Little Rich Boy

By Rob Roaa

Published on Feb 4, 2012



The usual warning, if you are under age please stop now, if you are old enough and like male to male sex please read on. Always practice safe sex, and if you like my story let me know. Feel free to e-mail me at

It's 7:30am and I'm being woken up by my mother in my room. What is going on?

That's all I could think of, it took me a minute to get my self together.

"Sweetie don't forget to call the mechanic about the cars"

"Alright mom, have a good day see you later"

"Oh one more thing, your father and I won't be back until tomorrow, we have an event to go to up north and we are going to stay the night up there and drive back in the morning and go straight to work. Have fun and no parties"

"Mom, I'm 22, I'm not in high school anymore have fun and ill see you all tomorrow"

My name is Nathaniel, Nate for short. I'm 22 and I graduated from college about 3 weeks ago. I'm here at home in Michigan for about 2 months until I move to Atlanta to start my first post grad job as an accountant for a company there.

I live in a very nice and expensive suburb, my father is one of the Top 3 Heart surgeons in the Midwest, and my mother is the COO for a major car company here in Michigan. I've lived a very well off and privileged life and I know that. But I try my hardest to not come off as a spoiled little rich boy. Both my parents know that I am gay and there has never been an issue about it. My dad almost was happy about it but that's enough about me and my family.

I went back to sleep for a bit after my mom and dad left. I woke up at around 10:30am to get my day started. I had nothing to do but I wanted to be up, I had to call one of my moms' dealerships to get a mechanic over to work on our cars. Yes when your mom runs the company the mechanics come to you to fix your car, and the best part, you don't have to pay anything when they are done.

I went down expecting for some breakfast to be prepared for me, but it looks like my mom gave the staff the day off, leaving me to fend for myself. I made some eggs and toast and sat my ass in front of the TV. After I was done eating I called the main dealership that my mother likes, and got them to get someone over here. They said someone would be over in about an hour and a half which meant about 12:30. That gave me time to take a shower, and beat off while I was in there. Staying with your parents doesn't really work on the guys at the bar. So it's been a couple of weeks since I've had a good release.

I watch a little more TV, and then I hop in the shower to get fresh and clean.

I'm about 6'2 190 all muscle. I'm a champion college tennis player. So I think I have a good body. The guys and girls on campus like it. I have brown hair that's long enough to touch the middle of my ear, no facial hair, and bright green eyes.

I'm in the shower lathering up and slowly stroking for a bit, when I hear the doorbell ring.

"Grace can you grab the door"

a second later the doorbell rings again...Shit mom gave everyone off. I grabbed a towel throw on shorts and ran to the door. Still wet, I open the door and am shocked to see a light brown guy on the other side. He is 6'5, bright brown eyes, long hair back in a ponytail with an amazing smile. He looks to be late 20s to early 30s.

"Hi I'm Dakota; the dealership sent me over to work on your cars"

His sweet soft but deep voice molested my ears in the best way.

"Hi I'm Nate, sorry it took me so long, I was in the shower, they said u wouldn't be here for another 45mins"

"Oh I'm so sorry to disturb you, just show me to the cars and ill be out of your way and you can get back to your shower"

"No worries come on in let me show you where you're going"

I walk him through the house and backyard to the garage. He sees the cars and asks what they need done.

"My mom and dads cars don't need much just oil change check the breaks. But my car needs some good care; it's been a while since it's been serviced"

I show Dakota how to bring his truck back, and open the gates for him to get in, and I go back to finish showering.

I finished showering but didn't get to beat off.

I came back down and sat in the family room to watch TV so I could keep an eye on him and what he was doing.

After almost two hours I wanted to go out and check on him. I took out some frozen bottles of water, because it was pretty warm out.

"Hey Dakota, here's some water for you, how's it going?"

"Well I just got done with your parents' cars, and now yours' and you weren't lying when you said yours needs some work.

