Lockdown Master

By Hugh Everett

Published on Oct 25, 2021


Lockdown Master Part 10

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Adam let himself back into his flat and headed straight for the sofa. He eased himself down gently as his arse was still very tender from Dan's hard belting and his head was still spinning a little. He could taste the remnants of his own and Dan's cum in his mouth and felt used, slutty and very content. The thought that he had really pleased his military master and the tenderness he showed after the beating made Adam feel as warm on the inside as his ass was on the outside. Dan had made their next appointment for Friday morning. Another training session. The thought of the muscled stud putting him through his paces made him hard again.

Friday seemed to come around very slowly and once again Adam was pacing up and down his hall 15 minutes early in his pristine gym kit, waiting for the appointed hour.

In retrospect, he wished he had been able to sleep in a bit later to save his energy. Dan put him through a tough cardio and weights session and then announced they were going for a run. Adam tried to protest, but a firm arm on his back propelled him out of the flat. The route they took, across the Thames via Wandsworth Bridge and back over Battersea Bridge would normally have been a picturesque route taking in the London skyline, but Adam was having to concentrate on staying upright, rather than admiring the view. Dan had to keep stopping to encourage him and finally they made it back to the riverside walk near their apartment building.

"So, just to make it interesting, we'll race the last 100 metres to the front door. Every 10 seconds you are behind me, means 1 stroke on your backside. GO!"

Dan raced off, leaving the exhausted Adam way behind and it seemed an eternity before he slumped towards the grinning Dan, whose eyes were fixed on his watch. "55 seconds behind. We'll call it 6 strokes -- can't give you half a one, can I?"

Adam was too breathless to reply, so just trailed miserably behind his ruthless trainer into the lobby. Once inside Dan's flat, Adam slid down the wall to sit on the floor, not an ounce of energy left. Dan brought them both large glasses of tap water and gave his protegé just enough time for his breathing to get back to some sort of regularity before announcing, "Might as well get the forfeit over. Get those shorts off and assume the position over the dining table." The tingle of excitement that Adam would normally have felt at receiving such an order from Dan did not appear as his body was so sweaty and aching, but he slowly obeyed as Dan headed to his bedroom. He slipped his shorts off and wondered about the jockstrap underneath. Dan had only mentioned his shorts, so he kept the jock on and bent over the dining table, arms stretched out in front of him. He turned his head and saw Dan striding across the room, a riding crop in his hand.

As Dan approached, he saw Adam's exposed ass framed by the white straps of his jock. There were traces of bruising from the belting he had delivered 2 days before. This sight evoked mixed reactions in Dan. His cock hardened in his shorts at the power he had over this willing, obedient guy, but he did feel a bit guilty about the bruising. Not guilty enough to dispense with the cropping though. It was part of the training to ensure that Adam gave his 100% commitment. After 3 relatively hard strokes, Adam was already crying -- not so much from the pain, but more the exhaustion and sense of unfairness that he had pushed himself so hard and was still being punished.

Dan went easier on the last 3 strokes, put down the crop and lent down to speak quietly in Adam's ear: "It's OK, babe. You worked hard and you'll see the results in your body really soon. I'm proud of you, but I need to maintain discipline to keep you motivated."

The `babe' made all the difference. It was what Dan called Kelly and -- in Adam's mind at least -- meant that he did have some feelings for Adam too. Suddenly the exhaustion, aching limbs and striped arse all seemed worth it and the tears stopped immediately.

"Come on," announced Dan. "Plenty of room in the shower for 2. You can soap my back." Adam did not need telling twice and followed Dan to the bathroom seconds later. The sight of a naked Dan already under the water was enough to make Adam weak at his already shaky knees and he had to prop himself against the tiled wall to take off the rest of his kit." He stepped into the large walk-in shower and started with the soap on Dan's perfectly proportioned back. He worked his way down his neighbour's meaty arse cheeks, then the muscular thighs coated with fine blond hair and down to his ankles, before Dan turned around to face the crouching Adam and lifted one foot after the other for a thorough cleansing. He worked his way back up to Dan's cock and balls, gently pulling back the generous foreskin to ensure no centimetre of skin was left untouched. He stood back up to concentrate on Dan's perfect pecs and swooshed the soap round through his chest hair until Dan took Adam's hand in his, put it gently to his side and leant in for a kiss.

Before Adam knew what was happening, Dan had shut off the water and was leading him out of the shower. "Dry me," he whispered, handing Adam a warm fluffy towel from the heated rail. Adam followed the same pattern as in the shower and started at his army stud's shoulders, working his way down the back of his body, then up from the feet at the front. The very gentle rubbing of the towel against his heavy balls was too much for Dan and he kept Adam down on his knees, for a long, luxuriant blow job. His load felt smaller than usual in Adam's mouth when he eventually came -- he was still a bit dehydrated from the run -- but the taste was intense and addictive for his infatuated neighbour. He started to shiver, realising he had been so busy tending to Dan, that he had not dried himself. Dan picked another warm towel from the rail and put it round Adam's shoulders. He left him to get dry and headed to the bedroom.

By the time Adam joined him, Dan was dressed in chinos and a button down blue shirt. He nodded to a grey track suit on the bed and said, "you can borrow that -- save putting your sweaty gear back on." Adam thanked him, touched by the macho man's thoughtfulness. "It's OK. You can bring it back tomorrow once you've washed it with the gym kit and towels."

It was clear that the brief romantic interlude was over and Adam was back to being the gay slave boy to his straight, military master. The tent of his hard cock in the borrowed tracksuit bottoms suggested that he didn't mind this too much and with a respectful "Yes, Sir" he took his leave to pick up the damp towels and gym kit from the bathroom floor.

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Next: Chapter 11

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