Lizzies Love Affair

By Lust Stories

Published on Mar 20, 2019


Jen really knows how to relieve all of my tension and I want to relive all of hers and she would have plenty of tension built up at the moment. I don't know how she is coping going through this trial with her husband. I haven't read much about the case as I have been too busy with the massive case load and looking after my clients issues and getting stuff ready for the babies. I have started buying babies clothes and started moving furniture around my apartment to see how it will all fit in. I have put a deposit on a 5 bedroom home in the hills. it[s perfect just what I needed to start my family and hopefully for Karen to move in with me. I have a pretty low key week coming up and it is what I needed

After checking in with my clients I went to the court and looked for which court room Harrys case is being held. I have only met harry once and I am sure Jen will be happy to see me there in support. I got there in time for the start of proceedings and I just sat in the back of the courtroom and watched proceedings. The prosecutions case was pretty strong. They have evidence harry hired a goon to kill a former business partner. He former business partner decided to ditch a pretty shaky business harry started up and went along and became a bigger competition than harry was expecting. i wonder if Jen will be called to the stand. The goon has plead guilty already and will testify against harry. The proceedings were long and boring. When I got home I found another wedding invitation. This time to a girl that is a friend of the family. I barely know her, she is closer to Helen than I

Mum and hell turned up at my door the next day and to say Helen looked like she was ready to pop was an understatement. I thought she was only in her first trimester when she told me about her pregnancy, she looks radiant as well, god I love them both. Apparently they came to look after me. They had heard I wasn't feeling well and needed many hugs. I knew something was up and I bow I was fine and they have something to tell me. I know my sister and I know when something is up. Lucky I have 3 bedrooms and beds in all 3. I just had to ask why they have come out here so unannounced "ok I know something is up and I know you wouldn't just come out her without letting me know" mum got up and put her arm around me. "Honey we have to tell you something about Karen and we don't know how this will affect you" o was scared now "why what has happened to her her" Helen sat next to me and held my hand "she was in a car accident yesterday. She didn't make it honey" I collapsed and started crying uncontrollably

My whole world has come crashing down, the only woman I will ever love has been killed and it wasn't anyone else fault. She had an aneurism while driving and drove straight into a tree. I couldn't believe what happened. Her dad will be distraught, she was such an awesome person who had everything going for her and she was going to be a mum. Her dream and her life, I can't believe it. I flew back home that night for the funeral. After I landed I went to her dads place. He was shattered. Hw kist his wife to cancer and now his daughter is gone.

The general was beautiful, even her step mum spoke beautifully about her and I spoke as well. She was my true love and best friend, I couldn't believe my best friend was gone. We had spent our whole life together and I mean we did everything, we graduated together and we were eventually going to start a new life together, she was going to be a mum first and she was going to be the best mum. I remember the first time we met at kindy. She had that blue pacifier in her mouth and she wouldn't let anyone take it out and she kept it in her mouth right up to the first day of grade 1 when her parents took it out, I remember giving her one on her wedding day, she was so smitten with it. its just to tragic to think about now. I got a phone call from Jen wishing all the best. She told me about her husbands case and things weren't looking good and they haven't even put the goon on the bench yet

After the funeral I went back home. Karen would have wanted it, she always told me when she dies, that we she should just party and celebrate her life and get on with life, we partied the night away after her funeral. I spoke to her step mum at the wake and she apologised for what she said to me. All I did was hug her and told her I never gave it a second thought, she hugged me so hard. I think her and Karen were really close in the end she has taken her loss bad, I was again asked to be a bridesmaid at a wedding, not the woman of a family friend. Another girl I loved I high school asked me. I was invited to her wedding. She and I were pretty close and she is pretty awesome

I didn't take any more time off than I needed and I was back at work on the Thursday, I was told we were having a team building retreat this weekend and it was the last thing I wanted to day, it was going to be at a ranch and it was compulsory. I went and sat in on the next proceeding in Harrys murder trial. Jen asked me to sit with her, I was happy to do. The hired goon was finally called to testify, he didn't t even look like he could kill someone, he looked like a teenager doing paper rounds, Jen told me he was only 17. Why would harry pay this kid to do such a horrific thing. The kid really put harry in it and told everyone harry was going to make him a star and he told him if he killed his former business partner he would be the star in the movie about if, this kid was sucked in big time and harry had him wrapped around his little finger, I have seen some of the evidence and its pretty damning against harry. The trial was adjourned after that until Monday, harry has been in remand since it started

On Friday I drove straight up to the ranch and checked in. I left my phone and all my work behind. The place is beautiful. I have always loved horses and I would love to one day run a ranch like this with plenty of horses. I went for a walk around the property, one girl caught my eye. She was obviously a stable girl who looks after the horses, her arse in her jeans looked so perfect, her brown hair was so long. The rest of my colleagues with Jen came up later on. They all got pissed and partied hard, Jen got pretty pissed as well, she didn't talk to me much and she was hitting on one of the other partners all night. It looked like her was pretty keen for a good fuck. I went to bed early and knew we had a big day of riding ahead

I woke early and put my active wear on and a long sleeved shirt knowing I wasn't able to wear much else. I saw the beautiful stable girl getting our horses ready for us. The team all looked like shit. Apparently tom tried to force himself on Jen and Jen fired him. I was about to saddle up when the instructor came and said "sorry we aren't allowed to have pregnant women on the ride" OH&S policy apparently. I was shattered, watched them ride off in the bush, I went looking for the stable girl. I found her in one of the stalls grooming a horse "hi I'm lizzie whats your name honey" she turned around and smiled as she saw me standing at the door "hi lizzie I'm heather. Why aren't you with your friends" I walked into the stall and started patting the beautiful animal "I want allowed sadly thanks to my pregnancy. She is a beautiful horse heather" she smiled and took my hand and lead me out of the stall

She took me around the stables and there were a couple of horses still around. We entered and empty stall and started talking "how long have you been working here heather" she sighed "honestly too long. The boss is a bitch and I want to run my own stable" I rubbed her shoulder "that's not good. I have loved horses all my life and wanted my own ranch like this. I might need someone to run it" she smiled and moved forward towards me and started kissing me with passion she stopped and asked :will this help my chances"I started to unbutton her shirt and ripped it open. She was wearing a white bra. "Those tits will help" I pulled her towards me and kissed her back with passion

I dropped tho my knees and unzipped her pants and pulled them down. She was wearing pair of white hipster briefs. I looked up a her and she was smiling hoping I would pull her panties down and eat her out. I pulled her panties down and she showed me she was bald. I started rubbing her pussylips and they were so loose and wet, she moaned my name softly, I opened her pussy ;its and started sucking and licking her pussy. God she tasted so goos. Her juices were flowing before I started licking. Her clit was easy to get to and I started sucking on it like a lollipop, she screamed with delight when I started doing that. I turned her around and started licking from behind, her arse was such a bubble butt. The perfect seat. She had an amazing climax; I stood up and pulled her pants up.

I started kissing her sensually and put my hand down her panties and asked her "so you want the job" she mumbled yes. I can't wait to get started on it

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