Little Town

By A Le

Published on Jan 14, 2013



Little Town

Comments Welcome. Enjoy!

It was a normal night for me; I closed shop at the little bookstore I worked at. Counted the drawer, put the envelope of money away, and locked up for the night. It was nothing special. The same thing I had done for the last two years ever since taking over the manager position. The bookstore was one of those small used ones, and had its usual flow of regular customers. It wasn't the best job, it wasn't the worst. It was just a job.

After I closed up the shop, like usual, I headed toward home. I live in an apartment up above the five and ten shop, and if you don't know what a five and ten is then you must have been born after 1990. Go Google Woolworth's maybe that will help. But our town is little, and the five and ten is still going strong in this place. My apartment is what you would expect to be above a five and ten, old, worn down, but functional. I liked it. I had lived there for the last four years, and I wasn't planning on moving any time.

Some people might go crazy, living their lives in a small town like this, living their lives by the boring routine that I live it by. And yet I don't go crazy, I don't find it boring. Mostly, because the most interesting thing happens to me from time to time.

It's interesting to me, but some of you might not think so. Some of you might have made a beeline for the cops after the very first time it happened, but not me. No, not me. Its part of my life, and I like it just the way it is.

Tonight was going to be one of those nights. I knew it because while I was walking those few blocks home to my small, little apartment, I heard a car behind me, slowing down until it was matching pace with my walking. I started to walk a little faster, keeping my head down, and I heard a door open, footsteps now. I broke into a run, feeling the familiar panic rushing through my body. I could see the five and ten, just up ahead. If I could just make it to my apartment, I would be safe. I was so close, almost to the door, those footsteps pounding behind me, when suddenly I was hit by a large, hot body that sent me tumbling down to the ground with a grunt of pain. "Get off of me!" I screamed, struggling instantly, but it was no use. The hands were large, efficient, grabbing on to me, covering my mouth. I tasted leather, a black gloved hand coming into view. Moments later, another set of hands grabbed on to me and lifted my struggling, squirming body and tossed me into the back of the car. A hood was yanked down over my head and secured tight around my neck. I thrashed, screaming, and felt my ankles being secured together, and my wrists secured together behind my back. It was no use; they had me in a matter of seconds.

I'm a pretty average looking guy. About five feet nine with a rather slender build. Not skinny, I mean come on, who wants to be called skinny? But I am slender. I have brown hair, brown eyes, nothing too special. My cock is about a good six inches when hard, and a decent thick size. I don't know what it is about me that attract these guys, but needless to say, this wasn't the first time they had kidnapped me. It didn't mean I was any less scared, or any less panicked, because come on; it's scary as hell to get chased down, tackled, kidnapped, and find yourself tied up with a hood over your head. It is really scary!

The ride in the car wasn't very long; I was in a panic the entire time. But I felt those big, gloved hands on me, holding me still, not really there to calm me, but just to make sure I didn't do something crazy like try to jump out of the moving car while tied and blinded I suppose. Whatever the reason, the hands were there and then the car came to a stop and those same hands were pulling me out of the car. I was tossed over a shoulder, and felt myself hanging upside down. I whimpered, squirming around still, "Please let me go!" I cried in that hood, my voice muffled.

Once inside the building, it didn't take long before my clothes were removed. They were yanked, ripped, and tugged off of me until I was left in a naked heap on a cold tiled floor. I tried to curl up a little, still making noises of protest. Around me I could hear two men moving, hear them speaking quietly to each other. The same voices I had heard before.

Maybe only a matter of a minute later those leather covered hands were picking me right up, under my arms. My hands were untied, but quickly lifted over my head and secured in cold, metal cuffs. They were tight, and I heard chains jingling over my head. My ankles were untied, and those ties replaced with the same cold metal cuffs around them. I felt and heard another chain. First my right leg, and then my left leg were spread wide apart, and secured to the floor. Suddenly the chain holding my hands loosened and I fell, hit my knees hard, and would have kept on going face first if the chain hadn't then tightened, keeping me on my spread knees, hands tugged up tight above my head. It was uncomfortable, and I was whimpering still behind the hood. "Please let me go, please, please Let me go I did what you told me to, I did everything you told me to do last time!"

Oh yes, last time this had happened I'd had homework when they let me go free, and I had done every little thing I was told to do, from throwing all of my underwear away, to drinking my own piss every day, I had done it all. And yet here I was again, and it wasn't fair.

