
By Stu Hadley

Published on Apr 22, 2020


Lockdown! Chapter 5

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending my lockdown...

However, before then please do whatever you can to support your local health and essential workers. They have the toughest jobs of all and deserve our backing, as do local charities (such as food banks and shelters) that provide invaluable support to the wider community. Please donate wherever and however you can.

Now, onto Tiger King, Fist King...

"God no! I can never have too much fist!" said Kris, sealing his fate.

Triumph swelled through the flushed top. Completely new to fisting? Check. Hearing your ffuck companion saying you'd done an amazing job? Check! Being able to see the evidence yourself of a great session in the thick jock-juice you'd single-handedly punched out of the gaping slot you'd left behind? Fucking priceless.

Of course, Lee had good reason to be pleased. He hadn't expected to handball when he'd woken up this morning - why would he when he was a dedicated cocksman? - but his fists were unequivocally no longer virgin. And Kris's hole looked like it would never be the same again. He felt a surge of pleasure in seeing the aftermath of his work.

Meanwhile, Kris was lying back in his sling trying to process exactly what had just happened. Over the years he had played with loads of guys but he'd long avoided novice fisters. Too many wrong moves and unsure footings, however, fate had sandwiched the two men together. However, not in Kris's wildest dreams would he have ever imagined that Lee would turn out to have such an innate understanding of cunt and all its miraculous properties. Who knew where those skills came from?

Sure, Kris's eagerness to impress the younger top had gone a long way. In his enthusiasm for action and his lust, Kris had inhaled great huffs of poppers and let his his ass totally go, not stopping for breaks or to recover as he normally would during a session. Lee's energy had been insatiable and Kris felt he'd hit new peaks as a bottom. Was it because both men were intensely sexual beings? Or was it from the shared connection they'd been built up from the hearty loads of spunk Kris had happily extracted from Lee's giant cum tanks over the last few days?

The bottom wasn't sure he'd ever know the answer. He merely laid back in his sling, his hole trashed and waiting to be released. He gently guided Lee through good top etiquette, asking for his thickly-lubed up trench to be wiped down with a towel and then his legs unhooked.

As Lee went through the caring mechanics he continued to reflect on what had just happened. He'd just shot one of the biggest loads of his life and all through a completely new and unexpected experience. Yes, his giant dick was used to rearranging a guy's guts, but this was different. Fisting Kris had made him realise that his dick was somehow removed from the experience of fucking - 9" removed exactly - whereas his fists had been truly connected to Kris. He'd never been inside a man like this before.

That realisation meant it was with some regret that he helped Kris get down. Sure, he'd shot his load, but part of him really wanted to go again. Now. Yes, Kris was clearly wasted - the combined effect of cleaning himself out, the poppers rush, and then the sheer physicality of taking repeated punches to his cunt over and over again was all evidently too much - but hey? Kris did say he could never have too much fist, right?

He eagerly asked when they could go again. It wasn't even lunchtime on Sunday morning (they'd started early) and Lee's head was full of the sex marathons he'd enjoyed in the past. He'd met countless bottoms who could take his dick hour after hour, why should Kris's hole be any different? The fact that taking a fist is in a different league from cock seemed to have completely passed him by.

"Oh, soon for sure! That was way too good to not do it again" said Kris, even though he was exhausted. The sheer intensity of the last few hours had meant Kris had been able to forget everything - the lockdown, BoJo, London, his friends, his salary - all for the sanctity of this moment. But now he needed to recover. Maybe tomorrow his arse would be in a good enough state to play again, or perhaps the day after that? There was no hurry, right? The quarantine wasn't going to end for weeks so they had all the time in the world...

"Yeah, you looked like you were enjoying yourself! Your cunt really can take some work" smiled Lee.

"Thanks man, but like so many things in life, my cunt is only as good as the man using it. For a first time, that was fucking sensational!"

Kris looked on and delighted at the muscular top being momentarily bashful. Who would have thought that such a confident man who was so hung and with such talented fists could be shy, even if just for a moment? Guess Lee didn't take a compliment well!

"Can we do it again?" asked Lee, recovering, both coy and eager at the same time.

Kris laughed at the naivety of the fist newbie, not realising Lee's true determination. "Sure thing, but later. I need time to recover, that was pretty intense..."

"But you like intense, right?"

Lee was fully back to himself. Standing naked, he could feel blood pumping through his dick again. Lube still dripped from his tattooed arm and he could see the tide-mark of exactly how deep he'd been. The thought of going again on Kris's cunt (for that was the only way Lee could now think of it) was stirring him. He may now have been helping Kris down from the sling - even wiping surplus lube from the bottom's trench - but he was hungry for more.

Kris deftly choose to ignore the question. "Come on, man. Let's relax on the sofa and grab a drink." In his head he was sending out all those classic bottom unspoken signals that he was done and needed to rest. Of course, Lee didn't have the experience to read those cues, hearing only what he wanted to hear: more was to come. He was horny, but sure, he could go along with a break if he got what he wanted in the end: true cunt destruction.

As Kris was finally unhitched from the sling and he was able to lower himself to the ground, the two men embraced. They tenderly kissed in thanks at what had just happened, even if Kris was surprised at the intensity of Lee's passion. Connection is everything though, right?

They walked to the living room, Kris slightly limping from the intensity of the attack on his hole. Soon, the two men had a drink in their hands and were on the sofa together, browsing through Netflix to take up the time. Lee had the controls, and was sat in the corner of the sofa, his naked masculinity on full display. When Kris - still wearing his cum-spooged jock - had approached the sofa Lee had unhesitatingly unfurled one of his powerful arms to signal exactly where Kris should sit: cradled right next to the hairy and muscle-bound top.

