Little People Problems

By Jake

Published on Sep 19, 2018


Hi guys. As always, please consider a contribution to Nifty in order for them to keep this site full of great stories to read!

This is Part 8 of the story, which, as I mentioned in the prologue of the last one, is now THREE parts longer then I was intending to write! But we pretty much at the end now. I just kept writing, cause of the few stories I have put on NIFTY, this has gotten the biggest response by FAR! room.

Again my apologies for not replying to all e-mails that were sent, but rest assured, all were read and appreciated!

Any comments, good ones only please (haha), may be sent to ""

Weeks later the Viking and I were still, basically, sexual slaves to the wrestlers. The success of having blackmailed us into being their sluts had been demonstrated at the party at the duplex next door. And soon the other little wrestlers wanted in - which meant before long, there was a harem of big jocks at the lustful mercy of LPs.

VIKE and I found this out, when again there was a huge get-together at Tarz's house.

He had made sure his "whores" were ready for the occasion. Vike and I had been given enough booze to make us tipsy, and enough Viagra to make us horny.

DD was addressing, I was guessing, 16 or so LPs and jocks, as we stumbled in the door.

"Welcome men to our first annual "Switch your Bitch" night. Each of you lone fighters, or tag-teams, will get to pick a number, corresponding to a bitch. If you pick your bitch, you will go again, obviously. "

"What the fu-"?, asked Vike as a number was taped to his shirt.

"Don't worry Viking, you and your cunt-boy will be paired together," said Tarz making the other LPs chuckle.

Didn't have to be a genius to figure out what was happening. We didn't have much of a choice, but to stand there and listen to the results.

Our "regulars", DD, JJ, Flex and Tarz could not get our number - so we figured out, we were gonna be used by someone else. But who? We definitely saw some faces that had worked us over at the LAST party.

When the dust had settled, two LPs stood in front of us, waving their corresponding ticket. Though new to me, both were known to the Viking.

When we had a moment, Vike explained the "L'il Nasty Bros" were both in the circuit for years. To me they seemed younger then the age of 40 - which the giant guessed was their age. He didn't even think they were related, but the men looked similar, with their hair and goatees all dyed a bright yellow.

To my surprise, they made us follow them to their house, which was basically in the back of our duplex. A path which I had never used, or needed to use, went right up to their backyard.

The "brothers" whose names were Pete and Zeke wasted little time.

"Strip boy-whores. Once you're done, on your knees. Hands behind your head."

The men snickered as they saw our huge dicks - Viagara induced peckers at full mast.

We were both on our knees. Our arms actually clasped together, as we faced away from one another, butt-to-butt.

"Well, well Viking. Looks like your actions have come back to roost, haven't day? All your cheating and basically, just being a prick, has led us to this point."

"Ooooh yeah, we gonna have some fun getting our revenge, you big fuck."

For the next 15 minutes, I was basically holding Vike up. The two wrestlers took turns with back-handed SLAPS on Vike's chest and belly. Making him GROWN and GROWL, as they high-fived in between.

"You not enjoying yourself you big fuck? You cock seems to be thinking otherwise. Zeke get me something to tame that monster."

Not that it hadn't happened before, but getting his dick and nuts roughly bound by the men, had Vike moaning LOUD. His meat man-handled, as twine secured his bag to the shaft of his huge prick.

"We didn't forget about you, boy", said Pete standing in front of me, "this is the one with the horny tits, Zeke."

"Look at those puppies", answered his brother whistling, "just beggin' for proper attention."

Both smaller men did not have to bend their heads too far, where I knelt. Each had one of my pecs in their mouth and were sucking so HARD. It felt like my nipple was being pulled from my chest.

I was reacting so much, that Vike could hardly hold my arms in place between his.


There was no stopping - just laughing, as the two switched between hard sucks of my erect tits, or rubbing their goatee back and forth on the excited areolas.

The tit play had it's effect on my dick. My meat just throbbing excitedly from the abuse. Zeke moved away from my chest, to bind my dripping cock - and then my nuts.

The LPs had us stand. I saw Vike's broad chest was red, from getting slapped.

"Belly-to-belly, boy-whores. C'mon don't be shy. We just gonna have a little fun. Now give each other a hug. That's it. Hold that position."

We watched as Pete showed us a fleshlight. Making sure we got a good look at it, before he got on his knees between us. Vike and I GROWLING as he roughly grabbed both of our dicks. Stuffing those huge pricks together in the fleshlight.

Zeke meanwhile had put, what he called "Chinese finger traps", connecting our thumbs, so we were unable to move our hands - keeping us in a hugging position.

"That's perfect Zeke. Now whores, we also got something else you gonna enjoy from Chinatown. This!"

With that, Pete showed us a container - red in color, it had a nozzle on the top. It looked like a ketchup holder you would see in a restaurant.

We could feel him going between our legs. Soon ice-cold liquid was being poured in the little space that it could, in the packed fleshlight.

"An ancient Chinese formula. It's called nympho-cream. Tonight, it's boy-whore cream. After a few minutes, you should start seeing the fun little effect. In the meantime."


Vike and I YELPING as the two LPs were giving healthy back-handed smacks to our big buns. Making those fat asses jiggle, as we moaned in unison. Unable to move with our thumbs trapped, so we were just left writhing against one another.

