Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 15, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part VI

After George, Patrick, and their dads left the house, I was surprised and pleased that my dad and Jason's announced they were going golfing for the day. Once they left, Jason and I wasted no time talking.

"Jesus, did you hear George scream?" I said.

"Hey, that was nothing compared to Patrick" said Jason.

"Guess they'll have some marks come Monday too"

"Serve `em right, the assholes".

"Hey Jason, can I check out what your marks look like?" I asked.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" was the reply.

We both had our clothes off in a flash, and immediately embraced. I kissed Jason deeply, our tongues flitting in and out. I felt my rock hard dick against his 6 pack stomach, and his against my flat boyish stomach.

We rolled on the bed like 2 sexually ravenous animals. Soon we were in the 69, when to my amazement I began to feel something totally different. Jason was tongueing my asshole. I changed position to give him a better access to it. He tongued my asshole while jacking my cock and within a minute I had shot a huge load. Then I tongued his asshole, feeling kind of weird about it, but pleased to see the result: spurts of cum in under a minute. Then we showered off together and gave one another massages. Like the last time, we got off multiple times that afternoon, and spent a good deal of time cuddling. During this cuddle time, I asked a question:

"Why do we get hard during punishment?"

"I dunno...I thought it was only me until I saw it happen to you, George, and Patrick...maybe it's a reflex or something".

"I think it's more than that I said: I sometimes fantasize about being tied up and spanked by cute guys...thats what I thought of last night when I jerked off" I said.

Jason replied "Funny, I think of that sometimes too".

"Hey, wanna get something to eat?" he asked.

"Sure, my dad gave me money, lets ride our bikes down to the store and get something" I said. I thought to myself, "Good, the subject is changed...I'm not sure were that might have gone".

We spent the rest of the day doing typical teen guy stuff; then Jason went home. I went off to bed, and before I knew it, it was Monday morning. Same old routine.

"Hey Scott" said Susie.

"Hey Susie, how was your weekend?" I replied.

This led to a nice conversation: it seemed clear that the word was not out about the spanking, and for that I was grateful.

The day progressed as it usually did, then we all went to practice. In the locker room, I saw George and Patrick and Jason. We nodded and smiled as we put on our uniforms, asses against the lockers. It was the usual hard Monday work out that the coach is so fond of. After that we got the predictable "hit the showers ladies" which we did.

In the showers, no one could miss the backsides of the four of us: they were still purple and welted. No one said a thing to me or Jason, but they did tease George and Patarick.

"Hey George, did you fall down or something?"

"Hey Patrick, looks like you're having trouble sitting down".

"Guys, I guess George and Patrick finally found out what it feels like" said our team captain, and everybody stopped showering and clapped.

George said "listen guys, we were assholes to Scott and Jason and we got what we deserved. We won't be making fun of anybody's bruised ass again".

Generally this was just good natured kidding and we were just a group of teen guys again; shooting the shit; telling stories; bragging about who was going to get laid, etc.

The week progressed nicely. I saw a lot of Jason, but we kept any hint of our new relationship hidden. George and Patrick were surprisingly nice, even giving us rides home in their fancy car. As it got to be the end of the week, Patrick surprised us by inviting George, Jason, and me to go camping on Saturday. The plan was to hike a few miles into the woods, then camp out. We checked with our dads, and it was OK as long as they knew were the campsite was, and as long as we checked in by cell phone.

Saturday morning came, and the four of us headed off to the woods. The hike was actually more like 8 miles, and took us near a stream located in a small 30 by 50 foot meadow. We set up our tents, ate, and then decided that since we were so hot we would get comfortable and cool off in the stream. As one might expect, we were soon splashing, tackling, rough housing, and chasing one another around the meadow and stream. It would have been quite a sight: 4 young males running around in the warm sun without clothes. As we settled down, each boy began to make comments about the other.

"Hey Patrick, you've still got a nasty bruise there" sad Jason.

"Yeah, how come your ass is now so lily white" he retorted.

"Because I'm tougher: I've gotten it more than you".

"Well look at George's ass", I said. "It's almost all healed up too".

"Lets see yours Scott...yeah, just a few marks".

As this conversation progressed, there was some touching of one another's scars, and pretty soon things became a little stiffer...everybody was getting hard.

"Jesus Jason, you're all boned up" said George.

"You are too George, it just isn't as big" he replied.

"Fuck You Jason: it's the skill of the fisherman not the size of the rod" said George.