In seconds the two men had decided to watch Tiger King, both already aware of its insane reputation from friends in the know. As the incredulity unfolded in front of their eyes the two men couldn't help but get closer. Kris was soon cuddling Lee, enjoying the physicality and touch of his strong body, feeling its warmth and smelling the heady sweat they'd built up over their long session. It wasn't one-sided though. A deep-seated part of Lee instinctively realised the older top needed human comfort and found restful peace in his arms. That warmed his heart and his tattooed arm cradled Kris.

However, as both men mumbled about just how fucked up the deep-south big cat lover was, Lee's mind was elsewhere. He simply couldn't stop thinking about pussy.

His hands slowly wandered and roamed over Kris's body. Awkward as it was to find his target, a determined top will always win out. Soon his confident fingers found what he was looking for: Kris's slot. It was irresistible to him.

His fingers ever-so gently toyed around the edges. Even though Kris was spent from their session, he couldn't help but welcome the tender touch. The after-glow of great sex was simply too much and Lee's touch was electric. So sensitive. So powerful. Kris pushed his arse back, unable to resist, no matter how spent his pussy was. He was his own worse enemy. Lee delighted in feeling just how wet and juicy Kris's pussy was. His natural relaxation had meant some of the spent lube from the earlier session had naturally leaked out. That wetness spurred Lee on: to him the moistness meant Kris wanted more work, oh so much more work.

His horn controlled him, like it always had throughout his life. What he saw he took. There were legions of bottoms out there who wanted his dick, who needed it. He had been told countless times on Grindr, Scruff and Squirt just how powerful his fuckslab was. How were his fists any different? He manhandled Kris to flip him on his front and have him straddle his crotch. His butt was now perfectly presented and he pushed his eager hand forward. He couldn't hold back: he needed to be inside this man, this hole, this cunt.

To the sounds of Joe Exotic extolling tigers and big cats, Lee paused to take a deep and appraising look at the pussy laid out in front of him.

It was an epic sight. Kris - spent, used but totally relaxed - was gaping an inch wide. His hole was defaulting to its new state: open and inviting. Lee could literally see inside Kris, the enveloping red folds of flesh so inviting to the increasingly dominant top. It was irresistible. How could one hold back from such an inviting hole? His hand couldn't help itself and pushed inside. Despite the juiciness of Kris's trench, Lee still felt some resistance. Was the bottom having a fleeting moment of reconsidering whether he really wanted this or could actually take anymore today. Who would know? Kris's clutch was nowhere near strong enough to resist the powerful top. Certainly not after what he'd just been put through. And of course, part of him didn't want to resist at all, he wanted it.

Lee spoke directly to the bottom lying awkwardly in his arms. Kris's hole was so juicy and relaxed that the top couldn't help himself, it was self-evident that Kris wanted more. "You want it, don't you? I know you do." said Lee confidently. How could Kris deny it?

And so that's how the night panned out. In seconds Kris was being used as a human hand-warmer. Both needed each other. It was almost relaxing, like a deep internal massage. Lee used long and luxurious strokes to ream out the willing bottom, his fists gentle but inexorably constant. The only pauses were when the top would stop to see what he had created. Forgetting all the years of work Kris had put into his cunt, Lee saw only what he felt he had created and wanted to own. Those juicy labia folds and welcoming heat that was calling him onwards. So gaping, so inviting, so welling up with pleasure...

The two men had found harmony. Kris was lost in bliss and the thought of constant use. Lee meanwhile was on a journey of total cunt expansion... and the thought of constant use. It was all idyllic and the top channelled all the porn he'd ever watched and all the stories he'd ever read. He kept up a constant low murmur of dialogue. I'm going to fist this hole forever. Going to use this cunt until you can't walk straight. Gaping. Wide. Permanently open. Dilated. Constantly leaking lube and ready to be used...

The words were desperately intense. Was this the future Kris really wanted? Lee's words were said with such tender gentleness and his actions taken at such an easy and loving pace. It was almost hypnotic, as if he was Kris was trained to be the best version of himself. It couldn't last forever though. There had to come a moment when it had to end and they weren't achieving anything extra. Much as they wanted to continue there was only so much Joe Exotic they could endure, only so far a hole could stretch in one day...

The slow withdrawal took half an hour at least, Kris's flesh constantly wanting to go on, pulling back, pushing out, being deeply massaged. Neither one really wanted it to stop as there was a true serenity to watching Tiger King and being cunted.

Eventually - finally - the episode ended and there was a break point. Kris took the lead, literally. His long experience had taught him that when a top had cunt hunger it would be completely lost in working a hole and therefore didn't want to stop. He painfully pulled his butt away and off Lee's fist, a dazed look in both their eyes.

Disappointed as Lee was, the two men soon grabbed food and hungrily ate. An entire day had passed in the blink of an eye and they were both exhausted and needed sleep.

"Shit. The sling is still up! Fuck... can you help me take it down?" asked Kris.

"No." said Lee with finality. "Come sleep with me."

And so the day ended. In bed together and almost stuck to each other with lube. Deep, comforting and nourishing sleep. For both of them.

Next: a rude awakening...

If you'd like to read more new work from any of the wonderful and truly inspiring authors who contribute to this invaluable resource then please donate to Nifty so they can continue to publish our stories.

In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com and my previously published stories are:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

Next: Chapter 6

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