Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 15, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part VIII

We got back to the car by 3:00 and I was dropped of at home by 4:00. I took a shower, and surveyed the damage. "Not too bad" I thought. I guess my ass was toughening up. I had some obvious raised cane welts from the willow branch; no bruising; and no redness. Frankly, it was the best my ass had looked in weeks!

After getting cleaned up and unpacking my stuff, I went downstairs to talk to dad. We seemed to be getting a lot closer. I told him all about the trip and what fun we had. He indicated how pleased he was that I had done this without any of us getting in trouble. He told me I was growing up to be "a fine young man". For me at 14, soon to be 15, this kind of swelled up my pride since I had never gotten any adult male approval when I lived at mom's house.

The next several weeks were routine. I would see the guys at practice; we would go out for pizza; Jason and I got together and made out a few times, but nothing major and no spanking. My grades were good; the teachers were happy; and an excellent mid term report went home to dad.

Dad continued to be pleased with my performance. He took me out to dinner to celebrate the good report card, and told me that he had a special trip planned for the end of the month on school vacation when we would celebrate my 15th birthday. I tried to find out what he had in mind, but he just said I would find out in good time.

The last Friday of the month came, and I rushed home, excited about our trip, but not knowing where we were going. Dad still didn't tell me, but he did say I should pack things for a week and we were going somewhere warm. He said to be ready to go in 2 hours.

I packed up my stuff, dying of curiosity as to where we were going. Mostly I packed shorts, t-shirts, a bathing suit, sandals, and a couple of decent looking outfits in case we went out to dinner. Of course I packed the usual toothbrush, comb, acne medicine, etc. No razor was needed yet, but I figured that by my next birthday I would be shaving regularly.

Dad called a cab and we went off to the airport, our destination still a mystery. I could feel my heart beating in my chest with anticipation and I kept trying to get dad to tell me what was up. He just smiled, gave me a squeeze on the shoulder, and said I would find out. When we got to the airport and got in line at the baggage check in area, I was surprised to see Jason with a suitcase as well. "Surprise" he said, your dad is taking me along too.

I replied "Great, but where are we going?"

Jason laughed and said "You mean he didn't tell you!!"

At about that time we got to the front of the line and put our suitcases up on the scale. Dad pulled out the tickets, and the lady said "so the three of you will be traveling to Hawaii?"

Dad said yes, and I screamed " HAWAII, THAT'S TOTALLY COOL, WHAT A GREAT IDEA!"

The woman looked amused at my enthusiasm, and Jason just gave me that look that he has...the smiling puppy eyes and said "I've known for 2 weeks, but I swore not to tell you".

We eventually got to the gate, boarded the plane, and late that night we arrived in Hawaii.

Dad had a room for us at the Honololu Hilton by the airport. We were all pretty bushed, and went to sleep quickly. Jason and I shared one queen sized bed, and dad had the other.

At 7:00, dad woke us and said "Hit the showers boys, we have some more traveling to do, so hurry".

Jason and I both hit the bathroom with one brushing teeth, etc while the other showered. Then the three of us headed down to the lobby, and took the shuttle back to the airport. There we boarded a small plan for "Lahaina" which I guess is one of the smaller islands.

Upon arrival, we rented a car and dad drove us down winding roads until we arrived. It was gorgeous. He had rented this 3 bedroom/ 2bath place on a little hill overlooking a beautiful bay. The bay was calm and clear blue. The beach was only about 100 yards from the place.

"How did you find this place dad?" I asked as we carried our stuff in?

"One of my business associates owns it and is loaning it to us for the week" he replied.

"Hey, can we go swimming?" asked Jason.

"We need to unpack and have a discussion first boys" said my Dad. "I'll take 2 bedrooms because I need an office. You boys can share that room, with the king sized bed."

I couldn't believe my good luck: not only was I going to be in paradise for a week, I was going to be sleeping with Jason. My cock started to harden immediately, so I turned and went into the room to unpack. We were moved in within 10 minutes.

We came back out into the living room and sat on the sofa waiting for dad. He took a little longer, then ultimately came out, carrying his Jokari paddle and the strap. I gulped and looked at Jason, as he looked at me wondering what we had done.

