
By Stu Hadley

Published on Jul 3, 2020


Lockdown! Chapter 10

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending my lockdown...

Now, promises made, promises kept...

"Wow, I guess we can really start stretching your hole now" said Lee.

The words sent a chill through Kris. Sure, the touch of Lee's fingers invading his freshly slack cunt felt amazing, but after a day of anal assault he was truly spent. After all, his cunt had seen some serious work over the last few days: two back-to-back sling sessions and then today's hole-breaking toy-fest. Kris had achieved his target though: swallowing a fresh load of Lee's cum in exchange for bottoming out on the largest toy in his collection.

However, now one of Lee's hands was enthusiastically broaching the walls of his pussy. The angles were awkward - both were standing - but the top couldn't help from energetically waggling his fingers in lust. God he wanted to be deep inside this cunt!

Kris felt very differently: he simultaneously spasmed and raised up on his toes, pushing the top away. "Enough! I need a rest and a hot bath" he said, laughing to show he meant no ill-will. However, as Lee looked from his hand - now drenched in lube - to Kris's hole he felt aggrieved. He'd excitedly watched the day's events but now he wanted to stretch, ream and wreck. Surely Kris wanted his fists 24/7, right? Fuck dildos, no matter how big! How else would he keep his gape? Or retain the beautiful trench-like appearance his cunt had taken on? Or stop those beautiful and puffy pussy lips from deflating and losing their size? To say nothing about regaining clutch and getting tight again. Hadn't Kris said he wanted to come out of lockdown with the biggest cunt in London? Where the fuck was his commitment?!

By now the object of Lee's desires had started taking down his sling, knowing that leaving it up would be too much temptation for the determined top.

"So, that's it, is it? said Lee, not doing a good job of hiding his pent-up desires.

"It sure is. My hole can take a lot, but I'm done" he replied gently. "Just give me a couple of days..."

"Are you fucking kidding me!? I want your cunt now!"

Kris turned back, eyebrows raised halfway to the ceiling. Lee immediately realised he was coming across not as a hot and horny top but a petulant child. Time to regroup.

"It's just... I really love stretching your hole" said Lee, endearingly.

"I know you do, and we've got plenty of time. My ass isn't going anywhere" Kris said truthfully.

"Really? You promise?"

"Sure" said Kris, unthinkingly. "Next time we play we can take things up a gear..."

"Like what?"

All Kris wanted was to get to that relaxing bath, so he threw out the most outlandish thing that came to mind. "How about me in my straitjacket, so I can't escape your fists?"

Lee immediately got hard at the thought. "Seriously, I'd fucking love that" he said. Oh dear god, thought Kris, what have I unleashed?

"After all, we've got to keep the intensity up. I wouldn't want you backsliding."

Even though Kris was exhausted, Lee's words caught his full attention. Such evil purpose and grand intent. "What do you mean?" he said.

"Well... it would be a shame to lose your gains, right? I think it would be better for both of us if you kept yourself open. How about one of those `most comfortable' butt plugs you showed me? You know, the metal ones from Mr S... you said they were easy to wear long-term, yes?"

Kris paused. He knew exactly what Lee was suggesting: plugging himself 24/7 until the next time they played. Hot damn. The plugs he had from Mr S were exceptionally comfortable to wear (hence their name) but he only owned them in the largest of sizes. If he obeyed Lee's command he'd be signing up to a heavy, 3" wide metal cylinder taking home in his pussy for the next 48 hours. He'd be aware of the fat plug in his cunt every moment.

Sensing hesitation, Lee pushed forward. "I know you want it--" he said, although the other words Kris didn't hear. In fact, he found his dick rising at being told what to do. In seconds he found the plug and handed it to Lee to do the job. Moments later the metal pressed against his tender hole. The coldness felt good - calming almost - but then the size surprised him, it always did. Lee pushed the fat plug harder, amazed at the resistance of Kris's cunt. Something he'd have to fix, he thought.

