Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 15, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part IX

It was a long night tied up like that with our asses burning. On top of it all, Hawaii, unlike Southern California, has mosquitoes. We each got a dozen mosquito bites. It was impossible to sleep, so we talked.

"Jason, I'm so sorry...I've never seen him like this" I said.

"It's not your fault...I seduced you on the beach" said Jason.

"I wanted it though...I love you Jason" I cried.

"I love you to Scott" was his reply, and we both cried, not from the pain but from the incredible well of emotion we both felt.

"Its not normal" I said... "We must be gay..."

"So What if we are" said Jason: "We have to be what we are".

"You're right Jason...God if I hadn't had that birthday we wouldn't be here and you wouldn't have gotten beaten so badly".

"If we hadn't been stupid we wouldn't have been beaten so badly: it was our fault; we deserved it" was the reply.

"I suppose you're right" I said, and we lapsed into silence.

An hour or two later, as we were both standing in agony, our asses bruised and burning; our arms sore from the bonds holding them to the tree, we were both in kind of a semi conscious state.

The silence was broken by Jason: "I've got to pee" he said.

"Me too, no way I can hold it `til morning".

We both relaxed and let our bladders empty, the loud sound of two strong adolescent streams of urine hitting the palm bark. I could feel some of it on my bare feet, and was sure Jason had the same problem.

A few hours later, Jason began moaning and said "GOD I hurt..." my love, my idol, then whimpered for a bit and my heart was torn in two.

"It's going to be OK Jason, its almost morning and it will be over" I said in an attempt to console him.

It ended with both of us crying.

At about 5:00 am, dad came down in a much calmer state. He untied our hands and rubbed them and our shoulders until our arms woke up.

"I'm sorry I had to do that boys" he said with conviction.

"We deserved it" said both Jason and I.

"Why don't you boys take a quick swim in the salt water then come up to the house?" said dad.

"Yeah, I could use to cool off my buns" I said in an attempt at humor. Then Jason and I went for a swim together while dad went back to the house.

In the surf, Jason and I kissed deeply. "I love you" was exchanged between us both.

Then, we went up to the house and went inside. "Hit the showers boys and I'll have breakfast ready" said my dad.

Jason and I got cleaned up, and in the light saw what had become of our firm, smooth adolescent asses. I saw his first: it looked bad. The whole thing was covered in bruises that kind of ran together from the paddling. Superimposed on these were the strap marks all over the ass and even the thighs halfway down to the knees. Even in shorts or swim trunks, it was going to be obvious we got whipped. I reached out to touch him, and he winced as my finger touched his behind.

Then he looked at me and gave a low whistle... "'re a mess Scott" he said.

We showered together and gently washed one another. We embraced under the cool water, kissed deeply, then ended our shower by drying one another off, putting on our boxers, and going out.

Dad had laid out breakfast, but had put it up on the breakfast bar instead of the table.

"I figured you guys would rather eat standing up" he said.

"Yes sir, that's about right" we replied, with a smile.

Suddenly it hit me: "This is really weird" I thought. "He just gave us the beating of our lives, yet there is this warmth between us...even Jason feels it...the looks, the sense of closeness...".

I was snapped out of my reverie when Jason asked me to pass the salt. We ate a huge meal of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and pineapple. As we finished, I moved to clear the dishes and begin the clean up.

"Its OK, you have the day off" said dad.

"You both need some sleep" he said, and sent us off to bed.

He must have been right: we fell asleep in minutes and didn't wake up until about 2:00.

With the resilience of youth, I realized that my ass was already a little better. I leaned over and kissed Jason, and he returned the gesture passionately.

"Better get up and get lunch" I said.

We went out to find a note from dad and lunch plus dinner already made. The note read as follows:

"You boys are obviously in love. I think that is a beautiful thing. You should spend the afternoon and evening comforting one another. All I ask is that you take precautions and play it safe: I love you and don't want to lose you. You will find something you need in your bathroom cabinet".

Jason and I embraced and began to feel one another.

"I'm hungry, lets eat first" said Jason.

Dad must have known we'd be hungry because he left 4 sandwiches for each of us. WE inhaled them together with a couple of cokes, then headed into the bedroom. We lay on the bed next to each other and gently began tracing the smooth muscles of the other with our index finger. We slowly explored and tickled one another's body for at least an hour before we kissed. Then we began to embrace more passionately as we became more aroused. We ultimately sucked each other off, and both swallowed huge loads of cum.

After an hour of holding one another, I got up and brought a coke for each of us.

"I can't believe your dad is OK with this" said Jason. "Mine would kill us both".

I replied "Sometimes he really surprises me; he can be so tough and demanding, then so gentle. When I am bad he punishes me severely; but at other times he is so encouraging and loving...I wish I had gotten to know him better when I was younger and living with my mom".

Jason reflected for a minute then replied "You know, my dad is more or less the same way, but he is so homophobic that I don't think he could deal with this".

I got up and decided to go pee. While in the bathroom, I recalled dad's words and opened the cabinet. Never in a million years would I have predicted this: inside were two 36 packs of Trojans and a large tube of lube. On it was a note "Play safe son".

With my mouth agape, I walked out to the bedroom and showed Jason. He just shook his head in disbelief. Then he opened up the pack of condoms, and bent over to kiss me and said "we can't disobey your dad".

What followed was my first intercourse experience. Jason had never done it before either, but you would have thought he had. He spent at least an hour getting me totally horny. He rimmed me for 20 minutes! By the end of that I was begging to be fucked.

Even though he was as horny as he could possibly get, he took the time to lubricate me and his condom encased 9 inch cock. I looked at it and swallowed: would that thing fit? I was scared and excited at the same time.

Jason gently laid me on my back, and picked up my thighs so that my asshole was exposed. He gently touched his knob to my asshole, and it puckered in a strong reflex. However, as he stayed there, it relaxed, and he began to insert. I gasped as the head went through my anal sphincter, and he stopped, looking alarmed.

"I don't want to hurt you Scott" he said.

"Just go slowly Jason, I really want this" was my reply.

He spent the next 20 minutes working his cock in all the way. To my surprise, my ass accommodated that big dick, and it began to feel good.

Ever so gently, he began to rock his pelvis as his cock moved inside of me. I felt this incredible pressure on my prostate and a tingling in my dick.

"Harder Jason...FUCK me" I said.

He picked up the tempo a bit, and I just couldn't get enough.


Jason complied. He was a teen stallion, and he hammered away at my ass. I was moaning and crying "OH YEAH" when after a few minutes he shot his load and collapsed on my chest. We kissed deeply, and he withdrew.

The end of the condom looked like a water balloon: he must have cum at least a couple of tablespoons!

We held each other for a while, then he said "Now its your turn".

I was surprised: Jason is so much bigger and stronger, and has the more assertive personality of the two of us. It didn't really occur to me that I would get to fuck him, but I didn't have to be asked twice!

Just as Jason did with me, I began gently. I gradually inserted my cock, though with its smaller size, he didn't seem to have too much trouble with it. Then I slowly began to thrust in and out, like I had seen Jason do.

He went wild: "Harder...Slam it in...OH YEAH...FUCK ME HARDER.." said Jason.

I was only too happy to cooperate and slammed in and out as hard as I could. My Balls were slamming up against his ass with each thrust. I pounded into him for at least 15 minutes before shooting my load. We both were covered with sweat and exhausted at the end of it.

Eventually, we got out of bed and showered together and got rid of the "evidence" of our activities. Even though dad knew, it just didn't seem right to leave used condoms around.


Next: Chapter 10

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