Living Years

By Jo Jo

Published on Mar 27, 2008

Disclaimer: The following story contains activity that would be considered of homosexual nature between consenting college students. While none of it crosses into a gratuitous nature, if such material is offensive to you or you are not of the legal age to read such material in your area, please do not. Other than that, please enjoy the story!

The Living Years

Chapter 20 "Those That Shall Change Your Life"

Trey had since figured out that the way to repel anannoyed Shawn was to get a boyfriend, apparently.

It had happened, just like Trey figured it would. Afterfinding out that not only would Trey not be going to the Winter Formal with himbut that Noah had managed to win Trey over, Shawn had gone back to being theannoyed, bitter roommate he loved reverting to whenever he didn't get his way.

Trey had quickly discovered that Shawn was a fairlycomplicated person and his constant mood changes concerning him were old andtiring. He'd decided that he no longer desperately craved Shawn's friendshipand that if they wanted to be friends, great. But if they were going throughanother awkward phase like the one they were going through now, he wasn't goingto care if he didn't eat lunch with him or stay up late to play PlayStation 2.It was the only way he was going to be happy with Noah. If he just stoppedcaring.

Being with Noah the past two weeks had been great.They'd talked about taking things slow but hadn't really done that. Since thenight of the formal, Trey had either slept over with Noah or Noah had sleptover with Trey every night. They were sleeping together without having sex,which Trey didn't mind since he knew neither of them were even ready for thatyet. Besides, making out with Noah every chance he got thus far had been quiteenough to keep him from feeling horny all the time.

All of that just managed to keep Shawn from being aroundall the time, doing his usual annoying things. Which was great.

Thus, having a boyfriend equaled Shawn repellent. Whichwas entirely Shawn's problem, the way Trey saw it, and not his.

Todayhappened to be one of the days that Noah had slept with him the night beforeand was also the last day for everyone to leave campus for the winter break.Everyone but him, of course. He was terrified at the thought of being alone fora month, having to forgo his entire break for a stupid mistake that he had topay for while the person who'd gotten him in trouble in the first place was offsipping margaritas in Mexico.

Treygiggled like a little four year old as he felt Noah's warm hands rubbing overhis smooth body. They were in his bed, facing the wall while spooning, eachwearing nothing but their boxers, or boxer-briefs in his case.

"Thattickles," Trey spoke.

Hethought it would be weird adjusting to having a boyfriend, but never havinggirlfriend or boyfriend made it easier for him to readily accept the things hewas doing in his relationship with Noah. It made him feel completely safe andcomfortable to know that a guy like Noah was his boyfriend. It didn't hurt thatNoah was completely hot and a gorgeous body to prove it.

"Youknow we have to wake up anyway," Noah replied, arms still wrapped around Trey'sbody. "We gotta help the girls get packed. And since they're girls, who knowshow long that'll take."

"And then I have to help you pack," Trey spoke, less than thrilled to have toadmit it.

Ittook Noah a moment but he responded.

"Yeah," he sighed, obviously just as sad at the thought as Trey was, if notmore so.

Treyand Noah stayed in bed for a few more moments before Trey felt himselfshivering.

"Damn it's cold in here," he said.

"Evenwith me keeping you warm?" Noah asked.

Treycouldn't help but to giggle again before sitting up in bed and looking around.Since he hadn't been permitted to attend class the past two weeks, he'd beenwaking up later and later and today was no exception for him as his clock readit was almost ten in the morning.

"I'm so glad finals are over though," Noah replied. "Otherwise I wouldn't have beenhere to keep you warm when you woke up."

"Who'sgonna keep me warm when you leave?" Trey asked. He tried to say it positivelybut he had felt very unhappy about the thought and it showed.

"I'llcall you every day. I'll email. AIM you. And I'll come up to visit when I can,"Noah spoke reassuringly.

"No, I don't want you to have to keep coming up here just to see me. I want youto enjoy your break. Enjoy it enough for the both of us."

"I hate that I have to leave you."

"So do I but there's not a lot I can do about it."

Noahand Trey sat in silence for a few moments while Trey looked out the window fromhis bed. It was early Winter so he'd already become used to it looking brightwhite outside and deadly cold in the mornings but for some reason it lookedunnaturally white.

"Is it..." he stood up and walked over to window, now better able to see that itwas clearly snowing outside and apparently had been for a while as everythinglooked completely white. "It's snowing."

"Really?" Noah asked, getting out of bed to join Trey out the window. He lookedaround in amazement with just how much snow there was outside. "You'd swear welive in the North from the looks of all that."

"How did I not know it was gonna snow today?" Trey asked.

"Neither one of us have exactly had time for the news, babe," Noah replied,wrapping his arms around Trey's waist.

"Youhave to go home in that?" Trey spoke.

"Maybe I'll ski home," Noah joked.

Treychuckled as he let himself feel at peace in Noah's arms before being joltedwhen the door shut hard behind him.

Trey,for some reason felt the need to break free from Noah's hold around him as herealized that Shawn was back.

"Oh god," Shawn mumbled, sounding just as bitter as the last time Trey had seenhim. "Why now?"

Treywalked over to the side of his bed to pick up the clothes he'd had onyesterday, suddenly feeling naked in front of Shawn while Noah crossed hisarms, not even bothering to move or put on his clothes as Shawn peeled off thelayers of clothing he'd had on.

"Letme guess, to get away from us, you built an igloo outside?" Noah spokesarcastically.

"Why would I build an igloo when I can just crash in the box your folks livein?" Shawn replied.

"Guys,please, it's too early for this shit," Trey spoke, realizing that he no longercould really control Shawn's emotions the way he was able to before deciding tobe with Noah.

"Halfthe day is almost over," Shawn replied. "Some of us are more productive thanothers."

Noahchuckled as he walked back over to Trey's bed to get his own clothes.

"Thatwhy you're all packed up and ready to go?" asking a question he knew theobvious answer to, which was no. Shawn was just as messy as ever and it wouldprobably take him as long if not longer than the girls to get all his stuffpacked and ready to go.

"Seriouslythough, you keep bumming in my room and I'll have to start charging you somerent. Even real bums know that."

"Keep talking White and watch that mouth fly right off your face-"

"Here," Shawn spoke sticking his face out. "Go ahead, give it your best shot."