Moments later, as promised, the liquid dripped on our shafts started working. There was almost too many sensations to describe around our dicks! Tickling, irritation, itching, tingling - at times it felt like a bee sting, moments later a soothing feeling.

Vike and I mashed our chest on one anothers'! Unable to escape the feeling around our trapped cocks, and the SLAPS of our big butts.


The two LPs laughed as we moaned like bitches.

Viking and I were still gyrating against one another, when the LPs led us outside. Unhooking the thumb-traps, and then the fleshlight from around our tortured dicks. Snapping out of it, when we felt the hosing of our red buns and hard cocks with ice cold water.

The LPs calling us "horny fuckin' whores" as they noticed that our pricks were still throbbing hard - even after getting doused. I assumed they HAD to know our dicks were drugged, but who knows?

Again the "Bros" high-fived as they watched us on all 4s on the back porch. Catching our breath.

I was forced to move, as Zeke grabbed for the end of the twine tied around my dick and nuts. Making me stand and follow him back in the house. I MOANED as the water had seemed to tighten the twine even more .

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! I heard echoed in the night as the Viking stayed on all 4s on the porch, getting his ass "reheated" by Pete.

Zeke slowly jacked my pecker, as he lifted my arm, so he could take my right tit in his mouth.

"Ohhhh fuck, yeah. Big jock-slut (SLURP! SUCK!) You so fuckin' horny. Like putty in my hands. Your piss-slit can't stop leaking that sap. (SUCK SUCK SLURP) Just from having your tit in my mouth. Bet your pussy is wet too, ain't it whore? If it ain't let's get your pussy wet. (SUCK! SLURP!), and if it is, let's get it wetter."

Zeke was chuckling as he had me moaning. The familiar feeling, of a lustful daze, came over me. I was easily being led to a small couch. I found it odd when Zeke had me put a tiny jock on, but I did as asked, before being pushed onto my back in the middle of the sofa.

He grabbed my legs. After making me lift and spread em', he attached my foot on each end. My feet were bound, to what looked like, a wrestling ring turnbuckle on each side, with a velcro foot-hold to keep me in place. Hard to explain, but I was spread out like crazy.

"Ohhhhhh, look-at-that tight little pussy. That pink pussy comes as advertised, whore. That is one pretty little hole."

Compliments were not making me feel any better, as Zeke kept working on me.

With what looked like wrapped up socks in his hand, he grabbed the end of the wet twine around my balls, and wrapped it round and round the socks - until my nuts were pulled taunt. He then ordered my mouth open, and pushed them in. I MOANED as that pulled my sac even more.

"Get your hands out of the fuckin' way! Put them under you. No, no wait. I got a better idea. Take the tips of your titties between your fingers. Now, pinch and pull, titty-whore"

Again Zeke moved a hand up to reposition the gag in my mouth.

"There you go. Don't want you spoiling the surprise for your daddy. Now where did we put that? Ah, here it is. Nympho, I mean boy-whore cream. You see how good it worked on your cock? No big surprise, cause I know it works good on clits. (HA! HA!). You gotta figure it will work on pussy hole too, right?"

I MOANED in the gag, as Zeke put the nozzle at my exposed hole and pushed some of the liquid in - just moments before the door opened as Pete and Vike returned.

"Stay on all 4s, you fuckin' horn-dog. Keep that shiny big ass on display proudly, whore. Well, well. Looks like your boy is very much ready for his pussy-hound daddy. You fuckin gallop over there, and start licking that fuckin' pussy. Just like a dog, put your fuckin' tongue in there and start lapping."

With the gag, there was no way I could warn the Viking. that the itchy gel was in my hole! I knew it would begin to tingle any second!

I saw the reason for the jock that Zeke had me wear, as the TIGHT strap around me, was pulled down, and SNAPPED around the back of Vike's head. Keeping him firmly in place.

A WILD display of lust the two LPs got to sit back and watch!

Vike's tongue was soon feeling the effects of the gel. Little bumps on it needed to be scratched. He would have sooth the feeling by rubbing his teeth, but his tongue was caught between my itchy asslips that desperately had an itch on their own.

Any hope of movement was met with a resounding SLAP on his red muscled ass. When he STILL was moving, Zeke grabbed the twine around Vike's tied cock and nuts. Tying it to another rope, so it could be attached to my big toe. Poor Vike couldn't see, but soon felt that his tongue drilling my itchy hole, was making my toes CURL over and over.

Knowing the licking would wash out the gel, Pete and Zeke took turns, reloading.

"Whore at no point do I remember anyone saying, "take your fingers off your titties". Now get back to those tits your're so proud off, and play with the fuckin' tips. "

The LP would grab Vike by the hair. Just making him move his head enough, so they could put the nozzle in my hole, and on Vike's tongue. Then more of the icy cool gel oozed.

Again, it was a show for the two LPs. My muscles strained from the intense feeling at my hole Both Vike and my nuts being yanked by my reactions. My hole bouncing back HARD for his tongue - and that wet organ, trying for relief, slurping wildly in the puckering hole.

I think I passed out. I think Vike did too for a time. He seemed to be asleep as his eyes were closed with his tongue just on auto-pilot, eating that hole.

