
By Stu Hadley

Published on Apr 10, 2021


Lockdown! Chapter 16

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending lockdown...

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Now, a hole new world...

Lockdown was finally coming to an end and Kris was already sad at the thought of the younger top leaving. He'd always known their arrangement had been temporary - guest and host thrown together through fate rather than destiny - but that didn't mean the bottom wasn't determined to hold on to the experience for as long as possible.

After all, the two men had discovered so much during the course of the last few months. For Lee, a newfound passion for both cunt creation and destruction. For Kris? What it really meant to be used. Their combined and equal energy meant it was entirely possible the bottom really had met their shared goal of Kris ending lockdown with the loosest puss' in town.

However, despite sailing past that spell-binding and awesome goal, Kris felt that Lee was actually now more determined than ever. It was as if the act of obscenely inking the bottom, giving him the double and now running the clock down on his departure was spurring him on. There was a new aggression, a new determination, a new energy to make a lasting impact.

That meant that when Lee announced that he'd planned a little parting gift, the bottom was both excited and a little bit scared. However, that trepidation hadn't stopped him from climbing into Lee's home-made bondage table one more time...

It was Monday morning and even though it was early in the day Chode was leisurely stretching out Kris's hole (although stretching at this point is too strong a word - gliding in and out would be more appropriate). Once again - as so often with their Kong scenes - the top had left the bottom tied to the machine and walked away.

As left Lee the room, Kris couldn't help but think that even after all these weeks and months the top was still everything the bottom wanted in a man. Insatiable, hung and devious as fuck. That meant he was now fully expecting a wild day of passion and lust. Starting with some light opening up and then onto full-on fisting action. A day where they'd both reach new and passionate heights.

The thought was making him pant in heat, not least that Lee had asked him to wear a thick, rubber catsuit before climbing on-board. Ordered in fact. As always, the older bottom got off on the younger top's commands and he'd welcomed putting on the heavy latex. However, as he sweated away he wondered whether that had been a good idea. And the extra-large ball-gag stretching his mouth? Well...

Lee reappeared and stood over the heavily restrained bottom. He'd changed into his leathers, something that delighted Kris. Boots, chaps, vest and cap had always signalled particularly intense moments. He couldn't help but smile through his gag.

"Hey boy. So I've thought long and hard about what to get you as a leaving present" said Lee. "I mean, what the fuck could possibly do justice to the time we've spent together?! Hell, you've opened my eyes forever to the joys of fisting and I've certainly fucking opened up your cunt!"

A flash of danger flew across Kris's mind. Was it just him or did Lee have a slightly manic quality this morning?

"Now, I know your new ink is going to advertise the full potential of your cunt to the world but I'm worried for you... I'm concerned there's not going to be anyone here to look after your continued pussy development, that you'll you neglect your goals.

Sure, I know we've come so far... do you remember that first morning when my fingers slipped inside of you in the shower? You were pretty puckered then - rubbery and slack, yes - but now? You're a fucking gaping slot! And those plugs we've been using to hold it all in aren't getting any smaller!

And yet... even with all your toys, your tattoo and this fuck machine here to help out I'm still worried. I remember the doubts you had about being inked up, that I had to dream up that ridiculous challenge to get you to go along with it--"

Kris wasn't sure he liked where this was going. Lee was looking at him with blazing intensity, like a man obsessed.

"--and then I begun to wonder whether you really want to hold onto your gains once I'm gone?"

The bottom gave a quiver of shock. Where the fuck was this going?

"I thought so..." he scowled. "I know I'm new to this game but I'd like to think I've picked up some skills over the last few months - ably guided by you for sure. However, that means I can sense resistance to fully committing to your new life. That, despite the cuntjacking, the double and your beginner prolapse, you might backslide or close-up.

Thankfully, lockdown coming to an end has meant it's been a lot easier for me to come up with a solution. In fact, this is my present to you... for the last few weeks I've been trawling Recon for guys that I think might be able to help lock in the changes we've made to your cunt... God there are some kinky fuckers out there!

Oh, don't worry, boy. Your new ink has worked just as intended and has drawn a LOT of attention - in fact I've had to turn hundreds of guys down."

Despite the gag, despite Chode plundering his hole, Kris couldn't help from grunting in disbelief. What the fuck?!