"There, doesn't that feel better? You should always have something in your pussy, you know that, right? After all, you've devoted so much time to making it big - all those toys, all your gear - isn't it time you really looked after it? Took care of its needs and hunger first?" The words were said with such tenderness that Kris couldn't help but be transfixed. "Now, tell me just how the straitjacket scene will work out..."

And so that was how Kris held Lee at bay from his hole for two whole days, but also how the straitjacket scene became more and more embellished. Kris explained the thrill: the idea of waking up and being totally constrained in leather and unable to escape. Of being unsullied, unused and uncorrupted. Of being totally vulnerable to an evil and malicious top determined to prise him open and wreck him forever. Unsurprisingly, Lee immediately bought into the idea.

Two long days later, it was now nighttime and Kris's play space was bathed in red light. Both men got dressed, Lee helping Kris inside the all-important industrial-strength straitjacket, patiently fastening each buckle tight before lying the bottom into the sling and tying him down.

Lee's final touches were extracting the metal plug keeping Kris's pussy channel cavernous, and then a tender kiss before leaving the room. It was time...

I slowly came too, my inability to move signalling that something was terribly wrong. It was difficult to know what registered first: the smell of leather, the feel of my body heavily cocooned and secured, or the closeness of the air surrounding my head. I immediately sensed that a loose but thick and heavyweight leather hood was blinding my senses, restricting my vision to indecipherable glimpses of light.

As I checked in with in my body I discovered I was lying on my back with my legs splayed wide and hanging in the air. I tried to struggle and kick but they weren't going anywhere. Cold air played on my ass though, meaning my hole must be exposed and totally vulnerable. Higher up, I could just about wiggle my finger-tips but my arms were tightly bound across my torso... Jesus, was I wearing a straitjacket?! Was I in some kind of insane asylum?

I flushed as I sought to fight or flight my bounds, though neither was a realistic option. The leather was thick and unyielding with thick straps crossing my body and holding me secure. That realisation gave me comfort though: if I couldn't escape then what was the point of struggling? Surely it was best to submit and simply give in to the moment?

My mind raced and thought the worst though. I'd been captured by a horse-hung top whose only desire was to fuck my brains out. Or kidnapped by a gang of sex-crazed pigs who wanted to plough my hole with a never-ending stream of dick? Or worse, I'd been institutionalised and defiling my hole was the first step of a twisted and evil treatment plan? Surely the insane effort behind my inescapable bounds suggested the very worse? Either way I royally fucked. My ass puckered unconsciously as my tight hole ran scared: being slung up in leather didn't exactly seem conducive to it staying that way. I cried out, hollering to be set free.

My shouts had two consequences. Firstly, the deep inhalation of leather into my lungs, intoxicating and strong, making my dick rise uncontrollably. And then becoming aware of my captor as I sensed his presence in the room... he pulled the leather hood away from my face and I struggled to adjust, expecting light but finding only darkness. However, I was able to look down and make out my tightly bound body. I'd been right about the straitjacket and my legs hanging free - the black leather shone in the darkness and creaked in the silence.

More significant was the man standing between my legs. He was imposing, authoritative... and fucking hot! Leather clad his body, from executioner's hood down to his chaps. His bare arms were folded across his leathered chest, revealing bulging muscles and an intricate sleeve tattoo. Both arms were encased by thick bicep bands, although his `naked' arm was covered in a spiked leather gauntlet. Those intimidating studs glistened in the light: he looked mean and ready for business.

So... I was to be someone's fuck bitch. He must have captured me for his pleasure: his dick certainly looked big enough to do some damage. I tensed, waiting for his rampant cock to be forced inside of me. My conquest felt inevitable, why else would I be tied up like this? I tried to look passive and uncaring, telling him to get on with it and fuck me now. Pleasure or pain be damned.

To my surprise I heard a deep and evil laugh. He unfurled his arms and steadied his hands on the sling supports holding my legs open. "What makes you think I'm going to fuck you, bitch? I'm here to fist."

