Living Years

By Jo Jo

Published on Nov 12, 2007


Disclaimer: The following story contains activity that would be considered of homosexual nature between consenting college students. While none of it crosses into a gratuitous nature, if such material is offensive to you or you are not of the legal age to read such material in your area, please do not. Other than that, please enjoy the story!

The Living Years

Chapter 18 "In the Lowest of Places"

"Sorry, not in that one. That one smells," Nick spoke as he was pushed along by the officer.

"Nick, shut up. You don't get to complain in jail," Trey hissed.

"Oh I'm sorry have you ever been in one before? Because I certainly haven't!"

"And you definitely don't get to act like this is MY fault."

Both Nick and Trey stopped as a police officer opened a cell that was already occupied by three other people, all of them over the age of 30, and pushed them inside.

"Hey, do you know who I am!" Nick called after the officer as he started walking away. "Not that this should be taken as a threat or anything but I guarantee you that you'll definitely regret this!"

But his words fell on deaf ears.

Nick turned around to survey his surroundings and the three other guys in the cell.

"They're going to eat us alive aren't they?" he whispered to Trey.

Trey just stared at them all, feeling scared out of his mind and confused as to how things ended up this way.

16 Hours Earlier

"You stayed up all night again didn't you?" Trey asked, upon waking up and realizing that not only was Shawn up but was wearing the same clothes he'd had on the previous day.

He was sitting under his small desk lights, books and papers all over his bed. He looked more than a little on edge.

Trey sat up and looked over at Shawn.

"Finals are in less than two weeks. I have to pass my geography exam or I'll fail," Shawn replied, a Red Bull in hand.

"You're failing?" Trey asked.

"I never went. The guy's Scottish or something. Can't understand a word he says," Shawn replied, taking a sip of the Red Bull.

"So what did you do instead?" Trey asked, curious.

"Went to the movies mostly. You know that new theatre off the service road by the freeway? That one. Saw a bunch of shit cheap at matinee prices."

Trey had only skipped any of his classes a handful of times. And even then he made sure to get notes off the web and studied what he missed. His mom would have a heart attack if he came home with an F. She'd probably stop paying for him to be here too.

Trey just chuckled at Shawn as he stood up and yawned.

He'd since become used to Shawn's staying up to all hours of night and had actually been able to sleep a little better knowing he wasn't at odds with him anymore.

He wasn't really sure what had happened between them that had caused the sudden change in Shawn's behavior. One day he just started sitting with them again at lunch and he was hanging out with him a lot more.

What made him feel even better was the fact that Noah had actually resumed their friendship as well. They hadn't actually talked about getting back together but he would rather have his friendship than nothing at all.

It was like his life was finally back in perfect harmony and all he had to do was wait for karma to finally meet him. Life was good for him. There was no way he was going to let it get worse for him. Especially today.

"So, you're studying for the geography final that isn't for at least another nine days?" Trey asked skeptically.

"Did I mention that I went to class MAYBE two or three times a month after the first one?" Shawn replied.

"Ooh, yeah, you need all the studying time you can get," Trey replied really meaning that. "I'm not really good with geography and don't have a geography class so I can't really help which sucks cuz I want to really really bad."

"What do you know about stealing test answers?" Shawn asked, looking up at Trey.

Trey paused for a moment. He wasn't really sure if Shawn was being serious or not. He hoped not. But then again, he remembered the first time he met Shawn he was asking to cheat off of his placement exam.

"Seriously though, I don't know how I'm gonna get through this," Shawn replied. "Hey maybe I should join one of those secret on campus societies you always seem to hear about. You know all their members pass and have ass flying out the windows."

"The Skulls was a really bad movie Shawn," Trey replied simply as he walked over to his closet to get his clothes for the day.

He wasn't really worried about his own finals. The only one that he knew he needed to be somewhat concerned with was his upper level math class. He'd placed out of the two standard Algebra classes that everyone had to take and directly into one that he would need for his major. As it was, he was of only handful of freshman in the class. Most everyone was a sophomore or junior.

"Well at least the good news is that you do have nine days to study," Trey said.

"Who actually wants to study for nine days straight?"

Trey turned around.

"At least it's not cumulative?"

"There. That one. Yeah."

Trey chuckled as he finished putting on his clothes and started brushing his teeth.

He'd barely started before there was a knock at the door.

"Ooh, toothpaste mouth," Shawn spoke looking over at Trey looking at him in the mirror. "I'll get it."

Shawn jumped off of his bed and half jogged to the door before opening it and growing semi confused.

"You look familiar. I know you right?" he asked.

"Of course you do Sam," Nick replied. "I'm here for Trey."

"It's^ÅShawn, actually," he clarified.

"Right, right," Nick said, showing himself into the room. "There's the man of the hour."

"What are you doing here? Jesse's brother, right? That's why I know you?"

"I'd rather not be referred to as Jesse's brother thank you," Nick replied. "I have a hard enough time as it just admitting it to myself sometimes."

"Sibling rivalry. Nothing like it huh?" Shawn chuckled as he walked back over to his bed.

Trey finished brushing his teeth, slowly. He was a bit confused as to why Nick was here. The last time he'd seen him had been last week when they talked at lunch. It was a nice conversation and Nick was a nice guy but he hadn't really expected him to remember the entire thing, let alone show up at his doorstep so early in the morning.

"You don't go here right?" Shawn asked.

"Of course I go here, Shawn," Nick replied. "Education is very important to me you know."

"I'll bet," Shawn mumbled, amused.

"Nick, hey," Trey started. "What are^Åwhat are you doing here?"

"Well," Nick started, surveying the room as he did. "I wanted to see if you wanted to join me in walking to class^Åbloody hell one of you is absurdly untidy."

"Yeah, that would be me," Shawn replied looking down at the mess on his side of the room. "I find it comforting now."

"I find it borderline nauseating," Nick replied. "Maybe you should look into hiring some help or something."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that," Shawn mumbled.

"You really want ME to walk with YOU to class?" Trey asked.

"Well why not? You haven't got any illnesses I should know about do you?"


"Well, then sure," Nick replied. "We're friends right?"

"Since when?" Shawn asked, defensively.

