
By Stu Hadley

Published on Apr 12, 2020


Lockdown! Chapter 3

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending my lockdown...

However, before then please do whatever you can to support your local health and essential workers. They have the toughest jobs of all and deserve our backing, as do local charities (such as food banks and shelters) that provide invaluable support to the wider community. Please donate wherever and however you can.

Now, onto Lee's first experience of real ass-play...

"I think we better talk" said Kris, more decisively than he felt. He turned the water off and mentally prepared himself. Just how was he going to explain to Lee - the hot, muscular and younger top who had wandered into his life just five short days ago - that he was into fisting?

The two had felt an immediate connection from the moment they'd seen each other. But did that feeling go deeper than a top merely making use of a willing deep-throat with an insatiable cum-lust? And was it more far-reaching than a bottom simply servicing a massive cock and eagerly extracting an inexhaustible and nourishing spunk supply?

All this time Kris had been worried Lee would eventually want to fuck him, that had to be inevitable right? He knew his hairy bubble butt was one of his best assets and that it hadn't gone unnoticed by Lee. The problem was that Kris had moved on from being satisfied by pure fucking a long while back. Now, he liked action on a rather... larger scale.

Normally so confident about his kinks, this felt very different. Kris was reminded how he'd spent his early twenties not knowing what he was looking for, then his late twenties too afraid to ask for it. Now he knew exactly what he wanted, but would Lee want it too?

It was early on Sunday morning - day two of London's shut down - and Lee had walked into Kris's bathroom, replete with hard wood and a heavy load to be drained. Soon he had surprising Kris from behind in the shower, that great arse way too much for Lee to resist. Wanting to fuck, he had reached round to finger Kris so the bottom would be fully receptive to the punishing girth of his cock.

Those fingers had never felt a hole quite like it though. It was rubbery and loose, surrounded by what could only be described as lips. From just one digit tentatively touching Kris's hole, several had been sucked inside. Lee was so shocked that he had cried out in surprise. Or was is it admonishment? Kris honestly couldn't tell whether Lee was delighted or repulsed by what he'd found. He needed to find out quick though and had turned off the water. Now both were getting cold, and yet several of Lee's fingers were still buried deep inside his arse canal.

"Ahem... will you?" said Kris with a rising inflection.

"Only if you promise to tell the truth about how your cunt got in this state, it's fucking sick!" replied Lee.

Sensing Kris's acquiescence by a small nod of his head, Lee finally pulled his fingers out. Perhaps rather more aggressively than he really needed to. Lee stepped back and Kris turned round to fully see the top for the first time that morning. The stern face he saw was a mystery to him and he manoeuvred past to get out of the shower. He grabbed a couple of towels and threw one back, drying himself off before walking into his bedroom and grabbing a loose pair of shorts to wear.

He sat down on the side of his bed whilst Lee cursorily towelled off and then followed naked, far more naturally confident in his swinging big dick energy. He abruptly stopped a pace away from the sitting bottom, expectantly waiting for an explanation. Just why was Kris's cunt so mashed up?

Kris explained all. An early fascination with hung porn stars that had helped him understand he was gay. Then slim-pickings in real-life that had translated into an easy obsession with toys. Sure, he had always enjoyed being fucked - when it happened - but toys were infallible. Always there, always reliable. Unlike dick, which was sometimes hard to find. The initial toys had quickly become bigger, and that desire to stretch had naturally progressed to wanting to take a fist. I mean, why wouldn't you?

"And you really like that, do you? Having a man put his hand inside of you?" asked Lee in a slightly desultory way.

"God yes, it's one of the best feelings in the world! The intensity is as amazing as it is addictive. You only need to do it once and then you never look back - you want more, always more. The stretch feels like the most natural thing in the world."

"Natural!" Lee scoffed. "Have you felt your hole? You can't say that's natural! And Jesus, aren't you worried what taking a man's fist up your butt is doing to to you? That stretch can't be good for you."