But the next thing I remember, I was being untied from the couch. Breathing hard , I fell on my side. Holding my balls, which were finally free. My pussy still twitchin'. The tongue that had since left my hole, left spasms in the aftermath.

"Ah fuck. Mr Vike. I'm so sorry about your balls, dude."

"Don't worry kid. Wasn't your fault," answered the giant. Wincing as he rolled his spanked ass on the cool tiles, rubbing his sore full nuts.

"We were just thinking something different, Mr Vike. That turnabout is fair-play. Boy whore, take that jock-strap off. Time for Daddy to wear it."

Minutes later, we were again in an embarrassingly submissive situation.

Vike was on his knees facing the back of the couch. I was on all 4s with my head lifted a bit - so it was able to be wedged between the giant's big spanked ass. Vike was so tall, that his feet hung down. This became apparent, as my balls were separated. The Viking was made to turn his feet, so that each one of my nuts was between a big toe and second toe, and bound right there. I moaned between the Viking's cakes. My balls were gonna be worked on, for sure!

"Boy-whore, less moaning, and more tunnelling into your daddy's cunt. Pete you got the Viking's balls attached? Let's get Act 2 on the road!"


"Hey Daddy, reach down and play with your whore's tits."

Vike knew he had little choice, but to reach his arms down. Finding my pink nipples, he rubbed them gently at first, knowing the little fuckers would have him tugging those perky tits soon enough.

Once rope had been attached from Vikings' big toe to his balls - figuring correctly that huge digit would be able to torture both set of nuts - it was time for their fun to begin anew.

Pete stood on the couch. Grabbing both of Vike's big butt cheeks.

"Push that cunt out! (SLAP! SLAP!) I'll keep spanking till you do, you big fuck, so push your cunt out. There you go. Boy, you stick the fucking tip of your tongue in that cunt. Good. Now pull it out. Now back in. Yeah, got your daddy's cunt winking for it now, boy. Now stick it out. Lay your tongue on the side. Now I'm gonna stick the nozzle right up that cunt, and you follow with your tongue. There you go, look how fuckin' deep that tongue is in there, Zeke. You fuckin keep it there boy. Nozzle gonna be coming out, but you don't move that tongue. Oh yeah, and before the nozzle leaves this warm cunt..."

And with that, I could feel the ice-cold liquid I had felt before. Same time I felt the strap of the jock, SNAP around my head, keeping me in place.

When the irritating bee-sting feeling covered my tongue, I understood what Viking had been doing with my hole! My tongue went HAYWIRE! Trying to find the walls of that muscled man-hole to rub my itchy tongue. Luckily, they must have gagged Vike, as I could hear his mournful groans, as his mancunt tried to squeeze around my wet tongue over and over.

His huge sensitive feet showing no mercy on our nuts. He crunched and curled his toes non-stop, making my trapped nut get YANKED. His own sack being roughly pulled down and around, by his reaction.

No mercy was given by the Lil Bros either. Like before, they could tell by our reactions, when it was time to "reload the cunt". Each time, the Viking's hole seemed to have finally had it's last spasm, my tongue was ordered back in with the nozzle for another ride.

While I had passed out with lust the first go-around, this time I was awake for all, moaning like fuckin' crazy! Vike was reacting so intensely. My nipples between his fingers were getting rubbed HARD. Though he was pulling his own sac, he still moved his toes so BOTH set of balls were being punished.

When finally let loose, Vike and I lay panting LOUD on the floor.

"Turn the fuck around. Both of you. On your fuckin' back. Zeke lookie-there. You tell me those boy-whores aren't excited? Those some angry looking cocks pointing up your belly, boys."

Pete has us MOANING. Bare foot smacking our throbbing peckers. Stepping on em'. At one point he even stood on both dicks at the same time! Making Zeke laugh, as he watched his "brother" trying to hold his balance at our expense.

Pete suddenly jumped on my chest. His legs holding my shoulders down. Looking up I could see him sneer, as he fumbled with his belt buckle and zipper of his pants. His cut cock was soon being slapped on my lips.

"Open your fuckin' mouth boy-whore. You start sucking that dick."

The LP soon had me lifting my neck to swallow that cock - right up to his pubes.(that had the same yellow-dye as his hair and goatee!?). Pete was able to reach back and grab my swollen tits. They were still erect from the man-handling poor Vike had given my nipples.

Pete was rocking back and forth. Feeding me his dick one way - pulling on my nipples the other.

When they decided to change partners, I could see down my chest, that Zeke was giving the giant the same treatment. The other LP had stripped bare ass naked, and that butt was flexing as he pushed his prick down Vike's moaning mouth. The giant's pink nubs trapped in a steel grip between a thumb and forefinger.

When Zeke straddled my face, he did so by covering my head with his bare chest, while he face-fucked my open mouth. His nuts rolling on my chin as I tried not to gag from the force of the dick pushing down my throat.

"Fuck Pete, the whore can suck cock. Just a-gobbling that knob."

"I know bro! The Viking been obviously practising," Pete replied laughing, "I'm getting too close. Get up here, fucker."

The LP made the giant get to his knees. Reaching down he GRABBED Vike's balls and shaft.

"Big pussy-hound, Zeke. Degraded to a moaning whore. Look at this hard fuckin' cock. Your big daddy just a horny slut, boy."