Trey hadn't even really been aware that it was still there. The defensive way Shawn would get anytime he was around another guy. It wasn't necessarily jealousy, just caution. Like he was trying to look out for him. He actually found it kind of cute.

"I'd ask you along but you look rather comfortable in the makeshift cave you've made for yourself," Nick spoke as he started towards the door. "I'll be downstairs in the lobby. I was advised to take the stairs here. Apparently your lifts here break on a weekly basis."

Trey knew that was true and decided to agree to Nick's request beginning to get his things for the day together.

Shawn was trying to concentrate on his studying but couldn't help watching Trey as he got ready. He didn't really think of himself as the jealous type but he couldn't deny there was a part of him that didn't want to like the idea of Trey walking with Nick to class not because of who he going with but because he was going at all with a guy that wasn't him.

He wasn't sure how he was going to get over feeling like that or if he ever would.

"You'll be okay?" Trey asked as he put his coat on.

Shawn stared at Trey for a few moments before responding.

"Yeah," he replied.

With his studying he was mostly confident he would be. With learning to not feel like he had to be so protective of Trey he wasn't quite sure.

"Um, I don't mind strays when they look this good," Grace said as Trey entered their Psychology class, Nick in tow.

Grace straightened herself up, wide goofy grin appearing her face as Nick looked in her direction.

"Don't you have all the same classes as your brother?" Trey asked, slightly annoyed.

He liked Nick a good deal better than he liked Jesse but he was actually starting to see how it was possible for them to be related. They both liked to assume the world revolved around them and they both liked doing and saying whatever they felt like.

"My schedule is easily adjustable," Nick replied. "Don't tell me you mind the company?"

He actually did somewhat. Even Shawn and Noah never followed him around this much. First it was his English class. Now it was this one. He knew he needed to branch out and start getting more friends, but Nick was just completely above and beyond everything he thought he could handle in a first friend. He was like twenty popular, confident people built into one!

At the moment though, Trey was feeling a bit overwhelmed.

He frowned as he squeezed past Grace to take his seat to her right. There was an empty seat to her left, which Trey thought Nick would take but he was completely surprised and a little annoyed when he squeezed past both of them to sit next to him.

"Have they ever heard of leg room here? There's more on an airplane than the little that's here," Nick said as he sat down.

Trey rolled his eyes as Grace leaned in to talk to him.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Trey looked over at Nick who seemed to be introducing himself to anyone around him that would listen before looking down feeling annoyed.

"I like the guy and all but he's smothering me," he replied. "And I just met him!"

Grace looked over at Nick.

"Well don't let him know that," she replied. "Now that you two are best friends or whatever you can ask him what he likes in a girl so I can do it and he can ask me out."


"Boy don't argue with me," Grace spoke firmly.

Trey found it amazing how much Grace reminded him of his own mother sometimes.

"Are you sure I even really need him as a friend? I mean Shawn and Noah are talking to me again and I still have you and Zoey."

"Trey, what did I just say?"

Trey stared at Grace for a moment before starting his reply.


"Why are we still talking about this? Hey, ask him if he likes big booties."

Trey sighed as Nick turned around and looked over at him.

"I had no idea there were so many beautiful women in this class," he said.

Trey looked over at him incredulously.

"You've never BEEN in this class!"

Nick nodded.

"Yes well now that I've seen the splendor of what I've been missing, I think I'll stay," Nick replied.

Trey sighed and looked over at Grace.

"Don't," she said as Trey just stared ahead, suddenly starting to a feel like he'd agreed to a bad deal he now couldn't get out of.

"So the test in here is cumulative right?" Sierra asked Noah, who hadn't been paying attention.

"What?" he asked, sitting up and looking over at her.

She was about to repeat her question when she noticed Jesse walking into the classroom.

"Oh great, here comes our own British Satan."

Noah looked over towards the door as Jesse approached them. He felt more neutral towards Jesse these days than anything else. He didn't like him but he no longer hated him like he used to. He still felt sorry for him though. That part probably wasn't going to change.

"Cut him some slack, he thinks the world revolves around him," Noah said as he sat up watching Jesse approached.

"Yeah and he expects us to cater to that too," Sierra replied. "This is me, throwing up a little in my mouth at the thought."

"A little hag in the morning, how lovely," Jesse said upon reaching Noah and Sierra and noticing Sierra's glare.

"Is this gonna turn into another one of those times you lose an argument you start?" Sierra asked.

"I've decided life is just a little more enjoyable if I DO ignore you," Jesse replied. "There's a nice corner over there you can use to cry about it if you like."

Sierra rolled her eyes at Jesse as he sat down next to Noah.

Noah could already tell that Jesse had something on his mind and was already prepared to hear whatever it was whether he wanted to or not.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

"Theoretically, exactly how much money do you think it would take for a person to get away with murder?"

Noah didn't know how to respond to the question. He wasn't even sure if Jesse was being completely serious.

"Is this about your brother?" he asked.

"Who by the way was actually missing this morning, but that's not the point," Jesse started. "He's never going to leave. We'll both be two old men living together never having gotten married because he wouldn't leave for it to happen to either of us. We'll die together. Bloody hell, we'll DIE TOGETHER!"

"Jesse, calm down," Noah spoke, still not really sure how to deal with Jesse.

Jesse was just so above and beyond the norm for him. Noah had to constantly ask himself if he was dealing with a real person half the time.

"And your bloody suggestion of making my feelings known turned out disastrously might I add," Jesse replied. "If we were friends, I'd seriously reconsider the deal."

Noah just stared at Jesse who seemed to be thinking about something temporarily.

"Well, you could always just move and not tell him where you're going," Noah suggested, only half serious. "I'm sure London misses you."

"I'm sure as well," Jesse replied. "But I'm afraid I can't just leave."

"Why not?"

Jesse stared straight ahead at nothing in particular as he recalled the exact reason why he couldn't just leave or demand his brother to do the same. He knew he couldn't tell Noah either. He'd most certainly have himself a good time with the entire ordeal.

"Well, he's awfully stubborn, that's all," Jesse replied. "He's always been a bit of a lazy bum. Always depending on the efforts of others. I'm amazed his made it to a solid 21 so far."

Noah decided against taking any jabs against Jesse in his disenfranchised state.

"Sucks, I guess," he replied. "But you did say it, we aren't friends."