"Sorry about that"

The entire time talking to him I couldn't help but notice that he had a slight bulge in his pants, but what I noticed even more was him moving around like a weirdo, and trying to adjust himself in front of me.

"Well I will leave you to it, if you need anything let me know, and if you need to use the restroom or to get out of the heat, come right in the back door and the restroom is straight down the hall on the right".

"Oh wow thanks so much, I'm ok for now"

Knowing he was a lying piece of shit I walked back in and went back to watching TV.

About 15min later, I hear a knock at the back screen door.

"Hey Dakota come on in"

"I'm so sorry to bother you; I wanted to know if I could use your restroom.

"Of course you can it's straight down the hall on the right"

I walked into the kitchen to grab some chips and dip to snack on looking through the cabinets I couldn't find anything and then I remembered that my dad hides chips from my mom in a different cabinet. I walk over and pass right by the bathroom where the Dakota was, his head was tossed back dick out taking an amazing piss. I stopped for a split second and quickly walked past. I forgot to tell him to push the door hard; the door is old and sometimes doesn't catch when you softly close it. I sneak over grab the chips and walk back when he sees me.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry, I thought I closed the door, I'm so embarrassed I'm so sorry"

"Don't worry that door is messed up it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry the door did that to you, and don't worry it's just you and I here, and it's not anything I haven't seen before".

Dakota quickly gets back outside embarrassed about what just happen.

I sat back down and to watch TV but the only thing I could think about was him taking a piss.

He had perfect legs from what I could tell, he was hairy with dark brown hair all over and the deepest cum gutters I've ever seen. His dick was super thick and about 7 inches long uncut with a tight foreskin. The head of his dick was a perfect mushroom and nice and plump, and that's all I could tell from the quick but good look that I saw.

A few hours passed with the image of his amazing body and piss dripping cock coming and going from my mind. I looked out and Dakota was still hard at work. I decided to go out and check on him, and see how things are going. I really need for him to go so I can pull out a load.

I walked out and took my time walking over to Dakota, I wanted to be able to really take in the sight of him bending over into my car.

He had on dark blue jeans that were so tight in the ass it looked like he was going to burst out of them. They went down to a wide bootleg with black tennis shoes on tied tightly.

His shirt was coming up ever so slightly to show a beautiful tanned muscle lower back. With his hairy arms and lower stomach I expected him to have a hairy back also. But it was bare. I wanted to walk up and lick it. His jeans sat just right to show about half an inch of the beginning of his crack. It was driving me wild.

"Hey what's going on" his voice echo from under the hood of my car.

"What the hell, how did you know I was behind you"

"I heard your flip-flops come down the stairs and coming at me."

"Oh wow good ears, so how's it going out here"

"Well I did your tires and oil, your system needs to be flushed still, and a few other small things"

"Its getting late, I don't want you to get in trouble with the dealer, so ill call them and let them know you're still working"

"Oh its fine, you don't have to but thank you"

I went back in called the dealer, and let them know, they told me to just email them the time he was done and to send him home from our house.

I went back and fell asleep for a bit. When I woke up it was about 5:30 and I was starving. I got up and made some dinner for myself. I made some chicken and rice because it's easy and quick.

By the time I was done and ready to sit down to eat it was about 6:45 and Dakota looked like he was just finishing up.

I walked out side to talk to him.

"Hey you all done"?

"Yea sorry it took so long, but I wanted to be sure that I did everything on your car. Which needed more than a little bit"

He flashed the most devilish sly smile that took my breath away.

"Well thank you so much, I called your boss, and I am going to let him know what time you leave tonight, he said to go home from here, just stop in before you leave"

"Wow thank you so much, I'm almost done out here"

I went back in to enjoy my dinner. I opened a bottle of wine, sat down and started eating.

About 5 minutes into me eating I hear footsteps coming up the stairs; I guess Dakota is finally done.

"Umm Sir"

"Hey Dakota come on in and its Nate, sorry I probably didn't introduce myself earlier"

As he opened the door, he made sure to put his nose in the air to take in the scent of my dinner.