Pete manhandled the balls and cock with his fingers. That dick slapping on Vike's hard stomach.

"Get up there whore. Lick dem' drops of splooge your Daddy spilled all over his belly. Now take his cock-head between your lips. (HA! HA! HA!). You hear that Zeke? That is one satisfied moan from Daddy."

Vike couldn't help it. He was well aware of my hungry cock-sucking abilities. His dick head was being tongue-lashed and nursed.

On the other end, in this position, my ass was in the air, almost inviting attention. In order to keep the cock head in my mouth, I was forced to spread my legs, and arch my back.

The two LPs had sat back on the couch. Enjoying the view of Vike flexing, at their "order" and not moving - so only his mushroom cock head was in my mouth. I had my head at an angle, so I could face them, with my butt also in their direction, as I licked and sucked when told to.

"Look at that puckering little rosebud. Boy reach back and spread that fat ass. Keep that pussy in full view"

I GROANED in embarrassment around the Viking's dick-head in my mouth. Both so fuckin' turned on by the boner-drugs, that the LPs could only laugh at us, and our predicament.

"Fuck, boy-whore, bet your Daddy is leaking up a storm in your mouth, ain't he? Get up there, and fuckin' kiss your Daddy. Give him a taste of his splooge. Stick your fuckin' tongue in your Daddy's mouth."

"Vike, you've handled plenty of ass in your day, grab that big round ass in your hands. Man-handle that boy-ass you big fuck. Keep it spread. I wanna be able to see that hungry little pussy."

For a good 5 minutes, the Viking and I were forced to gyrate against one another. Our hard cocks slapping and dripping. Vike at times sucking my tongue in his mouth, while he aggressively pawed my bubble-butt.

"Boy you reach over and grab your Daddy's huge muscled ass. Spread em' just like he's doing to you. Flex your chest, boy. Wanna see dem' titties rubbing on your Daddy's man-tits."

"Now don't you fuckin' move. Zeke look at those horny holes. Smooth tight boy-pussy, and a smooth daddy cunt. Boy, you keep your hands tight around your daddy's ass, you hear? Quit your fuckin' moaning, you big fuck."

Vike was moaning as he could see Zeke taking the tube of cream. Oozing some out on a finger. Which moments later in one SWOOSH was forcing it's way past my clenching pucker.

Oh I knew what was up. Pete was moments later giving me a similar view behind the Viking. Gel on his finger, as he got behind the giant.

We could hardly hear the LPs laughter as we MOANED with lust. Muffled GRRRRRRS as we ground our lips against one anothers. My nipples just getting rolled over by the Viking's big pecs. When we tried to move our buns - that was meant with a resounding SLAP! We could only SQUEEZE our hole around that twitching finger to try and get some relief from that cool itch.

"Holy Fawwwwk Pete, the boy's snatch is tight as-fuck! Almost cutting off the circulation in my finger! That pussy is HORN-NEE!"

"Oh yeah! The Viking's cunt is enjoying the ride for sure! Work that finger, you big fuck!"

"They both moaning for something bigger in their holes!", Zeke said laughing.

"Lay on your back, boy. You too, Viking. Side-by-side. Now spread those legs, you big fucks. Get your head closer Vike. Get closer to your boy. Now open your fuckin' mouth! Take your boy's balls in your mouth."

As I lay on the other end, since Vike taller, Zeke YANKED the big balls down to my mouth. Ahhh man. That sweaty sac so fuckin' huge. Those bull balls stuffed between my lips.

The two LPs, pushed our legs wider. The pink holes had a second of exposure, before hard cock entered on a mission.

Vike and I had been through our share of being railed. This was yet another new experience of "fucking-talent" we had not thought possible of our man-holes.

The LPs had a constant slow/fast style of fuckin' that had Vike and I seeing stars. They moved their hips with desperate lunges which would JAB our swollen p-spot. Only to slow right down, and just fill the pussy with a deliberate repetitive pace.

My moans reached higher, when Pete remembered the giant's sensitive feet. He deliberately tongue lashed the big man's huge soles, making Vike GROWL! His teeth scraping my nuts which filled his mouth.

"Oh yeah, you big fuck. Don't think the secret of your horny fuckin' feet isn't known, you ass. Word on the street is these big dogs are connected right to your cunt, and the way your whimpering and grabbin' onto my pecker, I think the word on the street is bang-on".

I GROANED. My own teeth nipping at the Viking's bull-nuts between my lips, as he reacted. Growling while almost chewing on my tight balls


At last, that is what I THOUGHT Viking was moaning. Thrashing so much as we both lay on the floor, his words were just a muffled-garble to me.

I felt the cock pounding my hole slip out, moments before Viking was thrown on top of me. We both yelling out a "OOOMMPPPHH" as Vike landed HARD on my stomach. Our throbbing bones feeling the sting of the landing, as WELL as the Viking's full weight.

Vike was made to straddle my bod, "like a frog", they told him. Then he had to stretch his arms back and hold my legs spread. The LP at that end, had 2 pink puckers to play with as he pleased. Our holes were drilled one at a time, or both finger-fucked with a threat of gel being rubbed on the pussy-lips, if we tried to move.