"Noah please, not now," Trey spoke.

Noahseriously wanted to knock Shawn out, just to shut him up. But his boyfriend wasasking him not to and the last thing he wanted to do was look like some kind ofbarbaric animal in front of him.

Noahdecided to instead pull his wife beater over his chest and finish gettingdressed.

"We have a lot to do today anyway," Noah spoke.

"Wow.I'll be sure to start caring...two weeks from never," Shawn mumbled as he turnedon his computer.

Treyflashed Noah a pleading look as the two finished getting dressed in silence.

"Forthe love of God, whoever it is is going to be getting an earful," Jessegrumbled as he grouchily made his way to his front door, where someone wasbanging loudly on it.

"What?!"he asked, completely annoyed.

"Did Ilike wake you up or something?" a person he'd probably seen before but couldn'tremember asked, looking him over.

"Yesand I have to say, it's a bit too early to play crazy ape girl at my front dooron a Friday," Jesse replied.

"It's eleven in the morning," the girl replied.

"Isthere a point to any of this?"

"Oh,yeah," the girl started, straightening into what she believed to be an officialstance. "In case you didn't know, I'm one of the landlords here."

"Oneof? look younger than me," Jesse replied.

"Well I AM 18. I'm doing this as part of one of my classes. It's almost likeI'm an R.A."

"Hownice for you, I'm going to make tea. Come in if you'd like."

Thegirl was a bit taken aback with how non-committed Jesse was to their conversationbut followed him anyway back towards his kitchen as he started his stove.

"Whyis this place so large?" the girl asked.



"Well,Kristen, money will buy you a lot of what you want in life. I never have been afan of cramped spaces."

Kristenlooked around in amazed wonderment floored with the size of Jesse's apartmentcompared to hers. Jesse's was almost three times larger and they stayed on thesame floor.

"So,"Jesse started, at he placed a bag of tea into a pot on his stove. "Are we goingto be reaching a point soon or..."

"Right,"Kristen started, taking a seat at one of the stools behind Jesse's kitchenisland. "I just came to let you know that there's a problem with the heatingsystem in the apartments and it's gonna take replacement of every unit in thebuilding."

"I may spend my money on a lot of useless things but I don't even know any ofyou people."

"No, I'm not asking for money. I came to tell you that since it could take uptwo to three weeks to fix everything, everyone is going to have to temporarily relocate."

Jessestared at Kristen seriously.

"And let me guess, you lot don't provide relocation accommodation, right?"

"Iknow this is probably a huge inconvenience for you. I mean it was for me. Thelast thing I wanna do is see my parents for the holidays."

"Thatbad? My parents are divorced and pay no attention to me."

"Mine think I'm dead," Kristen replied.

Jesseraised an eyebrow in bewilderment before looking away from Kristen to tend tohis tea.

"You win," he replied.

"So,of course everyone is getting two weeks knocked off of their rent at the end ofthe month and one free extended grace period in case you're ever late which Iguess doesn't apply to you."

"Notreally no," Jesse replied. "But I fully expect all of my belongings to be intact upon my return. I know how you people like to work with your fast cons.I'll have you know everything in here is insured."

"Even...that,"Kristen spoke, pointing to a large life sized painting of him posing with the Royalfamily.

"Eventhat," Jesse replied.

Kristenstill seemed to be a bit shocked with how huge and how nice Jesse's apartmentpassing for a loft looked in a student operated apartment complex.

"WellI have to go," Kristen spoke, starting towards the door. "I have 117 morepeople to piss off before the day is over."

"Idon't envy that job," Jesse replied, before seeing Kristen out while wonderingwhere he was going to go and what he was going to do for his winter break.

"Doyou absolutely need to take every piece of clothing in this closet?" Zoeyasked, looking over at Grace who'd already packed two full suitcases worth ofstuff and wasn't even halfway finished.

"Girlyou act like we looking through Mariah Carey's closet or something," Gracereplied. "It aint that much shit."

At that moment, Trey and Noah came walking into the room, each holding a coupleof suitcases that they'd gone around asking people to let them borrow forGrace.

"Alright,"Trey spoke, sounding a bit out of breath. "We found some more."

"Oohgood, now I can fit all the rest of my clothes in," Grace squealed with joy,

"Thisgirl wants to kill us. She seriously wants us dead," Zoey sighed, falling backon Grace's bed.

"Youcomplain WAY too much, you know that?" Grace said, semi serious. "My two lovelyboys over there went and did exactly what I wanted without complaining. Oh bythe way, you think one of you could go find me-"

"Aint,"Trey objected. "I'm not going back out there."

"It'snot THAT bad outside," Grace spoke, standing up to look out her window.

"It'stwenty degrees outside," Trey replied. "There's six inches of snow out thereand it hasn't stopped snowing since yesterday. What exactly ISN'T bad aboutthat?"

"Shit,ya'll all complain too much," Grace pouted before sitting back down to gothrough her clothes pile on the floor.

Zoeysat up and crosses her legs Indian style as she faced Noah who was sittingacross the other side of the room on Grace's roommate's bed who was alreadygone for break.

"Soyou guys are set right?" Zoey asked. "I mean, when we get done with Grace weall should be ready to head out right?"

Graceand Noah each flashed Zoey an annoyed look as if she'd said something shewasn't supposed to before Zoey suddenly remembered exactly what it was she hadsaid wrong.

"Oh...Trey,I forgot, I'm sorry," Zoey spoke, sincerely.

"Noit's fine. I mean, I can't blame Nick for what happened forever. He didn'tforce me to come with him that day."

No onereally knew what to say before Zoey decided to speak up.

"Maybeyou'll see my boyfriend, then," Zoey replied. "He's staying up here to do somethings around town."

"Shouldn'twe have already seen him? Like at the formal?" Noah asked, curiously.

"I can't help it if he suddenly decided not to show. But my life doesn'trevolve around him so I was going with or without him."

"What'shis name again?" Noah asked, clearly teasing Zoey now but at the same timegenuinely curious.

"Oh nowyou're being an asshole," Zoey replied. "It's what I get for hanging around abunch of freshman...and a skipped-up sophomore."

"Ooh,you just reminded me we need to stop by Walgreens to pick up them pictures fromthe formal," Grace spoke. "Ya'll know I was looking just too cute in my dress."