"Yeah, you're just a sap who'll listen. I don't expect anything from you. I'd imagine not many people do."

"Can we please warp back to reality? You know, the one in which we DON'T CARE!" Sierra exclaimed.

"Well you're just a bloody brilliant bucket of love yourself, aren't you?"

"Okay, guys, could we maybe chill?" Noah interjected.

He didn't need all their drama and certainly didn't want it.

"I'm going to remember how much a help you were, you know," Jesse said, sitting back.

Noah was sure that Jesse had wanted him to take that statement as some kind of threat. If only he cared enough to do that, though.

There was never going to be a time, at least that he could think of, where he'd actually need Jesse's help for something.

Not in this lifetime.

"A through L in the back," Grace said, walking up to Trey with a textbook in her hands. "You think places with a lot of paper like this would catch on fire easily?"

"Why? Is someone in here smoking?" Trey asked.

He and Grace were in the school bookstore looking at the prices of the books they'd need for next semester. Knowing they'd pass all of their current classes, they went ahead and signed up for their next semester classes and were getting a jump start on trying to get everything they'd need before they left for the Christmas break in a little over a week.

"Awfully cramped little place isn't it?" Nick asked, shivering for some reason even though it wasn't cold.

There were three different bookstores on the campus, all of them in the same place. Where they were, the one on the bottom basement level of the biggest of the three, was where they kept all of the freshman and sophomore course textbooks.

Trey was doing his best to just go about his day like he normally would have but Nick was so curious about everything he did he just had to do it too. It was like Nick was a puppy that Trey had to take care of because the puppy wouldn't leave him alone so that he wouldn't have to. Or something like that, he figured.

All he knew was that he'd moved from annoyed straight to being agitated. He hated whenever he was agitated because the slightest little things could set him off and he had to work double time just to make sure that he didn't snap at any of the wrong people.

Trey and Grace looked over at Nick looking around at the bookstore before Trey looked away, sighing.

There were several other people in the bookstore as well. A lot of them were trying to sell their current books back, already, before finals week, which Trey found odd.

"Do either of ya'll know why a philosophy class would suddenly turn into Fundamentals of World Religion for second semester?" Grace asked, to break the obvious tension. She knew Trey well enough by now to know when he was starting to feel agitated.

"I could probably teach a course on that subject, myself," Nick spoke, enthusiastically. "I've been to at least three different cities on every single continent. A true connoisseur for the finer things in life."

"Yeah well right now, our `finer things' consist of locating the seven, no make that eight books I'll need for my six classes next semester," Trey replied. "I swear, they really want us all to stay broke."

"Boy, don't even talk to me about being broke," Grace replied. "I had to start saving money for Christmas gifts after LAST Christmas."

"Oh, Christmas. Such a lovely time of year," Nick spoke as he and Trey started walking towards the back of the bookstore. "Especially when spent in the south of France. Let me tell you, those French? Not quite as rude as everyone makes them out to be."

Trey scanned the row of books before him, trying as hard as possible to pay attention to what he was doing but realizing he was failing as Nick peered over his shoulders at his schedule for next semester.

"What is that? 16, 17 hours?"

"18," Trey replied. "Could you move back?"

Nick took a step back before yawning and looking around.

"I've never really been a library person. A bookstore person either, for that matter. Do you think I should get the same books as you, mate?"

"What?" Trey asked, as they moved to another row.

"Well if we're going to be in the same classes next semester-"

"Wait? What? How? You're not even a student here."

"Well no, not officially. But unofficially I believe I can be one of the best and brightest minds this school has ever gotten to come through its doors."

Trey rolled his eyes at the ridiculous notion. In the three classes that Nick had followed him to throughout the day, he'd slept the entire time in the first one, passed notes along to a trio of sorority sisters in the second one and managed to get him and his classmates out of having to take a pop quiz in the third one by telling the professor about his life. That last one wasn't that bad actually.

But still. He was annoying.

"Nick, maybe you should start thinking about all the people who might be missing you in London right now," Trey started.

He'd said it while walking but had to stop when he realized that Nick had stopped right in the middle of the aisle.

Trey turned around to face him.

"Well, what? Do you not wanna be mates anymore? Is that what you're saying?"

Trey was kind of half way on the topic. He found Nick to be a little more than he could handle but he also figured that had more to do with his own limited experience when it came to dealing with people. He had a feeling if he was more outgoing like his friends, he'd be enjoying Nick's company more. At the very least, he figured he would have found him less annoying.

And that was something he had to at least take into consideration.

"No, I'm not saying^Å.I'm not saying that-"

"Too much huh? I thought as much," Nick started, somberly.

Trey could tell he was being sincere. He sounded much like he did back when they had that talk about his bad situation with Shawn and Noah. And that had been what he needed at just the right time. He at least owed Nick another chance.

"I've never stayed in any place for too long. Even when I was living in London I was always on the run. I never gave myself a chance to be comfortable anywhere. I guess I'm just trying to do what I think I'm supposed to do."

"I think that's the problem," Trey said after a few moments of silence between them. "The trying thing? If we're gonna be friends you're just gonna need to let it happen on its own. Trust me, I had to go through learning the same thing."

Nick smiled, feeling much better than he did before.

"I like your positive attitude T.J.," he said, referring to Trey's first and last name.

"T.J.?" Trey silently asked himself as Nick put an arm around his shoulder and started leading him down the aisle of books.

"I think the first order of business for myself is to find a way to make sure I do get to stay here at this school. I mean, you said it yourself, I'm not really a student here."

Trey was giving Nick his chance. He just hoped he wouldn't live to regret it.

"Would you like to donate anything to the Make-A-Wish charity foundation today?" a dark haired Asian girl with a wide smile on her face asked Jesse.

Jesse stopped and looked over at her and her area. She was sitting at a table directly in the lobby of the dorm hall in which Jesse was hoping to find Noah. She was alone and was quite attractive. A near perfect ten and certainly worth his time, Jesse thought.

"I've got a wish that YOU can donate to," Jesse started, leaning across the table and taking the girls hands into his.

The girl giggled as Jesse held his gaze into her eyes. He only stopped when he realized that the girls eyes had started to look past his, following something behind him that was apparently moving away.

Jesse turned around.

"Really? Really, you with this?"