In front the LP had a mouth(s) to use. Vike, being on the "top" was more on cock-duty. But being on the bottom, meant nuts, or an LPs smooth ass was riding my lips.

At times, Vike and I, when we had an opportunity, looked at one another, wondering, when would this end? Despite the endless teasing and abuse, our cocks splashing around against one another's in a puddle of mixed precum.

Like every one of them before, the wrestlers were LOVING the control they had on us. Their dicks couldn't hide that fact. Was hard throbbing peckers that filled our holes.

What had happened many times with any of the LPs, was occurring again. We were losing track of who was using our big bods. Was it Pete's cock that was finding its way in my hole? Or was it Zeke's ass feeling the effects, as I DRILLED my tongue up a manhole riding my face.

Though we had been turned-on like sluts. it was the LPs that would be rewarded with an orgasm. Pete, who was in fact pumping his cock in my horny hole at the time, was aware that his prick was getting close.

"Dude, this boy-pussy is SO fuckin' tight."

"Hold on Pete, let me ride that other fat ass."

Zeke, for some reason wanted a simultaneous orgasms with his "bro". He pushed Vike up a bit, so he was able to slide his excited pecker in the giant's sore hole.

I had no clue who was holding my legs spread. My thoughts were occupied by the Viking getting fucked on me, thus painfully JABBING his thick cock on top of mine - as he pressed his body down with each thrust.

And then, with a ton of expletives, cocks were spurting thick cream DEEP in our holes.


Mere seconds later, the men laughed as they pulled out of our butts. They high-fived, as they saw the two huge jocks in a naked fucked pile, on the floor.

Seconds later, we were stirred from our horny haze.

The two LPs had grabbed a drink and were sitting on the couch.

"Present your pussy, boys. You and your Daddy side-by-side, heads and shoulders on the floor, There you go, boys. Fuck, Zeke. Hardly a gash in both cunts. Tight little pink holes, between fat fuckin' ass-cheeks. And both whores, still hard-as-fuck. Boy, move up a bit. No-no, stay in the same position. But slide a foot between Vike's legs. Grab his cock with your toes, and pull it back. Perfect! Ohhhhhhh Fuck! Daddy lovin' that, ain't he Zeke?"

"Fuck yeah! Listen to those moans. Perving over your own boy's feet? Tsk, tsk. Fuckin' foot slut. Check it out Pete. Look how much he's fuckin' oozing precum. Viking, you horny foot-whore. Boy, you stop moving around, and keep your daddy's cock still."

I knew I was driving Vike crazy. No secret he had a foot-fetish. Turned on like he was, feeling bare toes sliding on his cock-head, had him grunting with lust.

"Look at those big fuckin' red asses. Zeke, you turn the lights off, those buns would glow in the dark. That's a nice fuckin' picture there. Viking, move around between your boy's legs. Just like he's doing you. Yeah grab his fuckin cock with your toes, and pull em' between his legs. Oohhhh Boy! I think he inherited that foot fetish from his Daddy, hey Zeke? His cock is doing a sticky mess on his Daddy's toes, for sure!"

Not like my meat had any choice, BUT to react! Vike had accidentally been so ROUGH on my pecker. It oozed from getting man-handled/foot-handled.

We stayed like that while the LPs enjoyed the view and sipped their drinks.

Eventually though, they had us stand and follow them to the garage. Besides the 2 vehicles, the room was quite big and clean.

Not that we hadn't obeyed anything they had told us to do, the LPs decided it would be "fun" to restrain us somehow. Vike and I had, for lack of a better word, padded handcuffs placed around our wrist. Those were attached to a winch, which when turned, lifted our arms up-up-up. Back-to-back. Close enough that we could feel the heat off each other's spanked ass.

"Such big hard cocks, you boys have. Definitely having fun, aren't we?", joked the LPs as they S-L-O-W-L-Y rubbed their fingers over the lengths of our throbbing dicks.

Pete grabbed a small stool to stand on. Level with my pecs, he took my right tit in his mouth. Sucking and slurping loudly, as my MOANS echoed in the garage. Zeke soon joined him. Knowing the effect that the nipple-play had on me, he nursed on the erect pink tip of my pec, as I whimpered.

Vike had no trouble figuring out what was occurring behind him. My buns were rubbing back on his, in excitement, as my erogenous nipples were being sucked on roughly.

"Yeah, those tits like being worked on don't they boy? Those perky pink titties just sticking out of those pecs, ain't they Zeke?"

"Yep, all ours to play with (SUCK! SLURP!), and munch on. And pinch. And pull. STICK THOSE TITS OUT BOY! Stick those swollen pink titties out to my tongue. (LICK! LICK! LICK) "

I was hopping from one foot to the other, but not much place to go. Their mouths or fingers kept latched to my sore nipples as I GROANED with lust.

Pete stepped away for a moment, but to my horror he went to the other room and brought out the nympho-cream. Wiping my nipples clear of spit, Zeke grabbed my nuts. Keeping me still while Pete carefully oozed the icy gel on my erect tits.

"That'll keep you entertained, while we check on your Daddy."

Minutes went by, and soon my nipples were in dire need of a nail-scratch. I SQUIRMED and MOANED - desperately wanting my tits to be soothe somehow from the itch.