"Oh, don't worry boy, all the rejects are saved in your favourites so you can work your way through them when we're done. Now, where was I? Oh yeah... so I offered up your cunt to virtually every fisting top in London. Well, only the really extreme ones... I asked them whether they wanted to smash or pass.

I can tell from your expression that you're pleased to know your cunt is in high demand! In fact, I've lined up 6 guys - one a day - to give you a hole week of fun before I leave!

Now, there's no reason to look so surprised, these are all guys who are total experts in their trade - way more experienced than I am! Isn't it awesome that you're going to be playing with a bunch of tops who can take your cunt to a whole new level?!"

Kris involuntarily clenched at the idea. Sure, he was a pussy, but he wasn't that kind of a pussy. 6 men using his hole? In a week? Where the fuck had his day and night of passion with Lee gone? He couldn't understand it, not least as Kong and Chode were still seamlessly trammelling away at his hole. He looked down at the thick and beautifully realistic fake cock reaming him in disbelief.

"Oh don't worry about that boy! I know Chode is too small for you now - I bet you're not even feeling it touch the sides, right? That's why I've asked Mr Hankey to make a larger custom size, just for you. I know this guy is your favourite toy... I just hope I haven't ordered it too big, shipping by weight can be a real fucker. Who knew that dildos could be that heavy? It must be fucking huge!

Anyway... that's all in the future. For now let me walk you through the team of guys I've assembled to help lock in those pussy gains over the next week..."

The geared up top couldn't help but smile. The hapless bottom was throughly secured to a fuck machine that was reaming out his cunt. A cunt that was cocooned in thick and heavy rubber. By any rights Kris should be terrified - terrified at the thought of being used by London's fisting finest - and yet the bottom's dick looked to be achingly hard. It proudly stuck out from his catsuit, leaking drool all the time... though maybe that was just from his prostate being rammed? Who knew or cared?

The top still detected reluctance though. "Wait, are you worried you won't be able to remember everything that happens this week? I know how intense things get for you and how much you're going to want to hold on to our last days together. Well, fear not! The camera crew will arrive in about half an hour. I wanted to capture all of this for prosperity - something to really remember us by, right?"

If Kris's eyes could go any wider in amazement, they would.

"Oh, don't think about the cost babe. I got a great deal - they quickly reduced the price when I told them they'd own all the rights. That means they're free to flood the internet with this shit. That can't do any harm, right? Anyway, I digress... today we're going to be starting with machine work. Yeah I know! I thought we'd already got to the outer limits of what a fuck machine can achieve but then I found this guy..."

Lee held up his laptop screen to show Kris the Recon profile of a man who wasn't exactly a looker. In fact, the overriding presence was of someone serious and stern, a look that belied years of experience and dedication to his trade.

"Alas, I'm afraid that means we're going to have to retire our faithful Kong... even if it is doing an excellent job of opening you up right now. You know, I really do believe your pussy is getting wetter and wetter... something to hold onto, right?

Anyway, this guy is bringing his own fuck machine with him today. He made it himself, although I believe it's a bit of a monster. He even asked whether there are any steps between the street and your apartment. Apparently it's so heavy duty that it can only be transported on a trolley! How about that?

I can see the disbelief in your face... I thought it was odd too so I asked him why he needed his own kit, not least given how powerful Kong is. He said it came down to simple mechanics, that speed and stroke weren't where the real pussy gains are made.

No, apparently that comes down to the piston being able to rotate. I know, right? Can you imagine Chode's mighty helmet going 360 degree in your cunt right now?! It would be fucking amazing, right!"

Kris struggled against the thick leather tying him to the table, unable to even comprehend the destruction that could be levelled against his cunt with a toy constantly spinning around. Jesus, maybe that would mean he'd be able to feel Chode again instead of it effortlessly gliding into his arse?

Jesus, what the fuck was he thinking?! There was no way he wanted to take that! He grunted through his gag in bewildered agony.

"The other good news is that he's a master of endurance scenes. About an hour is the max we've gone but he's aiming for 6-12 hours at least. Well... to be honest I think his personal best is around 7 hours, but if he says longer is possible then who am I to argue with an expert? And just think how much 12 hours of continuous stretching could help speed up your dilation?"

The top looked down again, expecting to see delight and joy. Instead he saw terror and fear.

