Little Sheldon's Big Brother

By Chubbyboy

Published on Apr 16, 2021


Usual disclaimers apply. I don't own these characters. I welcome your comments.

Little Sheldon's Big Brother part 8

George, Sr. had learned that when his son Georgie got his mischievous smile, Sr. knew what it meant. From the parade of schoolmates and staff Georgie offered his mouth and ass to in Sr.'s office, to the back room at the comic shop, to picking up men in the bus stop and bringing them back to their hotel room, Georgie, in a time before cell phones and mobile apps, had an aptitude for finding cock. It wasn't hard to imagine. Georgie was boyishly handsome but with the body and cock of a man. He had toned up even more over the summer. George still couldn't really reconcile the things he had done with Georgie. But he found it best just to go with it.

So today, when Georgie ended a whispered phone call and came into the kitchen flashing that smile and asking George to drive him somewhere. George, who took a moment to realize the subtext, just shook his head saying, "sure." George flushed as Georgie smiled and left the room. George didn't know what was going on, but he was pretty sure it would get his dick wet. The thought that had horrified him months earlier, now made his dick twitch.

A half hour later, Georgie was giving his father directions to a cheap motel a half hour drive from their house. Georgie was talking and laughing as usual. George (as always when he suspected sex with his boy was eminent, was quiet and a little nervous). They finally arrived at the motel. Before they could even park, Georgie bounded out of the truck before leaning back into the window to tell his Dad, "give me five minutes then join me."

Before George could comment, Georgie had cross the parking lot and entered one of the room doors without knocking. George was confused for a moment before it came together. The whispered call had been Georgie arranging to meet whoever was in that room. The thought made Georgie uneasy and horny. He absent-mindedly massaged his cock through his pants. His mind raced. He waited four minutes before getting out of the truck and walking toward the same door Georgie had disappeared behind. He listened for a moment and heard nothing. He didn't knock either. He turned the knob and went in the room, closing behind him.

Both the blinds drawn right, the room was only momentarily filled with light before it was once again plunged into darkness as George closed the door behind him. In the quick moment of light, what he saw didn't surprise him. On the nearest of two beds to the door, Georgie was on his knees, fully clothed, straddling a tall slender naked man. The man had a towel lain across his eyes like a blind fold. That's all George could see before the room was once again plunged into darkness.

George stood silently at the door. In the quiet dim, the only sound was the soft wet slurp that George knew was his son's mouth on the mans cock. He didn't move. He could just make out the shadow of his son hovering over the man. Georgie's head gently bobbed up and down on the mans nob. Then the man spoke quietly, but his voice startled George. "Come join us friend. This boy is so eager to please." George's blood froze in his veins. He instantly recognized the man's voice. It was their pastor (and his wife's boss) Jeff.

George really shouldn't have been shocked. It seemed like almost every man they knew was using his son's holes on a regular basis. And George had secretly wondered if the slightly effeminate Pastor Jeff might be at least a little gay, but still. When George hadn't moved at the invitation, Georgie reluctantly raised his head off of the cock long enough to quietly say, "come on, man. Get over here." Man? Georgie never called him man. He was always Dad. But then George instantly understood. For whatever reason, Georgie had designed this scenario, the dark rooms the makeshift blindfold, to hide his identity from Pastor Jeff. Georgie hadn't told Pastor Jeff that his dad was the mystery man he was bringing to the room. George wanted to turn around and leave. But he felt his body walk the few steps to the bed.

Georgie could see just enough to know when he had reached the foot of the bed. He could see the vague shadow of his son bobbing up sneak down on Pastor Jeff's cock. He was terrified that Pastor Jeff would know it was him. But he had called him "friend." This and the darkness of the room comforted George a little that his identity would remain secret. Also, he had come his far. Emboldened by the dark, George gingerly reached out and touched the back of his son's neck as his head moved up and down. The gentle wet sliding of mouth on cock was the only sound in the room.

George could make out the general outline of the pastor who lay on the bed. He was tall and lanky. If their was hair on his body, George couldn't see it in the light. In a move George wasn't expecting, Georgie reached out and took his father's hand. George jolted at the unexpected touch, but then relaxed. Georgie guided his father's hand to the pastors cock. This wasn't something Georgie had done before. George felt the pastors slippery cock and surmised it wasn't large, maybe five inches? The pastor quivered as George (with Georgie's guidance, gently stroked two or three times.

"Hey mister," Georgie said at a normal tone of voice. It seemed loud in the dark and quiet room. "Why don't you fuck his mouth while I fuck his ass?" Even with all the filthy things he had watched his boy do (and had taken part in), George's initial reaction was to correct his son's vulgar language, especially in front of the pastor, only to realize how silly that was. George remained quiet. He had seen his son fuck men before, but not often. Georgie was usually more into getting his holes filled. Before George had time to think too much, Georgie had sat up straddling the pastor and took a more aggressive tone, "that's what you want isn't it bitch?!" The pastor was silent before finally uttering a meek, "yes."

George didn't see what happened next, but he heard it. Georgie ran his hand up the pastor's hairless chest and upon finding his chin, slapped it hard, causing the pastor to start. "Say it!" Georgie insisted. Silence at first from the pastor before finally murmuring "please....please fuck me." There was silence again. Then George heard a rustle of metal and leather and denim as Georgie unfastened his jeans and slid his large cock out of his pants. Some shifting in the bed. Georgie couldn't really see.

Movement. Rustling, heavy breathing. All in darkness. Until finally, there was a grunt from Pastor Jeff that quickly changed to a shout of pain. What George couldn't see what that Georgie had slipped his own jeans down just enough to expose his rock hard cock. Then he had lifted their Pastor's legs before roughly shoving his entire length inside the pastor's ass. What George couldn't know was that this was how his son and his pastor always did it. In the dark. Little to know talking, and always rough. Pastor Jeff, through was ever sexually repressed urge that drove him, like it rough. He liked it to hurt. As if that somehow made it less of a sin. Georgie's girth and the lack of lube made it pretty painful.

As the Pastor got louder, Georgie tapped his dad on the arm. George looked to where he guessed his son's face probably was hiding in the dark. He heard his son say softly, "put your dick in his mouth to shut him up." George didn't know how many times his son and the pastor had played this game, but it excited him more than it should. Rather than think too much about it, George felt his own body move toward the head of the bed. He unbuckled his own belt and soon felt the cool air of the room on his cock and balls as his pants hit his ankles.

George felt around for a moment before touching the pastor's head. The pastor moaned as Georgie sodomized him. With little guidance, the pastor angled his head to the edge of the bed and took the elder Cooper's cock in his mouth. Pastor Jeff eagerly took the entire cock in his mouth and greedily sucked it, only occasionally grunted around it. It felt good, but the pastor didn't have the cocksucking skills that young Georgie had.

George focused on the shadowy image of his own son ramming himself into the pastor over and over again. Georgie was skill obscured by darkness, but deep down, George knew his son was looking at him and smiling.

After a few minutes, Georgie must have changed angle or speed or something, because the pastor began to moan louder around the cock in his mouth, grunting in pain. Once this started, it wasn't long before Georgie's breathe quickened. George knew exactly what this meant. Georgie grunted and spat in the dark he shot his jizz inside the pastor. The next Sunday, George would imagine his sperm swimming around inside the pastor's guts as he delivered church announcements about bake sales and Sunday school volunteers.

Once Georgie had finally finished, he pulled out, leading to a muffled Yelp from the pastor. The pastor continued to suck George's cock as he heard Georgie's rustling, ultimately standing up next to George. "Switch places," Georgie said confidently. "I loosened him up for you."

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