Behind me, I had no idea what was happening to Vike, but it was evident his cock and balls were being man-handled by the LPs.

"Big fat cock on the bitch. (SLAP! SLAP!) And man, these huge nuts are so fuckin' tight, ain't they Vike? Two bull-balls. Smooth and tight, with no way to unleash all that milk."

Viking lay limp in his bonds. GROANING from the abuse on his swollen member, and his nut-sac.

I felt the winch letting us down a bit, but this was only enough so we could bend forward - as if we were hugging. Making our huge buns stick out. In perfect position, to feel the LPs once again stick their very hard pricks up our holes.

Zeke who was balls deep in my pussyhole, grabbed my hair. Making me lift my upper bod a bit. Just enough, so they could make Vike wrap his lips around my still-tingling nipple. Zeke enjoyed that, as he felt my asslips TIGHTEN around his meat as he kept on fucking.

I could feel him grind his bare belly on my red buns.

"This is an automatic pussy, Pete. Just goes back to it's original tightness after being used."

"Viking's cunt is the same," answered the other LP as he SLAPPED ass to ensure the hole kept working his meat.

Again an array of speeds followed, as the LPs fucked fast and slow. Depending on our moans, they changed - to ensure that we were kept at a fever pitch for more.



Their second orgasm, was just as forceful as their first. Zeke grabbed my hair. Making me arch my back as much as I could with my hands still tied above me, as his cock unleashed another hot load of cum.

Though not in unison this time, Pete followed minute later. Like Zeke had done to me earlier, he grabbed the Viking's ass, and ground ALL of his dick in that man-hole before SPURT.. SPURT.. SPURTING his sticky cream.

With a slap on our ass-cheeks, the LPs pulled out of our fucked pussies. Leaving Vike and I leaning on one another - panting.

We could hear the winch being turned on, and our arms were actually lowered a bit more. Our upper bodies were stretched back, but our knees barely rested on the floor.

Both of our chest SLAPPED. Nipples PULLED. Our dicks, both laying and drooling on the floor, STEPPED on. Then SMACK of a kick to our belly.

"Take it you fuckin' whores! Arch your fuckin' backs! Keep those big fuckin' chest on display, boys. Foot stepping on their fat cocks seems to get the message thru, Zeke."

The smoothness of the LPs soles actually felt good on our abused hot peckers. But tit-play and belly-slaps had our attention elsewhere. The tit-play was indeed different for Vike and I - while his were worked on roughly with fingers pinching and pulling the entire nipple, mind had lips and teeth attached to the areolas for WILD sucking and nipping.

While we were recovering from the latest abuse. the LPs had been putting more of those padded restraints around Vike's body, legs and feet. Turning his winch on, they made Vike rise-rise-rise, facing downwards. I then felt the winch being worked around my hands. Forcing me to stand.

I was almost on tip-toes on my bare feet in the garage when they stopped the winch. Not before moving the cables, so my arms were stretched out. When I turned, I saw where this was heading, as my arms were slid/pushed in between Vike's suspended body.

I was stopped close to where Vike's huge prick was pointing straight down.

Zeke reached up and started SLAPPING my ass.

"Look up, boy! Open your fuckin' mouth, and take your daddy's dick between your lips. NOW, BOY!"

My neck straining, and with little choice, I did as ordered. GROANING as one of the LPs moved the winch holding Vike in the air, forcing him to fall a couple of inches, and his cock FORCED my mouth to stretch to take his huge knob.

Vike MOANED at the feeling. Me trying to breathe, was creating a hot suction which had his raging boner pissing pre.

When the LPs stepped out to refresh their drink, it became evident that I was unable to move from the position.

"Fuck Kid, Can't believe how much of my cock they have in your mouth. I can't move kid, if I did, I would give your lips a relief. Holy Fuck, your lips are so fuckin' hot. Sorry kid, I know I am leaking up a ton of jizz in your mouth. AARRGGHH FUCK. Your tongue feels so good on my knob, kid."

For 5 minutes or so, all that was heard was Vike's moans, and me slurping down his pre. Unable to move, meant the big man had no way to pump his prick in that hot mouth for a cream blast, to satisfy his blue balls.

We hardly realized that the men had returned, until we heard the winch being lifted, and Vike's pecker was pulled out of my mouth.


"Stick your tongue out, you ungrateful bitch. Clean your daddy's cock of your spit and all of that pre. Lick it fucker."

I lifted my head. My tongue sticking out and licking at the enflamed head of the Viking's wet prick. I could hear him moan, almost painfully, at his dick only being allowed to seep that pre-seed.

Seconds later, we were winched down near the floor. Vike was again pounced on. I could hear the SLAPS and GROANS as one of the LPs worked his strung up bod, as he lay limped, with his hands still bound over his head.

Myself, meanwhile was getting prepared for a similar treatment Vike had went thru. Cables surrounded my bod, as I was lifted up near the ceiling. Looking down, I wondered how Vike had been so calm - the height was nauseating.

I could hear Vike being lifted. Expecting him to soon be forced to have his mouth wrapped around my raging pecker. But instead I felt my legs being spread. Vike being moved forward.

Ahhhh Fuck. Again, quickly realizing what was gonna happen.