"wow that smells amazing, but that's not why I came in, I'm all done with everything, again im sorry it took so long, but if you have any problems with anything just give me a call at the shop" He left his card on the table for me "Now its my time to leave, and get some dinner of my own I am starving"

I felt bad for him he'd been in the hot sun all day and didn't leave to eat anything

"Hey Dakota I made extra if you would like to sit down relax and have some, it would be nice to have a little company but its up to you, I just feel bad because you've been out there all day working so hard"

"Well no I don't think it would be appropriate for you to eat with the Help"

I felt a little insulted by that comment

"Wow that's a bit harsh, and now I insist that you sit and enjoy this meal that I made so much of, and I wasn't raised to ever think of anyone as the help, just for the record"

I got up grabbed a plate and started dishing out chicken and veggie and rice for Dakota. He looked a little confused as to why I was forcing him to sit down and eat. I just wanted some company; this house can get pretty lonely when it's just me.

"Well Nate thank you so much for the offer, and since I have no decision in the matter, I have one question, may I run out to my car and change my shirt, and wash my hands, I mean it's a little rude to sit and break bread when you are as nasty as I am"

When he said that I had to turn around, my dick was jumping just thinking about his sweaty, musky, body.

"Of course just be quick I don't want your food to get cold"

I grabbed another wine glass and another bottle of chardonnay, I heard the front door open again as I sat down to continue my meal. Dakota walked into the kitchen wearing tight black short sleeve polo. His pecs stood out so much more than they did in his other shirt. While outside it looked like he had pulled his hair into another tight ponytail to get it out of his face.

"Hey it's just me, I'm gonna use the restroom again and wash my hands"

He went into the bathroom and it took everything out of me not to walk past to see if he forgot about the door. Instead I sat waiting for my dinner partner to finish and join me; I poured the wine, and waited in agony for him. When Dakota came out he had that beautiful smile yet again.

"Thank you again for demanding that I join you, I was going to swing by a McDonalds to grab some dinner"

"Really, I was I hoping that I wasn't keeping you from your wife, I just felt really bad, that you were out there for so long."

Dakota's laugh filled the room, "Wife, no I'm single, I can't find a woman dumb enough to marry me"

"Dumb enough, that's a bit fucked up, what do you mean?"

"I drink too much, I'm a whore, and I hate kids, there aren't too many women that will deal with one of those issues, and definitely not all 3, plus the numerous other random issues that I have"

"Wow Dakota, you sound like a real catch" we laughed as Dakota started in on his meal.

"Dakota may I ask you a question" with no words he nodded his head yes.

"All day I've been trying to figure out what you are, Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, mixed, so I'm asking you, what the hell are you? Because you seem pretty racially ambiguous right now."

He sat there with a frozen look on his face, I felt that I may have offended him, which wouldn't be very good, seeing that I'm home alone and he can kick my ass all over this place. His firm voice broke silence

"I am full blood Lakota Indian, I am the son, grandson, and great grandson of Tribal chiefs, I am the first of my family to ever leave the reservation."

Holy shit, the way he said it with so much power and mystery, took my breath away, his piercing brown eye look straight through me, and there was no smile on his face, only passion, honor, and strength. It just made me want him even more. With out missing a beat, he went straight back to his plate and continued to eat.

"Wow that is amazing, I would love to hear about your time living on the reservation, I've always admired the rich history of Native Americans"

"Well I've been off the reservation for about 7 years now, I tried to leave most of that back in North Dakota, hints my name, now may I ask you a question?"

That smile made its way back to his face, I got a bit nervous, but with the 5 glasses of wine that I had in me, I was up for a challenge.

"Sure ask away"

"So you've lead a pretty privileged life it seems, big house, staff to tend to you, hell you don't even have to take your cars in to get serviced. You're young, smart, good looking, and it looks like you have a pretty bright future ahead of you. So how did your parents take it when you came out to them?"

