Little Sheldon's Big Brother

By Chubbyboy

Published on Feb 22, 2021


Nifty Archivist, please add this to my series Little Sheldon's Big Brother in the gay celebrity section. Thanks!

Little Sheldon's Big Brother Part 7

Usual disclaimers apply. I don't own these characters. This is pure fiction. I welcome your comments.

George Sr. couldn't believe his luck when his son Georgie told him the good news. He had been the tenth caller to a radio contest and had won two tickets to the Dallas Cowboys training camp. For a high school football coach and a high school football player (both die hard Cowboys fans) it was the opportunity of a lifetime. And George couldn't help but think about being alone with his son Georgie in a tiny hotel room for four nights.

Georgie had been taking his dad's dick every chance he could. When the coast was clear at the locker room, he would back up onto George Sr's dick and ride him until he came. If the locker room was busy, he would wait until they were driving home and lean over in the cab of his dad's truck, sucking his cock as he drove them home. Three time's a week, Georgie arrived home with his dad's semen on his breath. As conflicted as George still felt every time he used his son's mouth or ass, George Sr had grown to crave it.

So a private week in a hotel in a big city with his son would only mean more of the same. As George drove them to the training camp, he had barely pulled out of the driveway before Georgie was leaned over, pawing at his dad's crotch. Georgie would end up sucking three loads from his father's dong before they arrived.

The training camp was even more exciting than they had expected. Seeing your favorite players up front, palling around, at the top of their game, was thrilling. And at the end of the day, Georgie even got to meet some of the players and throw a ball around as part of a meet and greet. George and Georgie left the training camp and headed for their hotel high from the adrenalin.

They checked into a hotel next to the bus station and took their bags upstairs before deciding what to do for dinner. "Maybe we should order a pizza or something," George began to say as he shut the door behind them, but as he turned around, Georgie had already peeled off his shirt and was once again grasping at his Dad's belt. The excitement of the training camp had apparently made Georgie particularly horny. George was suddenly quiet. His son maintained intense eye contact as he unfastened his father's belt and unzipped his pants. Georgie guided his father to the nearby bed, pulling down his pants as he sat. As he had now countless times, Georgie took his father's cock in his mouth. George leaned back as his son gently licked his cock and balls. George never tired of the feeling of his son's mouth as it expertly navigated his junk. Time slowed as George drifted toward orgasm. But suddenly, just a George was beginning to feel close to the edge, George unexpectedly stopped and quickly pulled away. At first, George assumed that his son was going to stand and back up onto his cock as he often did. But instead, Georgie stood, walked a few feet away to retrieve his shirt, and began to put it on.

George was confused. And even more so when Georgie grabbed the room key from the dresser and started for the door. George quietly asked, "Where are you going?" Georgie turned, smiling, and walked back to the bed. He bent at the waste and once again put his mouth father's cock in his mouth, taking two or three slow strokes before standing once more and smiling. He once again looked intently into his dad's eyes as he said, "I'll be right back. I need to go get something." George watched, mouth agape, confused, as his son turned and walked out the door. George was left sitting on the bed, his hard cock sticking up from his lap.

Ten minutes passed. Then twenty. George's confusion led to worry, not knowing where his young son was. George tried to relax. To pass the time, he took a shower to wash away the day's sweat. He grabbed a tiny bottle of whiskey from the mini bar and sat nervously on the edge of the bed in the hotel robe. Georgie was gone for 45 minutes and George was about to crawl out of his skin when he heard the key in the hotel room door.

George stood and stepped toward the door, eager to ask his son where he had been, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw that his son wasn't alone. As he stepped into the room, he was followed immediately by a man in a suit with thinning hair. The man looked to be in his early 30's, and you could see his defined chest even under his suit coat. George fell silent as they came in and closed the door behind them. Georgie was all smiles, but the stranger seemed nervous.

George looked confused but he knew instantly what was going on. The stranger looked at George, worried that there might be trouble. But Georgie, sensing the tension, turned and smiled at his dad before going to his knees in front of the stranger. George watched as his son unbuckled the strangers belt and quickly pulled out his dick. The stranger wasn't hard yet, but even flaccid, he was easily 7 inches. Georgie took the strangers cock in his hand, giving his father a sly smile before taking it into his mouth.

