Living the Good Life

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Living the Good Life


This story is fiction and describes homosexual activity between adult male.

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Arlo Miles sat in his new office overlooking Atlanta's downtown area. It was perfect, he thought. All the hard work of applying himself to his studies instead of going out to party had paid off. He remember the old adage, the best revenge is to live well. Four years of being picked on and ridiculed for his small stature and his below average sized cock had pushed him to study hard and maintain the 4.0 grade average throughout his college years. Graduating with top honors had brought several employment offers with six figure salaries.

Hating the cold weather, he had accepted a position with Atlana Ad, a large advertising corporation in Atlanta Georgia. He was looking forward to never again having to shovel snow or face the biting cold wind of Wisconsin.

Looking at his watch and seeing it touch 5:pm, he stepped out of his office and walked down the hall to the reception area. The older woman behind the desk smiled and bid him a good night. He reciprocated and waited on the elevator.

He was very quickly joined by three of his co-workers who were laughing at something. Arlo involuntarily blushed as if they were laughing at him.

"Hey Arlo, damm, I almost didn't see you guy." laughed Frank dumler, slapping Arlo on the back. "I don't know if you had a chance to personally meet John Adkins and Tom Wilson. They will be responsible for ironing out any problems you come up against and aren't familiar with."

Arlo smiled broadly and shook hands with the two men, exchanging greetings.

"We were going to stop off at Jack's for a couple drinks. Why don't you join us." Frank said.

Arlo really wanted to but he was afraid that the same old problems that had haunted him all his life would show up and they would know that for all his intelligence and office skills, they would see through him and know he was actually afraid of them and unable to visit man to man. He had also planned on visiting several of the adult book stores he had located in the phone directory and stock up on porn.

"Hey guys, I wish I could but I have a ton of crap to do. You know, unpacking my stuff and going grocery shopping. My apartment is still a mess." Arlo replied.

Entering the crowded elevator, Arlo felt himself being pushed backward into Wilson. The tight confines of the small elevator got smaller as it stopped at yet another floor and 3 more people got on pushing him tightly against the man behind him. He felt it almost immediately. Something was poking him in the ass and it seemed to be twitching against him. Arlo stood frozen with fear but flushed red hot. He could feel Wilson staring at the sweat running down his neck. Arlo didn't know what to do. He couldn't move forward and the cock poking at his ass seemed to be growing harder. He was embarrassed and ashamed at being used like this by a guy he had just met and who actually was getting away with molesting him under the guise of an overcrowded elevator. Arlo was trying to control his breathing as he felt himself being aroused at the thought of another man's cock attempting to enter his ass and the fact that he could do nothing but stand there and allow it to happen. He tried to move forward but Frank was in front of him and actually shifted backward a little which sandwiched Arlo even more snugly into the cock behind him. He suddenly felt Tom Wilson push against him and yet Arlo could not talk. The pressure lessened and Arlo heard wilson whisper to him, "Sorry boy". Arlo remained silent and scared as he thought now about being called a boy by Wilson.

At last the elevator hit the bottom floor and the passengers fled towards the exit doors.

As the four men said departing goodbys, Arlo could only glance at them as he turned to go. His quick glance at Tom wilson told him that the man may have discovered his secret already. Arlo quickly went to the parking lot and once in his car, he turned the a/c on and let the cool air blow in his face. He was shaking from embarrassment but he also felt his stiff penis wanting attention. He rubbed it as he recalled being poked in the ass by Wilson. He rationalized about the elevated event. Hell, there was nothing either one of them could do. There were just too many people crowded together. Maybe wilson didn't even know what was going on. He was just as crowded as I was, Arlo thought.

He typed into his GPS system the address of Sensations adult book store, then carefully pulled his new Toyota out of the lot. Following the directions he was being given, He did not notice the sedan following him turn for turn.

Entering the store, He glanced at the clerk behind the counter. He hated it when there was women working in a place like this. He was always embarrassed for them to see the books he was buying. He had no choice though so he willed himself through it all.

There were maybe 20 customers in the store browsing and he walked around looking at the mags, videos and books until he came to the area he was looking for. He felt his cock hardening as his eyes took in the wonderful sight of the cover pictures on the books showing a beautiful woman whipping a young boy. another of a male licking the boots of a woman. Looking around quickly, He picked out 7 books and nervously walked to the counter. Laying them down and taking out his billfold, He looked up and saw a smirk on the woman's face as she rang up the sale. His face went beet red again as he saw that she knew he was a submissive. He paid for the books and endured her sweet smile while she told him to have a good time.

As he quickly exited the store, Tom Wilson smiled to himself as he went over to the area that Arlo had bought the books. It was an enormous display of feminine domination books and magazines. He was surprised to see Arlo come back into the store and quickly turned around and went to another area of straight books.

Arlo went up to the woman and bought $10. of tokens for the video arcade and walked towards the booths. Quickly, Tom bought tokens and followed discreetly. Behind the curtain, it was fairly dark and the sounds of lust and release were echoing through the corridor. He saw Arlo enter a booth, and found one beside him that was vacant.

Dropping his tokens in, he bent over and looked through the gloryhole. Keeping his face away from the hole, he could see Arlo had his cock out and his pants down to the floor. He could hear the sounds of women making noises and knew he was watching lesbians making love. Tom had a raging hard on and decided to see if Arlo had any gayness in him. Unzipping, He slowly pushed his 7 inches through the hole into Arlo's booth. He hugged the side of the wall, hoping Arlo would take the bait. Then he heard Arlo saying something through the hole. He pulled out, bent down and said "What did you say"?

"I said I'm sorry sir, I don't suck." Arlo repeated.

"Thats ok boy, but guys who don't suck cock here have to play with it with their hand and masturbate us if they don't suck. It's the store rule or security will throw you out." Tom answered.

Arlo listened to the voice and didn't know what to do. He didn't want to get in any trouble here. "God, suppose they called the cops and he got arrested.

Suddenly the cock once again came through the hole and stared him in the eye. He heard the guy in the next booth urge him to touch it. Slowly his hand went around the cock and he pumped it a couple of times. His heart was pounding and he was scared. Arlo had never touched another man's cock in his life and it seemed to be twice the size of his own. It was so velvety soft and at the same time, so hard. The big mushroom head was full of blood and was twitching up and down just like the cock in the elevator that was trying to get at him. His other hand had found it's way to his own cock and he was pulling and pushing on it. Arlo felt light headed as he thought about what he was doing. He was actually playing with a stranger's cock and was going to see it shoot it's cum out. He heard the man groan with pleasure as he gently squeezed it. Arlo carefully began masturbating the cock and bending down looked closely at it. He'd never seen a cock up close like this before. He knew he would never suck it or any other cock. It just wasn't him. He wasn't gay, but he found that he was enjoying the thrill of playing with another guys cock without him knowing who was doing it.

Suddenly, the cock was pulled back from the hole. He heard the man say "Security". Quickly, Arlo pulled his pants up and began tucking his shirt in when there was a knock on his booth door.

"Security, Open up", a voice said.

With a sense of doom, deep in his bowels, Arlo shook with fear as he looked at the door. His hand went to the hook and the door was yanked open. Arlo shrank back agains the video wall as a man entered his booth and locked the door. As the man turned around, Arlo's heart almost stopped as he faced Tom Wilson.

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 2

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