Lee's disbelieving words were in total contrast to what Kris saw in front of him. Sure, Lee's dick had softened, but he was still sporting a sizeable semi. In fact, Lee was so intently focused on the conversation that he hadn't noticed he was dripping a steady supply of glistening precum onto the floor. Kris took it as a good sign and grew in confidence.

"The stretch? That's the best part! It's part of the joy of it all - knowing that every session leaves you bigger and better for the next time. That a top has helped make your hole more inviting, and gaping that little bit wider. Able to take more... more depth, more girth, more punches..."

"Show me" said Lee.

"What, show you my hole?" said Kris, confused.

"No, fuckwit. Show me how you get fisted."

"Well... I hang a sling above my bed from those hooks in the ceiling" said Kris, glancing upwards.

"What are you waiting for?"

Slightly surprised by the turn of events, Kris nodded his head and got to work. With well-practiced moves, Kris's sling was soon suspended above the bed. "Put those hooks up yourself, did you?" asked Lee. Kris nodded. "You little DIY queen. And that's it, is is? This is how your hole gets trashed on a regular basis?"

"No, I also put a washable sheet on the bed, a towel on the floor to catch any lube run-off, and a mirror against the wall to see what's going on."

"Well, go on then. I want to see it all" said Lee, expansively. He had watched Kris set things up so far with a keenly attentive eye.

Kris carried on, not knowing whether to be perturbed or excited by Lee's focused energy. He still wasn't truly sure whether Lee was expressing revolted fascination or aroused disgust.

"Finished?" said Lee.

"Well, no. I'd need some special lube and to lay some toys out..."

"Hang on big boy, one thing at a time!" replied Lee, with a smile in his eyes for the first time that morning. "Do you have some lube?"

"No, but I can make some...?" his voice rising in inflection again. The words hung in the air.

"Do it" replied Lee, unequivocally.

Kris walked to the kitchen in his shorts, followed by the still-naked Lee. With well-practiced experience, Kris started readying supplies. 3 level tablespoons of J-Lube and 1 heaped tablespoon of Mister B fisting cream on a plate. Combined into a thick paste with a knife. Then vigorously shaken in 250ml of hot water.

All the while, Lee stood uncomfortably close to the bottom. Kris could feel the heat of the top's naked body and the close contact seemed to be doing good things to Lee's big dick, the juicy tip repeatedly prodding into his back, leaving trails of dick-slime behind. Lee said he merely wanted to watch up-close what Kris was doing, but was there more to it than that?

Kris placed the lube-filled sports bottle on the counter, saying it needed to settle for a bit before it was ready. As he started to wait he breathed in the warmth and touch of Lee, still standing close. The handsome top leaned even further in, and gently kissed Kris's tender neck. A shiver ran through both of them. He paused to whisper. "I still think it's fucked up what you've done to your hole, man. It's puffy and rubbery, almost like a twat. Like a pussy... you really like that, do you?" he said softly.

"Absolutely. Call it what it is, Lee. A twat, a pussy... a mancunt. There's no shame in it for me. I'm hungry for your fists" replied Kris, breathlessly.

Both held the moment for that little bit longer, savouring the connection they had made through countless blow-jobs and ounces of cum consumed (well, it had been five and a half days since Lee had arrived, so that was easily one suck and swallow each morning and at least two each evening, and sometimes a nightcap... so probably 20 loads so far). Eventually Lee released the bottom and stepped back, both of their pulses running high.

"So, how's it done? You just go in like this, do you?" asked Lee, making a motion with a clenched fist.

"God no! That's a full-on fist punch! They're for the end of the session, once everyone's warmed up. Taking that straight off the bat would almost certainly put me out of action for weeks! No, you have to start off with a cone" replied Kris, shaping his hand just so. "See? Just like this."