"Don't worry about it boys, you aren't in trouble" said Dad. "However, Jason you need to know that your father has instructed me to discipline you just as I would discipline my son if you need it. I'm going to leave the strap and the paddle out on this coffee table while we are here so you are reminded to behave". He went on to say "we are guests here, and must take good care of the place. I will inspect your room in the morning and after dinner and I expect it to be neat. I will do the cooking, but you guys will clean the dishes and keep the house clean. I want it vacuumed every day. No wet clothes in the house, so when you come back from the beach you just take your suit off outside and wash your feet off before you come in. Now you guys are both good swimmers, and you can swim and snorkel in the bay as long as you stay together. However, you will not swim past that reef (pointing at the reef across the small bay). Any questions?"

"NO SIR" we both said, anxious to hit the beach.

"Go have fun boys, and be back by 1:00 for lunch".

Jason and I raced to the beach and jumped into the warm water. Soon we were splashing and running in and out of the water and tackling each other in the sand. As it approached 1:00, we hit the water one more time then headed back to the house. Outside, we took off our suits and hung them on the line and then rinsed our feet before we went inside.

"You boys have fun?" my dad asked.

"Sure did, after lunch we'd like to snorkel if we can" I said.

"Fine, no problem, now sit down and eat you don't need to get dressed; you'll dirty all your clothes in one day. We're all men here" said my dad.

I sat a little straighter as the 3 of us ate lunch: "I am becoming a man" I thought to myself. Tomorrow I will be 15".

As soon as lunch was over, we hit the beach again while dad took a nap. We spent the afternoon snorkeling, then headed back inside at about 5:00. Again we took off our suits outside, this time rinsing them in fresh water and hanging them up for the night to dry. Then we went inside and took showers to get all the salt off. We were both a little sunburned, but not too bad since we live in a sunny climate ourselves. After we got cleaned up, we headed out and dad had dinner ready. He had made spaghetti, and we ate a lot as hungry boys do after a day at the beach. Afterwards, dad reminded us "Now you boys clean up the place".

We dutifully did the dishes, wiped off the table and counters, and vacuumed as directed. Then dad checked the job we had done, and our rooms: "Boys, I want to see this bathroom a little cleaner" he said.

We fixed that up in a few minutes, then all sat down to watch tv and talk about the day.

By 9:00 we were yawning and dad noticed and said "You guys should go to bed; breakfast is at 8:00".

We said goodnight and headed into the room. Once inside, Jason reached out and gave my ass a squeeze, saying "now for the best part". We got undressed, and as quietly as possible began making out. Soon we were 69ing and both shot our loads. We then fell asleep, and before we knew it morning had come.

"Up and at `em" said dad as he threw open the door.

We both groaned, typical sleepy head teenagers, and got up. Jason and I both had our morning hardons, and went to the bathroom to pee. Then we came out to breakfast in our boxers and ate. Afterwards, we cleaned up just like we were supposed to, and got ready to hit the beach. "Be back by noon for lunch" said dad.

This time we took a football and the snorkeling gear and spent the morning alternately playing catch and looking at the coral and fish in the bay. We discovered that the further out we went, the better the fish got, but we remembered not to cross the reef.

At lunch, dad commented that we were a lot further out this time, and reminded us that we could not go past the boundary he had set.

After lunch, we cleaned up and dad said "OK guys, you can go back to the beach, our you can hike if you want, but be back by 4:00. We are going out to a birthday dinner".

We hadn't explored the island yet, so we elected to hike. The terrain was pretty hilly, and it was hot with thick vegetatation. We happened upon a stream which we followed to a waterfall. Once there, we threw off our clothes and stood under the freezing water cooling our bodies.

When we got out and sat down on a rock to warm, I looked at Jason and laughed. His normally magnificent 9 inch cock was shriveled up, and his low hanging balls were pulled up so tight that his scrotum looked like a big walnut. Jason looked down and laughed, then pointed at me. My only average cock and balls now looked prepubertal, except that I have a nice bush of pubic hair. I laughed too.

Time must have gotten away from us, because when we looked at our watches it was 3:30. We realized we could be late and ran all the way down the trail back to the house, arriving out of breath and covered in sweat at 4:10. We burst into the house laughing and were greeted by dad.

"Boys, when I say 4:00, I mean 4:00, not 4:10, and look at the mud you just tracked in" he said.

