Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 15, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part VII

By dark we had set up a nice camp and were feeling our oats. For me, it was the first time I had spent a whole night away from any adult influence. On prior camping trips there was always an adult present. I think it was the same for the other guys. At the same time, I felt a little twinge of discomfort in my stomach...not really homesick, but it was kind of weird to be way out in the woods without my family.

We had built a fire and were cooking hot dogs and eating chips when Jason reached into his backpack and announced "Surprise!"

He was holding a quart bottle of vodka. I had never drunk alcohol before, but wasn't going to admit it. After we ate, he took a gulp, and passed the bottle to me. I also took a gulped and tried not to make a face as it burned down my throat. Over the next hour, the bottle made 4 passes around the group and we were all pretty loose. Somehow we ended up in a discussion of spanking, fooling around, how to know if one is gay or not, etc. As best I can recall, here was the discussion (each boy will be indicated by the first letter in his name):

P: "So guys...why do you think we get hard..."

G: "'cause we're turned on, dumbshit".

P: "No, I mean like when we get spanked or see another guy getting it".

J: "I like seeing other guys get it; when the squirm and beg and twist around their muscles look really cool".

S: "Yeah, I agree, but I just don't get why I get hard...Jason we talked about this before and couldn't figure it out".

P: "Maybe its like a nerve a reflex..."

S: "but you get hard even before the first spank lands, so it can't be a reflex".

G: " Maybe, I don't know...I sure feel helpless when I'm getting it".

J: "Yeah...that's it...but I feel safe too..."

S: "I feel really loved when I'm getting it".

PGJ: "WHAT? That's stupid, what do you mean?"

S: "Well it's the closest I've ever been to my dad...I mean he never showed much affection...and its kind of like a growing up his dad did it to him..."

G: "So how come we get hard when we do it to each other?"


The conversation went down from there: 4 boys; alcohol added; an uncomfortable topic. Later I would think about this conversation though... Like I still think about it: we were all right about it...the closeness...the erotic burn that spreads from Ass to Balls to Cock...the sense of power or powerlessness...the visual image of a hot guy straining as his ass is beat...

Eventually, we all went to sleep, quite intoxicated and woke up at 8:00 the next day, not a bit hung over, and ready for a new day. When I woke up, I realized that Jason and I had zipped our sleeping bags together, but I couldn't recall doing it.

We all got up and went to the nearest tree and peed. Then we talked about the plans for the day.

"Hey, we've got to break camp and head out of here by noon" I said.

"Yeah, that's about right" replied George...we have to get home..."

"Wait a minute" said Jason. "We still have some unfinished business to do".

I looked at Jason, George, and Patrick who were exchanging knowing glances, wondering what was up. Jason went on: "It seems to us that there was one guy who didn't get it yesterday, and now he's due with interest".

"Wait a minute guys, we had a contest and you three lost...there's a reason I didn't get it". I replied.

George then spoke: "You're absolutely right, but the three of us want to see someone get their ass whipped, and we decided it would be you".

"Oh" I replied, then without warning took off running. I'm pretty fast, but it turns out that Patrick is faster: he tackled me at the edge of the meadow just as I was about to break into the woods. I wrestled with him, but being older and stronger he didn't have much trouble subduing me.

Jason and George then came in with a length of rope and tied my hands together in front of me. The three of them led me to an oak tree with a large sturdy branch about 8 feet up in the air. They threw the rope up over the branch, then pulled until I was standing on my tiptoes. Then they tied off the rope.

Before I knew it, the boys were pulling off my clothes. Everything came off. Then Jason spoke up " were going to leave you here to think about what's coming. I'll give you a hint: were out in the woods and will be using `materials on hand'".

With that cryptic statement, they went off and broke camp. It took about 90 minutes, and I found the wait disturbing for several reasons. It is really uncomfortable to be up on your toes all that time. If you try to relax, the pull on hands and shoulders is uncomfortable. I couldn't help but think about what was coming. Plus, I really had to pee.