"Thedress you borrowed from that ultra annoying Sierra girl," Zoey said.

"Yeah well the girl got taste," Grace replied.

Treywas feeling increasingly sadder with each passing minute and it was starting toshow on his face, which was the reason why Noah had noticed.

"Hey,you alright?" he asked.

Treymustered a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he lied.

Noah, who was sitting behind Trey, started to massage his shoulders.

"Youknow, I may not be looking forward to going home but at least I get to gohome," he said. "I can't imagine what you must feel like right now."

"You'restaying in Triumph Hall during the break right?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah," Trey replied with a sour look on his face.

Triumphwas the last of the four underclassmen dorm halls that anyone wanted to stayin. Not only were the bathrooms communal, but it was the oldest dorm hall oncampus and it showed. The people that stayed there loved to tell everyone thehorrors of how bad it was. The people that stayed there didn't even stay there,really. They usually just stayed with friends. Triumph Hall really needed to berenamed to Disaster Hall.

"Ihate how they just MAKE everyone leave. Just like Thanksgiving," Noah said. "Imean some people might not have family. And those of us that do might not evenwanna go home."

"Am Ithe only person here that actually likes my family?" Grace asked.

No onesaid anything.

"I mean, my momma ghetto and all but she cool, she cool. Damn it's cold inhere. Shit!" Grace shivered, standing up to look back out the window.

"Yeah,we better get finished before things get worse out there," Zoey spoke standingup. "I can already tell it's gonna take us half the day just to get home inthat mess."

Noahcontinued to massage Trey's shoulders as Trey wished that he could stay in hisown room for his unfortunate stay at the school during break. *****************************************************************************************

Jessehad been aimlessly hanging around the Student Union Pavilion for over an hourwondering exactly what he was going to do.

He hadconsidered checking into a hotel for break, the most obvious solution to histemporary problem. But he'd never really been a fan of hotels as they lackedthat certain something all the home places in his life had.

He heard there were a couple of dorm halls staying open during the break forstudents taking the Winter Break classes or ones catching up on exams but he'dheard they were worse than living in a prison and decided that he had muchbetter standards than the school had, apparently.

Verybriefly had he considered Amber and the sorority. He knew that they all had toleave for break just like most everyone else on campus but something would havebeen better than nothing and without Amber there to more or less terrorize him,he'd be somewhat comfortable until he could move back into his apartment.

He was even still contemplating that option as he browsed through the junk inthe upper levels of the student bookstore before he noticed a very unwelcomedface.

"Christmasis a time for good will and spirit," he started. "I believe you missed yourholiday by a good two months and yet, here you are."

"Oh god, here we go," Sierra sighed, as she realized who was speaking to her.

Sierrawas in a long line to sell her books back for a bit of quick cash. A line thatshe'd been standing in for nearly twenty minutes and a line that she wasn'tabout to get out of just because Jesse was here. Even though she was strongly consideringit.

"Ohdon't worry, I didn't come to get involved with any of your many imperfectionsof the day," Jesse started. "I was looking into purchasing my books for nextsemester."

"Oh so you'll be here after all then next year," Sierra spoke, sounding lessthan thrilled. "What a shame for all of us."

"Foryour information Sally Hamburger Body, I happen to resent that statement.Education is important for everyone. And this is a...fine, fine school. Whywouldn't I stay here?"

"Just the way you always talk about this place like its hell on Earth orsomething..." Sierra strayed.

"Well considering demons from hell walk among us, why wouldn't I think-"

"Okay, ignoring you now," Sierra cut Jesse off, turning away from him hopinghe'd go away.

Shelooked away for a few moments before slowly turning her head and realizing thatJesse was still standing next to her and the line hadn't moved forward yet.

"It'salmost like you and these people think getting twenty bucks for a book we allpaid a hundred or more for is something to stand in a concert ticket line for,"Jesse spoke. "I'm half tempted to just give you all a couple hundred and callit a day."

"Okay,let's do that then," Sierra spoke, trying as best as she could to sound likethe perfectly innocent angel she wasn't.

Jessestared at her, trying to determine if she was serious before sighing andreaching into his back pocket to pull out his wallet.

"Women are going to absolutely be the death of me," he said before handingSierra two crisp $100 bills.

Sierrastared at them, in semi disbelief.

"You were serious," she said.

"Whatever," Jesse replied, somewhat grouchily. "Don't take it sentimentally.I'd give a bum on the street more before you."

Jessestarted away from Sierra who quickly caught up to Jesse.

"So, uh, are you going home for break?" she asked.

Jesselooked over at her trying to decide if she was actually serious with theconversation she was trying to start with him before turning back forward.

"Unfortunately,I don't believe I'm wanted home," he replied. "Which suits me just fine thankyou very much."

"Sorry,"Sierra spoke, sincerely.

Jessedidn't speak for a moment before stopping abruptly and turning to face Sierra.


"You tell me what."

"Wearen't friends."


Therewas another moment of silence between them before Sierra spoke up.

"'ssad you don't have anyone to spend the holidays with. Even you deserve thatmuch."

"Yeah well I deserve a lot of things I have yet to receive but I figure it bestnot to dwell on all of that."

"Werein kind of the same boat, I guess," Sierra spoke, sullenly.

Jessedidn't really care but he figured Sierra wanted him to at least pretend asthough he did so he decided to stick around to lend a sympathetic ear.

"I was the youngest and now that I'm in college, my parents have been onvacation after vacation since I left. They're supposed to be back for theholidays but they weren't even around for my eighteenth birthday so I don'thave a lot of faith in them right now."

"Sounds like such the personal problem," Jesse replied. "Why don't you justtake up staying with one of the many...friends, I'm sure you've managed tosecure."

"They'reall going home," Sierra replied. "If we weren't all being forced to leave thedorms I'd probably stay behind."

Jesse sighed.

"Seems like there's a lot of that forcing us all to vacate our homes stuffgoing around," Jesse mumbled with distaste. "Either way, it does seem like wereboth in the same unfortunate line of misfortune. Of course, for me, I can paymy troubles away, however temporarily."

"Ohyou're really gonna rub THAT in my face, aren't you?" Sierra asked.

"Itold you, we aren't friends," Jesse replied, before realizing that now thatthey no longer shared a class together, he wouldn't have to put up with Sierraanymore. "I believe this is the part where we part ways. For good, hopefully."