"What do you expect, you're ambushing me in my dorm-"

"I'd hardly call my resorting to coming to you for advice a measure of stalking-"

"Okay," the girl before Jesse said, interrupting the argument between him and Noah. "Are you two like, dating?"

"What?" Noah asked.

"Jesus Christ, no!" Jesse exclaimed. "Look at me love, do I look like a cocksucker to you? That's his deal-"

"Leaving, now-"

"Okay, okay wait!" Jesse called after Noah before excusing himself away from the girl and her table and rushing over to his side.

Noah, however, kept walking.

"What are you even doing here? Weren't you the one that said we weren't friends?"

"And make no mistake, we aren't. But I've decided I rather like your perspective on my shit filled life as of late. Mostly because you have one yourself and-"


"My brother is blackmailing me!" Jesse blurted out.

Noah stopped, turned around and stared at Jesse before sighing and setting his backpack down so the two of them could talk. They were standing in one of the back hallways in the dorm that led to one of the fire escape exits. No one went there.

"About what?"

Jesse gritted his teeth and stared hard at the ground. He never wanted to admit the reason to anyone. But he figured admitting it someone who probably wouldn't care enough to tell other people was a lot better than his brother telling everyone who'd listen.

"It was a^Åit was a little while ago. I was feeling a little^Ådepressed. Down. Told myself I needed some friends and like the idiot I was, I allowed myself to befriend someone who'd turn around and stab me in the back thanks in large part to my sad excuse for an older brother."

"So what'd he do take pictures of you naked in the shower and give them to your brother or something?" Noah asked.

"No that was Jenny McCarthy in Rome and we're getting off subject here," Jesse replied. "I WISH that had been the case that applied here, but no, unfortunately, we're moving into Paris Hilton caught on tape seedy here."

Noah crossed his arms and got a firmer stance on where he was standing as Jesse went on.

"You see, after spending hours showing him around campus we came back to my place and he wanted to see my bedroom and then offered to give me a back massage-"

"Your brother?"

"No, the guy. I forget his name. But can you please rise above your grade school thinking standards and stay on MY level here?"

"Alright, fine," Noah sighed, upset that he was agreeing to stop teasing the easily teased Jesse. "Go on."

"Well, needless to say, somehow I ended up with another male hanging off the end of my lips with my brother catching the entire rudimentary act on film."

"Wait a second, wait a second. You're telling me that YOU, king of all that is straight and holy, made out with another guy?"

"Believe me, the thought is just as cringe inducing to me as it is you. It's not something I care to go around admitting to other people either. It doesn't look very good for anyone's case to admit to doing something like that completely sober and not drugged."

Noah was doing all he could to keep from laughing at Jesse's very ironic situation. He was now part of the club' the way he saw it. Whatever the club' was. There was no way he was going to be able to get away with calling him out anymore. Not after this.

"What CAN I do really? Unless I let my brother stay on my everlasting and always waning last nerve, he'll tell people false information about me."

"Well it's not really false information if he has video proof-"

"The POINT IS^ÅI'm not gay. And I don't mean that in a way to be condescending towards you or any of your kind. I bet you'd all love for me to be one of you wouldn't you?"

"Jesse, believe me when I tell you that NO ONE wishes you were gay," Noah replied, before finally letting out a chuckle as he picked up his backpack and started towards the lobby.

"Well where are you going?" Jesse called after him.

Noah just shook his head, his back to Jesse, before motioning for him to follow.

"YOU don't have a video camera, now do you?"

"You think I could get into Harvard like that?" Zoey asked, staring.

"I don't know. I wanna see if it works at my old school. Got some bitches I'd LOVE to beat down," Grace replied, also staring.

She, Zoey and Shawn were sitting at their usual lunch table, discussing the fact that Nick had managed to masquerade as a student at the school for over two months without anyone realizing or questioning him and whether or not they'd be able to get away with trying it elsewhere.

"Come on guys shut up. Here they come," Shawn said, turning in his seat as Nick and Trey approached them with lunch trays in hand.

The three of them all got quiet as they watched Trey and Nick take seats at the table. Grace had told Shawn and Zoey all about Trey's problems with Nick and were expecting him to be more than a little annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Trey asked, as he pulled his seat closer to the table.

Zoey and Grace exchanged glances.

"You three," Nick started, shaking his finger forward while grinning. "You three are great, you know that? You're all so adorably small. You're all freshman, yes?"

"Say what?" Grace asked.

"Give me a break," Zoey mumbled.

"Guys," Trey spoke, hoping that would be all he needed to say. He couldn't have been the only one who noticed that Nick wasn't really used to having to be himself around people who weren't trying to worship his every move at any given moment.

"Well I for one am glad I picked you all to be friends with," Nick continued. "I mean, you've all been so great in your own ways. Be sure to tell me your birthdays sometime soon too. I foresee great presents coming your way."

"My birthday's next week!" Grace spoke up, excitedly. "You can get me a car."

"Grace!" Trey exclaimed.

"Well can a sista get a damn car? Shit," Grace pouted.

"Ignore her Nick," Trey replied. He knew he had to say it because he had a feeling that Nick was actually thinking about what kind of car to get her.

"So, when's the next party?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Zoey started. "We don't really do that all the time."

"Or at all," Shawn added. "The girls are kinda boring. You wanna know about all the best parties, look no further than me. I got a lot of frat buddies."

"Well isn't that convenient," Nick spoke amused. "I do wanna try everything I can get my hands on here. I had no idea the university experience could be so bloody fun!"

That was the last thing Nick said, happy, before his entire demeanor changed once he realized that his brother was headed in his direction.

"Hey look it's Noah," Zoey pointed out, obviously noticing Noah and Jesse headed their way as well.

"Quick, do any of you know how to make a person disappear?" Nick asked, actually sounding serious.

"Sure, I'll just consult my best friend Houdini^Å" Zoey strayed before rolling her eyes at Nick and getting into a mini conversation with Grace about him.

"Hey guys," Noah greeted everyone, most specifically Trey.

"Hey," Trey greeted as Noah took a seat at the end of the table next to Nick.

"What's good?" Grace asked.

"Can we start with what's not good?" Jesse interjected.