We looked down, and sure enough our muddy shoes had tracked in a lot of dirt.

"Sorry" we said in unison, and stepped outside where we took off our shoes. Then we quickly cleaned up the floor, hoping to atone for our mistake.

"Hit the showers guys, you smell like a locker room" said dad.

We both showered and when we came out with our towels, dad was waiting for us with the paddle. I looked at Jason, and he looked at me and we both swallowed hard. We had come back late, and dad was going to punish us.

"Boys" he said, "I'm not going to make a big deal of this, but since you were both 10 minutes late you will each get 10 whacks. Now Scott, bend over the sofa".

Dad then gave me 10 HARD whacks with the paddle. My eyes watered up, and I gasped, but I kept position and did not cry out. Then it was Jason's turn, and similarly he handled it like a man.

Dad then said "Glad that's over, now get dressed and were going to dinner".

Jason and I covered our red asses with our boxers and got dressed in Khakis and polo shirts. "We look pretty cute" I thought as I surveyed the two of us.

Dad then took us into town to a really nice restaurant. We all ate lobster, wonderful fresh bread, some kind of hawaiin potato alled "taro", and topped it off with mud pie. The waiters came out and sang happy birthday to me. It was the best birthday of my life.

Out in the parking lot I gave my dad a big hug "Thanks dad, that was the best birthday ever" I said. His eyes teared up a bit, and he said "glad you enjoyed it son, I'm proud of you". My eyes got pretty we then too.

Back at the house, Jason and I were sent to bed. Jason had a special surprise for me too. He gave me a 2 hour massage, culminating in a half hour of licking my balls and cock until I creamed a huge load in his mouth.

"Happy birthday Scott" he said, and held me as we went to sleep.

The next day we were back at the beach again. We started talking about sex, girls and guys we thought were cute, etc. Soon we were both pretty horny. We went down to a tree and laid under it. We made love together under the tree, and were both sucking one another off when to our dismay we heard someone come up behind us.

"WELL, WELL, WHAT HAVE WE HERE" said my dad.

Jason and I both turned purple from head to toe, and our throbbing dicks went soft instantly.

"Ugh...we were just...that is...well its like this..." we stammered.

"I have known you guys were fooling around for a while: you are both a little noisy about it at night. I have no problem with that at all. However, doing it down here, in the open, where others can walk up on you is wrong. What if I had been a kid, or a girl, or an old lady out for a walk?"

I spoke for Jason and I "we didn't really think about that... I mean your won't happen again".

"You are damn right it won't happen again young man, and I intend to be sure of it. Just because you turned 15 doesn't mean you are too old for discipline. And you Jason, your dad told me to be doubly hard on you if you act up while you are with me" said my dad.

"We're really sorry sir, it won't ever happen again" we repeated.

"Get your asses up to the house NOW!" he said.

We trotted back to the house, took off our suits outside, rinsed our feet, and went inside, knowing what to expect.

Dad followed us in and said "You are both getting a serious whipping. But first, I want you to think about what you have done while you clean this house. I want every flat surface cleaned and I'm going to inspect carefully. If you don't do a good job, its going to be even worse".

Jason and I spent the next 3 hours scrubbing and cleaning, instead of being at the beach. We kept exchanging glances, but didn't say anything because we didn't want to piss dad off any more than he already was.

When we finished, dad inspected and reluctantly said "you pass".

Jason and I breathed a sigh of relief. Dad then sent us to get cleaned up for dinner and told us to come out just in our boxer shorts.

We got cleaned up together, and while we were at it jerked each other off in the shower. We had both been close to cumming when dad interrupted us and our balls were sore: we really needed to pop! We came out to dinner, dressed in our boxers and ate. Then we cleaned up. Dad then directed us both to stand in the corner, and left us there for the next hour and a half to contemplate what was coming.

Dad then left the room and entered our bedroom. We wondered what he was doing there, but he came back out a few minutes later and said "Scott, you first since you are my son. I expect better judgment than this. I accept you even if you are gay or bisexual, but I won't tolerate your disrespect and thoughtlessness in having sex in public: whether its with a guy or a girl".

"Yes sir" I replied, feeling guilty and knowing I deserved what he was going to give me.