Lee looked slightly non-plussed, but in actuality he was taking in every single detail. The way Kris's hands formed into a long and slender shape, the thumb nestled deep in the palm. The gentle twisting motion that Kris was making, almost as if Kris was visualising opening a hole up in front of his very eyes.

Part of Lee still felt distinctly out of place with all this though. Sure, he found Kris as hot as ever - there was something about his natural body, his deep-throating skills and pure cum hunger - that he found hugely alluring. And yet? He was still slightly freaked out by what Kris had done to himself.

Sex had always come naturally to Lee, gifted by his thick meat and his dedication in the gym. However, he had never come across someone quite like Kris though. Someone who had transformed themselves so throughly. Kris's big hole was a monster. And then Lee suddenly realised that he was no stranger to transformation either. All those hours in the gym. His full-length sleeve that had taken hours and hours of craft, over many, many months. What was that if not transformation, to chase our desires of what we want to be and present to the world? Hell, if Kris wanted to be big then why not help make him huge? The thought suddenly delighted him. He helped people transform all the time.

Kris snapped Lee out of his reverie. The bottom had judged they'd waited long enough and the lube was ready, adding just a splash of water to keep it fluid.

A wicked grin settled on Lee's handsome face. "Let's do it, bitch!" he said, slapping Kris's butt for good measure. Kris shuddered as Lee's naked aggression travelled through his body.

"Wait, you really want to do this? I mean... I woke up early so I could play with my toys. In fact, I'd just finished cleaning myself out when you found me showering. I mean, I wasn't expecting to be..." Kris's voice trailed off.

"What's better, Kris? My hands - inexperienced as they are - or some inanimate toys?" said Lee, an intense edge in his voice. It was a sign of their connection that the top - unwittingly - seemed to know just the right thing to say.

Kris gabbled, not quite believing it. This was really going to happen?

"I thought so. Get your arse in that sling" ordered Lee, the glint still in his eye.

With a contended wiggle of his butt, Kris walked into his bedroom. In seconds he did some finishing touches - laying down the bottle of lube and throwing some towels onto the bed - before throwing off his shorts, popping a jock on and then jumping in the sling like the true professional he was.

Lee walked in and immediately found the sight of Kris in his sling a turn-on, though he didn't have that much time to take it all in before he was being asked to hook Kris's ankles into the hanging leg supports. Lee soon worked out what to do, securing the comfortable leather straps around each leg.

"Okay... I've got to agree with you" said Lee. "This is actually pretty hot, securing you in, knowing it means you can't easily escape what's coming next." The bottom's outstretched legs seemed to be welcoming him in, whilst the jock perfectly framed the centre of attention: Kris's hole. It looked both vulnerable and exposed, yet deeply hungry and eager. This was the first time he'd really seen it and he found himself fascinated by it. Was it really as welcoming and as good as Kris made out? It was time to find out.

Kris felt the top's eager finger's press against his hole. As the one with all the experience he knew he was going to have to gently guide Lee through the process. But before then he couldn't help but pause to take in the sight. The muscular and flawless body. The swathe of hairs stretching across Lee's board chest, powerful shoulders and then running down those strong forearms. And that full sleeve ink, from corded neck right down to his hand (exactly what would that look like inside of him?!)... plus of course Lee's hard, demanding and insatiable cock. All of it united together by that handsome face... could it really be true that Kris was in lockdown with someone who had all the potential to be an amazing fist top?! How could life get any better? A diet of cock, cum and fist?! Fucking hell.

And so it began.

Kris felt the same way he felt when anyone started probing his hole. That amazing feeling of anticipation and desire, a hunger that meant the world contracted down to this one moment. The sling was his home and he always felt relaxed when he lay back in it, but he couldn't deny that this time had an extra frisson: he felt a connection with this big-dicked stud that was inescapable. He could feel it in the way that Lee was pressing his fingers into him, still slightly lubed with silicone from his clean out earlier. Time to take control.

