
By Stu Hadley

Published on Apr 7, 2021


Lockdown! Chapter 15

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending lockdown...

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Now, changed for life...

Kris was seriously screwed but he had to admit Lee's bondage skills had progressed a long way since they'd first met. The bottom was now lying - face down - on his sling and shackled, tied and restrained so he could barely move a muscle. It was a surprisingly easy position to be in and he felt supremely comfortable. Except of course from the sharp pain of the tattoo needle repeatedly piercing his back.

That pain was seriously and completely fucked up. Kris had lost Lee's `two-litre-cum-swallow-whilst-being machine-raped-challenge' by a big margin and was now paying the price - his back permanently being marked with the top's evil design.

The sheer injustice spun Kris's head. How the fuck was he meant to have consumed that much spunk in an hour?! Even if it had been possible to drink that much fluid - four pints anyone?! - finding out the cum wasn't Lee's and had been donated by total strangers really freaked him out (although `scavenged' seems a more appropriate term given the dubious provenance of the body fluids).

And then had come the indignity of his bladder being cathetered to hold all that liquid and his own piss inside of him! Well before he failed the challenge he was fit to fucking burst!

That meant the `second-chance-piss-recycling-challenge' was a busted flush too. Literally. His catheter hose had been attached to the thick penis gag in his mouth and then he'd been told that if he recycled his own urine for half an hour then he could go free.

Kris, never a lover of watersports, had tried to hold out but it was impossible. Simply too much.

However, right now the endorphins of the tattoo gun were flooding his body. Lee was working diligently, an expert craftsman who took real care over his work. Inking and transforming people was his passion and now he was doing it to life-changing effect. This wasn't a particularly challenging design - a clenched fist, the words `JUICY CUNT' and a big, broad arrow pointing downwards - but he couldn't remember ever being so turned on. His hard cock was pooling pre-cum on the floor.

As he worked, the top wondered whether he was being fair on Kris. After all, once done the bottom was going to look seriously - obscenely - hot. He was turning Kris into an open market for every fist pro in London. And, as lockdown looked to be finally coming to an end, (leaving Lee free to go home) maybe the bottom being cunted by all of Europe was a real possibility too?

All of that was in the future though. As the needle buzzed away Kris had simply given up by this point. He knew by rights he should be protesting and struggling to escape. And yet...

The sling was the one place in the world where he felt most relaxed and at home. Sure, he was tied to it, but maybe Lee really did know what was best for him? He hadn't wanted this tattoo but he couldn't deny its sheer danger and the blatant advertising of his pussy was turning him on.

That's fucked up right?

We have to remember that Kris was a bottom who'd had his head fried from nearly two months of constant fist-play. What does that do your mind, let alone your hole? Your sense of reality is changed, your habits realigning and becoming addictions. His was fist, and how the ink was going to challenge all his inner desires and bring them to the surface forever more. How could he resist that?

It took hours, all accompanied by the gentle murmur of Lee's voice. How horny Kris would look from now on, and just how much action he'd get. How brave the bottom must be to want this ink on his back and how proud Lee would be of their creation. How every fister would want a piece of this pussy.

Lee really was a master at the transformation game.

Finally, the monstrous inking came to an end and Kris was released, the top wrapping the design up to keep it safe for the next 12 hours or so.

Despite both men being exhausted, Lee's big dick simply wouldn't quit. He was so fucking horny at what he'd just done, it was like no other inking in his life. However, he was a compassionate man so he simply asked Kris to get on his knees whilst the top wanked off. The bottom didn't have a chance to complain before Lee's spunk splashed wildly across his face.

Dazed and with big ropes of cum defiling his head, Lee lead Kris to bed and laid the bottom on his front. It was seemingly to let the tattoo on his back heal, but also to mash Kris's cum-saturated face deep into his pillow. The top wanted him to sleep with his intoxicating scent over him all night long.

It was days and days later before Kris was allowed to look at the new ink on his back. The next morning he'd woken with regret and recriminations, what the fuck had just happened to him? Crusty with facial cum (well, at least it was Lee's own...) and with an intently sore back, he couldn't believe it.

However, as he washed his face it was surprising how quickly a new calmness overcame him. The ink was permanent, it couldn't be changed, so why worry about it? Well, worry for sure, but perhaps simply accept it and try not to think about it too much?

The big thing that did annoy him was the top not letting him take a look though, in fact Lee had covered up every mirror in the flat. And to make sure he didn't sneak a peek the top was sticking to the bottom like feathers to tar. And yet not touching his pussy at all.

