Lizzies Love Affair

By Lust Stories

Published on Feb 27, 2016


Karen and I have been friends since kindy. We use to spend every day together and spend holidays together with our families she is the best. My name is Elizabeth and I am 27 years old. I am brunette even though I bleached and dyed my hair on dare from Karen quite a few times. I am a natural brunette it is shoulder length just the way I like it. I am curvy but not fat just well curved for my age and I have ample boobs at 34dd and I am very proud of them. Karen is a blonde and very natural for that matter. She is very petite and very beautiful for that matter, I think she wishes her boobs were about the same size as mine. I always tell her that she looks great and that one day I would pay for her boob job if she wanted one. All the boys loved her and she was a bit of a flirt at times

We met in kindy and it was like we were never separated and knew each other from birth. She loved the sandpit and I just loved to play cops and robbers but we always shared our pudding cups. One thing I do remember about our days at kindy. She had a security blanket type thing every where she went. But it really wasn't a blanket. She always had a pacifier in her mouth. When ever our carers or any other kid tried to take it out of her mouth she would cry. It was blue and very cute. I actually thought it was adorable and I wished I could put one in my mouth all the time. By the time we just finished kindy she grew out the stage and didn't need it before we started elementary school my mum and dad were offered to end jobs in another country and they really couldn't refuse the offer and we packed up and moved to England. After about 6 month we were all home sick and decided to move back home to where we all belonged and I was reunited with Karen and I could tell she missed me even though our parents kept in touch with each other. Our friendship meant so much to us and we were hoping we would never ever be separated again. I missed her when I was living in England.

Through elementary school we were in the same class right through to middle school. We had sleep over to to slumber parties and it was always just us 2 and we were never apart from each other for very long. Middle school I started to develop faster than Karen and the boys started to notice that I was and I think Karen was jealous of me and I really was upset by this. We had a few fights over boys. We did spend a few weeks apart from each other but we always made up. I really never was interested in boys much and I always rejected them and I always just told them Karen is great girl and they should ask her out and I think that also angered her as if it was just a hand me down or she was second choice for them. I knew I was being a bad friend by doing this and I thought I would just tell them I wasn't interested and never mentioned Karen If they liked her then great and I would be happy for her.

High school was fun and a struggle for both of us. Karen's mum was diagnosed with breast cancer just before our junior year and the family needed all the help it could get after her dad was laid off and they were struggling on all fronts with. My mum was the best during this time. She helped the family out financially and dad gave Karen dad a job at his firm and that helped a little in a way. Karen was always happy and I could tell it was all taking a toll on her. Her mum was a beautiful person and she always supported us and always made time for Karen and I if we needed help. At the start of our senior year I came to the realisation I was gay. I just wasn't interested in boys and I was growing fond of girls and there was this one girl I knew at another school in our district and we became close. She was my first kiss and but no sexual experiences as we wanted to wait. The only person I wanted to tell was Karen I told her on one of our last slumber parties. She was shocked at the announcement but very supportive of me. She had started dating ken. A preppy young guy who was gorgeous human being. I think they will get married one day. I got accept into Stanford after getting a high sat score and Karen with accepted into west Virginia. With her mum struggling she really couldn't go to an out of state college and mum told her she would pay for her to go there. Mum is the best.

On graduation day I decided to tell the whole world my secret. Mum was so happy for me. Dad well he just ignored me and I think he was disappointed in me. A week after graduation Karen mum passed away. It was devastating for all. Karen was so brave in the time. Mum organised a holiday for Karen and I to go on. We spent every day by the pool and just soaking up the time we had left with each other before we both left for college. Karen told me ken asked her to marry him. I was so pleased for her and she said she was going to wait until after college to decide. Ken is a great guy, his parents are well off and he is going to work at his dads firm after he finishes college and take over the company when he retires.

College was the best 6 years of my life. I made so many friends and found the most beautiful and kind woman in the world to be my girlfriend. Her smile melted me as soon I laid my eyes on her. She was a senior when I started college and It took me an age to summon up the courage to ask her out. She said yes at first and she didn't let on that she was a lesbian at first but by the third date she told me everything. As I was in my first year of law school and she was in her last year of a business degree we didn't get a lot of time to see each other. Karen came to visit at Christmas time and she got to meet Nina and she and Nina got on like a house on fire. When Nina finished her degree she got a job straight away and found her own apartment and asked me to move in with her. I wasn't sure and I asked my mum what I should do. She said do whatever makes you happy and I moved in with Nina I was really in a good space. I finally started talking with my dad again and he was happy for me and Nina. They finally got to meet Nina at a reunion mum organised. Mum and Nina got on straight away. My sisters and brothers were kind to her and were happy for both of us

I finished college with honors and was given a job straight away at one of the best law firms in America My life was great. Karen announced she was engaged and I was over the moon. Her dad had gotten re married and from what I had hear her step mum was a total bitch and just didn't wasn't interested in Karen or her friends. At Karen engagement party I nearly had a fight with her. She was drunk and she called me a dumb dyke. I just walked away. I watched Karen that whole night and realiesed what a beautiful young woman she had become. She is a teacher now and that was her dream. She was smiling and just so happy. I had the feeling inside of me that I felt when I first met Nina. I knew this was not what I needed. I could feel I was falling in love with Karen.

