Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 5, 2002




Living At Dad's House: Part II

I woke up at 6 with my usual 14 year olds morning boner. I got up and went to my bathroom, which is private. I took a piss, and turned to look at my ass as I recalled last night. What I saw was better than I had feared. On my right cheek there was still telltale reddening all over the surface of the skin, but it had faded a lot. I also noted a number of broken blood vessels that gave red spider web like marks. The right cheek was pretty much the same except for a light bruise about 1" in diameter. I knew I had a half hour before I had to shower, so I began my morning jack off session. With my penthouse magazine gone, I began to fantasize about Sue. She was my current girlfriend, and her body presents a lot to fantasize about. I began to work on my cock while picturing her ass in tight jeans, but I found that my mind kept wandering back to the spanking last night. I could almost feel and hear the smacks on my ass as I relived my first spanking. Sue was gone from my mind, and without really thinking about it I shot a huge load within minutes while thinking about the spanking. Then I lay down on the bed and questions filled my head.

"Why did I get hard during the spanking? Why did I just shoot so fast while thinking about it? Did I like this? Fuck, I do...I'm a pervert. I must be the only 14 year old at my school to get spanked. What if the other guys figure it out? I'm a big man at school because of my build and athletic skills, I don't think they would say anything. I'll kick their asses if they do. Oh Shit, what do I do at PE today. Will people notice?"

I lay pondering this for about 15 minutes then went off to my shower. I again paused and looked at my ass in the mirror. It wasn't that obvious but if anyone looked, they would not miss it. While lathering up, I spent a lot of time on my ass. I notice that it still hurt if I pressed down, so a full day on those hard plastic chairs at school was not going to be pleasant. My thoughts then went back to the spanking and I was again hard so I quickly jerked off. This was a little excessive for me: I usually jerk off once every morning and sometimes in the evening.

I got dressed, carefully checked how I looked in the mirror, grabbed my books and ran for the bus. When I got to school, everything was as usual. "Hey Scott, how's it hanging" I heard from one of my basketball buddies. " A little to the left" I replied and the guys around me laughed. "Scott...Scott": it was Susie calling me. I went over and we talked and I walked her to her class before running off to mine. However, my mind just wasn't on Susie. I made it into my first period class just as the bell was ringing and took out my notebook. Mr. Jones the history teacher began lecturing, and I tried to keep my mind on the topic, but I found my mind wandering. I was shifting around on each cheek as I noticed the discomfort. Soon, I was looking around at the other guys and wondering if any of them had the same problem. Then I thought, "No, I'm the only 14 year old loser in this school who gets his ass beat". Soon the bell rang and I snapped out of it and went to second period. I said "Hi" to many of my friends in the hallway. The other kids show me some deference due to my looks and athletic skills. I pondered this a bit in light of my sore ass and decided that they might not be quite so deferent if they knew. The remainder of the morning passed quickly, then it was off to lunch. I had lunch with Susie and some of her friends, but it was quiet and I wasn't all that interested in the conversation. Instead, my mind was wandering to my next class: PE. This semester we are running, and showers are mandatory. The coach stands there and passes out towels to us after we have showered, and checks our names off on a list.

The bell rang and I went to the locker room. I changed into my PE clothes, keeping my back to the lockers when I removed my boxers in favor of the athletic undershorts. All the guys were talking about tonight, Friday, and their plans for the weekend. There was the usual banter about who was going to get laid, etc. As usual, most of it was bullshit. We then ran our 3 miles and were sent to the showers. I knew I might have a problem, but we are all guys. Guys aren't likely to look at my ass in the shower, are they? I mean, guys don't like to look at other guys.

Since there was no avoiding it, I went into the shower room: a large tile area with 20 shower heads arranged around the walls. When you shower there, you are right next to the other guys. I looked around as I walked in. No one seemed to notice at first. I noticed the boy next to me, Jason who like me was considered one of the cool studley boys. Jason is a little taller than me: 5-6; and weights about 145 lbs with a tight stomach and dark hair. I noticed his tight ass and wondered if he ever got it. I noticed his uncut cock again: he had the only uncut one in class, and it had aroused my curiosity before. I was contemplating this while shampooing my hair when one of the guys said "Hey, look at Scott, what happened to your ass?". I turned red and replied "I fell while skateboarding" and gave him a look that could kill. No one said another word, but there were some smirking looks exchanged: the 14 year old stud on campus gets spanked. I walked over to where the coach was and took the towel, and covered my ass as I walked away from him so he wouldn't see. I dried and got ready to leave when Jason stepped closer to me and said in a low voice "It happens to me too, don't worry about it".