One of the men laughed at my words, and I felt his hand against my head lightly. "Yes we know you did all you were told to do. Did you think that would keep you safe?"

"Yes, yes I thought you would stay away then, because I did what I was told to do..."

"Well" he said, laughing again softly, "It doesn't work that way."

Now I was naked, strung up, at the mercy of these men yet again. The hand moved from my head, down my body, I felt a hard pinch to my nipple, a tug, and then down it went further to m y cock. The leather gloved fingers wrapped around my dick and started stroking, and I whimpered, tossing my head back, squirming around. "Stop, please, please stop!" But it was as if they were deaf, it didn't matter what I would cry, or what I would say, they were not going to stop, and I knew it.

It didn't matter, the hand continued to stroke, and my cock swelled beneath the touch, hardening rather quickly for someone so damn scared. I heard another chuckle and a low deep voice in my ear, "You protest so pretty, but we know you like it, look how hard you cock is already and we've just begun..."

I whimpered, squirming in those chains keeping me bound, and then I felt him securing a cockring on, and I knew I was in trouble now. "Now you will stay nice and hard for us, for as long as we want you to stay hard."

Right after the cock ring was secured, I felt something push up inside my tight ass hole, and suddenly it was gushing full of something cool and slimy feeling. Another deep whisper near my ear, "Lube.. because you are going to need it."

The first thing shoved up inside me was a long, slender dildo. I moaned with the way it just slid right in, so much lube already inside me slicking me up, making it nice and easy for that dildo. One of the men stroked it in and out of me a few times before pulling it out. It was quickly replaced with another one, a little thicker, for several long strokes. It didn't hurt at the moment, the dildos were so small, and it wasn't stretching me too badly. And it actually felt a little good. I felt my cock throb even more, harder, swelling even more, and my whimpers of protest were turning into moans of pleasure against my will.

This slow fucking of my lubed ass went on for some time. After a few minutes, each toy would get bigger, and bigger. I realized that they were stretching my hole in a nice, slow manner, but for what, I didn't know. What I did know, was that it felt fucking amazing. I couldn't' stop moaning, my cock was so hard the head was swollen purple and dripping pre all over the place. My arms grew sore, held up over my head like that, and I was still on my knees, squirming around like crazy.

After a while, the men were laughing at my eagerness. "Sure looks like you want it now, look how hard you are, look how thick your cock got." And I would feel fingers, caressing my flesh, stroking me a few times, making my moans so loud, my entire body was jerking in those chains.

Eventually the last big fat black dildo was pulled out of my ass with a pop. A lot of the lube had been absorbed by now, and my ass was gaping wide open, aching for more. I felt one of the men moving around, shifting back there, and suddenly I felt something pressing against my hole. And it was big, bigger than the toys had been. I grunted in pain, and then even more when I realized it was a hand back there. A very large, gloved hand was pushing up inside my ass, one finger at a time. I started jerking against those chains, "No.. please.. it won't fit please don't, oh god please don't..."

My begging fell on deaf ears again, and that hand continued its quest inside me. It took a long time, but I felt all five of those fingers in me, and I felt the rest of the hand pressing, forcing its way past my entrance, and with a loud grunt it finally made its way inside me. The men were laughing again, talking about what a slut I was, hanging there with my dick hard, and a hand up my ass. The hand was rubbing, twisting, and driving me wild!

I felt other hands on my chest again, pinching, twisting my nipples, slapping my cock, lips were on my neck, along my collarbone, and that voice in my ear, "You better fuck yourself on my hand if you don't want me to beat the shit out of you. Fuck yourself now." And I had no choice, I started to lift myself up and down the hand and the arm, groaning deeply every time it pushed so deep inside me. My body, hung up by those chains, arched and stretched, lifted and lowered, and I was riding that hand so eagerly until soon I was bouncing on it, grunting with pleasure. "That's it slut, fuck yourself.. fuck yourself good, you like that fist inside you huh? You like it? You fucking little cockslut whore.." The men laughed again, humiliating me and loving it while they were doing it.

This went on for hours. The hand would pull free of me, more lube would go up my ass, another toy, sometimes a fat dildo or vibrator, sometimes the hand again. It didn't matter, whatever it was I fucked it like I'd never fucked anything before. My balls ached, my cock throbbed so painfully because I couldn't cum, and still I fucked myself, over and over.