Then I saw the group approaching me. I saw that Jason had something in his hand: when they came closer I could see it was a willow branch, about 5 feet long. While standing in front of me, Jason pulled out his knife and shaved off the leaves and side branches. Then he shortened the branch to about 3 feet, leaving a switch that began as the thickness of my thumb, and ended with the thickness of my little finger. He swished it through the air several times.

I was not wanting this at all. I pleaded with the guys:

"I've never been switched...It will cut me...Come on guys, all you got was a little spanking...this isn't funny...cut me down...".

My 3 captors just smiled and stepped behind me. Then they announced that they would take turns, each giving me 4 licks with the switch. I begged some more, and asked them to at least cut me down so I could go pee. They laughed and said I didn't need my hands to pee.

Jason led off. The first thing he did was rear back and swish the willow rod loudly. I hissed, thinking it was about to hit me, and he laughed hard. Then, he reared back and actually gave it to me.

I now know that what I was experiencing was very similar to the cane. At the time, I only knew it hurt horribly. I would hear this swish, then hear and feel a sharp crack on my buttocks, then after a perceptible delay, white hot pain would shoot through my ass.

"AAAAAAAAGH...EEEEGGGGH" I screamed in a shrill voice.

Then it was Patrick's turn: he reared back and gave it to me.


The switch was passed to George who reared back and gave it to me hard, lower than the other guys had hit me: he landed it right on that spot where the thighs and the ass come together. I screamed like a girl and kicked my feet around: it was unbearable!

The switch passed back to Jason who was swinging a switch with one hand, and beating his meat with the other. He reared back and gave me my fourth hard blow "AAAAAAAAAGH...PLEASE JASON...NOOOOOO" I screamed, all to no avail.

Patrick and George then took their turns, also beating off between switch blows. All the while I was screaming. Finally we completed my 6th blow. I thought "half way over" as I struggled and bucked.

Then it was Jason again: he reared back, and to my surprise landed a hard whack right across my upper thighs: still where the boxers would cover.

As I screamed, my bladder let loose and pee flew everywhere as I kicked and bucked against the rope.

Of course, this must have been quite a sight because it led to several minutes of laughter and crude remarks from the boys:

"He peed himself" said one..

"Looks like he got it on his clothes" said another. To my chagrin, they were right, my clothes had been right in front of me.

"And there are still 2 more rounds to go!" said Jason.

With that it resumed: 5 more blows total. I was screaming and hanging by my arms and bucking throughout. Then suddenly it was over. My arms came loose and I went back on my feet. I felt a little unsteady as the hands were being untied. Then I looked around: Jason, George, and Patrick had all cum during this.

They gently took me back to the stream and sat my ass in it. I could feel the fire going out. I also looked down at my cock and saw that this was one whipping I did not stay hard for. The guys were impressed:

"God, you really took that...that was the hottest thing I've ever seen...what does it feel like? could you handle it?"

I felt a sense of pride and status in my group at being the only boy who had endured a switching.

After a time, the 3 took me back to what had been the campsite and laid me on my stomach on a sleeping bag. Soon I had 6 hands massaging every inch of my body, except of course my sore ass. I was starting to get turned on when I felt Jason's fingers spread my legs apart.

Soon I could feel tickling fingers stimulating my balls. I shifted as my cock grew painfully hard. At that point, Jason said "roll over" which I did.

On my back, my rod throbbed intensely and was drooling precum all over my stomach. George continued to massage my shoulders and chest, while dangling his once again hard dick over my face. Patrick went down to my feet and was massaging them.

Then Jason took his tongue and began bathing my balls. He first licked all around them, then began flicking each ball with the tip of his tongue really quickly. I soon felt a little discomfort as he sucked one of my balls into his mouth, then delicious warmth as he tongued it. The next ball followed. Then he was kissing his way up my rod.

He paused over it, and gave my dick a good squeeze: precum oozed out, and he hungrily lapped this up. Then he circled my dick head with his tongue as if he was licking an ice cream cone: " GOD THIS FEELS GOOD" I thought.

Before I knew it he was deep throating me, and I shot a huge load down his throat. Afterwards, he held me while George and Patrick finished packing up the campsite. Then we began the hike back, but they carried most of the stuff.


Next: Chapter 8

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