"And just like that, the status quo makes a return," Sierra grumbled. "I hopeyou choke on a wishbone."

Jessewatched in annoyed disbelief as Sierra started way from him before callingafter her.

"I'mBritish, you spray tanned muppet!" *****************************************************************************************

"Hey,what's wrong?" Noah asked, wrapping his arms around Trey who was sitting on thefloor in Noah's room, folding some of his clothes.

Hecouldn't stop thinking about his life so far. He'd come such a long way in sucha short amount of time and now that he was finally in a comfortable place inhis life even after a bit of struggle, he was going to have to go without beingsurrounded by the constant comfortable familiarity that had made things sogreat for him.

Theworst part was being separated from Noah. They had only been dating two weeks,but he'd known him for months and going one day away from his new boyfriend wasgoing to be just as difficult as going one month without having him around. Notto mention his friends and everything else he had gotten used to.

"It'sjust sinking in now," Trey replied. "I mean I could handle it all when it wasstill hours away but you're leaving soon and I won't get to be around you for amonth."

"I know I know, but I told you, I'm gonna email and call. We can still talk,"Noah replied.

"It'snot the same and you know it."

"Well,I'd come up here but you told me you didn't want me to."

"I know...I know...I just..."

Treydidn't want to cry. He didn't want to look weak in front of Noah. But that wasexactly what he felt like doing just then and Noah could tell. Sensing howfragile Trey was and how emotional he was getting was breaking his heart. Hefelt like he needed to be there for Trey. To protect him and stand by him foreverything. And leaving him for a month to see people he had no desire to seefelt like an active act of betrayal. He knew what it felt like to be betrayed.He didn't want to do it to Trey.

"So...sothen we stay," Noah found himself speaking as he was thinking the words.

Trey turned around to face Noah.


"Yeah...I mean...the R.A's only check the rooms once before leaving and theyalready came by before Jeremy left. They'll probably do the same thing in Arkbefore Shawn leaves. So...we can just stay here for break."

"'re serious?"

Noah hadn't really been completely serious before but just saying the words outloud actually had him thinking that the situation was more and more possible bythe second.

"Think about it, we could run down to Albertson's next door, pick up a shitload of food and other stuff, you know, and just hole up here for break," Noahreplied. "I mean, people are supposed to be on campus anyway for winterclasses. We could always just claim to be here for that. Well, I could anyway."

Treythought the idea was really crazy and still wasn't quite sure that Noah wasreally being serious but was willing to accept it as long as it meant that he'dget to be with Noah during break.

"Youand me, alone, together, for the entire break," Trey said.

"It's turning me on just thinking about it," Noah chuckled before playfullytackling Trey to the ground as the two of them started making out. It onlylasted for a few seconds before Trey started laughing uncontrollably when Noahstarted to nibble on his ears.

Theycontinued to goof around like they were before realizing that someone wasknocking on the door.

"Noah...someone'sat the door," Trey managed to say between laughs and gasps for air.

Noahgave Trey a quick kiss on the lips before jumping up and hopping over to thedoor.

"You'reboth still here?" Noah asked upon seeing Zoey and Grace with bags.

"Justtwenty more minutes she kept saying. If we left the first time she said it wewould've been gone three hours ago," Zoey mumbled as she walked into the room,a bag in each hand.

"I amnot about to kill myself for these people up here," Grace said. "I'll go homewhen it's safe not when they tell me I gotta leave. I pay rent here. They getmy money."

Treystood up, straightening himself out as he realized his friends were stayingbehind just like he and Noah were planning to do.

"Takingyour time packing huh?" Zoey asked, looking around. "You might as well, it'snot gonna get any better out there anytime soon."

"Actually,"Noah started, shutting the door as he set one of the four bags Grace haddragged along with her into the room. "We were planning on staying here forbreak."

"Uh,Triumph ain't the Four Seasons boy. You don't make plans to stay there anylonger than you got to."

"No,not Triumph. I meant here. As in on campus. THESE dorms," Noah replied.

Graceand Zoey exchanged glances before each cracking up in a fit of laughter.

"You can't stay here. They turn off the heat and stuff like that," Zoey spoke.

"Yeah and ya'll can't cook. You'd die here," Grace added.

"Gee, thanks for that," Trey spoke.

"Yeahbut I heard they leave everything on in Ark since it's so close to the classesthey have for Winter Break. We were gonna stay there," Noah said, taking a seaton his bed next to Grace.

"Again, ya'll can't cook. Why're ya'll being so damn crazy? It's bad for likeone day. Tomorrow all that shit out there'll be melted and we can all go hometogether, before we spray down Trey's room in Triumph with Lysol and bless theplace with some oil or something."

"Grace,were not crazy for not wanting to be apart," Noah spoke, sincerely. "Besides, Iwasn't looking forward to going home anyway and now I have an excuse not to."

"Igotta say, my own personal Addams Family, not really the highlight of my winterbreak either," Zoey said. "I can see myself staying here during break with youguys. At least that way I know I won't get into any shouting matches with thestep-monster from beyond hell."

"Zoey, girl are you kidding me? We actually get a month AWAY from school ashard as we work and you actually wanna STAY up here?"

"Yeah, why not? They're staying. Besides I think it'll be kinda fun.Interesting, but fun."

"Yeah, yeah because just trying to survive is always such a fun thing to do,"Grace mumbled.

"Youdon't have to stay," Trey said. "None of you do. I'll be fine up here. I don'twant you to waste your break up here because of me."

Andthat was probably all Trey needed to say before Grace felt guilty for being asselfish as she was. She could tell Noah and Zoey mostly were doing what theywere doing for Trey and the last thing she wanted to do was skip out on the guythat was supposed to be her best friend.

"Alright, fine," she caved. "But black folks need they bacon. And grease. Weneed to go to that Albertsons before they close this place up."

"Triptime?" Noah asked.

"Who's buying?" Trey asked.

"Think we should go find Jesse and make him pay for everything?" Grace joked,not knowing Jesse was staying put just the same as they were. *****************************************************************************************

Jessehad decided that as long as he was going to make a life for himself here inAmerica he was also going to learn how to do a few things for himself that hehadn't really learned how to do. Since he was going to be on his own for acouple of weeks, he decided that he was going to take up learning how to cookas his first project.

