Lives and Trials of Jupiter

Published on Jun 13, 2022


Lives and Trials of Jupiter Chapter-18


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Lives and Trials of Jupiter Chapter-18


"What do you mean I'm under arrest. And what do you mean I voluntarily terminated my parental rights?" I hear my Mom yell.

"Mrs. Cromwell I need to know if you understand your rights."

"Of course I understand my rights; I, unlike you, have a brain."

"Well, in that case let's get going."

I have a flash of inspiration. I still have my recorder with me. I started using it to record classes so I could take better notes. Now, it would be used for something else. I slip my hand in my pocket and turn it on. "Umm, Sheriff, do you mind waiting a moment, I have something I want to tell my mom." With that, I turn to Alex pull to him to me and kiss him right there in front of God and everyone. It's not small kiss either, it's a full on, heavy make out type kiss. I let my hands drift to his ass and pull him tighter to me grinding my hips into his. Then I pull away. "Mom, I'm gay; Alex is my boyfriend and life partner. Oh yeah, Shawn is probably gay too." I hope Alex does not mind me saying he's my life partner. We have never really talked about it. Then there is the fact I just outed my brother for him too. Then he shocks me and probably Alex, too.

"Yeah, I'm gay too and I'm dating Jacob, Alex's brother."

All I hear after that is a blood curling scream. "You Evil satanic spawns of hell. I'll KILL YOU ALL. I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU ALL. You FUCKING FAGGOTS YOU SICKEN ME." I can see her straining against the sheriff's hold. The court officers has to help as well. " I'll kill you just like I did your faggot father. I'll see you burn at the stake you peaces of shit." She starts to trail off after that into incoherent ramblings as they shove her forcibly into the car.

"Umm, sheriff, you might want this. I got every thing she said on tape. My class notes are on there too, so if you can get it back to that would be great." I say as I take the recorder out and hand it to him.

"You did that intentionally, to get her to react?"

"Well, we were going to tell her anyway. Now just seemed like a good time." I answer back.

"Oh, one more thing you can tell her she's fired, too." Alex says.


I knew from what my dad said last night that Mark and I are now in the clear. The first thing I did when I got to school was find Mark and tell him everything. I also told him his uncle was going to pick us up from school today along with his brother. The plan such as it was, was to go and get their things before shit hits the fan.

That was this morning, this is now and we're sitting in Liam's car about to pull into Linda's driveway. She is already outside. I can see two cop cars coming from the other direction. So much for before shit hits the fan. Oh well might as well sit back and enjoy it.

As we got out his mom looks directly at me then Mark and last Shawn.

"Mark, what is your brother doing home so early and why is that good for nothing fag here with you." Linda says. She clearly does not see the Sheriff, court officer, and Judge getting out of their cars either. Or maybe she really is that dumb and just does not get what is happening.

"They're here to get their things. You have voluntarily terminated parental rights." the judge says as the court officer hands her the certified copy of Mark and Shawn's guardian paperwork.

As the Sheriff starts speaking I get a huge smile on my face. "And I'm here to arrest you, For the murder of one Mark Emerson Cromwell Sr. For contracting to commit murder on the same person. For the attempted murder of one Dr. Isaac Sebastian Daniels, and for the contracting to commit murder of the same person. Also for the defrauding of your sons trust accounts, Falsifying a will, and grand larceny. Also you under arrest on Federal charges for murder as well and breach of a national security act which is treason. Talking about the classified defense projects you were working on was not a good idea. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you at no cost to your self. Do you understand these charges and your rights as I have read them?"

"What do you mean I'm under arrest. And what do you mean I voluntarily terminated my parental rights?" I hear Mark's mom yell.

"Mrs. Cromwell, I need to know if you understand your rights." the sheriff seems to be loosing his cool.

"Of course I understand my rights; I, unlike you, have a brain." Clearly not, cause if you did then you would not have just said that.

"Well, in that case let's get going." The sheriff starts hauling her to the car. Next thing I know is that Mark is talking again.

"Umm Sheriff do you mind waiting a moment I have something I want to tell my mom." Then he turns to me and pulls me in to a kiss. At first I back off but he pulls me in closer. I start getting into it. I can feel his hands moving down my back and he starts rubbing and squeezing my ass. He pulls me tighter to him and starts to grind his hips into mine. In the back of my mind I am aware that there are other people around, but I'm getting so in to this kiss that I could care less. Then I think what if we don't stop and I end up shooting off right here in front of everyone. Just as I think that, Mark pulls away. I am already breathing hard and really turned on. There is no use trying to hide my hard on, everyone has already seen it and what caused it.

"Mom, I'm gay Alex is my boyfriend and life partner. Oh yeah Shawn is probably gay too." Mark says and my jaw drops. I can't believe he just outed his brother. Then it hits me, he called me his life partner. I feel a face splitting grin spread across my face. Then my jaw drops again as his brother speaks up.

"Yeah I'm gay too and I'm dating Jacob, Alex's brother." Well I really wish I would have heard it from Jake first. It does explain a lot though. I mean I figured he was going that way as it was, but I figured they were still just messing around. I wonder how long my little bro has been dating Shawn. I really hope they don't get hurt in this. At ten they are still very young to be dating any one.

