Living the Good Life

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Living the Good Life

By: Storydreamer2006 Chapter three

Reaching Tom's car, Tom unlocked the door and pushed Arlo in. "Give me your car keys." He said, holding out his hand.

Arlo tried to get out of the car telling Tom that he was going home. "Get out of my way tom, I aint't doing this shit anymore. I told you I'm not gay and I'm not a cocksucker."

Tom pushed him back down on the seat and held hiim there by his hair. His looked Arlo in the eye and saw the tell tale fear in the boy.

"You listen good to me Arlo. When I got into that booth, you'd already sucked one guy off and with just a little encouragement, you sucked off two more and swallowed their cum. If that don't make you a gay cocksucker then I don't know what does." Tom said with a smile.

"No, I didn't suck that guy off." Arlo protested. "I was just jerking him off. I swear it. I had to. It was the rule."

Tom started laughing. "So, you want me to tell the guys at work that you were in a gloryhole booth and you were masturbating a stranger who had put his cock through the hole into your booth while you were watching lesbians suck each other. All of this occurring after you bought fuck books about males being whipped by women while they licked the women's boots. Is that what you want me to tell the office?"

That well known feeling of fear deep in his bowels flooded his body. He could not find words to save himself from the impending doom that was rushing at him and that was going to destroy him.

"Please let me go home. I'm sorry, I'll never do this again, I promise. Don't tell on me. I'll give you money or anything you want, help me."

"I want your car keys boy." Tom said firmly with his hand out.

Handing Tom his car keys, Arlo slumped down in the seat. Shock had set in and his mind was spinning in confusion as he broke down and cried.

Tom, after retrieving the fuck books Arlo had bought, pulled out of the lot and headed for his apartment. Looking at Arlo, He could see that the guy was totally defeated and his submissiveness had surfaced and had taken control. He was now quite pliable. Uppermost in Tom's mind was the knowledge that this young man was there for the taking and along with him was his very attractive weekly paycheck. As he drove, listening to the weeping, He formulated in his mind as to the next steps he needed to take.

Tom led Arlo into his apartment. Arlo seemed to have calmed down although still in shock. Tom pushed him into the bathroom telling him to take a hot shower, then closed the bathroom door and went into the living room.

Hearing the shower going, Tom eased open the bathroom door and gathered up Arlo's clothes and laid a towel on the sink. Taking Arlo's clothes to the living room he put them on a chair and sat down with the books Arlo had bought.

At he went through the books, reading paragraphs and looking at the pictures, He smiled at his good fortune. He could see that Arlo had probably been into femdom pornography for some time. Given his small body, he had most likey been picked on and humiliated by his classmates, both in high school and college. He knew enough about psychology that a young man enduring humiliation for years could have succumbed and now craved it for sexual gratification. He ventured a guess that Arlo had more pornography of the same type at home. He believed Arlo was telling the truth about not being gay or a cocksucker, but he was sure that Arlo could be bent and shaped to be whatever he wanted him to be. He had already decided that Arlo was indeed going to become a homosexual cocksucker. Tom knew he, himself, was straight, but the few minutes he had his cock through that gloryhole with Arlo sucking on it had been great. He laughed to himself at the old saying that a stiff cock has no conscience.

Tom knew that Arlo possessed high intelligence and was quite capable of handling his responsibilities at Atlanta Ad. He simply had to show the boy that his future life had changed and transfer his sexual cravings from femdom to homosexuality. He would mold Arlo through domination and controlled sexual release along with the threat of exposure.

"HEY, where are my clothes?" Arlo yelled from the hallway.

"Come on out here Arlo." tom yelled back.

"Can I please have my clothes?" Arlo replied.

"I said for you to come out here, just like you are." Tom said firmly.

Cautiously, looking around, Arlo slowly entered the living room, his hands hiding his privates. He was obviously embarrassed and frightened.

Tom threw the fuckbooks onto the floor and motioned Arlo to come forward.

"Please, Tom, I'll give you $10,000 to forget this ever happened. I'm not gay and all I did was play with a guy's cock because I thought it was a rule. I never went into a place like that before. I just thought there were movies I could see. I'll write you a check right now, ok."

