Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 21, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part XII

That night Jason and I went to our bedroom early. My dad was left to clean up. As soon as we were alone, I talked to Jason:

"You know, I don't think I can deal with this...My dad...well ..." (I couldn't really collect my thoughts).

Jason leaned over and kissed me and held me tight. "SSSH...we'll talk about it later" he said in soothing voice.

We lay back on the bed and slowly caressed each other. As we slipped out of our boxers, I noticed the dark tan line on both Jason and I. It looked really hot on him: his darkly tanned 6 pack, then the transition to light skin, then the faint trail down to his boyish adolescent bush surrounding that very non boyish 9 inch cock. Now that our love was not a secret, and there was no need to fear discovery, we could take our time when we made love. We kissed for what seemed like hours, we gently explored every subtle corner of one another's bodies with our fingers, then tongues. Finally, Jason said "Scott...will you make love to me?"

I reached for the condoms and lube and gently entered Jason with him lying on his back. I grabbed each ankle as he pulled his legs back, and began a gentle rocking motion with my pelvis. Soon he was coming up to meet me, and I could feel him squeezing my dick with his ass muscles. I would get right to the point of ejaculating, then would stop, leaving my dick inside him. We must have done this for an hour, kissing, fucking, then finally I could hold it no longer and fired my load: it felt like I shot 6 or 7 times.

Afterward, we lay together and talked. Jason opened the conversation.

"Scott, maybe this wasn't the best way to go, but your dad didn't give much choice. He got me kicked out of my home, then tried to make me his slave boy. I know you love him, but he's kind of twisted and needs to have some controls over him."

I listened carefully, nodding: Jason was right, dad got way out of control; there really wasn't another option.

Jason continued: "at the same time, I don't think I can be the boss over everybody here. Everyone needs some accountability--you, me, your dad. Here's how I figure it should happen. Your dad will continue to raise you normally and punish you as he always did when you fuck up. When your dad steps out of line, I will discipline him, but I won't go out of my way to humiliate him if he stays in line. That leaves me..." I gazed at Jason, waiting to hear what would be said next.

"I need some discipline too sometimes. Your dad can't do it; my dad won't have anything to do with me...will you do it ?"

I was taken by surprise: fooling around, spanking each other, that was all cool. But real discipline? Actually hold my idol and lover accountable? I replied "I don't know if I can Jason..."

"But you have to...otherwise I'll just end up a bully and arrogant like your dad" he replied.

My head was swimming with all this so I tried to slow down and think it out: "So, you are going to keep my dad in line, he is going to keep me in line, and I'm going to keep you in line".

"You've got it" said Jason.

"All right...not much choice when you think about it" was my response.

Jason then kissed me, and I felt my cock hardening again. I returned the kiss, and reached down to fondle his growing cock. Soon we were all over each other again, only this time Jason fucked me. We fell asleep, again in each others arms.

The next morning when we awoke it was 8:00. Dad had breakfast waiting, and was still naked from last night. I could see his ass was pretty torn up, and was going to look that way for a long time. Trying to normalize the situation I said "Morning dad".

"Morning son" he replied, then seeing Jason he said "Morning Sir".

"Good morning" replied Jason, omitting the "boy" that a master could have said.

After breakfast, Jason and I headed off for another hike. On the way out the door he said to my dad "after you get things cleaned up you can go back to doing your regular work".

"Yes sir" was my father's reply.

"Oh, and you can wear your boxers for the rest of the day" said Jason.

"Thank you sir" was the last thing I heard as Jason and I headed out the door. We both had the same thing in mind: back to the waterfall, only this time we would have it all to ourselves.

Once we reached the waterfall, it was just as I remembered it. The sound of the rushing water, smell of tropical flowers, exotic bird sounds in the distance. Jason and I slowly undressed one another, then kissed deeply. We waded into the cool water until it was at our waists. What a contrast: cold water causing our nuts to shrink up close to our bodies and next to red hot throbbing cocks. We held each other and caressed, moved under the waterfall for a brief time, then back to our caressing. I led Jason back up to the bank and he laid down on the mossy ground. Straddling him, I leaned down and kissed him over each eye, then on the nose, then on each ear, then deeply in his mouth. I could taste him, and I felt our cocks throbbing against one another. He drew back his legs, and taking the signal I slipped inside him. Soon I was pounding his ass furiously as we made love to the sound of the waterfall and the birds. The only other sound was my cock slipping in and out, my balls slapping time against him, and both of our gasps when I shot and almost simultaneously he shot all over his chest and face.

Afterwards we bathed one another in the cool water, then sat holding each other on a rock by the water. We were so much in love, and in a paradise. We sat in silence for an hour or so before Jason began to feel horny again. He was really insatiable. Before long, we were sucking one another, then I was the one laying on my back on the ground. Jason was surprisingly gentle with me when he eased his big cock into my hole. As it was going in, I had a brief thought about how he had probably not been gentle yesterday with... then I was focused on our pleasure.

Jason warned me about a minute before that he was going to cum. I pumped away at my cock and we shot simultaneously: him into my boy hole, me all the way up into my face and hair. We lay there with Jason still inside me, both exhausted for several minutes, then it was time to clean up again at the waterfall.

We both fell asleep next to the water for about an hour, then I woke Jason up by gently massaging his body. He rolled onto his stomach and I worked each well defined muscle deeply with my hands. Jason returned the favor.

By then, it was getting late. We decided to hike back to the house.

Upon arriving, everything seemed pretty normal. Dad was cooking dinner; the house was clean, though we hadn't had to clean it then. We ate dinner together, then Jason and I voluntarily did the dishes. Afterwards, we sat and talked...or really Jason led a discussion.

Jason: "Scott and I have been talking, and we have made some decisions about how it will be when we get home".

Dad: "Sir?"

Jason: " We have decided that things will pretty much be as they always were before your behavior caused me to have to take charge. You will relate to Scott as a dad. The old rules and expectations will still apply. If Scott gets out of hand; does poorly in school; or does anything else that warrants punishment, you will give it to him just like you used to.

Scott is going to discipline me if I need it. When he does this, you will be sent away because a boy should not see his master being disciplined. I will have the same general rules as Scott, and he has promised to hold me accountable".

Me: "So you see, it will be a lot like before, only your absolute power that you abused will no longer exist".

Jason: "Yes, and getting to that, it is my intention that you will go about your work and social schedule as you always did. I see no reason to embarrass you, despite your behavior to me. To the outside world you will look like you adopted me and will appear to be a father to me. However, when you learn things about me that warrant discipline, you will tell Scott and he will decide. You are also going to get disciplined when necessary (Jason pointed at my dad when he said this). You are going to do well at work; you will share your performance reviews with me just as if they were a report card; you will be polite to others. You will be available to me sexually if I want, but I can tell you that I'm not that interested. I am in love with Scott, and the only reason I would see myself being sexual with you would be as part of a punishment. Any questions?"

Me: "Seems clear to me".

Dad: "Seems clear to me sir, and very equitable. I wasn't expecting it".

After our discussion, we all went down to the beach for an evening swim. Jason and I took our clothes off. It was a memorable night, splashing in the water, and leaving phosphorescent trails in the moonlight.


Next: Chapter 13

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