 5 apartments along, Adam had been like a cat on a hot tin roof for over 6 hours since he sent the email to Dan. He hadn't expected an instant response, but the continued silence was killing him. He couldn't put his phone down and had been checking his inbox constantly since midday. He wondered over and over how Dan would have reacted. Would he be appalled, shocked, turned on?

He was pacing around his kitchen, barely able to concentrate on making a cup of tea when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was the concierge with a parcel, he opened the door with a smile, to be faced with the imposing figure of former Sergeant Daniel Russell. He looked into Dan's unsmiling eyes, but couldn't read his expression. He lowered his gaze, not daring to speak. Dan took a step forward into the hall and Adam stepped aside to let him.

"Close the door," Dan ordered. Adam did as he was told, stomach knotting at the authoritative tone. As soon as the door was shut behind him, Dan issued his second command: "on your knees." Adam felt frozen to the spot. He was expecting Dan to talk about the email or to remind him that he was straight. Seeing no action, Dan spoke very slowly, "I said....get....on.....your....fucking.....knees."

This time Adam obeyed immediately, taking in Dan's tented joggers, bare ankles and black leather trainers on the way down. He glanced up at Dan's chiselled face, but the intensity of his stare seemed too much and he immediately lowered his eyes back to the trainers. Dan remained silent for a long moment, then continued, "you wanted to ask me something.." Adam looked up again, confused. His brain had turned to mush. "Or should I say, you wanted to beg for something," prompted the deep voice from above. Adam suddenly realised Dan was referring to his email -- he knew it almost by heart as he has re-read it so many times before and after sending it. He blushed and stuttered before beginning the speech he had fantasised about. "Please Sir, may I taste your cock. I really need it Sir. I want to please you. I'm begging for the honour of sucking it, Sir."

With each `Sir,' Adam saw Dan's bulge grow a bit more. He looked up again and saw Dan give the slightest of nods. Still on his knees, he lent forward and kissed Dan's hard cock through the thick cotton of the joggers. He kissed up and down the covered shaft several times before tentatively reaching for Dan's waistband. He looked up enquiringly and received another nod. As he pulled the fabric down, Dan's impressive 8" cock bounced out. It was smooth and pale, with 2 veins running up the shaft and a generous foreskin that was already peeled pack from a leaking head. His pubes were neatly trimmed and his large balls shaved smooth. Adam repeated the same kissing pattern up and down the now naked shaft, taking in the addictive mix of clean, slightly soapy skin and precum. He reached out his tongue to see if the precum tasted as good as it smelled, but Dan's large, freckled hand grabbed his thick, dark hair. Dan tilted Adam's head back until their eyes met. "I think you mentioned my balls in your email. Get to it," he ordered.

Adam didn't need telling twice and started lapping at Dan's balls, savouring the taste and smell with each lick. Dan's hand was still on his head, but with less pressure so that Adam was able to reach every part of the low hanging flesh with his eager tongue. It didn't take long for Dan to start moaning with pleasure and he moved his hand from Adam's head to his own cock and began slowly stroking himself, spreading his copious precum up and down his shaft. Adam pulled away and looked up expectantly. Dan looked down, nodded once again and removed his hand to give his neighbour's hungry mouth access to his knob.

Adam, desperate to make the most of this precious time with a straight ex-soldier, tried out his technique of tonguing round Dan's cock head, then suddenly swallowing as much of the shaft as he could in one go. The quiet "fuuuuuuck" from Dan, let him know that his efforts were appreciated. On the third round of tonguing and swallowing, Adam felt Dan's strong hand on top of his head once more, pushing him further down the rock hard shaft. He wasn't prepared for this and began to gag. Dan's vice like grip held him in place for a few more seconds, then allowed him some leeway to take a breath. Keen not to disappoint the stud towering over him, Adam began to tongue his cockhead once more whilst wanking his shaft.

Dan came so suddenly and violently that some of his spunk went up Adam's nose, causing him to cough and trail Dan's seed down his chin and T-shirt. He looked up to see a puzzled expression on Dan's face as if he had startled himself with the speed and strength of his orgasm. He took his hand from Adam's head and used it to tuck his cock back into his joggers. "Stay there on your knees until my spunk dries on you" were Dan's parting words as he reached for the front door handle.

Feedback always welcome Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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