
By Stu Hadley

Published on Jun 13, 2020


Lockdown! Chapter 9

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending my lockdown...

However, before then please do whatever you can to support your local health and essential workers. They have the toughest jobs of all and deserve our backing, as do local charities (such as food banks and shelters) that provide invaluable support to the wider community. Please donate wherever and however you can.

Now, onto Kris's toy collection...

Neither knew who was hungrier. Kris to swallow the top's thick and nourishing load, or Lee to see the bottom's hole completely trashed. Or vice versa. It was going to be a long, long day...

And so that was how it begun. Breakfast, a clean out, and then onto the toys. Lee made Kris get every one out and arrange them in size order. Not a single toy was allowed to stay under the bed, regardless of its size. Every dildo and plug from truly monstrous to totally insignificant had to be paraded out as if they were all to be taken. Kris knew that was impossible though. Sure, the lube was already made-up, but his hole couldn't take all of these, not even on a good day! Like all bottoms, when he shopped, his eyes were always bigger than his hole. Inevitably that meant he had some toys that were still a work in progress...

Just like the ridiculous benchmark Kris has been set him if he wanted to swallow Lee's spunk. For days he'd lived on a diet of the top's cum. Three, four loads a day had quickly become the norm. He hadn't had to ask or even request, the insatiable top would simply point to his dick and giant cum tanks and the bottom would eagerly jump to it.

But now? Now Lee was demanding that the bottom ride the fattest toy in his collection to the base - a base he'd never reached before by the way - if he wanted a single drop of the top's precious load. The toy in question was short (only 10" high) but it more than made up for it in its monster girth: 4 insanely thick inches. It was the kind of toy that changes a hole forever and to take it you have to be totally committed. You have to ride roughshod over your inhibitions and doubts. You have to gut the stretch and focus on the reward. A mouthful of thick and nourishing spunk, and a gigantic and permanently pussy-stretched cunt. Once taken, never forgotten. Well, until the next time ;-)

Kris was worried that day wasn't today though.

Much as he wanted that load, his hole was still tender from all the work he'd taken in the last few days. Could it really hold up to more? And yet, as he held the heavy toy in his hands, he couldn't help but be turned on by its heft, size and sheer weight. It was an epic dildo to behold. It drew cunt to it like moths to a flame.

Lee was stunned by the sight of the toy too. His knowledge of fisting and ass-play had developed a lot in the last couple of days, but even then nothing had quite prepared him for the mountain of toys that Kris stored under his bed. Now he wanted to understand why the hunger of men like Kris possessed them and drove them forward so much. Withholding his spunk had seemed like the perfect challenge. Just how far would the hungry bottom go?

To that end, the top had insisted in wanting to see exactly how Kris would ride his collection if he was self-playing. The same gear, the same clothes, the exact same set-up. The bottom took a leather bar vest out and slipped it on. It was one of the simplest items of fetish wear he owned, but pound for pound, probably one of the most expensive. The cut and the material paid for itself though, accentuating his body and always making him feel like a million dollars. Lee nodded in approval, also asking for gear himself. Kris handed him a black GEAR' t-shirt with FISTER LONDON' in red type set on the front. Sometimes simplicity is best and the tight fabric clung to the top's broad shoulders, leaving his cock hanging free and available.

Kris then cleared a side-cabinet of photos and the like, explaining to the top that it was the perfect height for him to be able to squat and bounce up and down on any dildo he liked. Not hesitating, Kris took the first toy in the line-up and expertly swirled some lube on the shaft, before placing it upright on the cabinet and letting his pussy swallow it up in one gulp.

To say it was an easy toy to take (even given the state of his hole) was an understatement. Sure, it was made of a hard rubber but it was only about a size or two smaller than Lee's erect dick. That didn't mean that Kris didn't feel it though, in fact, even having the smallest toy in his hole made him feel complete. As if things were now more right with the world. That positive feedback inspired him to take more and he reached for another. He tried to jump a couple of sizes ahead - normally he'd totally skip these smaller toys - but Lee insisted. He'd got them out so he may as well use them...

As he lubed up the next Lee asked Kris why he liked toys so much. The bottom was quick to explain that toys are infallible and can always be relied upon. That you don't need to go on the hunt for them. They're controllable, and you can go as far, deep or wide as you want. You can take control of your stretch and the size of your cunt. Every time, over and over again. The only thing limiting you was your hunger. And your stock of lube and fresh poppers...