I had 2 more classes after PE to sit through. In the last class, Jason sat next to me and asked "so what are you doing this weekend?". I said " I don't know, I got in some trouble and I'm not sure if I'm grounded".

Jason then smiled and said, not unkindly, "it looks to me like you have already been punished, call me and we can hang out". I promised to do so and then began to wonder, was Jason hot for me? Was he a pervert? I looked at his crotch secretly several times and imagined this uncut dick hard. Soon I had a raging hard on, and was glad that Mrs. Jones the English teacher does not call people to the board. I managed to pull my mind away from Jason and get my woody soft before the bell rang and I headed home.

I decided to walk home this time to have an opportunity to think. I was realizing some things about myself, and did not quite know what to make of them. First, I seem to like guys...but maybe it's a phase, I can't be queer. Second, something about my spanking was very exciting in a sexual way. Additionally, thinking about Jason getting his ass thrashed was very arousing. Third, I did not want to get another spanking. Yes, I am turned on by the idea of it, but it hurt then and it hurts now. I am going to be very good at home and give Dad no reason at all to punish me again.

When I got home, I knew I had a few hours to myself before dad came home from work. I made myself a couple of sandwiches, got a coke, and logged on to the computer. I was starting to play Everquest, my favorite game when an instant message came through. It was Jason.

"What's up?" was the question.

I replied "not much, just relaxing and getting a snack...glad it's the weekend".

Jason then replied "me too...but I'm a little nervous about tonight..".

I answered "why, its Friday night, relax and enjoy, relax".

He then messaged "I got this note from Mrs. Jones...the fucking cunt...saying that I haven't been handing my homework in. Dad is going to be really pissed and I'm worried".

I answered, while noticing that my cock was growing, "what will he do".

"Same thing as your dad: beat my ass. Only he will use the belt which is worse. It leaves loop marks and there is no way to explain it away. It also hurts like FUCK".

I tried to be supportive: "Dude, I feel sorry for you; that's gotta hurt like hell...sorry..."

Then I got a final message "Oh Fuck, he's home..see ya..."

I sat for a while, imagining what would happen to Jason. It was exciting and scary. I could imagine what he must be feeling, bent over with a belt striking his ass. Begging and pleading, apologizing, making promises. But at the same time it totally turned me on. I beat off for the third time that day.

Dad got home about 6:00 and everything seemed cool. He asked me how my day went, we talked for a while, then he said "Hey son, let's go get some Chinese food". I was glad to go because we both love Chinese food and to me it meant that all was forgiven. We had a great evening, I more or less forgot about the spanking, and got home at 9 pm. I watched some tv in my room and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up, horny as usual and thinking of Jason. I got on line and had an e mail from him: "Dude, my ass looks like hamburger. He beat the shit out of me for not doing that homework. He gave me a hard hand spanking, then paddled me for 10 minutes. I was screaming and begging and he stopped and sent me to the corner. Then he came back and said that the warm up was over and it was time to punish me for the homework. He asked me how many assignments I had missed: I told the truth, 15. Then he took out the razor strap: big heavy fucker. He had me lean against the wall and gave me 15 hard blows: one a minute. CHRIST, I have never cried so hard in all my life".

I began to respond to his e mail when I heard my father bellowing: "Scott, get your ass down here right now young man, you have really done it this time".

I flew down the stairs, wondering what the fuck I could have done now, and knowing that it wasn't going to be good. My father was standing in the laundry room, holding my sweatpants, out of which he had just pulled a half pack of cigarettes.

"Shit", I thought... "think fast...Christ I'm in trouble".

"Young man, you told me yesterday that the cigarettes belonged to your friend. Now here I find another half smoked pack in your pants pocket. You were lying to me.

I looked down: he had me cold; all I could say was "Yes sir, I'm sorry. I was afraid to tell you...I knew I was in trouble already".