"Here he goes making everything about him," Nick mumbled. "Hope you've all made yourselves comfortable, we'll be here awhile."

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you, Nicholas? You seem to make yourself comfortable everywhere you go."

"Can we not get into this right now?" Noah spoke up. "I've been dealing with it all day."

"Same here," Trey found himself speaking up.

Jesse and Nick glared at each other before Jesse snorted, looking away.

"Okay, so this is awkward," Shawn said after a few moments of silence from everyone. "How about those finals huh?"

"Ooh, don't talk to me about them damn things," Grace spoke up, frowning. "Six classes my black ass has. SIX! You know you're supposed to study two hours outside class for each hour you're in class. I don't even think there's enough hours in the week!"

"That's why you should've done like me and only took twelve hours," Shawn replied. "Three classes less than you with a lab."

"Not everyone wants to be here more than four years Shawn," Grace replied.

"Not everyone here even BELONGS here," Jesse spoke up looking over at his brother. "Lest we forget your newest Scooby Doo gang pal isn't currently enrolled here. Tell me Nicholas, what were you planning to do during finals week? Take your own pretend finals?"

Everyone could feel the awkwardness of the situation and no one really knew what to do or say. Two brothers were fighting before them and they didn't know how to handle it.

Trey thought that Nick looked angry enough to actually hit Jesse but he surprised him when a he flashed a confident smile.

"Again, you're absolutely right Jesse. You're always right when it comes to these things," he said.

Jesse nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm generally right about everything. It's why I'm so loved."

Everyone either rolled their eyes, scoffed or mumbled something to the contrary as Nick spoke up once again.

"I know it isn't fair for me to just be here for the sake of being here. I mean, there are a lot of people that, for whatever reason, actually WANT to be enrolled here," he continued. "But be that as it may, if I'm going to stay here I'm going to need to be enrolled, right."

Everyone looked around at each other.

"Right?" Nick repeated.

"Well, yeah," Trey replied. "I mean I guess that's a good idea. If you really wanna stay here."

"Oh believe me, I have plenty of reasons to stay," Nick replied. "Don't I, little brother?"

Jesse glared at his brother while everyone looked around at each other, still not really sure what to do or say.

"So you're going to help me, yes TJ?" Nick asked.

"TJ?" Shawn asked, looking over at Zoey and Grace who each shrugged.

"Ummm^Å." Trey started.

He was hesitating because on the one hand, he wanted to give Nick a chance as long as he intended on staying at the school. But he wasn't really thinking about doing anything beyond that. The last thing he wanted to do was be the own cause of his misery and stress when it came to everything that was Nick.

"Sure," he replied, realizing that his biggest weakness was in the form of not being able to say no.

"Excellent, we'll start today," Nick spoke excitedly.

"Start what today?" Trey asked.

He was starting to regret saying he'd help Nick and he'd just said that he would two seconds ago.

"Yeah, I mean the end of the semester is in less than two weeks. There's not really time for you to do anything," Shawn replied.

"Are you a quitter Sam?" Nick asked.

"Actually, it's Shaw-"

"Because I'm not a quitter. I can do this. I can do anything," Nick replied. "And TJ is going to help me. Because he's my friend. Did you hear that Jesse? I have friends and you have your right hand."

"Good for you," Jesse mumbled. "I guarantee you none of them like you."

"Hey, that ain't true boy!" Grace exclaimed before putting on a smile and batting her eyelashes at Nick. "My favorite color is red by the way. And I DO drive a stick shift."

"Would you lay off the car thing?" Zoey asked, half amused with her friend.

Trey felt trapped all of a sudden and upset that if it wasn't one thing, it was always another. College wasn't so easy.

"We'll meet later to talk, yes?" Nick asked.

Trey stared at Nick before letting out a sigh. He knew he was too far `in' whatever it was to get out now.

"Sure," he replied. "Whatever."

"Great, I've gotta run but I'll see you later," Nick spoke excitedly before rushing off suddenly.

No one really spoke for a few seconds. Shawn and Noah looked over at Trey who was staring hard at the table in front of him. Zoey and Grace looked over at Jesse.

"Aspirin anyone?" he asked.

"So you're really gonna go off and do whatever crazy thing Jesse's brother has cooking up to help him be a student here?" Shawn asked.

He and Trey were relaxing in their dorm room. Truth be told, neither of them were really actually relaxing. Shawn was busy half studying for his impending Geography final while Trey was nervous over the thought of helping Nick.

Nick was like his brother but had an added dose of wackiness that made him seem so far out there that he really could be considered dangerous to hand around. But then Trey would feel that it was just him being paranoid about things he had no idea would happen and as far as he knew would never happen and had to try to get himself to relax.

He was only half succeeding.

"What's wrong with that?" Trey asked, biting his nails atop his bed.

Shawn chuckled before shaking his head at Trey and looking back down at his work.

"Were already in college," he started. "It's not our job to help other people get into college. Can't he just buy his way in like Jesse did?"

"Jesse's actually smart," Trey replied. "He could've gotten into Harvard."

"Yeah then why is he here?"

"I think he's trying to prove some kind of point."

"Yeah, well my point is that if you don't really wanna help Nick, you don't have to. You can just say no."

"I know that Shawn. But he likes me. He wants to be my friend and I don't think he has anyone else."

"Do you like him?"

"He's okay. Annoying, but okay."

"So why do you look so nervous then?"

Trey thought about his answer for a moment and was actually about to respond before there was a knock at their door.

Trey looked over at Shawn nervously before he got up to answer it.

"TJ I've come up with a plan that's so bloody brilliant you can't refuse it," Nick said excitedly as he stepped into the dorm room, looked around and stepped back out. "I'd almost forgotten how tragic the one side of the room looks. Can we just talk on the way?"

Trey looked back at Shawn with a worried glance. Shawn just shrugged at him, seemingly amused with his situation before Trey turned around, shutting the door behind him.

"Have you ever seen the movie Mission Impossible? Because this is going to be Mission Possible by the time we're done."

Trey was worried. No, afraid. Trey was now afraid.

"So you make house calls now?" Noah grinned as Jesse stood before him at his dorm room door.

Jesse rolled his eyes and sighed, annoyed.

"I think I might need to go on some kind of pills," he said. "I don't normally fall this low."