I choked as the words came out his mouth. I wasn't ready for that question. Slowly I replied,

"Well what makes you think I'm gay?"

"The way you looked at me when you opened the door, the way you took your sweet time to make your way down the stairs and over to me, the way you looked at me when I was in the bathroom, either you are gay, or you don't know that you are gay yet, but something tells me that you are very out and proud of yourself, so you gonna answer the question now?"

I was stunned, how the hell did he know, his back was to me when he was working on the car, his eyes were closed when he was in the bathroom, I'm too tipsy to think about this.

Before I could say anything he interrupted.

"I can see by your face what you are thinking, and I want to remind you I am full blood Native American, I learned to hunt at 7, I can hear the birds that are outside right now, and I can hear slow footsteps coming up behind me or stutter stepping past an open door."

His eyes were locked on mine, with so much intensity. I was uncomfortable. I took a swig of wine, and gathered my courage.

"Well yes I am an out and proud gay man, and my parents were almost excited about it, I came out to them when I was 15 and in high school. They knew long before I did, so they were happy when I was able to be truthful with myself and them. Now my last question for you is if you knew what I was doing, why didn't you say anything, like yo kid, stop looking at my dick, or something"

We laughed for a second and I took the time to refill our glasses.

"so you think you are the first guy to check me out or something, if you like the view who am I to deny you, I find it flattering" again He flashed that smile that made me wonder...

"So you knew, and you're flattered, are you gay, because you're a bit too comfortable with the subject"

Silence filled the room, even though it was jut a few seconds for his reply the awkwardness made it feel like hours.

"I'm not someone to label myself, but I do have a past with both men and women, and I don't have a problem with sharing that. This is one of the other numerous issues that women have with me"

Hearing those words shook me to the core, I couldn't help but start to imagine me jumping his bones, and riding him until he screamed for mercy.

"Well good for you, label or no label"

Awkwardness showed itself yet again, the wine was gone, our plates were empty, and I was hot and hard wanting him.

"You know what, you have nothing to do, I don't either I'm about to grab a bottle of vodka and we are going to chill"

with no hesitation, I cleared the table went to my parents bar, and grabbed a bottle of kettle, and some shot glasses, I got some pops (We don't say soda in the north sorry folks) we sat at the table, exchanging stories and taking shots, before I knew it, we were both drunk as shit and it was about 10:30. The bottle was just about empty and all I wanted to do was sit on Dakotas face.

"You know what I'm tired of talking, you need to talk more, and show me around this big ass house of yours, then I'm going to go, but I want to see this house"

We got up and stumbled around the house, I showed him my room the guests rooms, the parlor the family room, the formal dining room, the rest of the backyard.

We went down to the basement, This was the crown jewel of our house, a theater that seats12 ppl, a full kitchen, game room and just the best place to ever kick back and relax.

Dakota was awestruck when he came down, I turned on the screen and put on a movie we sat there talking for another minute and then got into the movie. I got up to go the bathroom because the vodka was running through me. When I came back Dakota looked to have dozed off. As I was stepping over him to get back to my chair, the vodka got the best of me, I tripped on nothing and fell right into his lap.

He woke up startled. I tried to recover but when he looked up at me, our eyes locked. I sat there frozen for a second.

"If you wanted me to take you for a ride all you had to do was ask."

Never looking away I realized his hands were caressing my loser back. His big hands rubbed the small of my back so slowly; I didn't know what was going on.

"Well if I wanted a ride I would have asked, it wasn't me it was the vodka"

His right hand has moved and cupped my ass, while his left hand is squeezing my right thigh.

"Well I say we get some more vodka and see where you end up from there."

Some how my hand was resting on his chest, I leaned into him and he met me half way, our lips touched softly and then Dakota pulled me in harder. We embraced harder and I had to use my free hand to keep me steady by clenching onto the back of the theater chair.

While we kissed, his hand made its way into the back of my shorts and he made sure to grab it with much authority.