He'dseen a local supermarket around called Albertsons a few times and had decidedto stop by in the little amount of time the snow had decided to cease brimmingdown outside, picking up whatever he figured he'd like to use in his cookingefforts.

Hehadn't expected to have been inside as long as he had but picking out what hefigured would be the best tasting and most expensive items at the same time wasproving to be difficult when half the food in the place seemed like somethinghe wouldn't like just because it was all so cheap. Cheap according to hisstandards.

He'dbeen studying the tank holding all the lobster near the meat section of thestore before he noticed someone start towards him but quickly turn the otherway, trying to sneak off as if they hadn't been seen.

"Stalkeris never a flattering title for a woman," he called after Amber who stopped andturned around, facing Jesse.

"Another day you think the world is revolving around you," she said, startingtowards Jesse.

Jessestraightened up, crossing his arms before Amber was standing directly in frontof him.

"I saw you sneaking away. I have to say, I'd no idea you were so infatuatedwith me."

"Gaining five extra pounds does not make me fat!" Amber objected. "Besides, I'mdoing something about it. I'm going to the gym during break. I can't let myfriends see me looking like a gigantic whale."

"So let me get this straight," Jesse started. "Because you've pushed the scaleof a solid hundred pounds now, you're going to miss your entire break just toappease your single brain sharing friends?

"Aww,Jesse. You really think I look like I weigh a hundred pounds?"

Jesserolled his eyes at Amber before starting away from her in the oppositedirection.

"You're insane."

Amberscoffed before starting after Jesse.

"No what's insane is you thinking you have me all figured out. The last timeyou did that you got tossed out on your ass."

"Yes well I believe that's all in the past now so you must be stuck there tocontinually bring it up."

"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be on a flight back to British orsomething?"

Jessechuckled at the stupidity of Amber before turning into another row wanting toturn away the minute he did.

"What?" Amber asked.

"Okay,time to go," Jesse mumbled before starting past Amber.

Amberlooked down the row before a devious grin spread on her face.

"Where ya going JESSE?" she called out, loud enough for half the store to hear.

Jessestopped dead in his tracks.

"Come on, let's go say hi to everyone," Amber spoke, grabbing Jesse and pullinghim down the row.

"Shit,"Noah mumbled as he noticed Jesse and Amber approaching. "Can we please pretendlike we don't see them?"

"Ididn't think the guy did his own shopping," Zoey mumbled.

"Hi guys, what's up?" Amber asked.

Jesse,who looked as annoyed as ever, stood with his arms crossed looking away fromeveryone.

"Hittingthe road soon, just wanted to stock up on junk," Noah quickly lied.

Jesselooked over the single cart that Noah, Grace, Trey and Zoey were apparentlysharing, which looked to be almost full of food and supplies.

"There are three gallons of milk in that basket," Jesse replied. "Planning onbuilding strong bones before you go home?"

"Hey I like milk, okay!" Grace said defensively.

"Oh me too," Amber commented, taking Grace seriously. "Especially soy milk.Keeps me in shape during the off season. Cheerleading's a demanding sport butsomeone's gotta do it.

"Right, well we're just gonna leave now," Noah said, hoping to be rid of Jessebefore he found some way to annoy him.

"Idon't know what's going on but it seems a lot more interesting than what I hadplanned," Jesse spoke. "Tell me, can any of you cook?"

"Don't answer that," Noah cut Grace off before she could start.

"Can Icome with you guys? Jesse's stalking me and its creeping me out."

Jesse chuckled.

"To believe that lie they'd all first have to believe there'd actually besomeone out there foolish enough to want to stalk you," he said. "Before yougo, can you lead me in the direction of the fresh vegetables? I'm making myselfsome chicken carechetta tonight. Apparently, Italian food is really big rightnow."

"Wait, you're not going home for break?" Grace asked, actually concerned forJesse.

Like Noah, she was probably the only person who'd managed to see Jesse with hisdefenses down. Unlike Noah, she actually happened to be able to tolerate Jessefor what he'd done for her.

"Well I've rather decided THIS is my home now," Jesse replied.

"What about your family?" Grace asked.

"My family has never really been an important component of my life," Jessereplied. "I mean, you lot saw my brother."

Everyonethought with distaste about Nick as Grace looked over at Noah with pleadingeyes, who was shaking his head even as she tried looking sadder with her eyes.

"Noah..." she said before Noah let out a defeated sigh and threw his hands in theair.

"Whatthe hell. It's the holidays. I can put aside my feelings for the time being."

"Good," Grace spoke. "Come on boy, you coming with us."

"You aren't going to bring me to some student cultist organization on campusare you? I've heard about those things."

"Boy, be quiet and put that stuff in the basket."

"Inthat case, I'm coming too," Amber spoke.

"Wait, huh?" Zoey asked.

"If he gets to come, so do I," Amber replied.

"No one invited you," Zoey replied, obviously really not wanting Amber to jointheir company.

"Too bad. I invited myself," Amber replied as everyone started down the aisle."You aren't still a dyke are you?"

"Youaren't still a retarded whore are you?"

"Not a retarded one, no." *****************************************************************************************

Shawnwas angry. And considering his life as of late, he had plenty of things to beangry about.

Trey had changed him. He'd never once considered that he might be gay. He'dnever fantasized or thought about any guys sexually until he met Trey. The wayhe treated Trey when he first met him was an indication of his confusion. Theway he treated him as Trey continued to pull him back and forward on littlestrings was an indication of his frustration. And now that Trey had made whatwas seemingly a solid decision, he had no choice but to go back to beingstraight.

Only that was confusing him ever more because he wasn't quite sure he couldwrap his head around just how it was a straight guy could all of a sudden fallfor a another guy and then decided to go back to being straight when thingsdidn't work out. He was almost certain things weren't supposed to and didn'twork that was and didn't know what to do about.

And then of course there was the person Trey happened to have chosen over him,a guy he could personally do without ever having to see again but would foreverhave to as long as Trey was his roommate and the two of them were dating.

Not tomention his problems with Ben and his family.

All ofthat had left him angry. So angry that he had decided he wasn't even going todeal with his family. He was going to hang around the dorms alone to givehimself some time to think about everything in his life that had been goingwrong and what he was going to do to fix it all. The way he saw it, he wasgoing to need that full month of free time to himself.