"Are you gonna come in or do you wanna talk in the hall?"

Jesse looked around before stepping into Noah's room, looking around. It was the first time that he'd been inside of his room. It was a little larger than Trey and Shawn's dorm room and much neater overall. It made him wonder why he'd originally thought this particular dorm hall was too far beneath him.

Noah placed his hands inside his pants pockets as Jesse struggled with starting a conversation.

"Yeah, I was kinda working on a new song," Noah started.

"A crooner are you? Unless you become the next Mick Jagger, I don't really see how you expect to do well for yourself in life."

"At least I'd have earned my way," Noah shot back.

Jesse knew there wasn't really any use arguing that point. They both knew that even if his father weren't still making money, he'd be set the rest of his life. His children would be set the rest of their lives. His grandchildren would probably even be set for the rest of their lives.

"What do you want?" Noah asked.

He only had so much toleration for Jesse and he'd started off badly, putting him into an aggravated state.

"You're not one for letting people get into character are you?"

"Why? You're one all the time-"

"Alright, look. I wanted to come here to talk to you because as much as I don't really enjoy the idea of confiding in a cocksucking-"


"I know my brother," Jesse started, sincerely. "He doesn't just make friends with people. People to him are just means to an end. He has a constant agenda in furthering his own personal satisfaction and I'm afraid of what he might do to corrupt that idle little boyfriend of yours."

"Trey and I aren't really^Åwe aren't dating."

"Really? Well, I can't really keep up with the inner workings of your love life. I'd have to be interested first."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because," Jesse started, looking out the window near the computer desk. "You're the only person here who has even the slightest inkling of what my brother is capable of. I figured when it came to your friend, you'd show some concern."

"What exactly do you want me to do, Jesse? I mean, if Trey wants to be friends with your brother, that's his business. I'm not gonna try to stop him just to make YOU happy."

"I don't think you understand what I'm trying to tell you," Jesse started.

"Here? You led me here?" Trey asked in disbelief as he stared at the building before him in the dark night.

"Yes, I've done my research. I think I've done rather well for myself," Nick replied, gleaming with pride.

Trey just looked around for a few seconds, standing in disbelief, before sighing and placing his face in the palm of his right hand.

"Come on," Nick said, starting towards the building.

"You can't be serious. It's closed. As in locked up. We can't get in there!"

"Ah, but we can, but we can," Nick spoke, with a sinister glare in his eyes, making Trey feel uneasy.

"My brother doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's never feared for the consequences of his actions because he believes he's above everyone. He thinks just because he has money that he can buy his way out of anything," Jesse explained.

Noah stared at him, seriously.


"And? You still don't get it?"

Noah just stared at Jesse who let out a sigh and strolled around the room.

"If Trey is with my brother, who wants nothing more than to torment me by becoming a student at this school, he's not exactly safe from my brother's plans to do whatever it'll take to make that possible.

"What, are you trying to tell me Trey's not safe with your brother?"


"Found the place I'm looking for. Can you believe how easy that was? Where does all the money go if not for security?"

"Nick, why are we here?"

"Because TJ, you said so yourself, the semesters almost over. I need to be a student here before the end of the semester and there's logically only one for me to make that happen."

Trey wasn't liking where things were heading. Already he'd broken into the Dean's Office with Nick which was bad enough. But apparently Nick had plans for the place. Probably more illegal plans.

"I wanna leave," he said.

"No, you stand guard here. I'm gonna go call my mate Gibson back in London and ask him to take me through the steps of hacking into-"

"What?!" Trey near shouted.

Things were silent between Jesse and Noah as Noah tried to determine how serious Jesse was being with him.


"Look, all I'm trying to do is warn you. God knows why, it's not like I owe you anything." Jesse replied. "Then again, I wouldn't exactly wish my brother on anyone."

"Is Trey safe?"

Jesse didn't reply.


"He's as safe as can be with my brother. I mean, my brother isn't going to get Trey involved with anything life threatening. No, he's much too self-absorbed for that."

"So then what?"


"Nick, hurry up!" Trey called from the hallway.

He didn't like where he was. He didn't like what he was doing. And he'd decided finally that he didn't like who he was with. But he'd been stupid enough to allow himself to get as far as he had. There was nothing he could do other than to do what he was supposed to, which was to keep watch for any security guards as Nick attempted to illegally hack into the school's computer systems to make himself a student. A crazy plan if he if ever heard one.


"Of course its password protected but I made a stop at the Registrar's Office first. The women here are so easily charmed."

Trey glanced to his left and to his right. As far as he could tell, no one was coming. But he didn't really have any experience with breaking and entering. For all he knew, there were cameras in the place. Which would explain why Nick had given him the mask when he told him what the plan was.

"Got it," Nick spoke. "Now, all I have to do is give myself a perfect 4.0. just like brother dearest-"

"Nick, what's taking so long?!"

"Quite the impatient one, aren't you TJ? Never worry, I almost have it."


Trey had been so busy looking Nick's way to try to get him to hurry up, he'd all but forgotten about the one thing he was supposed to be doing and had completely missed a security guard strolling by at the end of the hallway.

The security guard, flashlight in hand was heading his way.

"Nick!" Trey called out.


"We have to go!" Trey shouted.

"But I haven't finished!"

Trey rushed into the room and grabbed Nick before he could press the `enter' button to fully make himself a student and started back towards the door but stopped when he realized that there was no way the two of them were going to be able to outrun three security guards. Especially when they each looked like they could break his spine in half.

All he knew was that this was the first time in his life that he actually wished his life was over.

An hour had passed since Jesse had stopped by to chat with Noah and in that time, Jesse had, for whatever reason, decided to stick around Noah's room.

Noah had decided that even if Jesse were telling the truth about his brother, there wasn't really much he could do about it. There was a strong part of him that wanted nothing more than to burst out of his room and run around campus until he found Trey so that he could bring him to safety.

But he also knew that his strong emotions for Trey had allowed him to make the mistake of putting himself out there only to be toyed with. He didn't want that from anyone, especially Trey, and he knew that even if he still felt the same about Trey, there was no way he was going to act the same.

He didn't want to make the same mistakes.

Instead he'd decided to go back to playing his guitar and writing new songs. Jeremy was gone for some reason that Noah didn't care about which left his computer free for Jesse to mess around on.