George found himself locked in intense eye contact with the stranger. The stranger looked nervous still, but eventually, his eyes rolled back in his head as his cock hardened in Georgie's mouth. Without pulling the cock from his mouth, Georgie maneuvered the man's pants down, cupping his large balls with his left hand. Georgie also turned the strangers hips slightly, to allow his father a better view of the action. George had watched his son suck countless cocks. He did so with a gusto that George had not seen in anyone else. Not even in the hand full of dirty movies he had seen in his life. George wondered where his son had learned these skills. As always, they never spoke of the sex they now shared daily.

After several minutes, Georgie, satisfied with the hardness of the man's erection, pulled away whispering, "delicious" in his deep Texas drawl. Georgie stood and craned his neck slightly to kiss the tall stranger. Georgie then stood and took a few steps to where his father still stood, having watched it all. He took his father's hand and said, "have a seat," as he directed his father to the bed. George sat and George pulled open his father's robe, revealing his fully erect cock. Georgie stood straight long enough to unfasten his own jeans and slide them down to his ankles. George stared at his son's erect cock. It was a beautiful cock. But as soon as George had this thought, he thought about what it meant to think of a cock as beautiful. It wasn't a thought he had ever had before. George thought for just a moment about leaving over and taking his son's cock into his mouth, but even as the thought crossed his mind, Georgie was already getting back on his knees as he put his mouth on George Sr.'s cock. George, as he always did when his cock was in his son's mouth, reviled in the warmth of it. He propped himself up on his arms behind him to allow Georgie a better angle.

George had almost forgotten about the stranger until he saw his son wiggle his ass. George knew immediately what his son was doing. The stranger also picked up on the signal as he quickly stepped behind Georgie. George couldn't see the penetration, but he felt it, as Georgie grunted slightly around the cock in his mouth, as he occasionally did when a particularly large cock penetrated his ass. The stranger (for better or worse) was not slow or gentle. He slid his entire length inside of Georgie and immediately began to quickly slam in and out. Georgie had a grimace on his face, and despite some grunting, he never stopped sucking George's cock. Georgie once again found himself focused on the stranger's face. The stranger stared back intently, one hand on either of Georgie's hips as he slammed into the boy. George couldn't see it, but he could hear the force of the strangers hips slapping into Georgie's ass.

After only three or four minutes, George felt his orgasm building. Given his and his son's history, he would never think to pull out. George grunted quietly as he emptied his balls into his son's throat. Georgie expertly and greedily swallowed hard and continued sucking until every last remnant of his father's jizz was safely in his belly. Satisfied that his father's dick was clean, George finally pulled his mouth off and began moaning quietly, grunting each time the stranger bottomed out inside him.

Georgie looked up at his father, then lifted his head out of his lap and moved up to give his father a gentle kiss. George tasted his own cum on his son's tongue. George and Georgie stared deeply into each other's eyes as the stranger began to grunt louder, indicating his imminent ejaculation. The man spat out "fuck!" as he shot his load into Georgie's guts. George couldn't look away from his son's eyes. Knowing that another man's seed was filling his son up was almost enough to make George cum a second time.

The stranger finished and panted for a few moments before finally pulling out. George grunted as the cock slid out. As it slid out, the man's cum immediately began to slide down Georgie's inner thigh. The man began to say something, clearly attempting awkward conversation, but Georgie, without looking back at the man, said, "Thanks Mister, you can go now." Georgie was looking at his father as he said it. And once he said it, smiled wide. This made George smile too. The man, possibly relieved that he didn't have to make awkward conversation after all, quickly pulled his pants up, half-heartedly attempted to make himself presentable and quickly left the room. Once they heard the door close, both began to laugh.

George gave his father another quick kiss as he stood. Rather than clean up the cum dripping out of his hole, Georgie just pulled up his undies and jeans and began fastening them. A small wet spot immediately formed at the seat of his pants. Georgie rubbed his finger on the spot and stuck it to his nose and inhaled deeply. He smiled again at his dad, clearly relishing at the smell of the stranger's jizz.

As Georgie stepped across the room and checked his hair in the mirror over the dresser, George closed his robe and stood. After a few silent moments, George asked, "so...should we go out to dinner or order a pizza or something?" George turned and smiled before once again grabbing the key from the dresser and walking toward the door. George was confused and said, "where are you going?" George said, without turning around, "I'm going to find us another one," and once again disappeared out the door.

Next: Chapter 8

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