Everybody laughed, and there were lots of other comments about dicks, their sizes and shape; whether it was better to be circumcised, how far everyone had gone with the girls, etc. Then quiet descended on our group. It was a little awkward. Jason was the one who brought it up:

"I'm totally fucking horny I'm going to bust a nut...I'm going to jerk off".

The other boys started laughing, but they were boned up too, and soon everyone was pumping away, lying on their backs, in the meadow.

George then surprised us "Hey, I've got an idea; last one to cum gets spanked". I piped in "No, first one that cums gets to spank second one that cums who gets to spank the third one who cums".

Soon we were furiously jerking off: I shot a load all over my chest and yelled "first!". Seconds later it was Jason "Second"; then a minute later George managed to pop his nut, then a few seconds later it was Patrick.

We lay there panting and covered in cum until I got up and went to the stream to wash up. The others followed. Then, I announced it:

"Jason, your ass is mine".

He put forth no objection and just said "So what are you going to use on me?"

I replied "start with my hand, then the belt".

I sat on a fallen log and draped Jason over me. His 9 inch cock throbbed against my leg. And my smaller rod throbbed against his stomach. I raised my hand tentatively and gave a lame `smack'.

Jason laughed "You're going to have to do better than that" he said.

I gave a harder spank and he said "you're a wimp. My little sister could spank harder than that". George and Patrick laughed, and I decided I was going to show them.

"SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK" as I rained down 4 blows as hard and as fast as I could. Jason arched his back and clenched his cheeks together. I let go with another 6, so hard that my hand stung...

Jason then moaned a bit and arched some more.

I had the fantasy that I would be able to get Jason to beg if I hit him hard enough, but the spanking just wasn't that effective. After about 5 minutes, I had him stand, showing his erect cock, now dripping precum as well as his flaming red ass.

"Bend Over The Log" I bellowed, enjoying my new found power.

Jason bent over, spreading his legs wide so that his balls were obviously swinging in the breeze and his cock was hitting his stomach with each heartbeat.

I took off my belt and said "I'm going to give you five, but you have to thank me after each one".

Jason said "Fuck you".

I replied "When I start hearing `thank you sir', the count will begin".

I reared back with my arm really high and twisted my torso then swung as hard as I could

"AAAAH you fuck face, not so hard".

I did it again " ...thank you sir".

The next 4 followed quickly, and the reply was the same each time: a grunt, followed by "thank you sir".

At the end of it, I noticed that George and Patrick were both stroking their meat.

Jason, pleased that his was over, then told George: "you're up".

George got down across Jason's lap as directed.

Having just gotten his ass beat, Jason was in the mood to take it out on someone. He really laid into George with his hand:

"Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap" rained down the blows as fast as Jason could hit him.

" asshole...that hurts" said George.

"That's going to cost you boy: you should never call someone an asshole when they are spanking you" replied Jason. He then seemed to double the force with which he was hitting, and slowed down.

"WHAACK" went Jason's hand as hard as he could.

"OOOOOOH PLEASE STOP" wailed George.

Jason was in no mood to stop: he continued for another 5 minutes, reducing George to a sobbing boy. Jason however did not give him the belt, which I thought was pretty nice of him under the circumstances.

George slowly got up and rubbed his now bright red cheeks "Jesus Jason, you really let me have it".

"That's just `cause you're a beginner, if I really let you have it you would be in trouble" said Jason, smiling that gorgeous heart winning adolescent smile as he squeezed George's shoulder.

George then announced "Patrick, you're up".

Dutifully, Patrick lowered himself down for his spanking, still sporting wood. George gave him a moderate spanking for about 5 minutes, much to the disappointment of me and Jason.

We both said "George, that was too easy...what a wimp...just because he's your friend doesn't mean you go easy".

With that, it was back to the stream to soak the warm asses. I got in the water too, though I was not at all sore since I was the only one who escaped receiving a spanking. One thing led to another, and soon we were wrestling around and grabbing at one another. Jason wrestled me to the ground with both wrists held above my head, then kissed me deeply.

Suddenly, George and Patrick stopped what they were doing and stared: SHIT, our secret was out. George and Patrick would know that Jason and I had been fooling around. I must have looked appalled, because George said "Its OK, me and Patrick fool around too".

With that, George and Patrick started kissing and making out as well. Soon, the four of us were lying their in the grass sucking one another off. Being young and horny, it didn't take long before we all had shot our loads.

Then it was me who came back to reality: hey guys, it gets dark in another hour, we better set up camp and get cleaned up. We then all fell to the task of setting up our big tent and sleeping bags as well as preparing our evening meal.


Next: Chapter 7

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