I struggled, crying out that he must be fucking joking. Jesus, I liked my hole just the way it was: tight and neat. The last thing I wanted was to be violated and turned out as some slack-lipped pussy jockey! However, the heat of the tight leather constraining me told another story entirely. How could I possibly resist?

"Shall we begin" he said, although it definitely wasn't a question.

"Fuck you! There's no way I can take a fist!"

"Oh man, you just haven't met someone with the right determination! By the time we're done I'll have turned your tight little puss' into the perfect fisting cunt: gaping, distended and totally blown-out." His words shook me to the core. How could anyone do that to someone?

"I'm going to turn your tiny little pucker into an epic mancunt. Does that sound good?" he said, answering my question for me.

Hell no!! Mancunt? What the fuck? Of course, I knew exactly what he meant. Even if you were a prude you couldn't escape seeing extreme porn like that on the internet these days: guys whose assholes had been obliterated and transformed into another state, sick and obscene.

"Your dick is rising... the idea of cuntification turns you on, yes?" Jesus? Where did Lee get these words from?! "And your leaking cock sap says you want to be pussified, right?"

God damn, did my dick have to give me away? I was meant to be scared! I did my best to get back into character, crying out that he couldn't do this to me, that I didn't want to be turned into a cunt. I struggled to escape but he simply ignored my protestations, dunking his fists into an open container of lube. He then obscenely coated his hards, the gelatinous fluid intimidating in the red light. How the fuck could this be happening to me?

And then I suddenly felt pressure against my arse, the pleasant sensation of cold lube on my hole quickly turning to pain. This leather-clad warrior was forcing his hand inside of me with savage intensity. I clamped tight but I knew he wasn't going to stop until he'd pushed right past my defenceless ring.

"Can you feel that?" he demanded. Of course I could, he was like an anvil at my ass! I did my best to bear down and hold back, surely I could resist?

"You're just making this more difficult on yourself. Nothing - nothing - is going to stop me turning your hole out. I don't care whether it takes hours or days in the sling... my fists are stronger than your puss' could ever be. Though maybe if you hadn't taken so much cock already you'd stand a chance but your hole is clearly fucked out already!"

What the hell? Was he saying I was a slut?! The pressure between my legs intensified and I felt my clutch control slipping. No matter how hard I tried to hold back - I didn't want to be wrecked! - his passage inside was relentless. Jesus, just how slippery was this lube?!

"My purpose in life is to remake guys like you. To destroy and rebuild until you're useful to society. After all, nobody wants tight little holes anymore... the fashion now is for big cunt... and by the time we're done you're going to have the most fashionable cunt in town!"

Ugh! Despite myself my dick was engorged and as hard as ever. Tough for me to keep up the illusion of the feeble tight-arsed bottom who doesn't want to be wrecked, ruined and corrupted forever! My momentary breaking of character was all the invitation Lee needed. He took total charge, his fist choosing that moment to finally violently impale my arse with one giant thrust, popping me wide open.

Fucking hell! I didn't know what Lee was doing with his hands, but - despite all my experience - it really felt like he was taking my cherry. My eyes went wild with pain, nothing had prepared me for this intensity, for how Lee would totally own the role of a domineering top intent on my destruction. He was giving it his all, holding my eyes with stern intensity: I couldn't break character now, certainly not to tell him to take it slow.

"Please stop, don't do this to me!" I squealed, my mind wracked. I didn't want my hole to be obliterated!

"Oh, you just need to believe in yourself! I know you can do it... besides, if you were really serious about only being able to take cock then how do you explain my fist sliding into your pussy so easily? The way your hole gobbled me up means you were fucking born to be a cunthole!"

The words rung in my ears. Being plugged for the last 48 hours must have done the trick: apparently I was a canyon down there! But being a cunthole?! Was that what I was destined to be? What if only fists could give me pleasure from now on? I didn't have time to think as Lee's fists stretched and reamed my insides, my pussy walls weakening at every rotation of his hand.