By now, the horny bottom was riding `Bam' from Doc Johnson, Kris taking great pleasure in explaining that the 2.5" thick shaft was based on a real black man. Lee couldn't help but admire how hot it was seeing the lifelike brown dildo being eagerly swallowed by Kris. He rode it effortlessly and Lee could feel the blood in his own dick swelling to catch-up.

The day had started with the bottom complaining he couldn't take a fist, and yet now? Look at that cunt! Part of him wanted to take control - to pull Kris off the toy and manhandle him into the sling - if he could take a toy that big then surely he could take a fist? However, Kris was only at toy 6 out of 36. Lee decided he wanted the spectacle and the live porn show!

The next was a thick, blue monster from Crackstuffers called Thor'. It was the first dildo that didn't disappear inside in one slick motion, Kris having to ride it up and down to gently take more and more of its fat girth. After that came Choad' from Mr Hankey, with its perfect foreskin and giant shaft. By now Kris was talking continuously of the pleasure and joy of ordering a new toy and then seeing whether it would fit his pussy. Or making it fit. The epic stretch as he built up to it and then the dramatic release as he finally took it.

Without hesitation, Kris was now seamlessly moving up the sizes, expanding his cunt at every toy, almost as if he was on auto-pilot.

In fact, he was.

His natural hunger had taken over his body and mind. It had been a masterstroke of the top's to get Kris to line his collection up. As the old saying goes, 'once you pop, you can't stop'. Seeing the assembled toys in front of him drove Kris forward, making him want to ride them all. Part of him couldn't help but show off a bit for the handsome top too, who was still leisurely edging his dick.

Kris kept his running commentary up. How you always had to keep working your hole to keep yourself stretched... how each toy with its unique ridges, bumps, vein and material felt inside of him. Every so often, Kris's hole would pushback, a flared head, wide helmet or intimidating shape simply too much for him after the last couple of days. Then Kris used all his experience (and extra lube and a deep huff) to gently coax his pussy into shape. This wasn't a display of hard riding, more an exhibition of power stretching.

For Lee, it was an insane awakening. He'd always swung with natural big dick energy but he was used to tight holes and asses, not loose manpussies and slack cunts. This level of play was in another league, as if another door was being opened to him. He was drawing new energy and became totally committed, he wanted to destroy Kris's hole, making it a turn cunt with no coming back. Permanently gaping and ready for use. Kris just needed to be pushed. Now, for Lee, every hole he'd ever fucked, every bottom he'd ever taken, every load he'd ever unleashed, it had all built up to this point.

Instinctively he kept on giving Kris positive feedback as he worked through the long line of dildos. Saying how hot he looked bouncing up and down on a particular toy. As Kris became more comfortable, he started to gently take control. Asked the bottom to trust that another fifty bounces on that fat reamer would be `good for him'. It became relentless.

Despite Kris's experience - hell, the giant toy collection and the sling attested to that - Lee seemed to be pushed him further and further. Occasionally the top would come close to inspect the damage himself. He would look on in wonder at just how amazing Kris's pussy looked so completely stretched around a toy, and how the edges of his hole were blossoming into fat, puffy cunt-flaps. It was a sight to behold and Kris found the top's encouragement easy to believe.

(Of course, the inspections had the ulterior motive of brandishing the top's rock hard cock in Kris's face. Lee seemed to have been edging for hours by now, and it was taking all his self-control to not shoot. He taunted the bottom, flicking the pre now constantly flowing from his big helmet in Kris's general direction. He spoke of his how big his load would be, how urgently his heavy balls needed to unload. Kris had better get going if he really wanted the top's cum. Now Kris had to contend with the pressure of time too...)

By now, Kris was in the final stretch though, just ten toys to go. It was then he hit a wall. It had to happen eventually. The cause was a monstrous toy from Bad Dragon called Flint. Although it had an impressive uncut helmet, it was like no human cock ever seen, the result of twisted, bestial dreams. The size of most Bad Dragon toys gets pretty extreme pretty quick (in this case 3.75" wide) but in this case it wasn't the size that was a problem. It was the pronounced ridges that punctuated the curved shaft. Each one made for the most intense of rides, his cunt feeling as if it was being forced open afresh by each intimidating hard ridge.