I don't get long to think about it cause I hear after that is a blood curling scream followed by. "You Evil satanic spawns of hell. I'LL KILL YOU ALL. I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU ALL. You FUCKING FAGGOTS YOU SICKEN ME." I can see her lunge against the sheriff's hold, the court officers has to help hold her too. " I'll kill you just like I did your faggot father. I'll see you all burn at the stake you peaces of shit." she starts to trail off after that into incoherent ramblings as they shove her forcibly in to the car. Well that certainly went well. I have no doubts she would have killed us in a heart beat if the Sheriff did not hold her back.

"Umm, sheriff, you might want this. I got everything she said on tape. My class notes are on there too, so if you can get it back to that would be great." Mark says as he takes his recorder out and hands it to him.

"You did that intentionally, to get her to react?" the sheriff asks.

"Well, we were going to tell her anyway. Now just seemed like a good time." he answers back. I start thinking that he only said I was his life partner and kissed me like that to get his mom to react. It makes my mood drop fast.

"Oh, one more thing, you can tell her she's fired too." I say as I turn way and head into Mark's house and go to his room and start packing as much of his cloths as I can.


At first I'm mad that my brother just outed me to everyone. This was not how I wanted to come out the first time. I wanted to talk to Mark and Alex alone along with Jacob and Scott. Of course Jacob already knew, so did Scott, well sorta. Last night Jake asked me to be his boyfriend. I said yes. Scott knows we have been messing around but he does not know about us dating yet. I really wanted to tell Mark and Alex somewhere more private. To late for that now. Well, I might was well finish coming out to mom. "Yeah I'm gay too and I'm dating Jacob, Alex's brother." Well, the last part was more to shock my brother for outing me. I'll talk to them later.

A blood curling scream rips through the air followed by. "You Evil satanic spawns of hell. I'LL KILL YOU ALL. I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU ALL. You FUCKING FAGGOTS YOU SICKEN ME." I can see her lunge against the sheriff's hold and the court officers has to help hold her too. " I'll kill you just like I did your fagot father. I see you all burn at the stake you peaces of shit." Mom starts to trail off after that into incoherent ramblings as they shove her forcibly in to the car. I start to cry slightly when I see Alex go in to the house I run to Mark, hug him and start to sob hard.

"Why does she hate us so much. I don't understand what we did to her." After that I break down into uncontrollable body racking sobs. Mark just holds me and tells me everything will be alright and that he's there for me. He says we have a new family, one that loves us and will never leave us. It makes me feel better and we head inside too. When I see my room, I realize there is not much I want. I take the stuff that reminds me of dad. And take most of my clothes. I go outside to wait for Mark. I talk to Uncle Liam. I tell him about not wanting anything because of the memories. He tells me he understands.


Once everyone left for the day. I called the Sheriff and asked him to come over. Then I called Phil, Jess, and Naudia and ask them to come over as well. Then I think I should probably have Nancy and my lawyers here as well, so I call them. Jess is the first to arrive, then Nancy. I'm surprised to see Henry here as well and they have another man with them that I don't know. Henry introduces him to me as Judge Andrew from the criminal court. After them the lawyers arrive in mass. The whole team is here; all 12 of them. Next, Naudia comes in with 6 of her workers. I'm assuming they're part of the team that worked on the cases. After them, Phil comes in with a guard detail of 12, all fully outfitted in tactical gear. My great room is quickly turning into a very full place. Last to arrive is the sheriff. Once he's there I have CLAIR tell Liam to meet us in my office. And we all head up. We can't all fit in the elevator at once. So we take the stairs and leave the elevator to those who want to use it. We don't use the stairs often as they're in the back atrium and they are a wrought iron spiral staircase.

Once we're in the office and all seated, I have Evan come in. It seems he called in the full staff today. We all place our orders and they leave to get it for us. Evan tells me that George called in his staff as well. It seems that when the endless train of people started coming they decided they needed help.

Over the next 2 hours we relay the full story to Nancy, the Sheriff, and the two Judges. Naudia has her workers explain their findings and hands over all the evidence they were able to collect; the stack is about 6 inch thick. Judge Henry gives the sheriff his copy of the custody papers. Then the sheriff swears out a warrant for Linda's arrest and Judge Andrew signs it on the spot. He also contacts the United States Attorney's General office and informs them of the security breach. They have a Federal Judge sign a warrant for federal crimes as well, among them treason by espionage. It probably wont stick, but if it does she will never see the light of day again. Because she fled the state where she had her husband killed, it became a federal crime as well. The sheriff also had to contact California and see if they wanted her or if we should try her here. They said that we were free to prosecute her here and signed jurisdiction over to our sheriff. I had my lawyers file a civil suit, on behalf of Mark and Shawn, to have all of Linda's assets and full estate seized before the government could get it. It turns out that before the divorce their father transferred his trust fund from his parents estate in to the boys names. Linda used their money to pay for their father's murder. So, in return I'm hoping they get everything. While I was at it, I filed the same suit against Derrek and James's parents for abuse and neglect. None of them needed the money since I, without them knowing it, already set of a account for each of them. None of them, regardless of how things worked out with me and my family, would ever want for anything again. No, this suit was more about the principle of it. That, and when these three got out of jail I wanted them to have nothing. We all sat down to a early lunch then the judges and the Sheriff left.

I called Joseph and asked him to come over and set up a room for Shawn and Mark. Not that Mark would be sleeping in there all that much. But I assumed he would like his own space as well. By the time school was let out the rooms were almost done. He brought in extra help to get it done fast. Liam left to go get Alex, Mark, and Shawn.

Next: Chapter 19

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