He wasin a mood that had left him wanting to drown out his thoughts and everythingelse. It was after eight. Everyone was supposed to have vacated the dorm hallat 5 which meant that he was alone and fully able to blast his music as loud ashe wanted to.

He'dhad everyone from The White Stripes to Depeche Mode playing on constant loop asloud as he could take it under the assumption that he could do that.

Thenhe heard what he imagined were knocks coming from his door, but wasn't in ahurry to answer it for thinking he had to be imagining things. When it seemedlike the knocks got louder, Shawn grew worried that maybe he'd be in troublefor not already being gone and jumped up to turn down his music before walkingover to the door and answering it, surprised with what he saw.

"So itget's kinda hard to listen to see if anyone is coming while you're trying tobreak into your best friends room with music playing loud enough to deafenpeople three miles away."

"Do Iknow you?" Shawn asked, having a feeling he did but wasn't quite sure.

"Youknow of me," Sierra replied. "And what are you still doing here? You'resupposed to be gone."

"Soare you," Shawn replied.


"Well, no use arguing that point," she said. "You don't know anything aboutpicking locks do you?"


Sierra pushed past Shawn to let herself into his room while looking around.

"I remember heat," she mumbled.

"Um, what the hell..."


"Whatare you doing?"

"There'sno heat in our dorms. Apparently Ark is the only place with the heat since it'sso close to that hellhole Triumph. Do you have anything to eat in here? I'mstarving."

Shawnwatched in disbelief as Sierra walked over to his mini fridge and startedlooking through it.

"Soyou were trying to break into your friends room because you're staying here forbreak?"

"It's what you're doing right? Lemme guess, outs with the family? I know allabout that."

Shawndidn't want to say and just sighed before taking a seat on his bed as Sierrahelped herself to the Sprite bottle he'd already opened and taken drinks fromearlier in the day.

"Youcan't stay here." he said.

"Who says I want to? Have anything small enough to fit between the space of adoor?"

"No I mean you can't stay HERE. Like at school," Shawn clarified.

Sierrastopped looking around the room only to stare over at Shawn with disbelief.

"You can't be serious."

Shawndidn't respond.

"I could call security and then go hide somewhere while they cart your ass offto jail."

"I really don't think I'd go to jail for staying in my own room. I'm just alost little freshman. What do I know?"

Sierraseemed not to want to touch the comment before she walked over to Trey's sideof the room and plopped onto the bed.

"I'vebeen in here before haven't I?" she asked, now munching on a bag of Doritosshe'd found laying around.

"Probably,lot's of girls have," Shawn replied, trying to sound overly macho.

"Ew,not in this bed have they?" Sierra asked, sitting up some.


Bothof them sat in shared silence over being in a moment they both knew about butdidn't speak of before Sierra found herself sitting up and Shawn found his headsnapping over when the door to the room opened and in walked several people hehadn't expected to see for at least a month.

"Ithought you were the only one here?" Sierra asked.

"Whatthe hell? What are you still doing here?" Noah asked, starting towards Shawn.

"Noah, Noah stop!"

"Well,I'd say this is probably the strangest night in my entire life," Jesse spokeshutting the door behind him.

Everyoneseemed to not know what to say but were all definitely feeling a mixture ofemotions as their common plan to stay at the school for break finally madeitself clear to everyone involved.

"Whatis this, a party?" Amber asked.

"Girl, be quiet," Grace sighed.

"Shawn,what are you still doing here?" Trey asked seriously and sincerely.

"Does it matter? You're here."

"I have to be," Trey replied.

"And him?" Shawn asked.

"I'm his boyfriend asshole," Noah replied, obvious anger searing at thesurface.

"Alright,everyone just calm down," Sierra spoke, still munching on the Doritos. "This isperfect really. We can all be like a little family, spending the breaktogether."

The next twenty seconds or so consisted of nearly everyone in the room yellingthings like no way' and absolutely not' before Trey shouted for everyone tobe quiet.

"Werethe only people here, alright?" he started. "So can we forget about all thedrama we have to put up with during school and just try to get along? Just fornow?"

Everyonelooked around for a while before Noah spoke up, glaring at Shawn.

"We can try," he growled. "Might not work out but we can at least try."

"Yeah, it's the holidays," Zoey said.

"It's December 15th," Amber spoke. "It's not the holidays yet."

"Okay,"Sierra started, chuckling to herself. "I almost forgot, you're THAT one. I'm ontrack now."

Amberstared at Sierra with a confused look on her face before everyone started tosettle down. *****************************************************************************************

The night everyone discovered they'd all be skipping going home for theholidays was a tough night. For starters, they all had to break the news totheir families that they would in fact not be seeing them for Christmas. Formost of them, this was very easy for them to do for their families weredysfunctional enough as it was. For others it was hard having to come up withan excuse as to why they'd be missed, but it was done anyway.

Ofcourse, they'd all agree that that was the easy part. The hard part was havingto put aside their differences with each other in order to coexist together inthe same two rooms. The girls took up shelter in Grace's room while the guysall stayed in Trey and Shawn's room.

Severaltimes a few arguments started which would have led to fights if no one else hadbeen around to stop them.

Everyonehad more or less, however, managed to coexist without alerting anyone as totheir presence in the dorms, which was the one thing the all managed to agreeon.

Beingthe day before Christmas, everyone was feeling a wide range of emotions andsome of them were even differing on their opinions of how to spend the upcomingbig day.

"No,we going to church," Grace spoke almost if her she were certain she'd begetting her way.

"Ohterrific, the wonders of the theological system. Because nothing says let's allband together like Jesus's birthday."

"You didn't tell them about the party did you?" Sierra asked.

"Girl, is you crazy? You can't throw a party here!"

"Congratulations, YOU told her," Jesse sighed before walking away from Sierraand over to another table in the cafeteria.

"I'mserious. Ya'll better not throw no damn party in here. Just because we got thewhole place to ourselves doesn't mean that-"

"Heyguys, I think I just found the keys to the rooms," Amber announced entering thecafeteria.

"Thatgirl's mental," Zoey mumbled.

"Yes,something we can most certainly agree on," Jesse mumbled.

Trey and Noah were sitting at a table to themselves. Noah had cooked a nicedinner especially for Trey and everyone had agreed to give him the much neededalone time he'd been wanting with Trey.