"I can see why you'd say your roommate would be so into this game," Jesse said as he killed another monster on the game he was playing. "It is rather addictive."

"No, it's annoying. If Jeremy is in the room, that game is on. I don't even think he sleeps. And that's scary."

"Yes, that is odd," Jesse replied. "Oh, I just gained another level!"

Noah rolled his eyes at how into the game Jesse seemed before sighing in annoyance when he realized someone was knocking at his door in a less than polite manner.

"Ugh," he muttered as he got up to answer the door. "Shawn? What are you-"

"He's in jail," Shawn spoke, sounding like he was completely out of breath.

"Did you run here? And who's in jail?"

"Trey's in jail, Noah," Shawn replied, without trying to catch his breath. "We have to get him out. We can't just let him stay in jail."

Noah stared at Shawn with concerned as Shawn caught his breath while looking into the room and noticing Jesse.

"This is all your brothers fault!" he said angrily, letting himself into the room. "No, it's your fault. If you weren't here, he wouldn't be here."

Jesse stood up as Shawn approached him.

"I don't just do things to do them. There had to be a reason I showed so much dislike for my own brother."

"Yeah and you just went along with it, probably happy to watch the train run before it reached it's wreck."

"Why my dear Shawn, you aren't making any sense. Perhaps you'd better run along and collect your thoughts."

Shawn started towards Jesse but Noah got in between the both of them.

"Alright. How do you know he's in jail?'" he asked.

Shawn looked at Noah like he was a moron.

"How else would I know? He called. He said he got arrested for breaking into the Dean's Office. Apparently Nick had some stupid plan to make himself a student by hacking into the Dean's computer."

"Doesn't the Registrar's Office handle all that stuff?" Noah asked.

"Does it matter? Trey's fucking IN JAIL Noah!"

"Alright, alright, just calm down. We can fix this," Noah spoke, trying to keep his cool.

He thought for a moment before turning to Jesse.

"Jesse. You can bail him out right? I mean, you have money."

"So does my brother. And this is his mess and his friend so he should be using it to bail himself and Trey out, not me."

"Jesse, come on-"

"Look, I just came here to warn you about him. But I was too late, I see. And now, I need to go find something more stimulating to do with my time."

"So that's it then," Noah started, as Jesse started towards the door. "You're just gonna let Trey stay in jail?"

Jesse stopped at the door, looking back at Noah.

"Trey's your friend, remember? I'M not doing anything."

And with that he was gone, leaving a furious Noah behind.

"Fucking ASSHOLE!" he shouted.


"I know, I know! I don't know what to do. I don't have any cash. I don't even have a job!"

"I have a credit card but Trey's bail is pretty high. I don't know what to do!"

The truth was that neither of them knew what to do. Noah ran his fingers through his hair, bending over. His head was spinning and full of thoughts. He felt like he wanted to throw up but he knew that now wasn't the time. Trey was in trouble and he needed him.

He had to fix this.

"I^ÅI know something," he started.

"What?" Shawn asked.

Trey felt more afraid now than he'd ever felt in his entire life. He was in jail. He was fucking in jail! He had no idea what to do or how to do it. He knew that he probably should have called his mom, but she was the last person he wanted to know he was in jail.

He wasn't even sure what possessed him to call Shawn. He didn't know what Shawn could do for him. He'd pretty much been charged and arrested all at once. He hadn't even been aware that a bail could be set for his release without even setting foot in a court room, but he had no idea about a lot of things like this.

He wasn't even SUPPOSED to be here. He was supposed to be at school, in college, being a college student, doing college student things. Instead he was in jail because he'd been stupid enough to ignore what his gut had been telling him about Nick all along.

He looked over at Nick who looked more annoyed than afraid.

"How can you look like that right now?" he asked.

"Like what?" Nick asked, arms crossed as the two of them sat against a wall in the back of their large, shared cell.

"Like being tossed in jail for breaking and entering is annoying you? We might actually have to stay here. For like, years or something."

"Oh come off it, we won't be staying here," Nick replied. "Well, at least, I won't be anyway. My father's people would be all over this if they tried to start something."

The fact that, even now, Nick seemed to have his own interests and well being in mind, bothered Trey. He felt that, for some reason, Nick would get out of jail before the night was over while he'd have to stay, possibly for the rest of his life.

Life as he knew it was probably over for him. One mistake of associating with the wrong person and this was how his life had turned out so far.

"You can be petty criminals but you lot can't spring for a stick of deodorant?" Nick spoke aloud, referring to the four other big, mean guys in the cell with them.

"Nick, what are you doing?" Trey asked, panicking.

Being in jail was enough for him. He didn't want to be killed on top of it. Especially because of Nick.

"You American's really want jail to be the most drab place on Earth, don't you? In London, we're served a meal even before we enter the cell."

"You've been in jail before!?" Trey asked, incredulously.

"Only a handful of times, but never for anything serious like killing a person or something. If there's one thing I value its life."

Trey found Nick's rather contradictory statement to be far from a little hard to believe.

He was so annoyed with Nick and so angry with himself he had run out of things to say. He just felt so many things at once he wasn't even sure what to do with himself.

He was in jail. The only thing he could think of that would be worse than that was death. And even that sounded a whole lot better to him than jail.

"For Christ's sake, the least they could do is provide a bit of entertainment," Nick suddenly spoke, sounding more bored than anything. "Where's a good flat screen when you need one?"

"Are you serious right now?" Trey asked, feeling beyond annoyed.

"I wonder what's taking my lawyer so long. It is after all nearly seven in the morning in London. Pendleton knows he's supposed to bark on my every command."

Trey was too infuriated with Nick to give him a response. All he knew was that if the other inmates in their cell weren't going to kill him, he'd certainly finish Nick off himself. And soon.

"Okay, okay, okay," Jesse spoke, trying to catch his breath from the nearly five minute long laughter spell he'd just had. "So you're telling me that you're actually considering stealing from a charity?"

"That Make-A-Wish girl stays in this dorm hall. I could get into her room and-"

"Okay Seductionaire, what makes you so sure she even keeps the money with her?" Jesse asked.

Shawn sighed while Noah just stared intensely at Jesse with his arms crossed.

"All the times I helped you," Noah mumbled.

