Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 21, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part XI

We marched out into the living room as ordered. My mind was racing...I loved my dad...but what he just did to Jason was I just kept trying to think of a way out of this. Jason did not deserve to be blackmailed into being my old man's slave. However, I still needed a dad and did not need to be deprived of the only one I ever had. Also, while dad is an impressive and attractive man, he's my dad: I don't want anything to do with his sexual activities. What am I to do?

My reverie was broken by hearing Dad's voice order Jason: "Boy, bend down over that sofa now, I'm going to teach you some manners".

Having no choice, Jason began to comply.

"Son, hold him down, I'm going to give him a whipping he will never hold still for".

Then, I couldn't believe what my voice was saying "Dad, I won't do it. You had no right to do this to Jason. Its gone too far. I will not hold Jason down for you to whip him nor will I follow your orders".

My father looked apoplectic: his authority was being challenged. He walked over to me and slapped me HARD across the face.

I could taste blood in my mouth, but I was not backing down. I next said "You may think you can intimidate me, but you can't...I won't let you."

Then I was on the floor with the wind knocked out of me as a gut punch took me down. When I came out of the haze, I could hear Jason talking to my father.

"Listen old man, this has gone too far. You will back down right now or we call the police" said Jason.

"And what are you going to tell them boy" said my father in an arrogant tone.

"We will tell them that you abuse boys, and we will use the tapes you took watching Jason and I as proof of it".

"You wouldn't dare" said my father, looking shocked.

"The hell we wouldn't" said Jason. "Do you know what is going to happen to you old man"?

Now my father looked really worried... "Come on guys, I've been good to you...yeah I got carried away..."

"You Fucking Asshole! You didn't just get carried away, you ruined my life; cost me my're going to pay" said Jason.

"Son, you can't let him do this to me" said my father pitifully.

I was crying, not knowing what to do. Then I reached a decision: "Its up to Jason, he can do whatever he wants. You asked for it.".

My dad stood there shaking in front of us two boys. He was really scared. I looked at Jason, and he nodded his thanks for my support then spoke:

"Listen old man, I would love to see you in jail, but I also know what that would do to Scott. So, I'm going to offer you a deal: in public, you will be my foster and I will live with you. In private, you will be my slave. However, I will permit you to set reasonable rules and discipline your son. Take it or leave it" said Jason.

"I'll take it" whispered my dad.

"I can't hear you BOY" said Jason.

"I'll take it, SIR" said my dad.

Jason then looked at me and said "Scott, I have a score to settle with your dad. I don't want you to watch it. Why don't you take a walk down to the beach, and I will come get you when its over".

"OK Jason...I mean he has it coming...but..."...I trailed off.

"I know Scott, that's why I don't want you here" said Jason.

I headed down to the beach, and on the way out the door I heard Jason say "STRIP you cocksucker" to my dad.

Even down at the beach I could kind of hear what was going on. It was distant, but for a good solid half hour I could hear the sound of wood hitting skin, and a man begging. Then for the next half hour, I heard leather hitting skin and initially the sound of a man begging, then wailing and pleading like a little boy. I was glad I wasn't there to see it.

Then there was silence for a few minutes. I started to go back to the house, but when I got closer I could hear noise inside. Curious, I went and listened at the door and I could hear my father and Jason:

Dad: "Please Sir, I don't get fucked; never have". Jason: "You should have thought about that before you went after my ass boy". Dad "I'll do anything sir, just not that" Jason "You'll do anything I tell you, including that, now bend over the sofa boy".

There was a minute of silence, then a howl from my father "OOOOOOOH...not dry...Jesus..."

I knew that Jason was fucking him dry; and from the sound of things, he had rammed his 9 inch boycock all the way to the hilt. I headed back to the beach, not really wanting to hear it all.

After about 45 minutes, a sweaty but satisfied looking Jason came down to the beach and held me closely. "Scott, I love you. I am going to do my best to still have your dad around for you, but his days of controlling my life are over".

"I know" I whispered back.

We made love on the beach, with no cares of being seen or heard. Jason begged me to fuck him, which I did with abandon. Afterwards we went back up to the house and went inside without washing our feet or having to be careful of tracking in sand. When I entered, I saw my father, standing back toward us, cooking dinner. He was naked, and his ass was swollen purple and blue with crisscrossed welts all over it.

"Dinner will be ready in a minute Sir" he said.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 12

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