I pulled away to catch my breath and compose my self. Leaning back I drank in the sight of the beautiful man, while we kissed some of his hair came loose from his ponytail, it framed his face perfectly as I licked my lips and locked eyes with him once again, he flashed me with that evil grin of his.

I knew what I wanted to do. I got up and Dakota grabbed the front of my shorts. I pulled his hands away and pulled him along with me. As I rushed up the stairs Dakota was close behind grabbing at my shorts and ass, we laughed our way up, and I almost couldn't help myself from blowing him on the stairs. We made our way to the family room and I went to the bar. I grabbed another bottle of Kettle. Dakota stood in front of the bar eyeing me the whole time. I opened the bottle and took a nice big gulp right out of it.

Dakota took the bottle from me.

"Whoa there tiger, I don't want you too messed up, I need for you to be a good and active part of this"

He pulled me from around the bar and we embraced again, while kissing we made our way to the sofas. To my surprise Dakota pulled away from me quickly.

"Do you have a condom?"

"Yea upstairs you wanna take the party up there"

"Nope, fuck it I'm safe and I want to fuck you right here, are you safe?"

"Yup got tested two weeks ago when I got home, and I'm great"

We locked eyes yet again, and that's when it happen, his voice got so deep and demanding, his eyes seem to darken, it was like some spirit animal took over his body, he growled and said.

"I'm about to fuck the living shit out of you"

My heart skipped a beat, it was like a demon possessed me, I ripped his tight polo straight down the middle. Surprise took over his face, I went for his pants, and he knocked my hands away.

Dakota grabbed my head and shoved it into his ripe pits.

"Yea, you look like a dirty little bitch, you like it don't you, how does that smell"

Every second in there was like an hour of amazement, the sweet and sour smell of his sweaty underarms made my dick jump.

"Oh yea man I'm a dirty bitch, I'm your dirty little bitch"

"Come on lick em, get the sweat from under there, I know you like it"

I licked fiercely, and that sour taste sent my mind into a tizzy. Just as I was getting really into it, he pulled my head away. I was dazed and confused and I wanted more.

"I see you liked that, you like being my little whore, lets see what else you like"

All I could do was stand there and lick my lips for more of his taste, I could smell him and it drove me crazy.

"Take off those fucken shorts" He ordered me, and I wanted to, but I wanted to see what he did if I tested him.

"fuck you, make me"

His eyes got as big as plates, before I knew it his hands were around my throat and I was being pushed into the wall, I hit it with so much force, that one of our family photos fell. I was shocked and so hot that I pushed him back and punched him right in his chest. But it didn't seem to faze him. He laughed and grabbed my throat again, hard enough for me to struggle for air, but he wasn't trying to kill me, he knew just the right amount of pressure to use.

"so you think you're a tough guy, we'll see how tough you are in just a bit, now since you didn't want to take the shorts ill just have to make you do it"

Without breaking our stare, I felt a major pain in my balls, and then I realized, through my shorts Dakota had grabbed the base of my balls, with them hanging out the bottom of his hand and he was squeezing them like a vice grip. The pain radiated through my body, but before the pain could make its way to back to my brain, I felt his lips on mine again, his kiss was so rough I thought he was going to suck my teeth out of my face. He pulled away from the kiss, and spoke deep into my ear.

"Are you ready to take off these fucking shorts, or do I have to pull your balls off your body and shove them in your mouth?"

As scary as his talking is, it's soo fucking hott,

"Yes I'm ready, and I'm sorry"

Dakota let me go and backed away from me, I slowly slid my shorts down, my balls were red, and plump, and I did not care.

He walked back to me and slowly stroked my dick,

His big hands on my throbbing knob felt so good that I threw my head back, and banged it against the wall,

"Fuck that hurt"

"Well let me see if I can make it feel a little better" He replied

Dakota slowly went to his knees, and my body went limp, I didn't peg him to be a cock sucker but boy was he good.