"Idon't know what's going on over there but I don't think I wanna know," Treysaid.

Noahcouldn't take his eyes off of Trey. Ever since becoming his boyfriend it waslike he was seeing him in a completely different light. It was like he was muchmore attractive and captivating. He couldn't help to wonder what he had thatTrey liked that he picked him over Shawn but he was happy he had.

"Whatare you thinking about right now?" Trey asked.

"Justhow lucky I am to have you in my life," Noah replied.


"No,I'm serious. I used to be a much stronger person. And then I let myself juststop caring about everything and I guess the world just stop caring about me.You're the first person, the first thing I've really believed in and the firstperson who's really cared about me. It's making me want more out of life."

Treywasn't sure what to say to that but he knew how he felt. He was happy to bewith Noah as well and had hoped to God every day since they got together thathe wouldn't do something to screw things up between them again. All hisprevious petty fears had been replaced with that more significant one and hewanted to do whatever he had to hold on to Noah. He was after all not just hisfriend but his boyfriend as well and he didn't want to mess both up.

"I gotyou a present," Noah said slyly.

"Really?" Trey asked, innocently.

"Yeah. But you can't have it until tomorrow."



"Pretty please?"

Noahwanted to cave Trey looked so cute just then. But he decided to stick to hisguns.

"Fine, then I'm gonna make you wait for your gift too," Trey replied in fakeanger.

Thatwas about when the lights suddenly went out. Both Noah and Trey heard a coupleof screams and stood up, Noah grabbing Trey's hand as they made their way inthe dark back over towards their friends.

"Un huh, see that's what yo ass get for talking bad about God, Jesse," Gracespoke. "Now our asses is all gonna freeze to death because the power's out."

"Oh.Good. For a second there I thought I went blind or something," Amber spoke.

"Justfor you I'll go see about fixing the problem," Jesse spoke, slightly agitated."I should be trying my hand at more skillful crafts anyway."

"I'llgo see if I can find a few flashlights. There's gotta be some around here,"Trey spoke up.

"Shawngo with him," Grace said. "It's too damn dark in here to be wandering aroundalone."

"NoI'll go," Noah spoke up.

"No, Noah, stay here and watch the girls," Trey spoke, trying to calm Noahdown, who he could tell did not want him going off alone with Shawn. "I'll befine."

Noah didn't like the idea of Shawn and Trey together, especially in the dark insuch a large place but he wasn't so selfish that he was going to leave fourgirls alone in the dark. Plus he was more worried about the girls startingWorld War III with each other than anything else and knew someone had to staybehind.

"Alright, just be careful," he said.

"I'll be fine Noah," Trey replied before starting out of the cafeteria, feelingawkward to be going with Shawn.

"Seriouslythough, how do I really know I'm not blind?" Amber asked aloud.

"I canshow you my fist," Zoey suggested. "A fist and some stars?"

"Zoey..." Grace spoke.

"Where'sthe table?" Sierra asked. "I'm hungry."

Noahsighed, hoping the lights would come back on so Trey could come back. *****************************************************************************************

Thingswere silent between Shawn and Trey, neither really knowing what to say to theother.

Shawnfelt like he should have been upset with Trey and had been acting the way hedid whenever he was upset with Trey, but there was a part of him that couldn'tget upset. He'd since accepted that there was no `switching back' for him. Treywas the first guy that he'd ever fell for and he was still the only guy hewanted. The fact that he was with Noah just complicated things.

Hewasn't really upset with Trey. Trey was near perfect to him. He couldn't blameTrey for having more feelings for Noah than for him. He was upset with Noahbecause he knew he wasn't right for Trey and couldn't stand seeing him do allthe things with Trey that he wished he could.

Hemust have been feeling particularly upset because he blurted out something hehadn't meant to say.

"Areyou happy with him at all?" Shawn asked.

He waslooking through a closet in some random student's room using his cell phone'scamera light while Trey was looking in the cabinets.

Treyturned around to face Shawn, who purposely had his back to Trey as he continuedsearching through the closet.

"Whatkind of question is that Shawn?"

Treyknew exactly what Shawn was trying to do in asking that question and resentedthe fact that Shawn felt he had a right to ask it.

"Youtold me you were gonna go to the formal with me-"

"Oh god, not this again-"

"Andhe ambushes you, gets a minute alone with you and all of a sudden you're eatingout the palm of his hand. How does something like that happen?"

"Shawn,I can't play this game with you anymore."

"What?" Shawn asked, turning around facing Trey in the dark.

"Where I worry about not hurting your feelings because I don't want you mad atme. It's not my job to make you happy and I don't have to give you what youwant."

"No,Trey I-"

"I'm with Noah and yes, I'm happy," Trey replied. "And if you were really myfriend, you'd be happy for me too."

A fewmoments of silence went by between them as they crossed over into the next roomconjoined from the first room and started searching it for flashlights.

"Youknow, it's not Noah I hate," Shawn started.

Trey really just wanted to find the flashlights and get back to Noah but Shawnwas apparently determined to make things difficult.

"I hate the fact that there's something you see in him that you don't see inme," Shawn continued, this time getting Trey's attention. "Like I'm not goodenough for you."

Treystopped searching and stood, listening to Shawn speak behind him.

"It was like every time I thought I was changing, being a better person, itwasn't enough because Noah was already that person. Already the person that Iwas telling myself that I could be, that I had to be if I wanted to be withyou. And it still wasn't enough."

Trey wasn't sure what to say to that. From the minute he'd met them, he'd felta connection to Noah and Shawn. He'd spent more time around Noah, getting toknow him better and getting to fall for him faster. He assumed that it had todo with their connection and didn't want to be wrong about it, but it seemedlike Shawn wanted him to question his decision.

But itwas too late and he knew it. He was happy with Noah. He wasn't going to doanything to screw up their relationship. Even if there was someone out therewho was better for him, he didn't care. As far as he was concerned, Noah wasthe one for him.

Whatcould else could he really say? *****************************************************************************************

"Thiswhole `lights going out the day before Christmas thing is just a little toohorror film hokey for me," Sierra spoke, sitting atop the table Grace, Amberand Zoey were seated at. "I prefer my blindingly bright lawn eyesores."