Eventually the men would take a break, and left me hanging there, whimpering, crying to cum, to be let loose, to go home. It didn't matter what I begged inside the mask over my face, they ignored me. After some time, the ring was removed from my dick, and eventually it would deflate some, and ache even more at still not being able to cum.

More time passed while I hung there, helpless, their victim at the mercy of whatever the two men wanted from me. They would come back again, after I had almost fallen asleep, and it would start all over again. More teasing, more fucking with my ass, teasing my cock, my balls, never letting me cum. I begged them, pleaded with them to let me cum, just please, once, let me cum, but all they did was laugh at me, call me a whore, tell me what a slut I was.

And it was true. I was their slut. I craved their touch, those big gloved hands, craved the deep voice in my ear, craved whatever they wanted from me, and craved it badly.

My arms grew numb, my legs grew sore, and still I hung in this room, helpless when suddenly one of the men approached me. I could hear him opening his pants behind me, and I groaned softly, squirming. His hands grabbed me by my hips, and he shoved his hard cock inside my ass so quick it took my breath away. I cried out, moaning when he started to pound into me. His fat, thick cock thrust in and out rapidly, his breath hot against my ear, his hands digging into my flesh leaving bruises. I could feel his balls slapping against me with every thrust he made. The chains rattled and he fucked me good and hard, until I was screaming to cum, and he was laughing in my ear. The man pulled back and I felt his hot, sticky seed explode all over my back and my ass, I could imagine him jerking off behind him, shooting his load all over me, and it made me even hornier than I already was.

He had barely finished when I felt hot cum hitting my chest, and my own cock, and realized the other man must have been standing there watching the entire time, jerking himself off. I whimpered, struggling in those chains, while both men covered me in their cum all over, gave me a beautiful cum bath.

I was crying, I wanted to cum so badly, my dick ached for it, and I heard that deep voice in my ear again, "Now now whore baby, don't cry... you've been a good slut this time..." And I would feel again that gloved hand on my cock, stroking me slowly. I was so sensitive by then it almost hurt, but I tossed my head back with a loud moan. Suddenly that cock ring was gone, and the hand was stroking me firmly now, strong, quick, tight strokes, and it only took two, maybe three before I shot the largest load of my life with a scream of pleasure. My slender body jerked wildly in those chains when I came, and both men laughed at how much cum escaped while that hand jerked me off, milked me dry until there was nothing left.

And then I felt kisses, warm, wet kisses over my shoulders, against my neck, those hands touching me all over, taking the chains down, uncuffing my wrists, uncuffing my ankles. I was laid down on my back on the cold floor, and my legs were spread wide, pulled up near my head, and I felt a dick slide inside me again. One of them was over me, fucking into me while the other man held me down over my head. Suddenly the hood was pulled free a little, up over my face so just my mouth was free, and another cock was pressed against my lips and then shoved down my throat. I grunted , not even trying to get away now. I wanted it so badly. And I sucked hard on the cock thrusting down my throat, sucked hard while my ass clenched around the one fucking me. It was so good having these cocks inside me, one in my ass and one in my mouth, fucking me hard and good.

When both men were done, they came all over me again, coating me even more in their sticky seed, all over my face, my chest and belly, all over my cock and balls, my ass. It was everywhere. I was moaning with the pleasure of it all.

Then It was over, they were yanking me to my feet, dressing me in my clothes, not even bothering to clean me up. I didn't care. I was crying again, for a different reason now. "Please don't send me away, please, I want to stay with you, please.. I will be good for you, please let me see you..."

They laughed at me again, this time smacking my ass a few times. "Such a slut, you cry and beg to be let go, and now you cry and beg to be kept."

They were tying my hands together again, taking me back outside, and dumping me in the car. I was begging the entire time to stay, to be their pet, but it was no use. Within minute I was untied, the hood yanked off and dumped on the sidewalk in front of my apartment. "Be a good slut and don't take a shower for two days. We are watching you. Also, offer to suck all the male customers' dicks that come into your store tomorrow. If you don't offer to every male that comes in, you'll be punished." Before I could even turn away they were gone, the taillights the only thing I could see.

I struggled up to my feet, and carried my sore, aching, and bruised, cum covered body up the stairs to my little apartment. This is why I don't mind my boring little life. Because every few weeks, I get to be a slut for two strange men, and I love it.

I can't wait for them to kidnap me again, soon.

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