"Stick your fuckin' tongue out you big fuck. Right into that drenched pussy. Zeke, who last came in that pussy? I fuckin lost count!", Pete said laughing as he moved the winches, so Vike's tongue was near the opening of my hole.

Another notch, and my bod pulled. Pushing my sore puss back, so the tongue was forced in.

Vike in just his normal breathing, like me minutes before, was making his tongue dance. My big spanked buns getting his head sweaty, as it was the only thing I could move! My butt cheeks rippling off his face.


As I looked down I saw Pete on a movable scaffold. JUST tall enough to reach my throbbing pecker - that dick just dripping pre on the garage floor from above. I couldn't even recall my sac ever not being bound or man-handled in any way, but it seemed like the first time, as he ROUGHLY grasped my cock and nuts. When he hit the remote to ease him back down, he pointed to my bound dick and balls.

"And that Zeke is how you hogtie a set of nuts."

Unable to move enough to stare too far down, I could tell that my sacs were separated and individually tied. Pulled back, each nut attached underneath the mushroom head of my dong.


My nuts were aching, cause they were being forced to take even more cream in the packed bags. And my hole SHIVERED back on that fucking tongue that was making it itch for more.

"Yeah, I think they be ok for a few minutes, don't you Pete?", Zeke high-fived his bud as they again walked out laughing.

When the door shut, I began pleading to Vike.

"Viking, C'mon man. Just don't move yer' tongue, I know it's hard to do! Please! No! No! Don't try to talk. If you stop lickin', my buns will stop grindin' back on yer' face I know you can't see Vike, but they tied my nuts something good! I know you might be trying to help to get me to cum, but I can't! OOOOH Fuck, Vike! Stop! That making it worse! Vike! FUCK! DUDE. STOP WITH YOUR CHIN STUBBLE! HHHOOLLLEE SO SEN-SI-TEEEEEVE!"

I don't why Vike REALLY started tonguing my hole. At first I thought he was trying to help me to cum, but he seemed to go harder when I told him I couldn't! I SQUEALED in lust when his muscular long tongue forced its way in, the furthest yet. LASHING at the defenceless pussy, as I CRIED out in lust.

The giant was GROWLING at my hole as he SUCKED at the sensitive asslips. His frustration at being a sexual slave to LPs being taken out on my itchy hole.

By the time the LPs walked back in, I think for the second time that night, I might have passed out in a daze. Vike, HAD calmed down, but he moaned as he continued to wriggle his tongue in my subdued hole.

They pulled Vike's bonds back a bit. I felt my own, restraints, being loosened, so I moved down. STOPPING abruptly at Vike's 10-inch monster. The prick still with it's nuts bound to the shaft, was being pawed by one of the LPs.

"Look down at that boy-snatch Viking. Bet that is as hot as a furnace in there. Wet with your spit and our cum. Bet that pussy so wet. Muscled cunt just twitchin' for your cock, Viking. Listen to that boy moan. His pussy so hungry for your daddy-dick to fuck him."

I was MOANING cause Zeke had stepped to the front. Standing on a chair, he forced his cock between my lips. Pete meanwhile was moving the winch forward PA-I-N-F-U-L-L-Y slow. My hole was being pierced by Vike's huge prick a bit at a time. All the way until his belly was touching my big red buns.

Vike cursed the LPs under his breath. His dick was enveloped in that tight pussy, and no way to fuck it. The cables so taunt, he was kept in place. Unable to move his meat any deeper, or pull it out any farther. Meanwhile he had to admit, the scene in front of him was making him leak pre in that hot muscled cunt. Zeke and Pete standing side by side, using the kid's mouth like a pussy.

I was desperate for it to stop. At times could hardly breathe, but also being held in position, meant I was forced to suck their cocks. (Which I could not believe was at full hardness again!?) And wanting to somehow feel that dick in my ass pumping a load out of my tied nuts.

"Yeah, look at us, you big fuck. Seeing your boy trying to suck our loads out. And you so fuckin' deep in his ass. Not like your fat dick hasn't paid a visit there many times before, eh Viking? Suck my cock, boy! Suck it! OPEN YOUR FUCKIN' MOUTH! Take both those cock heads between your horny cock-suckin' lips. OHHHH fuck, yeah! Your bitch just moaning, Vike. Daddy definitely made him a cock-whore with that huge fuckin' slab of his. "

"Bro lets' give him a double barrel of cum. Open your mouth. Spread those pretty lips We gonna jerk-off all over your face, bitch! Stick your fuckin' tongue out!"

I shut my eyes. Waiting for the inevitable which happened with loud MOANS, as SPURTS - SPURTS of jizz fired on my face and in my mouth.

Once done, the LPs walked around Vike. I heard him GASP and CUSS, as they fingered his man-hole. Putting the cum that had covered their hands and cock, into Vike's smooth pucker.

They walked out as they released the winch that was holding Vike's arms in the air.

"Thanks for the lovely evening, boys. Garage door is over there. Get yourself together, and get the fuck out, " said Zeke as he shut the house door, locking it behind him.

With the cables loose, Vike was able to bring his hands together, to free them of the restraints. One at a time, he removed the bonds around my lower legs. I was VERY aware that he had not bothered to pull his cock out of my hole the entire time he did so!

His cock finding a way to go deeper, as he leaned over my back to remove the restraints around my hands.

