Little Stevie

By Xangel

Published on May 12, 2021


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The Bar Crawl was the event that got the local frats to see that Little Stevie was still a viable commodity, even if they were too cheap to buy him.

We got there around five and had a few beers. Stevie was in jeans, boots, and a green Polo shirt. His hair was tied back, his beard and mustache were trimmed, and he was in the mood to party, in general. Him and the brothers did a few shots, then they did some dancing. That last part was fun as hell to watch. Girls and guys all over were getting into the Irish music the bartender was playing and it turned into a party around eight. The noise was amazing. The people were chill. More than a few of the patrons who had noticed Stevie seemed to know who he was and what he did.

Now, this being a college town, we had to be careful when we brought Stevie out in a public place. Just like at private parties, people liked being around him and wanted to get close to him. More than a few times, ladies in the Blue Hair (or White Hair) Club approached him and wanted to see how far down his body his dark curls went. One woman even copped a feel of Stevie's dick. She was seventy, if she was a day, but good-natured Stevie just grinned and let her hold on for as long as she wanted.

This leads us to what happened around one in the morning.

In the john, Stevie and a few of the brothers went in to take a leak. The urinals had little panels between them and there were four in total. The place had four more of what I like to call closet-urinals. You know what I'm talking about. So, the boys go in and take up their spaces. As they're pissing, Stevie lets go of his jeans and the puddled around his ankles. He puts both hands on the wall and lets himself go. The stream of piss is strong enough to echo. I'm not lying.

The last door to the last closet urinal opens and this older guy comes out. He's walking to the sink, minding his business, when he sees Stevie's bare ass, covered in fine, dark hair. I swear, the guy licked his lips before moving over to the sink. Stevie's getting done while the old guy is washing his hands. When my boy turns around to tuck his dick back into his pants, the man sees him through the mirror.

"Damn, son. That's a mighty fine piece of meat. You ever get that thing sucked?"

Stevie smiled. Like me, he recognized an offer when he saw one. "You thirsty, granddad?"

"Depends," the guy says, taking a few napkins to dry his hands. "You gonna let me drink from the tap?"

"Yo, granddad's packing!" One of the brothers said, coming over to the sink. "How about a drink for a drink, man?"

"Not just yet, good-looking. I'm taking to short-stack over there, right now."

"Harsh," my frat-brother said, starting to wash up.

"What say you and me go back in that stall?"

Stevie smiled. "A boy's gotta make a living. Know what I mean?"

"Hustler, huh? Okay, I can give you a couple of bucks. What's your rate?"

"Two hundred, straight up. But, since it's a holiday and all, I'll give you a senior discount and drop it down to one-fifty."

Granddad pulls out two hundred dollars and that's when I notice his shirt and shoes are expensive as fuck. Not gonna name-drop but he dropped two hundred on both, easy. Stevie swaggers back to the closet-urinal and pushes open the door. He thumbs to me and I take the money. Two of the brothers head out, leaving two other brothers in the room with us. The five of us go into the closet. It's one of the handi-capable ones but don't judge. We didn't think this was going to take long and we didn't see anybody in chairs.

Granddad gets up on the back of the toilet and Stevie moves in real close. It didn't take him long to get the front of Stevie's pants open but what did take a while was how he prepped my boy. Long, base-to-head strokes with his hand, some palming of Stevie's smooth balls, and some filthy talk got Stevie hard as fuck! I'm not talking the way he'd been at parties, I'm talking hard enough that the veins on his shaft were straining like they were going to pop!

"Feel good, slut?" Granddad asked, still rubbing and stroking. "Course it does. Look at that cock! You want that skin sucked, boy? Want me to get my tongue all up in there and get it clean for you? Sure you do, you fucking slut. I'll bet, if everybody in here lined up to suck you off, you'd let 'em."

"Yeah," Stevie said, bringing his arms up over his head. "I bet I would."

One of the brothers pulled Stevie's shirt up, exposing his hairy torso and thick-haired armpits. The stench was all over in no time. Granddad came forward and got a noseful of the stink but didn't stop rubbing and stroking. The other brother reached in and started working granddad's dick loose from his black slacks. All this went on like it was scripted, I shit you not!

"What's your name, granddad?"

"Granddad is fine," the older man said with a smirk. "I have six grandkids so you're not wrong. I'm just going to stick with slut, for now. That okay, slut?"

Stevie grinned. "Yeah. We're good."

The logistics of their positioning worked out so that granddad just had to lean forward a little to put his lips on Stevie's meat. Before he did, though, old guy stretched the skin and gave it a good fingering. I'd never seen the kind of shivering reaction this got from my boy. When he peeled back the skin, Old Guy ran a slow finger over the underside of the head. Stevie's eyes fluttered and he looked like he was going to pass out! A few more passes of the finger and he started drooling a steady stream of pre-cum. Old Guy caught it all in one palm, then used it to start stroking him again. Brother One got in behind him to keep him from falling back.

Brother Two started sucking Old Guy's massive rod.

Old Guy gave Stevie's dick a good working over. His hand was firm but gentle as he stroked and rubbed on the shaft. He pulled on the foreskin but in a good way. He teased the head by smearing pre-cum all over it, then blowing a steady stream of warm air on it. Stevie shook like a leaf from the pleasure but never stopped grinning that grin.

Still stroking with one hand, Granddad held Brother Two's head still while he moved his hips. In no time at all, he was using Brother Two's mouth as his personal cum receptacle. Brother Two slid both hands up under Granddad's shirt as he took everything he had to offer. It was hot as fuck to watch my frat brother groaning as this guy used his mouth. From what I saw up under the guy's shirt, he was pretty toned. I wanted to look like that when I was his age, however old that might be.

