Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 18, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTION. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part X

The next morning Jason and I awoke, intertwined in one another's arms. I awoke first, and lightly massages his cock until it was hard. Then I began sucking it. Jason woke up and shifted position so we could 69. In a few minutes we blew our wads into one another's mouths.

"Beats jerking off in the morning" he said. "And How" I replied.

Next we hit the shower and thoroughly washed one another. I noticed my asshole was a bit tender after the pounding Jason had given me with his 9 inch tool. His hole didn't seem tender, but I used a much kinder and gentler tool than he!

We went out to breakfast and dad met us there.

"Have a good night boys?" he asked, with a knowing smile. "Couldn't be better dad, thanks for being so understanding" I replied. "You know sir, my dad would never be this understanding: he would just beat the shit out of me and throw me out of the house if he found out" said Jason.

"How do you know Jason? I mean, he might be more accepting than you give him credit for" said dad.

"He isn't" said Jason, and the topic changed.

"What do you boys have planned for today?" asked dad.

"Well, after we complete our cleaning duties, we thought that we would go to the beach, swim, and throw the football" we replied.

"Sounds good to me, I might join you" said dad.

After cleaning up the house, Jason and I stepped outside (nude of course, until we got to the clothes line where our suits were). We put on our suits, and went down to the beach. We got to horsing around pretty quickly, and were tackling and chasing each other. Then we started throwing "long bombs" into the surf and diving for them. It ultimately led to out standing in the surf, a little below our waists, kissing deeply and hugging.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything" said my dad.

We jumped apart, then he said "no big deal guys, remember?".

We smiled and went back to our making out.

"Hey guys, I've been exploring the area and as it turns out the corner of the beach down there (pointing) is so sheltered that no one could possibly see you. Maybe we should do some swimming in the natural state and get an all over tan" said dad.

"Sounds cool to me" said Jason, then we headed for that end of the beach, a small cove like indentation in the bay. My dad was the first to drop his trunks, and Jason and I quickly followed.

Both Jason and I were hard in a minute. I was looking at Jason and dad was behind me when Jason said "Jesus Scott, is that what your cock will be like when it's full grown?".

I turned around and saw that indeed my dad was sporting a monster erection. I had seen dad soft many times, and felt his hard dick when he was spanking me, but not actually had a full view of his erection before. It was 9 to 9.5 inches; a little longer than Jasons. However, unlike Jason, his was extremely thick: 9 x 9! Below that throbbing weapon were 2 pendulous balls.

Dad grinned and said "You guys have been having all the fun here. All I've been doing is working. I haven't cum in over a week".

"I can help with that" said Jason.

I really didn't know what to think. I loved my father; felt close to him; got aroused when he spanked me; found his huge cock to be exciting, but watching sexual activity with my dad...I don't know...

"Hey you guys go ahead, I'm going up to the house for a few minutes" I said, needing time to think.

I went up to the house and sat on the porch for a while: Dad and Jason? Doesn't seem right. Besides, what if Jason likes him better? But then again, dad has needs too".

Ultimately I decided that I was not going to sort this out, so I went back down to the beach. Jason was on his knees being face fucked aggressively by my father who was saying "Take it bitch, don't you dare choke; you know you want it". Jason was in fact choking, red faced, but obviously aroused. I watched in fascination.

Jason had a long string of precum from the tip of his cock down to the sand. It must have been really thick because it stayed connected as his dick bobbed up and down. My dad seemed oblivious to my presence there with Jason going down on him. I found myself extremely turned on and joined in by kneeling behind Jason and rimming his ass. Jason started jerking off as he sucked my dad. In a few minutes they both had cum, leaving me in a sore position as the only one who hadn't!

Then both turned their attentions to me. Jason began licking my cock and balls while my dad massaged my chest and arms. I was in pure bliss, and shot a huge load into Jason within minutes.

We all sat on the beach for a while, then we went for a swim. Soon we were floating together in the warm salt water, engaged in a 3 way embrace. Dad picked this moment to drop the bombshell:

"You boys have taken very well to corporal punishment and service. I think it's been really good for you. Son, you are a better student, better behaved, and the happiest I have seen you. Jason, you too seem to be flourishing with this approach. I am also aware that you boys play spanking games yourselves, like that business in the stream on the camping trip.."


"Yes son, I was...and I liked what I saw. You looked so hot when you were switched. At any rate, I am now going to begin your formal training. You boys will be my slaves".

"What does that mean?" I asked...feeling nervousness in the pit of my stomach.

"Exactly what it sounds like boys: you will both serve me and do what I order when required. I will allow you two to continue your relationship as long as it does not distract you from your service to me. You will both submit to my authority and do as I say".

"I don't think I'm ready for that sir" said Jason... "I mean, it sounds kind of serious...and my dad wouldn't approve..".

"Your dad has already given me custody of you Jason: temporary for now, but it will be finalized in a week" said my dad.

"What do you mean? He would never do that" said Jason.

"Don't argue with me boy, and don't call your Master a liar: you will pay for that. Now both of you back to the house right now".

Jason and I exchanged glances and shrugged our shoulders, then marched back up to the house.

"Strip off those suits boys" said my dad in a stern voice. We complied instantly.

"In the house" was the next command, then "follow me". We followed dad into the office, where his lap top was set up. He touched the screen, and up came an e mail sent 3 days ago to Jason's dad:

"...I felt I had no choice but to show you these photos. I was quite shocked to discover that your son and mine are engaged in a homosexual relationship. I first discovered this when they went on their camping trip (see photos), then reconfirmed it with a small video camera hidden in their room her in Hawaii (see photos). As you can see, they are engaged in a variety of sexual activities... I feel that I am able to accept this, if this is who my son proves to be. However, you must decide what to do with Jason...".

There it was: dad had told our secret, with photographic evidence to Jason's dad. Jason looked faint and pale. His hands were shaking...

"..Have you...I mean has he..." he stammered.

"Yes" said dad, pulling up the response from Jason's dad.

I won't reprint all of it, but the drift of the message was "Jason who? I don't have a son named Jason. You can leave him in Hawaii or do with him as you please. I never wish to see him again".

Jason then burst into tears, and I went over to hold and comfort him. I kissed his hair as he cried into my shoulders... "You fucking bastard...why did you do had no right..." he said to my dad.

"Well, perhaps I didn't at the time, but I do now: you can look at the rest of the e mails if you want, but I am now your guardian. The first lesson you will earn is to treat your new dad with respect".

Jason stood there, wiping the tears, with his mouth agape.

My father reached down for a duffle bag, pointed to the living room and said "March".

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 11

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