He slowly lick from my taint down the back to the front of my sack, and up the under side of my dick. It sent chills through my body, once he got to the tip of my dick, he plunged his throat all the way down until he hit the base, and I could feel his tongue slid out to lick my balls. It felt so good, this was definitely not his first time, it was perfect the amount of teeth, the amount of suction. He knew his way around a dick

Up and down up and down, he sucked me so hard I felt my body raising off the wall.

Every time I went to hump with my hips he slammed me back into the wall, it was a constant struggle for power, and he kept winning. It was driving me nuts, and I could feel myself inching toward completion

"Wait I'm gonna cum"

it was like those words gave him even more power, he pinned my body to the wall, and sucked harder and faster with each pull I could feel the build up growing stronger and stronger,

"Stop wait I'm about to, I'm about to..."

And it happen like a bottle that had been shaken too much, and opened, I blew my load down his throat. He wouldn't let up, he sucked and pulled milking me dry, my body couldn't take it anymore I screamed out in pure pleasure, and slid down the wall hitting the floor. Dakota kissed me from my tip, to my stomach to my chest, hitting my neck and ending at my lips, he pinned my arms with great force, and slowly kissed me. As my mouth opened to let his tongue in, he pulled back slightly and opened his mouth, letting my load slowly fall out of his mouth and into mine. As the last drips fell from his tongue he seemed to chase them ending with his lips back on mine, my cum went back and forth between our mouths. I tasted so sweet, and I never knew it before

I laid there out of breath and panting like a thirsty dog, Dakota got up, and pulled me up, when I stood I realized he had nothing but his torn polo on. He pulled me along with him and sat on the edge of the couch. He leaned back and opened his legs wide.

I set a gaze on that beautiful cock of his and my mouth watered in anticipation. He pulled my head in, as I went to open my mouth, his voice deep and silky asked,

"How does it smell?"

My nose perked open and I took a long breath in, his masculine man scent overwhelmed me. The smell of his hard days work in the sun was like coke to me, I wanted to get high off of him. I turned my head, and let his balls lay on my nose.

Dakota seemed to like it, He rolled his hips up and down sliding his balls across my nose sending me deeper into my sexual frenzy.

He slide his ass closer to the edge and threw his legs into the air.

I sat up and he looked me right in the eyes.

"Eat it, eat it like it's your last fucking meal"

Without hesitation I buried my mouth and nose right into his ass, my tongue poked and licked as he shoved his ass deeper onto my face

"oh fuck yea, you like my sweet, sweaty swamp ass don't you dude, come on rich boy, I know you've never smelled anything like this have you, this is what real work smells like on a man, how much do you like it?"

Without coming up and muffled by his tight ass, I replied

"God I fucken love it so much, you taste so fucking good bro"

My tongue flicked and poked harder and faster, I knew he liked it because his grinding got harder and faster, I was buried up to my eyebrows in his ass, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Dakota let out a deep moan and that's when I moved my way to his fat cock. I sucked his ball so hard, I thought he was going to punch me in the face. He grabbed my head and shoved his balls deep down my throat. He leaned back and pulled them out of my hungry mouth, they swelled from my brutal attention I gave them. Before I could get my mouth on his dick, he pulled me up, we kissed, and Dakota ran his nose up the side of my face.

"God my ass smells good on you, get up here, and let me stretch that hole of yours."

I climbed up on the couch, straddling him, face to face, the sight of him was more than I could take, my dick was no long limp from the beating it took from his mouth, it was fully hard and ready for more. Dakota knew what he wanted and he was about to have it. He spit in his right hand, and rubbed it all over his dick, I sat up on my knees, and positioned myself, he spit again and rubbed it into my hole, his fingers were bigger than I realized he stretch me out to get ready for the main course, I relaxed as I felt his hands grip my hips, could feel the tip of his dick knocking waiting for me to let it in. I sat back and slowly pushed. It felt like my hole was being ripped open, the pain sent a shock through my body, before I could tense up, I felt Dakotas hand slid from my thigh up to my chest, and back around my neck, he massaged me while slowly pushing my body down, a little more, I was past the threshold, now the sensations I was feeling were starting to ones of pleasure. I worked my hips in a S formation while he worked his in a circle, our bodies moving in opposing ways made for a feeling that could only be explained with me yelling out "it hurts so fucking good"