Stevie was still blissed out of his mind, though. It seemed like every touch or stroke had him swooning and it was awesome to see him like that. Both nipples stood hard up on his chest, his stomach never stopped flexing, and the stink coming off him doubled. Hell, I wanted to join in but I didn't.

I had to hold the phone still.

Granddad smiled as he pushed Brother Two off his dick. "You ready, yet, slut?"

"Yeah, man...I'm ready."

This fucker! This fucker came in and kissed the head of Stevie's dick. Kissed it!

Stevie lost it! Cum started sprayed every goddamn-where! Cum went on the walls, on the floor, all over Brother Two's face, on Granddad's shoes! Everywhere! Granddad tilted Big Stevie and cum coated the whole lower portion of his stomach. Cum kept raining as Granddad chuckled.

"Damn it," Brother One said, watching with a grin.

"Damn right," Granddad said, still chuckling. "You young bucks think all you have to do is strut around with your dicks hanging out and everybody swoons. There's a lot you don't know about your own bodies. Sometimes, you need guys like me to show you what's what. Right, little slut?"

"Right, granddad," Stevie said, looking drunker than I'd ever seen him.

He swiped a hand through his cum-covered stomach hair and offered his fingers to the man. Granddad took each finger into his mouth and sucked them clean. Stevie did it again and cleaned his own fingers. Then, Granddad stood up, plastered his mouth to Stevie's and gave him the kiss of a lifetime.

Fuck, but it was hot.

After, the older guy left us in the stall to recover. The brothers were on their feet and out first. Me and Stevie hung back for a bit. Once we were alone, we made out for a little bit, then watched part of the video again. When it got to the part where he came, Stevie chuckled and made a comment about the old guy knowing what he was doing.

"I haven't cum that hard in a long time."

When we went back out, the bartender had cleared the bar and lowered the blinds on the windows. Everybody who didn't want to be there had already gone and only the rowdy ones remained. In one corner, we saw Granddad with another older guy and both of them raised a glass to us as we came out into the crowd.

"Got it for you, lad," the bartender said to Stevie, indicating the bar. "Anytime you're ready."

"It" was a black plastic cauldron left over from Halloween. It sat in the center of the bar and already had a few greenbacks in it. I wouldn't have to do anything, tonight. I could just sit back and watch. By now, you've already guessed that the bartender set all this up way before now. The frat brothers and him, they set all this up so Stevie just had to show up and do what he did.

After swiping a green bowler hat off one of the patrons, my boy got up onto the bar. Music started, a techno-Irish-jig that had been slowed down to offer some rhythm. Stevie got into it right off and started working his hips to the beat. He peeled off his shirt and the pot started filling up. I even dropped in a couple bucks and let me tell you, the stink from Stevie's pits was already a powerful thing. Under the bar lights, I knew it was just going to get worse. Or better, if you're like me and half the guys in the place.

See, Stevie thought ahead and prepped for this. When the cauldron filled up the first time, he pulled his pants open to reveal the glittery green jockstrap he had on under. The bartended emptied out the cauldron into a glass jar meant for tips on a regular night, then put the cauldron back. Ambiance, you know. As it filled up the second time, Stevie took hold of his jeans and pulled hard enough to cause the Velcro sides to pull apart. This left his hairy little body naked except for the jock, the white socks, the boots, and his bowler hat. The sexy fucker had everybody cheering and clapping.

A few of the patrons grabbed at him, a few others stuffed bills into his jock, into his socks and boots, and a few fuckers even slid a few into the tight crack of his hairy ass. Stevie ate this up, thrusting and grinding his hips until he had a waistband full of bills.

"How much to taste it?"

This bold gentlemen was in his early forties with salt-and-pepper hair. He had cupped Stevie's dick and gave it a healthy squeeze as he asked. Before he could answer, the bartended quoted him the price we agreed to beforehand.

"Twenty bucks to taste. Fifty to suck. Seventy-five for a load," the Irish ginger said with a broad grin. "You want more, you gotta put your name on a list, lad."

Four fuckers dropped their money and Stevie got his dick sucked four times in a row. Four loads later and he was back to dancing. Had to build up, you know. The list the bartender made was limited to five people and those five people were given one free shot of genuine Irish liquor as a bonus. The pot on the bar filled up twice more by the time Stevie settled in for four more dick-suckings. Four more loads later and he got back up on the bar for one more show.

This last time, he ended the song with his back to the audience. He bent at the waist, reached back, and took hold of his meaty, hairy asscheeks. As he spread them apart, a few trickles of fresh, clear sweat rolled over his exposed pink asshole.

The men in the place lost their shit!

Howls and hoots, cheers and shit, the place exploded with them! Everybody was fist-pumping, cheering, having a horny good time watching Stevie but this put them over the edge. When he put the pad of his thumb into the center of his asshole, these crazed bastards went even more nuts. So much testosterone in one place, so many blue-balled frat boys and gay dudes, it was rocking! The music had slowed to a dull noise in the background and everybody's eyes were on jockstrapped Stevie sliding a thumb into his asshole. When he got it in, he gave it a few pumps and the guys went off again.

The boldest son of a bitch laid four hundred fucking dollars on the bar and fixed his mouth to Stevie's asshole -- thumb and all. He mouthed and sucked on Stevie's hole for a solid seven minutes! I know because I watched the timer on my phone. I was the only person WITH a phone, as the others had been taken up before the show started. I closed in on that shit, getting every tongue-swipe, every inhale of asshole, and every time the guy stopped to catch his breath.

While the guys went crazy all over again, Rim-Job Bob made Stevie an offer. "Let me fuck you and you can name your price."

  • Part 5 -- End *

Next: Chapter 6

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