"That why you bought all them damn lights and put em in around the hallways?"Grace asked, feeling more than a little bored.

"Hey I can't help my Christmas spirit," Sierra replied.

"Youguys think Jesse's dead?" Amber all of a sudden blurted out.

She couldn't see it, but all three girls were staring at her like they didn'tknow what do with her.

"What?"Zoey asked.

"He'sbeen gone like twenty minutes. Either you find a way to fix the lights or youdon't but it doesn't take this long."

"Why do you care anyway?" Sierra asked. "I thought you hated the guy now."

"Really?You hate Jesse?" Zoey asked.

"He's a sweet guy," Grace replied. "If you hate Jesse it must be because YOUdid something wrong."

"I told him before he did it that guys weren't allowed. And then all he did wasignore my generosity. You know, I stuck my shoulders out on the line for him."

"Isn't it `neck?"

"Potato, tomato," Amber sighed.

Noahwas standing a few feet away from the girls, keeping an eye out for anyone ofthe guys to return or anything else he figured he might need to keep an eye outfor and wasn't really paying attention to the conversation going on behind him.

Becauseof this it took him a few seconds to realize Grace was speaking to him.

"Boy I know you hear me speaking to you."

Noahturned around and took a few steps forward.

"Sorry, just...don't you think Trey and Shawn should've been back by now?" Noahasked.

"This place is bigger than the high school I graduated from," Zoey said. "It'sgonna take a little time to find flashlights."

"Besides,they're together. They're fine," Grace added. "I'm worried about Jesse. Noah goout and look for him."

"What?" Noah asked, a bit shocked.

"I'm worried Noah, something might've happened to him. You know its cold andall that snow is out there."

"Right so why risk my life? Who's really gonna care if Jesse's gone?"

"Just go look for the boy. Please?"

Noahmuch would've preferred to go look for his boyfriend and find out what wastaking him so long but he knew that Grace saw something in Jesse that no oneelse seemed to see and he trusted her judgment enough to go do the thing he wasasking of him.

"Fine.But I'm not gonna spend forever out there," Noah said, taking his coat fromSierra who'd picked it up off the table and handed it to him. "For all I knowhe's catching a cab back to London right now."

"Iknow he better not be," Grace replied, seriously.

Thegirls all watched as Noah made his way towards the back of the cafeteria andout the side door that Jesse had used to leave earlier until he was completelygone before realizing they were alone with each other.

"That's so cute how you have him wrapped around your little finger like that,"Sierra replied. "If only we could get all guys to do exactly what we wanted...theworld would be a much better place, lemme tell ya."

"Noahknows I love him," Grace replied. "Were good friends, we do that kind of stufffor each other."

"Theguys are close too, though," Zoey added. "I mean when Trey was unconscious inthe fountain that time, they all stayed with him overnight and the next dayuntil he got better. And they didn't even like each other then."

"Yeahand Shawn spent an entire day helping Jesse find a new apartment and getsettled in," Grace added.

"Notto mention Jesse bailing Trey out of jail when his brother got him in trouble,"Zoey replied.

"They all seem like brothers or something," Sierra spoke. "You wouldn't be ableto tell on the surface though, the stubborn way they act."

"Yeahwell I guess they're like brothers in that way too," Zoey replied. "Fight allthe time. Say they hate each other. But at the end of the day, they look outfor each other."

"Nah,"Amber suddenly intruded. "Jesse's too selfish to be anyone's brother like that.He'll let em all down, you'll see."

"Who asked you anyway?" Sierra asked, joining Grace and Zoey in the `let's gangup on Amber' club.

Amberhad started to say something but stopped and looked up when the lights suddenlycame back on.

"Whata fucking waste of space," Noah mumbled as he walked back into the room, Jessefollowing quickly behind.

"Hey, I thought it was locked and it was dark."

"Rightin front of you Jesse? You couldn't see the breakers right in front of you?"

"I'lldo something you American's rarely do here and take the fifth on this one.Anymore and I'll have to get my lawyer involved."

"Give me a break," Noah mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Hey," Trey spoke, coming back into the cafeteria with Shawn.

Everyone looked them over, noticing they had no flashlights whatsoever withthem.

"Yeah, so we would've been screwed I guess," Sierra spoke.

"What college kid is gonna buy a flashlight?" Amber asked. "When would theyever need it?"

Noahwalked over to Trey looking him over seriously.

"Hey, you oaky?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," Trey replied, before shuddering when Noah touched his face."Your hands are cold."

"Blamethe moron in the red sweater," Noah mumbled, before kissing Trey on the lips.

Shawneyed the exchange, feeling the bottom of his stomach was falling out of hisbody as slowly as possible. He knew that he was going to have to get used tothe sight of seeing them together from now on but even now it was making himsick. He wasn't sure how he was gonna deal with it.

"So, having survived what could have potentially been the worst nightmare ever,I say we should open our gifts now," Zoey exchanged. "Before the next great badevent comes along and we have to deal with it."

"Youknow dyke girl, I think I like your plan," Amber spoke, putting her arm aroundZoey's shoulders.

Zoey looked over at Amber.

"Removethe arm from my shoulders or I'll remove it from your body," she spoke.

"God, what a bitch," Amber spoke before adding. "Just kidding."

Everyonegathered around in a small little group, realizing that Zoey was right, havingno electricity or heat could've been a huge problem for them but even duringthat they all managed to come together to try to work it out. It was almostlike they were becoming their own little family in only a week.

"Wework well in a crisis huh?" Sierra asked.

"Jesse doesn't count," Noah said. "He locked himself in a room without a lockon the door."

"Oh you just aren't going to bloody let that pass are you?" Jesse asked.

"Not achance," Noah laughed along with Grace and Amber.

"We'llsee who all laughs when I cancel the checks for a grand I made out to you all,"Jesse spoke.

Suddenlyeveryone shut up.

"That'sChristmas for ya," Sierra spoke up a few moments later.

"That'sChristmas," Grace agreed.

Noah put his arm around Trey's shoulder as the two of them watched the banter betweentheir friends.

"MerryChristmas," Noah spoke softly.

Treylooked over at him and smiled before looking over at Shawn and flashing him aslight smile who returned it, however meekly.

Aslong as they could all find a way to get along, he'd be happy.

Yahoo Group featuring advanced chapters of the story and other works by me:

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