My words must have sent him to a new place, His body thrusts and with one push he was fully inside of me. My eyes watered and I bit my lip, to keep from squealing. Dakota wrapped his arms around me and jumped up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he slammed me down on the on the couch. At this moment I released all control to my native warrior. He grabbed my legs and folded me in half, my knees were at my head, and I could feel him pulling out and forcing his way deep back into my guts, he was thrusting so hard so fast, I couldn't catch my breath, I could feel him pushing through my sphincters and punching my prostate. With every push a button sized globs of pre-cum fell from my tip. All I could do was moan and pant in hopes of trying to regain oxygen. He leaned in, and whispered, in my ear, never missing a beat in my ass.

"Your fucken ass feels so good on my dick, tell me where do u want it, where do u want me to blow my salty fucking load, do you want it in your tight ass, or do you want it all over your face."

I gasp for air to answer, but I cant, he thinks I am testing him again, his eyes widen, and he releases his death grip on my legs, they pop up to his shoulders and he reaches behind me to grip the couch, at that moment, he pushes even harder and deeper into me, his balls slap my ass each time, and he continues to thrash at me harder and harder, all I can do is let out cries of ecstasy, I can feel the tip of his cock leaking and lubing my ass more and more, it felt like he had a bucket of pre-cum in me. Finally I am able to catch a breath and form just enough words;

"I want to taste you"

Dakota leans back in for another lustful embrace, then whispers to me again

"I knew u were a cock hungry bitch, oh you're gonna get it"

Dakota wraps his arms around me again and I know what's going to happen, I drop my legs and wrap them around his torso, and he scoops me up like a baby, without ever taking his dick from my ass, he walks me over and slams me against the wall again, I am in midair, with nothing but his broad shoulders to hold onto and he continues to slam his cock deep into me. Each time he pushes forward I let out a gasp of breath and each time he pulls back I try to catch it. My hands are shaking because I am holding on to his shoulder so tightly but it doesn't seem to faze him. He shuts his eyes, and he drops me, the suction make a sloppy noise, and I can feel his juices dripping out of my hole. I fall to my knees, with his dick at my lips I waste no time I grab the base of it, and wrap my lips around the head, I peel back the foreskin, and try to suck the life out of him through his dick. He lets out the loudest moan, and grabs my head, again I know I must release my control. He starts to fuck my face with the same speed and passion as he did my ass, I am gagging for life. My head is on the wall, I'm between a rock and his hard dick, and I must enjoy it, as my tongue swirls and I try to open my throat, I can feel his rod swelling, and I know its almost time, I close my lips, and let him rape my mouth his breathing shallows, and his thrust are shorter, and with one final push, I can feel his dick knocking at my tonsils, he erupts with a deep bellowing yell, and I can feel his juice hitting the back of my throat. His body shivers and shakes and he drops my hands. That's when I make my move, I grab the back of his legs and pull, he collapses to the ground and I hold his arms to his side, I suck furiously and he thrashes like a wounded animal, I refuse to let go. I suck until he is forced to give up, with every rotation of my neck, his body shakes uncontrollably. Then he lay lifeless. He had to have given me about 12 protein shots. He is taking many shallow breathers, and his eyes are fluttering, and lips are shaking. I kiss my way up his body from his taint, to his balls, up the side of his dick, kissing his cum gutters, his belly button, and nipples, moved to his neck and finding my way to his lips. I straddled him and with his eyes closed, he spoke volumes to me by flashing that devilish smile of his one last time, and we both drifted off to sleep, until I could feel him knocking for entry again.

I guess I am a spoiled little rich boy.

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