Lizzies Love Affair

By Lust Stories

Published on Jan 25, 2019


After a wonderful wedding and weekend, it was time to go home. I am going to miss waking up next to a beautiful woman in my bed every morning like I have the last two mornings. Maeve stayed with me all day and we had a lot of sex. Her pussy was so wet and tasty just like her sisters was, she told me she just loves a wedding and loves to end it with a bridesmaid in her bed, she had never spent more than just a night with one and she loved cuddling all day with me. But she had that phone call we both knew was coming. Her mum asking her where she was. Even though she is an adult and in her last year in college, her mums keeps checking in on her

I flew back Monday night and went straight to sleep. When I got to work on the Tuesday morning, I saw a bunch of flowers that someone had sent me. I was hoping it was from Karen or mu, I looked at the card and it wrote, hi you don't know me but I saw you at a cafe in your home town with your mum, I saw you look at me with the big beautiful eyes. If you're ever back at home soon hit me up. Love to see where this could go. Ps. I am not married that man was my brother. Love Lucy. My heart was warmed with glee after reading the card and smelling the flowers, I remember her well. She was a brunette with a beautiful baby bump.

I went straight to court after organising a few meetings and the first case was the one I just started before I went back home for the wedding. The woman that I am helping is still dressing provocatively, fuck me every time I see her I have an orgasm, today she was wearing a black dress that made her tits look massive and her arse look fine. She kept rubbing her foot up and down on the inside of my calf and it really was distracting me. She again placed her hand on my thigh and started rubbing it, my pussy was so wet at this stage. After court I went back to the office and I found more flowers on my desk this tome they were from Maeve, she thanked me for the wonderful day on Sunday and hoped to see me soon. What a beautiful girl she is

I went straight to court on Wednesday and got into the courtroom and waited for my client. I was wondering what she would wear today. I am tipping it will be as to as it was yesterday. As for myself I am still trying to fit into my regular clothes before going to maternal wear which I don't mind. Most of the clothes I have purchased are pretty slimming and sexy. I was right. Danny wore this sexy pants suit and fuck it looked like she wasn't wearing a bra, I am in need of a wank real soon. She did the same as yesterday with her foot and instead of rubbing her hand on my thigh she moved her hand up inside my skirt and started feeling my panties, I had to bite my lip so I didn't scream. "Gee you're pretty wet lizzie" I just nodded my head. After the proceedings I went back to the office. This time no flowers and I was wondering where Jen was as I hadn't seen her

On Thursday I had no court thank god and I still haven't seen any sign of Jen, I was worried and I really wanted to see her, I went and knocked on her office door and all her assistant told me she was in court and does not want to be disturbed this week, I kept sending her texts all week, she wasn't responding, I hope I haven't hurt her in any way as she is important to me and I love her, after work I went and saw my doctor and had an ultra sound, the baby was perfect and as she was finishing up the doctor gave me a shock "I am hearing 3 different heartbeats lizzie" my eyes widened and I said "what?!!!" She held my hand and said "lizzie honey you're having triplets" oh my god the dress maker was right. I started crying I couldn't believe it "time to start looking for bigger places then"

I was at the courthouse straight away on Friday and as I was walking to the court room I saw Jen and I had to talk to her. I ran up to her before she entered her court proceedings. "Jen do you have a minute" she looked around and said "yeah be quick honey". I looked at her and saw she was anxious "look I was just wondering whats going on are you ok. I have big news" her name was called "look gorgeous ill talk to you back at the office tonight I promise" she went in. I hope everything is ok with her, I just wanted to hug and kiss her

My case was adjourned for some reason. My client was shattered as we both felt we were about to nail this mob, she dressed today as if she was going clubbing, she has no bounds this woman. She asked me out for a drink tonight, but I declined and told her that I am having a baby soon, like Maeve she hugged my belly which is massive now and started kissing it, I knew I had to bite the bullet and start wearing my maternity clothes. "Well if you want a weekend away come to this place. I own it and it's on the house" I took up her offer and decided to go after work. I headed back to the office to finish up some work

I was looking over my cases for next week when Jen walked into my office, she closed and locked the door behind her. As she was walking up to my desk she took off her jacket and just left her white lacey bra on. she then hiked her skirt up up and pulled her thong down and She sat on my desk in front of me. She started playing with her pussylipss and sighed every time she slipped a finger in. "Honey I have had a long week, do me a favour. Make me cum" I moved my head forward with my tongue sticking out and I started licking, her cunt was so wet. I put my hands on her thighs and started licking harder and faster, she fell back onto my desk and started screaming with pleasure, she was loving it, I kept licking and liking until she had an awesome orgasm. I sat back in my chair and enjoyed the view. She sat up and caught her breath. "So whats the big news?" I smiled and said "I'm having triplets". She leaned forward and kissed me "our family is going to be bigger than first thought" she got up off my desk and straightened her skirt "I have some news as well. My husband has been charged with murdering someone" she put her jacket on and left the room

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