"Boy, why can't you just trust me? I know it sounds impossible but apparently it's all down to full enclosure and that rubber you love so much. Why else do you think I got you to wear that catsuit this morning? This guy says it really helps focus the mind on loosening the cunt... I don't know exactly what he's got planned but expect to be wearing that latex for a long, long while yet...

He's also going to be bringing his own thick rubber bondage hood with him, something I notice is a cruel oversight from your collection. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll let you buy it once the scene is done - another thing to remember us by."

Kris's head truly spun, what the fuck? He couldn't begin to comprehend what the top had planned, nor that he was the one who had created Lee, the one who had been responsible for revealing the darkness locked inside.

Sure, he'd always had a big hole - his love of toys and fist attested to that. And Kris had been delighted when Lee had shown such a natural proficiency for ass-play and how he'd seemed able to read the bottom's mind at every step. But this? This was fucked up. It was as if Lee had been corrupted. As if all those hours of cunt-punching and hole-destruction had devoured his soul.

Maybe it had? Or maybe the top just wanted what was best for the bottom? He shook his head and tried to listen to what Lee was saying.

"Anyway, he'll also be bringing some of his own industrial strength poppers - he has a chemistry professor friend who makes them to the original head-spinning formula before all these poxy European regulations came in. To be honest, I'm not sure they're safe to inhale for scenes as long as his, but he says they make a real difference.

Well... actually he says they're the only way to get through that much machine work. Apparently his ultimate goal is get a hole to the point where it has absolutely no clutch left - he hasn't achieved it yet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love trying! He should be here in about an hour's time...

Now... onto the second day" said the excited top, the bottom as tense as a board.

"Oh, relax will you! I know you're always hungry for more - don't worry, I'm sure you'll get my fists by the end of the day too! Probably the camera guys too... how are any of us going to be able to resist your machine-worked trench? I bet it's going to be super sloppy! Anyway, that's not important right now... this is Trent" as Lee gestured to his laptop screen that was now filled with a photo of a tall and nubile guy, muscles and veins popping, anger seething from every pore. He was intimidating as fuck.

"I honestly think you'll need poppers for what Trent has planned for tomorrow. Unfortunately he thinks they make his sessions too easy so they're strictly off limits. What a shame..."

Lee put the laptop down and looked directly at Kris. The top's cock was burning with heat: he knew he wasn't just fucking with the bottom's body but his mind too. The anticipation alone was enough to almost make him self-destruct!

"So, Trent's expertise is enormous dildos" he said. The bottom's body almost relaxed as he heard the words: he had game when it came to toys, right?

"Now, I know you're a bit of size-queen when it comes to dildos but I think I need to manage your expectations... Trent was impressed by your collection but I think he has it beat. Of course, maybe that's because he's not excited at making his own hole big... no, he's only interested in maximising the size of cunts just like yours.

Anyway, so that's why he'll be coming with some assistants, these lovely guys in fact--" Lee held up his screen to show a pair of mean, geared up skinheads "--as he says he needs help bringing his toys. God, I wonder just how big those cunt-stuffers must be if he needs two guys to help carry them all?! Never mind... I do know he's a real master of his craft though. Says that he can read a hole at a thousand paces and therefore knows exactly how to push, stretch and ream. Don't believe me? Here's one of the videos he sent over..."

Lee's laptop screen changed up to an intense bondage scene, the bottom held in place with diabolical straps, ropes, buckles and restraints. The mean and nubile top was working at the coal-face with one of the largest toys Kris had ever seen in his entire life (and that was saying something for a man who owned so many cuntstuffers himself). The poor bottom was grunting and gurning as if his life depended on it, his hole obviously resisting the giant toy. However, the top kept on forcing it through with all his might and strength.

The video kept on playing,... can you rape someone with a dildo? Because that was what Kris was seeing. Not for a moment did Trent relent, in fact he pushed and pushed and pushed. Finally, the bottom's cunt relented and accepted the awesome and extreme piece of silicone. In his success the top briefly relaxed and let go of the toy, at which point the bottom ejected it from his stretched out cunt at high velocity - a sign of just how big the arse invader really was.

Trent's reaction was terrifying. He imperceptibly shook his head as if to say `do I really have to put up with this shit?'. It was then one of the skinheads appeared, holding a toy that was even fucking bigger. He handed it to Trent and the top didn't pause for a moment before starting to brutally shove it into the tied-up bottom.

