Lizzies Love Affair

By Lust Stories

Published on Feb 27, 2018


I got home eventually and went straight to bed and I was awoken about 3 hours after getting into bed by mum to announce that we are having a family breakfast. I already had a massive headache and too be honest I wasn't in the mood to see my family today, but mum insisted and told me I had to tell everyone my new. I wanted to tell them in my own time not when mum thought it was the right time to tell everyone. I got up and had a shower and I had a pain in my stomach as well as my headache. I just thought it might just be interjestion and had my shower.

I got dressed after my shower in a jumper dress and it did show my bump a little bit but I didn't care. I wore a blue bra and blue thigh high panties and head down stair to see all of my family waiting for me. And they all yelled surprise. I was shocked to say the least, "honey we just wanted to throw you a surprise party/breakfast for your big win in court" mum said. I was literally shaking and the pain in my stomach was a getting worse. My nieces came and gave me a big hug and I just thought no better time than now to announce my big news. "Everyone I have some news to announce. I am having a baby" everyone cheered and came rushing to hug me. My big sister and best friend started rubbing my belly and said "you'll be a fantastic mum hun" I smiled and sat down for a minute. I was really worried about this pain

After breakfast and a lot of talking with my sisters mum decided I needed to go shopping for baby clothes and baby furniture. We drove into town and straight away mum took me to her favourite store she goes to when buying baby clothes and god everything was so cute and of course mum bought everything in the store that she saw "mum were you like this with kids and janes kids?' She just smiled and said "of course honey I just want to spoil you and your kids" the pain was starting to get worse and I just had to stop for a minute and I went outside and sat while mum was in the store. It really felt like I was having contractions and I knew that it can't be good to having them this early. mum saw me and came out to see if I was ok and I just said it was gas and she laughed and went back inside the store. mum pretty much bought everything in the store and we went tot the next store and I stopped mum as I felt a really sharp pain hit me "mum I think we need to get to the hospital something is wrong." She rushed to me and said "honey whats wrong" I looked at her with tears rolling down my face "I think I'm having my baby". As soon as I said that mum rang 911

I was rushed to the nearest hospital and taken to the neo natal ward to get some test done. for some reason the pain was starting to subside and I was so worried that I may have lost the baby. Mum sat by my side the whole time and this is why I love her. She always puts us kids first and she never wants anything bad to happen to us. The doctor came and I was fearing the worst and he came out and told me that the baby was fine it was just a case of early labor. I was relieved beyond belief. He told me to take it easy and spend a few weeks in bed. I told him I couldn't do such a thing as I have a busy case. That's when mum piped up and said "well honey you Re not going back home to California until you're better and that's that" she rang my boss as soon as she said that and Jen seemed to allow it. God I love that woman.

When we got home mum put me to bed and said that I can only go for an hour tomorrow and that's final. I agreed to it and essentially went to sleep. I love my mum and the way she looks after us and makes sure we are ok when we aren't well. I woke to remember I had to wrap a couple pf gifts, my one to Karen announcing my pregnancy and the gift I got for her girl that she is having. She wanted to know what the gender of the child was and she tole me. I am the only one that knows. I placed the pregnancy test I took into a white box and wrapped it in pinky paper and put a bow on and I put the the little girls dress in a box and wrapped it in the same paper. After dinner I just went straight to sleep. I was buggered and relieved everything is ok with the baby

I woke just in time for my hairdresser appointment which mum was able to get it moved to mums house. I knew the girl from school and she was always a close friend and I asked her of she was going to todays baby shower and she said "nah I don't want to go to an event where the mum doesn't even know the father is getting plenty of other women pregnant" I was shocked at what she told me and sort of happy as it could mean we could be a couple real soon. After my hairdressers appointment I got dressed. First a white strapless bra and a white garter belt with white thong and white stockings. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my little bump and smiled. Next I put on a baby pink strapless dress that was perfect. Didn't even show my bump. I grabbed the presents and headed to the car

Mum drove me to Karens place and she told me before I got out of the car "only 2 hours today hone. That's doctors and my orders" I smiled and gave mum a kiss and a hug and went inside. I saw that Karen was busy with the other guests and I just went and put the baby gift with the others and found a seat to sit on. I eventually got up and went to the toilet and when I was powdering my nose I got a visitor, the guest of honour and god she was looking amazing. Her belly was so big "finally we are alone" she said with a big hug. I hugged her pretty hard and said "man have I missed you and gee you look amazing" after we stopped hugging I went to my purse and got the gift I've been wanting to give her. I handed it to her and said " this is for you. Please open it here" she ripped it open and looked at it and said "it's a pregnancy test. Honey I already know I'm pregnant" I smiled and rubbed my belly "well baby I'm pregnant also and I am due a month after you" Karen screamed with delight and hugged and kissed me, she went and locked the door

She came back to me and dropped to her knees and hiked my dress up and said "well baby this is my present to you " as she pulled my thong down and spread my pussy lips and started to suck my clit and oh fuck have I missed this. She just sucked on my clit like it was a lollipop and didn't stop until I released every last drop of cum from my pussy. I really had to but my lip hard so no one could hear my moans. i helped her to her feet after having the best orgasm and she started kissing me while rubbing my pussy. She was really making me feel so much better after what happened yesterday then she asked me something I'd never thought she would ask "move back home and be my wife please"

I left the party straight after that. I told her I wasn't feeling well, though I was still in shock

Next: Chapter 7

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