Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Nov 5, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 12

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Dan pulled slowly out of Adam with a contented sigh and rolled onto his back. Adam, still on all fours, looked down at the pool of his sperm that was sinking into Dan's sheets. "I'm so sorry Sir, I'll clean it up before I go." Dan glanced over at the sheet and laughed. "Fucked a big load out of ya, didn't I?" Adam nodded, blushing. "Clean it up, but you don't have to go. Stay with me tonight." Adam cracked a huge smile at the totally unexpected invitation and rushed to the bathroom to get towels before Adam changed his mind.

When he came back in, Dan was looking pensive. "Should I have worn one of these?" he asked, holding up a condom from the little bag Adam had left on the bedside table with the lube. He blushed again. "Um, well I'm on prep, so it's OK." "What's prep?" asked Dan. Adam nearly laughed, but remembered the last time he had mocked Dan's lack of knowledge of the gay world had earned him a belting. "It's an anti-HIV drug. It protects us both," he replied with a serious tone. Good," said Dan, "It felt really good without." "For me too," was Adam's understated reply. "Shall I clean you up?" he continued, holding up a face cloth soaked in warm water. Dan grinned. "That is what I call good service."

Adam lovingly wiped the lube and spunk from his military hunk's cock and balls, carefully retracting the foreskin to ensure a thorough clean. "It's kind of in my own interest, Sir, in case you wake up in the morning wanting a blow job." Dan smiled and nodded as he thought about Adam's confession. "You would have sucked it uncleaned though - if I'd ordered you to -- wouldn't you boy?" "Yes Sir," was Adam's honest reply.

He cleaned up his own spunk as best he could with a dry towel and slipped back into bed with Dan, barely believing his luck. When Dan turned off the light and turned to spoon him, Adam's happiness was complete.

Dan woke early and was surprised to feel a hairy chest brushing against his arm. After a few seconds, he realised it was Adam. He withdrew his arm and rolled onto his back. What had he been thinking? The sex was great, but he shouldn't have let Adam stay. It felt more like being unfaithful to Kelly than a quick blow job or foot massage had done. He was about to nudge Adam and tell him to go home when the handsome neighbour woke up by himself. In his sleepy first view of Dan's chiselled face, he didn't recognise the troubled expression and dived straight in with a cheery "good morning Sir, ready for that blow job?"

Dan realised that despite his guilty thoughts, he was hard and pulled back the duvet to let Adam do his expert work. His alternation between loving ball licking and deep throating his neighbour's shaft soon had Dan coming in his mouth with a deep grunt. Adam swallowed it all down like a good boy and then carefully licked Dan's knob clean. He lay back and took hold of his own cock. Dan pulled at his arm, "oh no you don't. Not after the mess you made on my bed. You don't get to cum until those sheets are laundered and ironed and put back on." "Yes Sir," replied Adam, ruefully contemplating his aching hardon.

Dan got out of bed and strode towards the kitchen. "Bring back the bedding this evening," was his only farewell.

Adam got dressed, stripped the bed and headed back to his own flat, his hardon still uncomfortable in his trousers. As soon as he arrived home, he put Dan's soiled sheets and towels straight into the washing machine and for some reason this act made him even hornier. It felt really slavey to be acting as a house boy for a masculine stud and being ordered not to cum as a punishment for spilling his seed in his master's bed seemed perfectly reasonable. His shower was a trial as the soaping of his cock and balls nearly sent him over the edge. He turned the water cold and got out when his erection had subsided.

At lunchtime he was watching the television news whilst ironing Dan's sheets. Unlike 90% of the country, his heart sank when he heard the headline that the prime minister was to announce a phased end to most lockdown restrictions in 3 weeks time. While everyone else was jumping for joy at getting their normal lives back, all Adam could think of was that Dan would be back with Kelly and would have no further use for his male neighbour.

At just before 7, he rang Dan's doorbell, neat pile of linen in one hand. Dan opened the door, smiling. "Good boy," he beamed, seeing the result of Adam's hard work. "Go and make the bed back up and join me in the kitchen."

Adam made the bed as neatly as he could, pausing to sniff the pillows for a hint of Dan's scent as he put the clean covers back on, then went through to the kitchen where Dan was sitting at the counter watching the prime minister giving opening up details on the TV. He pushed a glass of chilled white Burgundy towards Adam, who took a grateful sip.

"Kelly's already been on the phone," he began without preamble. "She wants to move in full time when it's allowed next month."

"That's nice for you," replied Adam, unsuccessfully attempting a smile. "Don't worry, we can still see each other until then. In fact, it got a bit saucy with Kelly on the phone and I need sorting out. On your knees, boy!"

The normally obedient Adam snapped. "I don't want to be fucking Kelly's sloppy seconds," he shouted and turned to leave. He had only taken 2 steps before Dan was right by him and had his angry neighbour's arm twisted painfully behind his back. "You, boy, are not going anywhere until I tell you to," he whispered menacingly into Adam's ear. Dan's proximity and the hypnotising power of his voice melted away Adam's anger instantly. Dan released his arm. "Strip," he ordered, still in a whisper. Adam obeyed. When he got down to his jockstrap, Dan told him to assume the position over the back of the sofa and went to fetch his riding crop.

Six hard, parallel strokes taught a contrite Adam not to provoke the ex-soldier and the stripes that took almost a week to fade, drove home the lesson. Adam was still draped over the sofa when he heard rustling behind him and he flinched as the buckle of Dan's belt touched his bruised ass. He cried out as Dan's firm hands rekindled the pain when they spread his cheeks apart. He heard Dan spit, then felt a warm wad on his hole. Dan pushed his rock hard cock in without much mercy, showing none of the tenderness of last night's love making. Adam yelled out, but his mouth was soon covered by Dan's left hand. He continued to fuck hard and fast until he roared out and Adam felt the pulsing of cum inside him. Dan pulled out and helped Adam to stand. "Clean me up like you did last night," he ordered and Adam hobbled gingerly to the bathroom for towels, Dan's spunk leaking out of his battered hole as he crossed the room.

He quickly wiped himself as best he could, not wanting to keep Dan waiting. When he got back into the living room, Dan was on the sofa, legs spread and arms behind his head like a triumphant warrior. Adam knelt between his muscular legs and gently wiped his master's cock and balls with a damp cloth. "I'm sorry for being rude, Sir,' he apologized meekly when he had finished.

"I was going to let you cum tonight as well," said Dan in a rueful voice as if it were his own aching hard on in question.

Adam did not reply, but knelt further down to kiss each of Dan's bare feet in subjugation.

Thank you for all the great feedback so far. Please keep it coming. Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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