Lee closed the laptop and completely disregarded the horror on Kris's face.

"I know, it's pretty impressive what he can do without lube, right? He prefers his toys ungreased so they do maximum damage. I wouldn't worry about that too much though - you'll be able to take an extreme amount after today's machine work, right? Besides, I know Trent's already really excited at how well-developed you are... so excited he's even bringing some seriously large dildos with him that he's never managed to get anyone to take... well, not yet."

Kris was now scared, there was no way he could take anything the size of the toys in the video, they were fucking monstrous!

Lee chose this moment to stroke the bottom's face. "Oh, don't worry, boy. I told him I have complete faith in you. I know you're going to be able to take those bad boys of his... in fact I made a deal with him. I'm going to pay him a grand for every half an inch in girth he can achieve over the biggest toy in your collection. With that incentive I bet we'll be able to make real progress!"

The bottom didn't know what to think. His mouth and hole plugged, and yet the hits kept on coming. Lee then reopened his laptop to show day three: a giant mountain of a man. Thick, wide, broad, solid. Tough, rugged and dependable. To look at him was to see a man that would take what he wanted, whenever he wanted it.

Kris's eyes went wilder with fear.

"Ah! I knew you're a true connoisseur! I can tell already you've spotted Christoph's most impressive feature! His hands are fucking huge, right? And totally non-collapsible I bet! What do you think? Do you think they'll be unforgiving as they forge their way up your rectum? I bet you're glad we did all that rubber glove work as these boys are going to be intense!" laughed Lee.

"Apparently he's very determined... he said he won't stop until he's buried deep inside you, even if that does involve permanently rearranging your rectum. Of course, he said that he rarely finds anyone who can take his full fists but that's what excited him about you. Apparently he thinks you have potential... that must make you proud, right?

I wonder whether you'll be manage his double? I mean, you and I have done it a few times, so it must be possible, right?! Well, certainly one of mine sliding in alongside one of his. Wouldn't that be great!"

Kris didn't know what to think. This was all fucking diabolical. Sure Kong, the bondage table and his inking had shown a new side of Lee but this was in another league.

He could understand - barely - that there was the possibility of his cunt backsliding and losing some gains. But all this? This meant he was going to be upsized forever. How the FUCK would he survive it all?!

And yet... yet... Kris couldn't deny just how hard his dick was and how much pre he was leaking. How the fuck could he be excited by all this?!

"Ready? Onto the fourth day... by now your hole will be pretty overworked and I think you'll need a break. I know! No need to thank me" he laughed. "So, this is Cyrus" showing a hot, hispanic guy that looked dressed in gear that looked vaguely surgical.

"Cyrus's passion is pussy lip development. He believes in giving boys a `well-used' appearance as big lips signal just how much punishment a hole can take. You want that right? I mean I know my ink is a really good marker of your abilities but nothing says big hole like big cunt flaps. Well, they certainly turn me on for sure! Anyway, Cyrus has told me that he feels a failure unless he leaves every boy he meets with permanently puffed up lips."

Lee paused for a moment, searching his memory. "What are they called? Rosebud pumps I think he said. He'll be bringing a few in different sizes to really work your cunt. Plus a few proprietary devices of his own creation I think. He even mentioned something about injecting your outer ring with some kind of hybrid collagen/silicon mix, but only once it's nicely swollen and bloated so they can't reduce in size. But I'm sure that's just fantasy sex talk, right? There's no way he could permanently trout-pout your pussy, right? And I'm sure he won't want to do the same to your nipples too..."

Kris desperately struggled but the bounds of Lee's bondage contraption were simply too great. Escaping and running away simply wasn't possible.

"Stop getting excited, boy. Although I'm really happy you're realising just how kind I'm being to you. After all, Cyrus won't actually be working your hole, just the edges. I'm sure you'll enjoy the break, although I have no doubt of your abilities. Otherwise why would I go to this much trouble to fuck you up?

Now, where were we? Ah yes, day five. That will be with... actually, I don't know his real name, he simply goes by the title `The Holewrecker'. I kid you not, that's how he signs off every message. Having seen his profile I can't wait to see his work - he looks a complete brute."