Tom was elated at how frightened the young man was. He had given up and was hoping to just buy his way out of it. He judged that the boy had had a very sheltered upbringing. Probably had always run from a fight or a bully and been a momma's boy. Now he found himself out on his own and had no one to protect him. His mother had never allowed him to grow into his balls. No, she had taken his balls from him and now, when he needed them, he didn't have them.

"Arlo," Tom said, "As I sit here looking at you, I see a young boy, totally incapable of coping with an adult world he finds himself in. Did you have a close relationship with your father?"

"I never knew my father. My mother and he divorced after I was born and she never remarried. Please let me have my clothes and let me go." Arlo replied, looking down.

"First, I want to know how you're going to explain to Mr. Sullivan your going to an adult book store, sucking cocks, buying pornography and you haven't even been on the job three weeks yet." Tom asked.

Arlo started crying. His dispair brought him to his knees in front of Tom. His hands went to his face. Tom looked down between Arlo's legs and saw the flacid cock which seemed to be shrinking with fear. Being a small man, Arlo had also evidently been cursed with a small cock He thought. Another humiliation the boy had to suffer through in the school shower rooms.

Tom figured that now was the time for him to come riding to the rescue and save the poor boy and at the same time emerse him deeper into the humiliation which he would soon become accustomed to and learn to accept and even love.

Tom reached out and pulled Arlo forward where he could put his arm around the naked boy. Patting him on the back as he cried harder. Tom laid Arlo's head on his knee as he started talking to him.

"I want you to calm down Arlo. You're in way over your head but I'm going to help you. I'm going to save your job. Do you want me to help you?" Tom asked.

"Yes, please help me." Tom cried between sobs.

"Arlo, you're out of control here in Atlanta. You're just a child in a man's world here and people will see that and take advantage of you. You won't last 3 months in your new job. I'm going to help you do your job. I will be the one person you can trust and confide in." Tom said softly.

"I won't let any one at the office find out that you're a cocksucking faggot. Your secret is safe with me. Would you like that boy?" Tom asked.

Arlo had calmed down and was listening intently to Tom. Wiping his eyes, he shook his head yes.

"May I please have my clothes now." He asked.

"Arlo, first I want to know if you are going to trust and obey me. If you are obedient, no one will find out you're a cocksucker and you'll still have your job and respect."

"But I keep telling you I'm not a cocksucker. I'm not gay." Arlo yelled at Tom.

Tom knew instantly He had to put a stop to this act of anger and hostility towards him.

Tom pulled Arlo's head up by his hair putting his chin on the front of the chair. "Boy, you're a naked little faggot cocksucker and starting tomorrow, you're a little faggot cocksucker without a job if you don't obey me. I'm going to take you under my wing and save your fucking job for you. But you're going to do everything I tell you to. You understand what I'm saying to you boy?"

Arlo was sick to his stomach. This man was going to tell everyone that he was gay and a cocksucker. His career would be over. He'd be embarrassed and ashamed to face anyone. He saw no way out except to do what Tom told him to do and then hope he could talk him out of doing this to him.

Tom took a blanket and spread it out on the couch. "Lay down on the couch and start reading your fuck books boy, and no back talk." Tom ordered. as he walked to his bedroom.

Arlo lay there with his book, not wanting to read for fear he'd get hard. He was so embarrassed to be treated like this by another man, especially a co-worker, but he was afraid to disobey Tom.

He heard Tom come back out and was shocked to see a flash from a camera.

"Tom, please don't take pictures of me like this." Arlo pleaded, getting up.

"Get your ass back down on the couch like you were boy." Arlo said. He stood there to enforce his instructions.

Tom quickly lay back down, averting his eyes.

"You know Arlo, I'm really going to help you. I know you enjoy reading porn and we'll be getting a lot of it for you. You're going to like how your new life is going to be." Tom told him.

"Your little cock is still not hard boy. Play with it while you're reading. Just imagine that you're all alone"

As Arlo fondled his penis, He felt it beginning to grow. The flashes from the camera continued. To his dismay, he found that he could not stop himself from displaying a full erection.

Tom moved around, taking pictures from different angles. His boy was not putting up a fight. He now was the owner of Arlo.

To be continued Email the author

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