By now Kris's mental state had changed so much that his cunt needed almost constant work. The last few weeks had seem some truly significant firsts - his first cuntjack, his first prolapse and now his first tattoo. However, now the only thing that Lee was allowing to touch Kris's hole were the bottom's big Mr S metal plugs. They kept his anal cavity - the space inside - fucking huge and made him aggressively aware of his pussy at all times.

But his cunt itself? Lee said that wouldn't receive any work until the ink was healed, which meant Kris was getting desperate. Now he realised just what fist meant to his life: a compulsion like oxygen. And Lee was starving him.

Finally, Lee judged the tattoo was ready for the grand reveal. He'd been basting it with moisturiser and healing lotions twice a day. Each time the sight of it had made his dick climb! God, he'd had to be incredibly restrained to not flip Kris over and fuck him like the bitch he was there and then. However, he knew he was holding out for good reason though.

As it was such a special moment the top was determined to use all the experience he'd gained in lockdown to really make this count. It was such a turn on for him that this would be the first time Kris would see his back and the idea really got him going. And unsealing the bottom's pussy after so many days of abandonment? Well, that would almost be like taking Kris's cherry!

That's why the bottom was positioned on all fours, a metal bondage bar and ankle restraints spreading his legs wide. And Lee's Go-Pro set-up behind and sending the view to a TV in Kris's eye line. That way the bottom could see everything in graphic detail for himself. The fact it was also being live-streamed to the internet totally passed him by...

As the top switched on the camera the bottom was completely caught off guard. First, at how amazing the muscular top looked. He was entirely naked except for a pair of black, latex gloves. Of course they'd long gone way past the point of such safety precautions, but the sight of the gloves somehow intensified Lee's visual appeal. Even given the top's distractingly muscular and hirsute body, the glove's blackness drew attention to his fists and the act that was about to happen.

More importantly and long-lasting though, the ink on his back. He literally gasped. Words couldn't describe it. It was fucking obscene! Magnificently obscene and yet obscenely magnificent! How the fuck was he going to be able to live with this degradation on his back? He was well and truly fucked for life!

However, he barely had time to process it before Lee begun worrying the entrance to his cunt. Despite his shock at the tattoo Kris was unable to resist - he was so horny after days of not being used. He pulsed and squeezed his cuntal muscles, eager to draw the top's hands in and swallow them whole.

Lee was having none of it though. He could sense that this session would be different, that the sight of the amazing ink (he'd done a damn fine job!) was turning the bottom over the edge. That hunger made him cruelly hold back, determined to make it last. He ignored the bottom crying out to be fisted, that he was cunt. He ignored the gaping pussy lips and juicy slot pulling him in. No, he wanted to show Kris just what his new tattoo really meant.

He walked it through in outrageous detail.

The full-frontal fist clenched emoji, clearly marking this orifice as no longer a hole for cock. After all, Kris was so big that dick would barely touch the sides by now, no matter how big a fuckslab it was. Of course, Lee explained, that wasn't to say that any dick would be refused entry to the sloppy ride - you're way too much of a slut to say no to that - but just that you're always going to be hungry for more. This emoji says that only reaming, pummelling and stretching by fist is what gets you going. Only handballing will bring you the satisfaction you so desperately need.

Then, the words `JUICY CUNT'.

Lee explained that this was the mark of a true fisting pro. Lots of guys can say they're into fisting, but are they ready at all times to take a fist? This is what made Kris special. To live up to his billing he was going to have to be douched and lubed, ready for who knows what? Juicy and wet and receptive...

Kris realised just how shockingly true this was. The outrage at a non-fist civilian seeing the word cunt on his back was nothing compared to the indignity if he didn't live up to his new brand. He would always have to be ready and make real the promise of his pussy and its desires.

And then, finally, the arrow. It was a simple device and yet so fucking powerful. It was big, fat and solidly black. It presented towards the perfect target. A hole that was no longer puckered and no longer circular, not even oval. No, now Kris had the perfect fist trench, a slot if you will. Made vertical by all the work it had seen, reformatted and remoulded into the perfect pussy. Truly suitable for one thing and one thing only: fist.

In a blindingly revelation the bottom realised his ink was armour to protect him from the world and yet an open invitation to those in the know. Those that would give him what he needed.

As the thought sunk in, Lee's hand finally sunk deep into the waiting pussy. He'd been teasing and playing with the edges of the receptive cunt and he chose his moment, lube and speed well.

Some would say it was savage, others would say ecstatic. To the hungry bottom words couldn't do it justice. The feeling of being full again after so long empty. The sheer joy of being able to take a fist that fast, knowing what that said about his cunt: that it was big and hungry and wanted more. Kris swooned in relief.

For Lee it was a pivotal moment too. He didn't realise just how much he'd been missing this feeling, how much he now needed to use hole. To feel the wet velvet caressing his hand and the ring of muscle gripping his wrist. Sure, nowhere near as tight as it had been that first time they'd played, but even so...

