Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Oct 28, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 11

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Dan went to his desk, very relaxed after Adam's devoted ministrations, and started going through his emails. The French disaster had been resolved and his English clients needed very little protection at the moment as they were either sitting out Covid on their yachts or in their country estates. His mind wandered back to this morning's events and in particular the kiss in the shower. It had been a spur of the moment thing. Adam had looked so adoringly up at him whilst soaping his chest that he felt a rush of affection. He remembered his freak out the week before at the thought he might be turning gay and now, here he was instigating intimacy with a bloke. His no-nonsense working class upbringing and years of army life had not equipped Dan with many tools for introspection, so after dwelling a bit more on this kiss, he thought, fuck it -- it felt good -- why not?

He spent the afternoon calling round his team members who were on furlough and FaceTime'd Kelly. She wasn't in a very chatty mood as being cooped up with her sister for week on end wasn't her idea of fun. Dan tried to make a joke about it, but she would not be cheered. By 5pm he was bored and restless. He checked Netlix and saw that one of the Marvel films had been released. He wished there was someone to watch it with. Then he thought, actually there is.

Adam saw the text from an unknown number; another scam no doubt, so ignored it until he had finished the chapter of the novel he was reading. En route to the kitchen to make tea, he checked the message, just in case. It read, "Do you fancy coming round for a film & pizza? You're allowed the calories after this morning's work out LOL." Adam then realised it was from Dan. The number was unknown as Dan had never giving him his number, in case of `pestering' as he had put it. Then he panicked. He had ignored the text for over half an hour. Would the offer still be open? He typed "Yes please Sir" as fast as he could. Thoughts of tea were forgotten as he stared at his phone, willing Dan to reply quickly. 5 minutes later another text appeared "Great. No need for the Sir tonight. See you 7ish"

Adam was still in the tracksuit Dan had lent him and although he was loath to take it off, he decided it wasn't appropriate for movie night with his sexy neighbour. As he tried on various outfits, he had to remind himself that it wasn't a date. Just neighbours watching a film, right? Because lockdown prevented them from seeing their friends and loved ones. In the end he opted for an outfit he definitely would have worn on a date -- black jeans, fitted white shirt, Gucci belt, invisible socks and black suede loafers. A white jockstrap underneath. As usual, despite a long and thorough shower, he was ready too early and so poured himself a large vodka and tonic to calm the nerves before heading down to Dan's. He rang the door at precisely 7 and Dan greeted him in the same button-down shirt and chinos that he was wearing earlier. Adam smiled to himself -- clearly wardrobe panic was an unknown phenomenon to ex-Sergeant Russell. After fishing out a smaller bag to keep for himself, he handed over a carrier of booze. "I wasn't sure what you liked with your pizza," he ventured. "Depends who I'm with," replied Dan. "Red wine if I'm with a posh boy like you, beers if it's with the army mates." Adam laughed, "I brought you both, just in case."

Adam followed Dan through and took a seat at the kitchen island. He spotted a recently opened can of lager, the condensation from the fridge still running down its sides and an opened, but untouched bottle of Pauillac Bordeax. "That's a bit fancy for pizza night isn't it?" he asked, noting the 2016 vintage.

"I have contacts in Bordeaux. In fact, my ex-wife and daughter live there. A friend shipped some over for me to help me get through lockdown and I've had no one to share it with."

Adam was no longer so interested in the wine. He didn't know Dan had been married, let alone that he was a dad. He realised that in their handful of meetings, the only conversation had been about working out and then sex.

Two hours later they were still talking, swapping life histories, the delivered pizza demolished along with the bottle of fine red wine and all thoughts of the movie forgotten. "Why did you get divorced?" asked Adam. "She's a beautiful woman from a very wealthy family. At first she liked this rough diamond English soldier, but as you may have noticed, I like to be in charge and she wasn't too keen on taking orders. I wanted to come back to London, but she flatly refused. It kills me not seeing my daughter. She's 12 now, but between her mother being awkward and Kelly not exactly being great step-mother material, I only get to see her 3 or 4 times a year." Dan trailed off, the sadness clearly visible in his eyes.