After two and half years of waiting Karen wedding was on 3 weeks away. Since the engagement party Nina and I started to drift apart. She knew I was falling for Karen and she told me straight to tell her or move on and she just couldn't keep us this shirade we were having. We really fell apart. My work was also full on and I needed a break and I headed home early for the wedding. I stayed at home and slept in my own bed again. I love my old room. It still looks the same as it did when I left for college. All pink and still have my bears and dolls on my bed. I love the way my mum never left it alone

First order of business was to get my bridesmaid dress fitted. I arrived at the dress makers store and I was greeted by a familiar face. Mary the girl that I had my first kiss with. She was a beautiful woman. We never really did anything other than kiss, she has a family now she was telling me and she was is getting married to my former maths teacher, Mrs. Cunningham I was so jealous of her. Mrs. C as she liked to be called was a beautiful kind hearted woman. She is in her 50s now and still looks like a stunner from the pictures Krystal showed me. The dress was perfect. Pink silky and so smooth on my curves Mary will always be my first love and I am so happy for her and Mrs. C they will be perfect together

Karen decided on not having a hens party and I think she just wants this wedding to happen already. The wedding will be her dream wedding. Mum and dad paid for the wedding and everything included from the dress to the honeymoon. They always thought of Karen as another daughter and she was like a family member. Mum and I went out to lunch the day before the wedding and mum just straight out asked "you are in love with Karen aren't you" I looked around and started to cry and I think she knew all along "yes mum and I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to ruin this special day for her". Mum gave me a hug and said "you just have to tell her honey it's the right and honorable thing to do". We went home and packed for the stay in the Ritz. I was a nervous wreck

The wedding day is here and I couldn't sleep a wink last night and I was waiting for the 3 things a maid of honor are supposed to get for the bride. Something old, something new and something blue. The old was easy to find. My tiara from high school prom was the perfect thing for her and I bought this nuk 5 pacifier off the internet fro her something new and blue. I think she'll get a kick out of it hopefully. I know I did. Her kindy days were always be special to us. I was ready to go with an hour to go before the wedding and I went and checked on the bride to be. She was just finishing putting her lingerie on and god she looked hot. A white corset and white thong with white stockings, ken is going to get lucky tonight. I pulled out a tote bag with all the good in them. First was the tiara and it looked beautiful on her and then the pacifier. Karen squealed with delight. I clipped the pacifier to her corset and helped her into her dress. She looked beautiful and it brought a tear to my eye and I knew it was time to tell her

I sat her down on the bed and started to cry. "Karen honey I just have to tell you something and I have been feeling this way for so long" Karen held my hands and said "it's okay Lizzie you can tell me anything" I took a deep breath and told her "Karen honey. I am in love with you and I haven't felt this way about you ever before. I just couldn't keep it in any more" a smile on her face went rather quickly and she said "ÿou dyke bitch get out and don't come back" I stormed out of the room crying and went straight to my room and crashed on my bed crying.

After 10 minutes of non stop crying I got a knock on my door and I looked through the peep hole and it was Karen. I have a feeling shes going to throw things at me and so I let her in. She crash hugged me as soon as she was in the door and started crying I'm so sorry Lizzie I didn't mean to call you a dyke bitch. I just don't know why you didn't tell me sooner" I sat her down on my bad and poured my heart out and I told her that I only realised how I felt about her after watching her all night long at the engagement party. She smiled and said that was great night. I kissed her on the lips with a bit of passion and Karen didn't resist. I knew this was my chance to be with her.

I dropped to my knees and lifted up her dress and pulled down her thong. The train was big enough for me to hide myself under. I looked at her pussy and she has a very nice bush ""what are you doing Lizzie"Karen asked. I didn't say anything and I just dove head first into her pussy and started licking. Her pussy was so juicy and wet. Karen started moaning louder and louder with every lick I made, I slipped a couple of fingers in and it did the trick and It wasn't too long before she reached her climax. I crawled out from under her dress and she was laying on her back panting and smiling.

I started undressing and Karen said "hey you're still my maid of honor baby" I smiled. We left for the church the wedding was a beautiful occasion. I just couldn't stop looking at Karen And she was just beautiful. I have a feeling this might be something special in the making

Next: Chapter 2

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