I groaned when he untied my sore nuts from the shaft of my dick. Still not making any effort to remove his pulsing pecker from my stuffed hole. His dick DID make some movements when he reached under to remove the ropes that were biding his OWN balls.

Vike then made me stand as he reached around and grabbed my erect nipples.

"Ohhhh kid, your poor tits have been thru so much tonight. Look at the tips, so fuckin' hard and pointy. Kid, your tits telling me that you want that itch in your pussy cured by my cock. Man, the way your hole working around my fat dick. those tits are right. Ohhhh that is one tight pussy. Kid, I fucked alot of pussy, that has been fucked like your pussy has, and still your hole the tightest ever. Fuck Yeah! Rub that big ass back, boy. My cock is in DEEP up your pussy. Just gonna pull it in and out. Ohhhh fuck. See how your pussy grabs my cock? That cunt so hungry, kid. "

As Vike kept talking and talking, his fingers played with the tips of my nipples. His breath, right on my ear, was making me moan, as he rolled his hips and started to push his huge dong in and out of my twitching hole.

The big man's thrust got harder, as I started losing my balance and falling to the floor.

We rolled around in the garage. Vike, trying to bust a load up that horny hole, grabbed and spanked my ass, to make it work harder around his shaft.

The giant was GROWLING. His angry cock pumping in that pussy, which was not staying still long enough, to let him nutt!

Leaning back - mostly on Vike's chest, I looked down as he lifted his hips, slamming his cock UP in that hole. Hit nut sac flying around, so at times it NAILED my sore balls.

Vike, slowed down his fucking, as he moved his foot up.

"Kid, reach down and put your cock on the side of my foot. Now help me with the other one. Perfect. Now sit back, kid. Old Vike got things in control."

I leaned back on one hand watching my dick trapped between those giant feet. Other hand, at times, holding onto the Vike's leg to keep it up. But I need not bother. The giant went into another gear.

His feet started sliding up and down the length of my dong - with such force, that it was making my asshole slide up and down the length of his huge pecker. Making me lift my body off his dick, by yanking my cock. And then lifting his hips to fill that pussy again on the down-swing.

My p-spot had no where to avoid that huge mushroom head KNOCKING. My piss-slit coating the giant's huge feet with thick precum, making them able to slide all over my shaft harder and rougher.

"Oh yeah kid, I can feel you getting close. Moaning like a little bitch. Your pussy just begging to spasm. You not going to be able to take that cock much longer. Fuck yeah, boy! Can't wait, kid. Your pussy gonna go fuckin nuts around my cock when you cum!"

And it happened just like Vike said. Toes wrapped around my cock head - forcing me to lift my ass off that prick. Only to RAM my prostrate back down on Vike's enflamed cock head. With no LPs preventing an orgasm, it was mere moments later, that my pussy LIP-LOCKED around Vike's shaft. Fuck, even he was moaning at THAT reaction, as a split-second later I started to NNUUUUTTTTTTT! Literally like a volcano, my piss-slit FIRED cum in the air when it was allowed daylight from between Vike's jacking feet.

Those feet at one point stopped jacking. My cock felt them SQUEEZE around my soaked pecker, as with a ROOOOAAARRR Vike lifted his hips and SPEWED his cum. My hole, still SHUDDERING from my load spurting-out, milked Vike's shaft for his thick cream.

Vike was leaning back on one of the tires of an LPs' car. My drenched cock fell on my belly as he stretched out his feet. He reached over, grabbing my right tit and started pulling and squeezing it like an udder.

"Boy, look at the fuckin' mess of your cum on my toes. We can't walk out like that. No, no. Don't get up, just lean over. Start lickin'"

Vike "helped" me along, by yanking my swollen nipple tip, so I would move. I was sprawled between his legs - positioned so my pussy was still full of a softer 10 inches of cock.

Vike was worred about the mess? Who cared?

But his intentions soon became evident. Vike wasn't done with my hole. His long arms reached down to get at my ass, still filled to the balls with his pole. He grabbed at my meaty butt. Making it slam up and down the length of his dick. And that meat was stretching to it full 10 inches! My tongue and lips slurping on his erogenous feet, doing the job.

"Oh you sweet fuckin' pussy. Yeah suck my toes, kid. Yeah, you know you fuckin' love doing that. Suck your fuckin cum off my toes, while I deposit another load up your ass (SLAP! SLAP!) Yeah, that fat ass is jiggling boy. FUCK! So tight. That muscled cunt is like a vise, boy. AAAAHHH FUCK! Suck dem' toes boy. You're gonna get another load. Ahhhh you sweet toe-sucking whore. (SLAP! SLAP!) Work that pussy around my big cock, boy. Yeah fuck yourself on my dick till I fill you up with cum."

Vike had a stronghold on my big buns. Forcing them down on his huge prick. I could tell soon enough that a second load was on route. I purposely tongue-lashed his huge toes. Hearing him GROAN as I tightened my ass around his huge shaft. Vike had no choice. His cock head enlarged as much as it could in my tight drenched hole, and he SPURT.. SPURT.. SPURTED a second huge load within minutes.

We were done. Vike in one swoop, pulled my hole off his dick. Carrying me over his shoulders, to the relative safety, back to my side of the duplex.

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