Lee was there to push him forward. "Come on!" he admonished. "You've got toys way bigger than that to go! You should be able to ride that home without so much as a grunt. How do you expect to swallow my spunk if you're not prepared to make an effort?!"

Kris drew upon his inner strengths, lubed up the toy once more and then took another heavy hit of poppers. Lee's words were cruel but they were also honest. He knew that Kris had to give in to his base desires - regardless of the tenderness of his hole - and just fucking go for it. How else was he going to meet his lockdown goals?

Slowly they got closer and closer to the cuntstretcher that Lee had challenged him to take. A giant and stubby choad from Mr Hankey called `LW TIP'. The closer they got the more the top was obsessed. He needed to see Kris destroy his hole on this giant cuntstretcher. The top had been holding it in his hands, stunned by its girth and weight. He knew that Kris had never been able to take it all, that even just being able to take the helmet was normally an achievement for him. But something told him that today was going to be different...

Kris took the monster from Lee. Even given how overworked his hole was, when it came to dildos he was a true size-queen. Just holding it made him want to ride it, to stretch his cunt to fit. His hole could never be too big... and this time he had something to prove and something to win. He lubed the fat shaft and helmet, and then made to sit down.

"Wait" said the top. He looked around and found what he was looking for: a chair. He positioned it in front of the bottom, and stood on the seat. His painfully hard and leaking dick was now at perfect head-height for the bottom's mouth. "Look at me boy" he said, gripping his cock at the base. It was so close that Kris could smell the tangy presyrup and musky ball-sweat. Cock filled his vision. "Do you want this? Do you want my load? All you need to do is bottom out on that cunt-stretcher and it's yours..."

Kris's hunger was extreme. He took a giant double huff of poppers, and pushed down onto the giant helmet. It was easy at first - his hole really was overused - and then he felt the stretch. He could feel the monstrous toy push his pussylips further and further apart, completely filling his cunt. He knew he wasn't over the helmet ridge yet though, he had to go further. So much further!

He huffed again, looked deep into the perfect cock inches from his mouth. The beautifully thick shaft, covered in gnarly and defined veins. The angry helmet, foreskin peeled right back. Lee's massive balls so high in their sack that they must be on a hair trigger. He could do this!

He expanded his mind and expanded his cunt, pushing down with all his might. His pussy swallowed inch after fat inch. It was blissful, pure agony.

"Do you want it? Do you really want my spunk, pig cunt?" cried Lee, edging closer and closer to a giant cum explosion. "Bottom out for me!"

It was too much for Kris. Fuck the consequences, he thought, slamming his entire body down on the full girth of the wide-body. With a cry of open-mouthed anguish he hit the base and cried out! He was immediately rewarded by Lee thrusting his dick forward. The first slug of cum landing on Kris's tongue spurred an instantaneous reaction from the huffed-out bottom. He whipped a hand up to skilfully and greedily grip the head of Lee's dick, pursing his lips closely around the pulsating helmet. He wasn't going to miss a fucking drop!

Spunk pumped out in giant ropes. It was huge and thick load, the result of hours and hours of edging, and it was every bit as good as Kris had longed for. Even given his cunt being painfully stretched to new extremes that he doubted it would come back from, the cum was sexual nirvana to him.

Slowly the flow of jism came to a stop, and Kris used his tongue to tease any lingering drips from the tip of Lee's (now sensitive) helmet. It was all too much for the top and he pushed the bottom away.

Suddenly - without dick in his mouth - the vast invader in Kris's ass made itself fully known to the exhausted bottom. He licked his lips and painfully raised himself off the giant toy. He was done, ready to collapse and weak at the knees.

Lee got off the chair and steadied the bottom with one hand. The top couldn't help himself though, with his other hand he reached around to feel Kris's cunt. He felt the puffy lips and unresisting, gaping opening. "Wow, I guess we can really start stretching your hole now."

Next: Lee and Kris go deep on bondage...

If you'd like to read more new stories from any of the wonderful and truly inspiring authors who contribute to this invaluable resource then please donate to Nifty so they can continue to publish.

In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com and my previously published stories are:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

Next: Chapter 10

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