Both men knew this was going to be a session to remember.

As every twist, turn, rotate and punch of Lee's big fists the bottom would look to the TV screen to see the action. He could see both the muscular and naked top using his cunt and the epic tattoo that seemed to be driving him on.

In fact, the top was on another plane. He could feel himself changing, a new and better version of himself growing inside. More mean and more demanding, and yet with the bottom's interests always at heart. He wouldn't fail, he would always succeed. Now he knew what cunt-hungry guys were capable of, to be transformed and made better. He could do this, he would make it happen!

That revelation led him to start sliding both his hands into the restrained bottom. After all this time playing, the two men hadn't achieved the double yet but now Lee was sure this pussy could take it.

Kris resisted though. Even in delirious pleasure something in his head - some deep holdout - pushed back and said no. He almost snapped back to reality, crying out that he couldn't take it, it was simply too big.

Lee thought the cunt does protest too much.

He held his doubled hands in place, palm to palm, just broaching the pussy walls. He told Kris to breathe and trust him, that he was here for him. That he wasn't going to do anything that the bottom couldn't take... (the fact the bottom was in a metal spreader bar and couldn't escape seemed to completely pass him by).

"I know you've got this, boy. I know you can do it. We've been building up to this moment for months and months. It's inevitable, right? And I know you want it, I can feel it in your hole. You just need to let go of what you think is possible. Can you do that for me? See, as you hear me talk I can tell your hole is getting more receptive already, you've got this..."

Of course, Lee had been gently pushing his twinned hands forward the entire time, keeping the pressure righteously high. However, he was determined to do this through force of mind, not force of pussy.

"That's it boy, you've got this. Now gently push back on my fists - you're in control. You can take the double if you want it, if you really, really want it. I know the stretch is amazing - I don't think your pussy has ever been this big - but just think what this will mean...

If you can take the double your hole will never be a hole again. It will always be nothing more than a cunt! Stretched to truly gigantic proportions. How amazing would that be?! You've been working to this moment your whole life - all those cunt-busting toys, all those self-play sessions, every fist you've ever taken... don't fucking let me down now, just keep on pushing back..."

Kris was in a world of epic pain and pleasure. He couldn't believe what his hole was saying to him nor what Lee was saying either. And then the TV? The sight of a giant column of fist bearing down on his hole was incredible. Could he really take it or was it simply too much? What would he be after this moment?!

And then he thought of how long he'd wanted the double and how it was the sign of a true pro. For the briefest of seconds the thought made him relax his outrageously stretched pussy a tiny bit more.

Lee took every advantage he could get and pushed forward.

FUCK! Now that was a cunt!

The bottom cried out in pain, shock and absolute joy! He'd taken the double! Both of a man's fists were inside of his cunt at the same fucking time! For all his years fisting this felt like nothing else. He'd done it! And his pussy was rejoicing at the feeling. So amazing, so perfect, so complete.

Lee delighted in seeing the bottom's facial expressions, although that was nothing to the feelings being transmitted through his hands and wrists. It was extraordinary! He couldn't help himself, beginning to rotate his closed hands and finding out just how much more was possible.

It was a break-through moment for both of them. Universe re-aligning if you will. For Kris, the world shrunk to the giant paws mauling his cunt, too stunned to do anything but moan. However, for Lee he couldn't help but talk.

"Fucking hell! Would you look at your cunt go! That's right. You no longer have a hole. You no longer have a pussy or a manhole or a manpuss. No, you have a cunt. A giant mancunt that's permanently changed, defiled and ready for the true fist connoisseur!"

He pulled back slightly and rotated his wrists even more, determined to stretch further. Could he double punch, he wondered?

"Jesus, this cunt is so big right now that it's a fucking beast! Amateurs are going to be frightened by it, they're not going to know what the hell to do with it... but I bet you that professionals will see it as a fucking playground! They're going to want to come back to it time and time again..."

As the words sunk in, the time for commentary was over and Lee went to town. Reaming, punching and pushing. Stretching and widening. Never holding back for the shared goal they'd hold on to for so long: the biggest lockdown pussy in London!

As Lee's big hands trashed Kris's cunt it's entirely possible they finally achieved it. And who knew what would come next? The live stream must have gotten some attention, no? And with lockdown gradually coming to a pause they'd be no reason why more tops in London couldn't try out the bottom's new cunt...

After all, if the size of Kris's prolapse after the double made one thing clear it was that the bottom could take more work. Much, much, more work.

Next: Things get kinky and Lee goes out on a high...

In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com and my previously published stories are:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

Next: Chapter 16

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