Dad then replied "Well, I guess we have two things to punish you for: lying and smoking. Get up to your room and get undressed".

This time I knew what was coming. I took off all of my clothes and waited for him. No sense in fighting back `cause I am not going to win. I ducked into the bathroom and checked out my ass: God, I still had the marks from last time. Then I sat down on the bed and waited. I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, and knew how the condemned feel when they hear the boots of the executioner. Strangely, my cock sprung to full erection by the time dad entered the room. He was carrying the plastic paddle plus a leather strap. The strap was old. It had a wood handle and the leather part of it was 2 feet long. It was about a half inch thick, well oiled and supple, and had been cut down the middle so it had two tails".

"Stand up son" I heard.

I complied, embarrassed by my hard on in this situation. As I did so, I glanced at my father's crotch and noticed a bulge...Jesus, he gets into this...

"Bend over the bed Scott".

I did so, and he placed the evil looking leather strap in front of me where I would see it. Then he picked up the Jokari paddle. The interrogation began.

"How long have you been smoking?" Dad asked.

"About a year sir" I replied, then felt the burn of the paddle as it came down. "OOOH" I cried...this was really hard, much more than yesterday.

"And how many cigarettes do you smoke a day son". Dad asked.

I hesitated, and felt two really hard whacks. I sucked in my breath and told the truth: 3 to 6 cigarettes a day dad, I don't really smoke that much".

I felt another whack and heard him say "Good, then you won't have too much trouble giving them you smoke an average of 4 cigarettes a day?"

I said "Yes, more or less...but I swear I will stop".

"And what is the date today son" I heard him ask.

I thought for a moment...the date...what the fuck is it...then I replied "Saturday, Jan 19, 2002". I wasn't taking any chances on getting it wrong.

"So how many days have there been this year" he asked.

I thought, "what the fuck is this, a math test?" and then replied "19 sir".

He then asked the question "and how many cigarettes have you smoked this year son...what is 19 times 4".

I was appalled, because I thought I knew where this was going. Also, when you are bent over with your ass smarting and you are only 14 and use a calculater for math, it isn't easy to do this quickly. I multiplied in my head...4 times 10 is 40, and 9 times 4 is 36...76... "76 Sir". I said.

Well, then you're in luck son, I believe that every year is a fresh start so I will only punish you for the ones you've smoked this year. I hope you enjoyed them, because now you will get 76 blows with the paddle".

He started in even as I was begging " 76...Oh God that hurts...Please sir...AAH...Not 76...I can't take it...I'm so sorry...OH, OH, Help, please sir, I won't do it again". Over the next 20 minutes or so I got 76 blows, not that I really remember them all. I vaguely recalling putting my hand up to stop it and then being slammed down on the bed with my father holding my lower back and beating me as I sobbed and my legs kicked. Then it was over.

I stood up and was directed to the corner. As I stood up from the bed, I noticed a long string of precum connecting my cock to the sheets. I quickly wiped it away and headed for the corner. Once there, I notice that I was continuing to dribble precum down onto the carpet, and hoped that Dad wouldn't notice. Dad left me around and went into the bathroom. I heard the door close and the toilet seat come up, then nothing. Eventually I heard low moaning and realized that my dad was in there beating off. That fucking pervert, he just beat the shit out of me and now he was getting off.

However, the thought was having a predictable response on my own meat which was now throbbing and dripping. I had to do something with all that dripping: I squeezed my cock from the base to the tip milking it out into my hand, then ate it.

I heard the toilet flush and the water run, then dad came back in.

"Turn around" he said.

Of course when I complied I my hard cock. He laughed and pointed at it and said "So you're growing up son, don't worry about it; I used to cum sometimes when your grandfather used that leather strap on me".

"Now, about the lying to me. That is far more serious than the cigarettes and will get you your first introduction to the strap...".

"But dad" I started to interrupt.

"Shut up are going to get 20 blows with that strap, but not until tomorrow morning. You need time to rest".

I could not believe my own voice saying "Thanks dad" for this respite until tomorrow. Dad then left and I got back on line and instant messaged Jason: "Dude, I just got the shit beat out of me too". He replied quickly "Meet you in the canyon". I knew exactly where he meant. We kids used to build forts there when we were younger. I went out to meet him, hoping for a comrade in this whole weird and painful experience.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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