Lee turned his laptop round again to show the profile of a man that looked truly capable of ravaging the bottom's hole. A redneck, blue-collar, ham-fisted man.

"So, `The Holewrecker's' big thing is brutal fistfucking - the more punishing the better. From what I can tell he really enjoys splitting a cunt wide open and hollowing it out until it can seamlessly take two fists.

I know, I know! We've done the double already. Shouldn't be a challenge, right? Especially not after Christoph! However, he just wants to punch and wreck and devour. I think the change of pace will be good for you, not least after your day of rest with Cyrus.

Kris tried to shake it off. How the fuck could this be happening to him?

"Oh, don't try and fake pretend that you're not excited. If there's one thing my time with you has taught me, it's that bottom boys like you like it to hurt a little. Besides, if anyone is going to be able to make your new pussy lips truly permanent, it's going to be this guy!

Apparently. he often finds it hard to find guys willing to take his fists more than once, but I promised him you'd be a repeater, no questions asked. Who cares if he stretches your pussy so wide that it can never be a satisfying fuck tunnel again?

Speaking of which, the 6th day is going to be a real treat. Let me find his profile..." before he found the right page, pausing to look at the screen in deep appreciation.

He then turned his laptop so Kris could see for himself. Despite being terrified at everything the top had so graphically planned out for him so far, the bottom couldn't help but mentally sigh in admiration at the profile in front of him.

"I know, right? He's like me, just supersized!" The top felt his heart tingle: he knew Kris so well.

On screen was a vision of masculinity, or at least Kris's idea of it. The picture really was like Lee, just massively intensified. Thicker and bigger muscles that were like tree trunks. A pelt of hair, hair that drifted across his entire body in a natural and un-sculptured way. Simple, inked patterns that stretched down both arms, each one punctuated by long, leather gauntlets covered in row after row of four-sided steel studs.

However, the picture also showed a certain harshness. Eyes covered by a leather Muir cap, a dense beard and the rest of his face showing an expression of hard, hard, dominance. A man who wouldn't take any prisoners.

"His name is James and he just wants to fuck you up. Badly.

He's actually been the most difficult guy to secure. Even after I sent him photos of your ink and your pussy... he kept on saying he was only interested in high-quality cunt and that maybe you were just a wannabe. You know, one of those guy's who's all show and no tell? Of course, I told him that was total bullshit. I mean, sure, you've still got room for growth - a hell of a lot more room - but I said you had a really fine pussy...

Even then he held out and played hardball. So, that's why I had to promise that nothing would be off limits when you meet.

Oh, don't look so fucking surprised! I've already told you he wants to fuck you up, right?

To be honest, I don't know what he's actually got planned but something tells he's going to think nothing of plunging in dry, to really rip open what little resistance your hole still has to offer. And god knows what those metal gauntlets will feel like in your pussy?!

Anyway, he did send over some pictures of him with tide-marks on his arms higher than I've ever seen before. Evidently he's no stranger to going bicep deep. Maybe he'll force you to swallow his entire arm? Arms?

That's the beauty of no-limits play, right? You won't be able to stop him, no matter how wildly out of proportion your cunt gets stretched..."

Kris almost fainted at this point. He was horny and yet scared: the best feeling. It was then that Lee moved to tenderly hold the bottom's head as he looked into Kris's eyes.

"And then on to the 7th day, the day of rest... but we won't be resting. No, Sunday is going to be all about you and me. I can't wait to find out just how fucking wrecked your pussy will be by then! I'm going to use your cunt canyon as my fucking personal playground. I'm going to explore every inch and every fold and every fucking crease! Everything that we've created together - something to really remember us by, right?" Lee smiled with such love and passion.

The bottom knew then the entire week was going to be worth it, to feel the top inside of him one last time. How could he resist? He was going to fit Lee like a fucking glove!

Buzz! sounded the front door. The noise startled Kris, even whilst Lee brushed the bottom's forehead. "I know, right? You're such a lucky bitch...

Anyway, that will be the camera crew" said the top "although I don't think you'll really need the photos and videos to remember the week, not when the new size of your cunt is going to a life-long change."

The bottom couldn't help but think of all they'd achieved together so far and - now - all that was still to come. He understood that Lee truly wanted what was best for him, that the top had his best interests at heart.

A hole new world really did beckon...

The End.

In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com and my previously published stories are:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

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