Living in Hall

By Chaz Saunders

Published on Jun 7, 2023



When I was 19, I went to London to study at university. I lived in an all-male hall. At 11:30 each evening, one imagined one could feel the rhythmic swaying of the building as 440 young men jerked themselves off before bed.

At the end of the first term, Jim came up to London to see me one Saturday.

"Did you meet anybody when you walked over from the lift?", I whispered.

"No -- why are you asking and why are you whispering?"

"Because I've been lying low in here. Nobody knows I'm in and nobody knows you're with me."

"Oh, I see."

Within seconds we were both stripping off. We hadn't had sex for two and a half months and were fed up with the masturbation-only diet.

I got into my single bed and was soon joined by Jim. We were already rock-hard. We stroked each other's dicks. Soon we were both leaking pre-cum. Jim sat on the edge of the bed and I knelt between his knees, in our old routine, with the difference that in the past we hadn't been naked when doing it.

When I had sucked him till he was close, I asked him if he would like me to fuck him. I had bought some KY in a sex shop, Lovejoys, at the end of Old Compton St. I lubed my cock and his arse. He lay flat on the bed, on top of a towel. I lay on top of him and gently nudged my cock against his hole and rubbed my cock up and down against it. Then I eased my way in and soon doing press-ups over him, with my cock up his arse. After about 20 minutes I came inside him.

My doing that got Jim really close. He sat on the edge of the bed, I knelt and took his cock into his mouth and a few laps of my tongue was enough to take him over the edge and he gave me a mouthful of his warm spunk, which I swallowed.

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