"What you're feeling is the result of years of hard work and dedication" he said, as Lee's fingertips touched the meaty edges of his hole. "If you work it some more it will grow even bigger in size... it wants you."

He said it gently, yet with an earnest passion. He knew that Lee would love fisting, he just had to try it, to experience how good it was. Fuck tightness, that was for another entirely different quarantine! If Lee wanted tight then he should have been locked down with a choir boy!

"How about starting off with some lube?" asked Kris. "Take the bottle, make your hand into a cone - just like I showed you - and then drizzle the lube around your hand. A bit like it's an ice cream cone. See? Easy. Don't worry about getting it on the floor, that's why the towel is there...

Now, you can either use your other hand to work the lube in, or you can use the entrance to my hole to get the job done. I prefer the latter, it's less messy and it starts the job of getting that lube into my cunt straight away. It means you can start pushing the lube inside me, using your coned fingers as the fulcrum."

For Lee, this was all new. The texture of the lube was so unlike the stuff he'd used to fuck other guys. This was slippery, gelatinous and it had to be handled and worked. It had to be manipulated. It felt alive. And that was to say nothing of the hunger that he could feel through his fingertips. He had been tentative so far, but he could feel this pussy pulling him in, like it had a mind of its own.

No, that wasn't it. It was more like that Kris was his hole. Or that this hole was Kris.

The totally hot thought got him going. All his reservations about the state of the puffy cunt in front of him - was it loose, rubbery or slack - disappeared. Who cared? It was time to start work. And then it hit him. He was about to fist a man for the first time. He was about to break his top fisting cherry. It was the last thing he'd expected when he woke up this morning, but now he realised he was insanely in charge of the pleasure Kris got. The thought made his dick ache!

His coned fingers were now a couple of inches deep inside and he was using all his natural experience as a top to good effect. However, there was an eagerness and looseness here that he'd never felt before. It was inviting him in. So, he pushed forward.

The act forced made him to choose between watching his hand disappear and looking deep into Kris's eyes. It was a challenge to know which one to focus on. There was something so hot about the sensations in his hand as the muscular cunt (for that was all he could think of it as) stretched around his coned fingers. It was tight, but giving. It wanted more. But should he be looking into Kris's eyes, registering the bottom's reaction? Was he doing well?

In the end, he trusted the power train of feelings his fingers were sending him. He would trust the lube Kris had painstakingly made up and that he'd just applied to his big hands. And he would trust the abilities of Kris's hole... his mouth was amazing, why shouldn't his pussy be any different?

He looked deep into Kris's eyes, seeing a brilliant moment of anticipation and desire. But he could also see a trust and confidence in him. It was so intense that Kris was almost transferring power to Lee, giving him the skills to go further. The slightest encouraging nod from Kris was all the top needed. He pushed forward, relentlessly. He instinctively knew that whatever happened he wasn't going to stop until the widest part of his hand had broken through the seal of this man's cunt.

As he pushed forward he could feel Kris's hole get tighter as his broad knuckles stretched it to the max (or at least what Lee thought was the max). For the top it almost felt painful - how could anyone take this much?! - but Kris's expectant eyes kept him tunnelling forward, willing him on. He felt weak at the knees, knowing that somehow this moment was changing him forever.

Boom! He was in! Jesus! Once past the broadest part of his hand his entire fist had been sucked in. Sucked in so fast that the shock of being inside an open and welcoming cavern was almost unreal. He was being caressed, warmed, his wrist gripped. He couldn't help but look down, to help process what he was feeling. He saw a taut ring of muscle gripping his thick and hairy wrists, the pressure and clutch absolutely stunning. He looked back at the man in the sling with amazement. Kris's cocky grin was almost enough to make Lee cum there and then, hands free.

"See what you've been missing?" he laughed.

Next: things get taken to the next level...

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Comments and suggestions welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com

My other stories:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

Next: Chapter 4

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