"Step out of the boxers and bend over the sofa" came the order. "And you Jason, out of your boxers and stand at the end of the sofa to watch" said dad.

By the time we were at the sofa, both of us had huge hard ons. While dad was dressed, I thought that maybe he had one too.

"To begin, you will get 50 hard blows with the paddle".

I couldn't believe it: 50 to start! "Dad", I said, "fifty is a lot...I mean...well I think I've already learned my lesson".

"Seventy five for arguing, bend your ass over" was his reply.

Before I made it 100, I complied, knowing this was going to be bad.

Dad then reared back and swung that paddle HARD!


Before I knew it, 10 blows had fallen and I was begging.


Dad took no notice at all and landed another 10 hard smacks on my flaming ass. I could feel these go really deep and new I was going to be bruised.


Soon I was a babbling runny nosed baby getting his ass beat. I didn't feel so old right at the moment.

Dad landed another 10 hard ones when I tried to get up and block the blows. I didn't really mean was a reflex... Dad stopped the paddling long enough to push my chest back down. Then he turned to a very white faced wide eyed Jason who looked as if he was seeing his own future (which he was) and said "Jason, hold him down. If you let him up, your punishment will be 100!"

With shaking hands Jason grabbed me and whispered "I'm sorry" just as the onslaught began again.


I was like a wild animal; pulling, twisting, kicking my feet, doing anything I could to get away as I wailed and begged. I don't know how he did it, but Jason held me securely. Finally it was over.

I lay exhausted over the sofa for 10 minutes before I stopped crying. Then dad spoke:

"Your Turn Jason".

Jason looked like he was going to be sick, but bent over to comply.

"What, you aren't going to argue or negotiate like my brave son?" dad said.

Even in my acute pain, I grimaced and felt really bad that dad was speaking this way about me.

Jason knew what to say "NO SIR, I HAVE THIS COMING".

"Son, take a lesson from Jason here: he's stepping up to it like a man and will only get fifty".

I thought to myself "only fifty...that's quite enough" but what I said was "Yes Sir".

Dad then laid into Jason with the paddle: hard and furious. "SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK".

Jason is a tough kid: it wasn't `til the 17th blow that he broke down, but when he did you could hear him a mile away:

"OH SIR...PLEEEASE STOP...I CAN'T TAKE IT" he screamed at a volume of 100 decibels.

"Should have thought about it before boy, but if you think I'm being too hard, why don't we call your dad and let him set the punishment?" said my dad in reply.


Dad then resumed the paddling. Jason made it to 35 before he tried to get up and use his hand to block the blows. Dad simply pointed, and I quickly moved in to restrain him.

Dad finished the last 15, and Jason lay jackknifed over the sofa bleating and sobbing for at least 5 minutes before he was able to get up.

"Both of you to the corners" dad roared.

We hurried to comply, hoping that it was over, but knowing better based on the sound of dad's voice. I had never, ever seen him this pissed.

After about a half hour in the corner, dad told us both to turn around and said "Do you think you've learned your lesson".

We heartily said "YES SIR".

"Maybe" replied my dad, but you still have some more coming.

I looked at Jason, and he looked at me. Both of our cocks were shriveled up from fear just like when were in the cold waterfall. The only difference is that we both had leaked precum during our ordeal.

Dad then picked up the strap, opened the door and said "MARCH".

Completely chagrined and petrified, we went out the door.

"Since you like being bare assed at the beach so much, we will deliver the next phase of punishment at "the scene of the crime".

We marched down to the palm tree, and dad had us stand on either side of it. Jason and I would have been looking at one another except the old palm was in the way. Then he took rope and secured our hands up high to the tree so that we were each immobilized.

Dad then took out the strap and began methodically beating us. He would circle the tree slowly while lecturing, giving each of us a full force blow of the strap about once a minute or so.

"So you two think its cool to expose yourselves outside... `WHIIIIIIP...OOOOOOW"... You too Scott, and you should know better...WHIIIIP...AAAGH PLEASE..."

Dad continued to circle us with the strap: he was a madman, using all of his adult strength on the strap. Jason and I would scream not just once, but would wail for 30 seconds after each blow...this was like nothing I had experienced before...



Dad went on like that for an hour. We each got at least 30 blows. Then, he left us there for the night to think about what we had done.


Next: Chapter 9

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