Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 3, 2002




Part I

Last week I came to live with my dad because mom had given up on me. She said I was too defiant and out of control and that a man's hand could control me better. With only this statement, I was sent off at the age of 14 to live with my dad. Dad and I had a pretty good relationship as far as it went. I would see him one weekend a month and every other Christmas holiday. I never acted up at dad's house: our time was short and he was an imposing figure (at least to me at age 14). Dad stood 6-2, 180 lbs, broad shouldered and blond with little body hair. I know could describe him as a Nordic type. When we went to the gym together and showered, I could not believe the size of his cock. It must have been 7 inches soft. I on the other hand stood at 5 ft, 125 lbs, blond, smooth with some curly blond pubic hair surrounding my 6 inch (fully erect) cock. For a 14 year old, I was a real stud.

When I moved in to dad's house, he gave me the lecture that I was expected to behave and that I would be held responsible for my actions. I didn't make much of it. Mom always said the same thing, and I pretty much did as I pleased.

From my point of view, the first week went well. I was playing well in basketball; there was a girl named Susie who thought I was cute; I was doing OK in school and hanging out with my buddies. So as far as I was concerned everything was great when I came home from basketball practice. As soon as I walked in the door though, it was clear that dad did not think everything was great.

"Young man, I told you when you came to live with me that you would be expected to behave. I am extremely disappointed in you. You are about to find out what happens to boys who misbehave here".

I replied quite innocently "what do you mean? I'm doing fine, no behavior problems, you're crazy. I haven't done a thing to be punished for".

Dad then reached behind and pulled out 3 objects: an empty beer, a pack of cigarettes, and a Penthouse magazine that I use to jerk off with. "So what are these doing in your room?" he asked.

I was PISSED: "You asshole, that's my room. You have no right to go in my room. Who do you think you are sneaking around my private things. I'm not the one who ought to be punished here. You give me back my magazine right now".

Dad just stared down at me and grasped my shoulder and squeezed: it hurt, and I stopped. "Listen up: smoking, drinking and pornography are not allowed in my house. Additionally, your smart foul mouth has gone too far. I have considered disciplining you several times this week, and now you are going to get it". Get your ass up to your room and wait.

I sarcastically replied "so what are you going to do, SPANK ME?"

Dad just glared and pointed up at my room. I went there and sat on my bed and thought.

"Shit, I've really done it this time. I have no idea how dad punishes but he is really pissed. I had better keep quiet up here and apologize as soon as he comes up. I'll probably be grounded for a month".

Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, a knock and my father entered. I sat on my bed and looked up at him and did my very best to win him over " Dad, I am really sorry. I don't know what came over me. I had no right to speak to you like that. I hope you can forgive me...and I confess that the beer was mine. I stole one can from the fridge because I wanted to know what it tasted like. I don't usually drink. And the cigarettes were not mine: they belong to Jason...the porn, well you know, you're a guy...".

As my excuses and apologies tapered off, he looked at me and said "Son I already forgive you, but that doesn't mean you won't be punished. You need a major attitude adjustment. The beer is a big deal: you're only 14. The porn is not something I tolerate in my house. For now, I'll believe you on the cigarettes". "I told you when you came here that you would be held responsible for your actions. I'm going to punish you the way my father punished me: you're getting a spanking. And when I finish with you, you'll think a long time before you show that attitude to another adult". "Now take off your clothes...".

I stood there like an idiot, my mouth open, transfixed. Boys don't get spanked any more. Besides, I'm 14, I have a girlfriend; I'm a jock at school. I'm a stud. This can't possibly be happening to me. I started to protest, then looked up at my dad and realized that there was no way out of this. I slowly undressed. Untie my left shoe, slowly take it off. Right shoe...left sock...right sock...stand up...shirt...I then looked at my dad and he nodded. With shaking hands I unzipped my pants and stepped out of them. I turned away from dad. Christ! What a time to get a boner. FUCK, he's going to see it.

"Turn around son" I heard.

I slowly complied, cupping my hands in front of the tented briefs in a futile attempt to hide my woody. Dad acted like he didn't even hear me and said "Now the boxers". I looked at him pleadingly...

"Please dad, don't do can spank me as hard as you like...I deserve it...but PLEEASE NOT with my boxers off too".

"Son I am going to count to 5. If those boxers aren't off I am taking them off and you will be punished worse...1...2..."

By the time he got to 4 I was stepping out of my boxers. As I stood up my woody slapped up against my stomach and throbbed up and down in time with my hearbeat. Dad sat down on the edge of the bed and said "come here". I approached him and stood in front of him, then he turned me to one side and I was over his lap. He used his left hand to press down my shoulders, and his legs locked mine. I wasn't moving anywhere. Then, just as I knew it would, it began.

"SMACK" "Oh" I cried, not believing this and not yet registering the pain, just the surprise.

"Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack" came the next 4 in quick succession. "Shit" I yelled.

"Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack" came rapid fire blows harder than before. I heard my dad say "that's the kind of language you are going to stop using".

After another 10 blows I was bawling and trying to move. It was no use though, he just kept at it.

"Dad, please...Oh...please hurts...I promise I will do better...I have learned my lesson...I swear".

The Spanking continued for another 20 blows. When it finally ended, I was bleating like a baby goat. My nose was running; my face streaked in tears. Dad simply placed his hand on my lower back and ass and gently rubbed until I stopped. He said "get up son" which I did, and I reached for my undershorts.

"Stop son, its not time for that. GO stand in the corner. Your attitude adjustment is over, but you need to spend some time thinking."

I went to the corner as directed and stood. Dad departed and closed the door. I heard the bathroom door close; the toilet seat go up; and the unmistakable sound of an adult male emptying his bladder. Then a flush. The water ran for a bit and stopped. The door opened and closed, then I heard dad re enter my room.

"Turn around son" he said.

I complied, and was embarrassed as I did so to note that my cock and balls were shriveled. It was like I hadn't hit when I go swimming in cold water. I thought to myself, "look at the stud now" and was glad no one could see me.

Dad then went on "Son, you have not yet been punished for the beer. That's a much more serious offense. You are now going to get that punishment. I don't want to hear any argument or I will double it. Now follow me."

I followed him into his room, which has a sitting area and a bed room area. In the sitting room is an overstuffed sofa and chair. Across the top of the chair was a wooden spatula; about a foot long and 3 inches wide .Dad then came up behind me and gently bent me over the back of the chair until only my toes were touching the ground. He then placed my arms on the chair and told me to hang on and stay in that position until he told me to move.

Then I felt something cold on my ass. It was kind of stimulating. I realized that it was the spatula being moved in circles around my hot reddened cheeks. Then it was off my skin and I tensed for the blow, but instead the spatula began to massage the side of my scrotum and penis. I could feel myself growing erect and even sticking my ass out farther so that the spatula would rub more of my dick. Then, suddenly the feeling was gone and the spatula smacked down on my ass.

This was entirely different from the deep thud of my dad's hand. He was snapping his wrist with the spatula so that each blow stung greatly, but did not last long. He was rapidly striking all over my butt on both cheeks with my never knowing where it would land next. I began dancing on my toes and twisting and tensing my cheeks.

"Hold still and take it" I heard. I struggled to comply.

The blows came harder and faster now and I was soon hyperventilating and sniveling and crying again. I began to moan, then plead under my breath..."Please...please...please...oh...that hurts...please...I'll never drink beer again...I swear".

Dad simply went on spanking and said "when I'm through you probably won't drink beer again for a long time".

The stinging spanks rained down for another 5 minutes or so, then they stopped.

"Just lay there and compose yourself" I heard.

Eventually I stopped crying, wiped my eyes and nose with the back of my hand, and lay limply across the padded chair.

"Now it's time for your final punishment". The pornography is the most serious offense. Pornography degrades the person in it and the person who reads it. It reduces people to just sexual beings" (I was thinking so, that's the can't whack off thinking about nonsexual beings). This punishment will be with the paddle.

Then I looked up and saw dad holding an innocent looking clear plastic paddle: it looked like a ping pong paddle only bigger. I thought to myself "this won't be so bad". He then said "it's a Jokari paddle, and it will be used on you any time you need it". "Stand UP" he commanded. I hurried to comply and he led me to the bed. "I want you to kneel on all fours" he said. I did so immediately.

"Now drop down on your chest and put your hands in front of you" was the next command. Resigned to my fate I complied, painfully aware that my cock and balls were dangling in the wind.

"Spread your farther".

"God" I thought, could it get any worse. My asshole was probably showing.

"Now you will only get 10 blows with the paddle, but you will hold still and count each one".

I thought to myself "only 10, he must be feeling sorry for me...I can do this".

Then suddenly my ass exploded into white searing heat. "AAAAAGH" I screamed. Then again, the same blow landed on the other cheek "OOOOOH HELP..NOOOO".

"Son, aren't you forgetting to count" I heard.

"TWO" I shouted.

"NO, we start again at one" dad said.

Then it began "ONE..."

"TWO"... OH, OH, please dad. Please stop.

"THREE"...GOD, I could barely breath, I had never cried so hard in all my life. I was wailing like a little girl...


I lay there sobbing as dad came over next to me. He had me lay down on my stomach and he rubbed my shoulders and neck until I had calmed.

"Son" he said, "I love you very much". "You took that well...but understand that you will get this again if I have to. You need to grow up right and behave".

"Yes Sir" I said, not believing my own voice since I had never called anyone Sir before.

"Now son, go take a cool shower and go to bed".

I did so, then as I returned to my room I noticed that dad had picked up my things, and the clothes I had been wearing were gone. I lay on my stomach and fell asleep with my throbbing ass. On my way off to sleep, I noticed that my dick was rock hard. I couldn't understand it, but the thought went away as I passed into sleep.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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