Adam got up from his stool and went to the other side of the island to put his arms round Dan's shoulders. To his surprise, Dan swivelled on his barstool to take Adam's face in his hands and kissed him passionately on the lips. Eventually he pulled back, his hands still on Adam's face. "I think I want to fuck you," he announced quietly. Adam nodded, his heart pounding. This ex-soldier was certainly a master of the surprise manoeuvre. "First though, we need to deal with that hairy arse of yours. I don't mind this," he continued, unbuttoning Adam's shirt and running his fingers through the chest hair, "but I like my pussies smooth." His tone changed from seductive to authoritative in an instant. "Strip and bend over the island," He left the room and Adam wasted no time in tearing off his carefully chosen outfit. The marble felt cold against his bare chest as he leant over it, legs spread and arse exposed. Dan soon returned with a cut throat razor in one hand and a can of shaving cream in the other. "Are you sure your hand is steady enough for this after all that beer and wine?" asked Adam teasingly. Dan put the razor and the can down on the counter and held out his strong hands with perfect stillness in front of Adam's face. "Army training," he laughed and slapped Adam's right ass cheek with full force, "so don't question me, boy." "Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir," replied Adam, reaching back to pull his cheeks apart.

Within a few minutes and a dozen expert strokes of the blade, Adam's ass was smooth as a baby's. Dan slapped the left cheek this time and ordered, "get into the shower to wash this off. Then get to the bedroom and prepare yourself. I assume that little bag you left by the front door contains the necessary?" Adam blushed. He had not expected Dan to even notice, but the bag did indeed contain a small bottle of lube and some condoms. "Busted," he thought to himself. He raised himself slowly off the counter and turned to face Dan, who had an inscrutable expression on his face. "Dan...Sir..." he began falteringly, "I haven't been fucked for ages. I was the top with Luke and you're so big...um, please will you take it easy with me?"

Dan's expression didn't change. "We'll see. Now get moving before I take my belt to you."

15 minutes later Dan entered his bedroom to find a naked, lubed Adam on all fours on his bed. "Mmmm. Keen I see," he remarked. "Come over here and undress me. Adam crawled backwards off the bed and went over to Dan. He slowly unbuttoned the blue cotton shirt, kissing the muscled chest being revealed as he did so. He took the shirt off and placed it carefully on a chair before kneeling before Dan and unbuckling his belt. Dan lifted one bare foot at a time to allow his desperate neighbour to take his chinos off, then pulled his head into the white cotton of his briefs. Adam licked at the cotton until the veiny shaft became visible through the wet fabric. Eventually Dan gave the signal to take down his briefs and Adam dived on to his exposed dick like a starving man.

After 10 minutes of expert head, Dan worried that he might cum too soon, so pulled Adam off by the hair and handed him the lube. Adam massaged lube carefully up and down Dan's shaft and over his cockhead until his military stud was satisfied and nodded back towards the bed. Adam took up his previous position on all fours and soon felt Dan's hard-on against his hole. Dan slowly rubbed his lubed dick up and down his crack and reached forward to push the fingers of his other hand into Dan's mouth. "You know where these are going next, boy," he growled as Adam sucked them with a vengeance, trying to get as much saliva on them as possible. Dan pulled out his fingers and inserted them one at a time into Adam's asshole.

Soon Adam was panting and moaning, pushing back on Dan's fingers. Dan slowly, slowly pulled out his fingers and lined up his knob. "You can do this, baby boy. Take Sarge's dick. Make him happy." Adam wasn't sure whether it was the baby boy' or the Sarge's dick' that did it, but his sphincter suddenly relaxed and Dan's cockhead entered him. Dan pushed on in, millimetre by millimetre, encouraging Adam with lots of `good boys'

Finally, Adam felt Dan's trimmed pubes against his newly shaven hole. Dan stayed very still, allowing his neighbour to acclimatise to being filled with a big soldier's cock, before slowly starting to ease in and out. Gradually he built up the pace and the encouraging good boys' were replaced with gay boys' and `sluts.'

As Dan sped up the fuck, Adam started wanking himself, whispering repeatedly, "You're the Master. You're the Master." "Yes I fucking am your Master, shouted just before he came, unloading a hot fountain of spunk into Adam, who in turn shot violently into the mattress beneath him.

Thank you for all the great feedback so far. Please keep it coming. Hughev@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 12

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