Then, for the first time since we'd begun Lee pulled out and re-lubed. Thick dollops covered his fists before he pushed back inside my violated cunt once more. I could literally feel my anal lips giving way, unable to resist.

"Feel that? You're taking my fists like a pro. Is that what you want? Do you like me stretching out that filthy ffuckhole of yours? Just how big do you want me to make it?"

Man, Lee was totally into this scene! My pleasure intensified, my mind high as a kite from the thought of being transformed from regular dick hole into a fisting pussy... there was no going back from this moment. I tried to deny it, but my pleasure over ruled everything: that was the power of great bondage. The tight leather took away my control and let me focus on what really mattered. To be free to my true desires.

"Please... please, I can't take much more..." I cried.

"Are you sure? Because the way your hole is blossoming suggests your cunt knows way better than your head... just give in and make it easy on yourself! We're not stopping until you gape: after that there won't be a dick alive that will touch the sides!"

He said it with glowering intensity, each syllable in time with the motion of his fists invading my body. However, then his tone of voice changed in a masterstroke. All of a sudden he was caring, tender and I was being looked after.

"Eventually your cunt will relent and give up the fight. Then you'll feel the pleasure. Hang in there, baby..."

Those words totally tipped me over the edge. All I had to do was give in to the sensations and everything would come right. I breathed out and truly let go, an epic wave of cuntal pleasure overtaking me.

My hole went sloppy, juicy and big.

Of course Lee sensed the moment. He picked up the tempo and I felt the pure pleasure that only hole punching can deliver. All I could do was submit, to be absorbed by the moment and let it rip.

"That's it, let me in! Let me punch out your pussy, stretch it into the perfect tunnel cunt" cried Lee. I was amazed he could still form whole sentences as I was feeling overwhelmed: pain, friction, fullness, gagging. I could barely talk but I had to though, I had to let him know I wanted more.

"Oh my god, fist me like you mean it. Use me! Wreck me" I hollered.

He punched my cunt like there was no tomorrow, unable to hold back. The sloppier the noises my hole made the harder he fisted. Christ, he wasn't just punching in but punching out too, my inner ass flesh coming out of my hole with his fists, literally turning my rectum inside out.

He stopped punching me to splay out my ass lips. "Jesus, would you look at that fucking gape! I bet your hole won't ever close again. Not so much a tight fuck now, eh?" He laughed and punched again.

Swoon. Fantasies are so hot!

But then he went off script. "You want to remember this night forever, right?" he stated. It turned out Lee had his own fantasies to explore.

At first I felt excited when he thrust his big dick into my savaged hole: yay I could still feel a cock inside of me! But then? Then he turned the tables. It was artful, careful and devious: he slowly slid lubed-up fingers alongside his giant shaft.

Jesus mother-cunting Christ! It was the biggest stretch I'd felt in my life and I cried out in protest that it was impossible. He kept on going though, apparently he believed in my abilities more than I doubted myself. Suddenly both his hand and dick were inside of me, jerking off in my pussy!

Words can't do it justice, how can they? How can you describe your cunt development being so extreme that you can take both a full fist and giant cock at the same time?! To be that big and yet to be scared of how big you are? To want to bring your partner off so much that you'll willingly wreck yourself? But right now the only thing that mattered was Lee shooting inside of me - for him to jerk his beautiful cock until his fists totally obliterated my cunt and he unloaded his thick cum. That was my purpose, that was my role...

The black leather held me tight and I truly gave in: I didn't care what my limits were, I just wanted Lee to get his ecstatic release.

Neither of us would be the same again.

Next: permanent changes begin...

If you'd like to read more new stories from any of the wonderful and truly inspiring authors who contribute to this invaluable resource then please donate to Nifty so they can continue to publish.

In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com and my previously published stories are:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

Next: Chapter 11

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