"Yes, your able quips of moral support are quite high up on my list of returnable favors," Jesse replied sarcastically.

"Come on, it's not even a lot of money for you. Just do this one thing for us and I promise I'll listen to you whenever you wanna talk from now on."

"Well you already do that as it is for free and not even very well."

"Jesse, I thought we were friends. Don't be an asshole," Shawn spoke, agitated.

"Oh yes, that's exactly the kind of thing I want to hear coming from one half of the two person pity party standing before me begging for favors."

"It's not favors, it's one. ONE thing. Jesse^Åyour brother is there with him. You're really gonna let him just get out of jail and leave Trey there when it's his fault he's there in the first place?"

That was when Jesse thought about something. His problem was with his brother, not Trey. He absolutely believed that it was Nicholas's fault the two of them were in jail. Trey seemed like a pretty smart guy. Him being gay aside, he had no reason to loathe him. And if he was in jail because of his brother, there was enough reason for him to put together the will to see Trey him out.

Of course, above all else he realized that this would be the perfect opportunity for him to finally get his brother to stay out of his life.

"Alright then," he started, suddenly excited with the idea of sticking it to his brother. "I hope one of you has a car. Mine is face down in a lake I'm afraid."

Noah and Shawn exchanged pleased glances.

"What kinds of games games do people play in jail?" Nick suddenly asked after half an hour of silence.

"What?" Trey asked, completely sullen and dejected.

"They have those games you play in the car. And on the bus and trolley and things like that. Don't they have games in prison?"

Trey, left to his thoughts had fallen completely into a depressed state. But hearing Nick open his mouth again brought him up to the level of an intense rage.

"Yeah, they have games," Trey replied, anger seething in his tone. "Called don't drop the soap. Or how about check the butter on the roll to make sure it's not poisoned. Oh, and everyone's favorite, TRY TO STAY ALIVE!"

"Okay, calm down mate, it's not that serious," Nick said, still sounding amused.

"Not that serious?!?"

"Yes, that's right. I've been here before, remember? The best thing you can do is just stay calm. They'll have us out in no time and I'll treat you to a nice relaxing weekend in the Swiss Alps. I hear the mountains are just lovely this time of year."

"Alright that's it, you godamn psycho!" Trey shouted, jumping up.

"Hey, hey, what's going on in there?" a guard called from beyond the bars.

Trey wasn't sure what he was thinking. All he knew was that he wanted to hit something and right now Nick was looking like a nice piece of something to hit.

He raised his fist but quickly lowered it when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Trey!" Noah called past the bars.

Trey turned around while Nick stood up, straightening himself out.

"Well that certainly was a close one. I don't think I've ever been in proper brawl before. Odds are, I would have been on the losing end of that fight."

"Damn right you fucking-"

"Trey^Åare you^Åokay? Did he hurt you? Did anyone hurt you?" Noah asked.

Trey stared at Nick for a few seconds before turning his attention to Shawn and Noah as the prison guard opened the cell.

"Alright you two, you're free to go. Bail's been posted," he said.

Neither Trey nor Nick moved. Trey wasn't sure what to do. Or think.

"What?" was all he could think to say.

Shawn held Noah back as he started towards Nick but he realized that if he wasn't putting his energy into holding him back that there would be nothing to stop him from doing the same. They were always on the same page when it came to Trey, this situation was no different.

"Well this makes what, the fourth time someone's had to bail you out of jail?" Jesse started smugly as he crossed his arms. "Don't let father's people hear of this otherwise they'd have a complete field day."

"It was a misunderstanding, that's all it was," Nick replied. "TJ and I were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"They're going to press charges you know," Jesse started.

"Yes well I'll have Pendleton working on a nice fat bribe check straight away," Nick replied.

"You can send it Air Mail when you arrive home," Jesse replied.

Nick eyed his brother suspiciously.

"I think you seem to be forgetting that I live here now. I was almost successful at making myself a student here you know."

"Yes and look where you ended up. Look what happened to your so called friend," Jesse replied.

Shawn and Noah looked over at Trey who looked like he had eight million thoughts on his mind.

"There were conditions for your release," Jesse started.

"So you want to be paid back, I'll deposit the money into whatever account you like."

"And what about Trey?" Jesse asked.

Nick looked over at Trey.


"Don't call him that," Shawn growled.

Nick took a step back, starting to feel a little uneasy.

"You were going to leave him in here to rot and don't deny it because I know you better than anybody. But I, being the good upstanding citizen that I am, decided to fix your mistakes and right your wrongs. And all you have to do is leave and stay gone."

"What? You can't be serious," Nick spoke, sounding amused with Jesse. "Are you forgetting what I have on you Jesse?"

"Yes, about that. It appears that this situation is much more grim for your newfound friend here. He could be expelled from school. Spend years in jail. But of course, I can see that none of that happens as long as you leave and stay gone."

Nick eyed his brother to try to get a feel for how serious he was being. Then he looked over at Trey. He knew well enough that he'd be fine in this situation. All he did was break and enter, and he knew his father could make a charge like that go away. But Trey's life would no doubt be ruined with something like this. His brother was the one he despised, not Trey. He couldn't just let his life be over because of his failed plan.

"Fine younger brother," Nick replied. "You win. The states don't suit me well anyway. I was getting a bit bored here. Ibiza awaits."

"Ah, but not before you tell the Dean it was your idea to break into that building and that Trey only followed you in because he was trying to stop you."

Nick looked over at Trey, then back at Jesse.

"Fine," he replied through gritted teeth. "But I don't have to like it."

"No, of course you don't," Jesse replied. "But you do have to do it. And consider us even. Because this is the last I ever want to see of you."

Nick realized he wasn't going to be able to get out of their situation and just sighed as he started out of the cell.

"Thanks, Jesse," Noah spoke.

"Yes well consider that my good deed of the year. This doesn't make any of us friends, I still detest you all."

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked Trey.

There wasn't really much for him to say. So much had happened to him in such a small amount of time. His entire college career so far had been one bad drama filled event after another. All he knew now was that he was going to have to learn how to deal with his own life better, before he let himself be destroyed.

Yahoo Group featuring advanced chapters of the story and other works by me:

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Copyright 2007

Next: Chapter 19

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