Little People Problems

By Jake

Published on Jun 25, 2018


Hi guys. As always, please consider a contribution to Nifty in order for them to keep this site full of great stories to read!

This is Part 7 of the story, which, as I mentioned in the prologue of the last one, is now TWO parts longer then I was intending to write! I had been trying to figure out why such a response to this story, but as some of you have suggested, there is a uniqueness to a tale about Little People being dominant over jocks. As I mentioned when I started this story, that it came to me when I had met two LPs at a friends place, and they were well into working out, and fucking around. Their confidence and attitude made me think that they could take on any comers, no matter the size - so I wrote the story with that in mind. That despite them being shorter then the jocks, it made no difference that they were going to be the alphas in the room.

Again my apologies for not replying to all e-mails (when the first installments were out, I was surprised at the amount of responses!) - but rest assured, all were read and appreciated guys!

Any comments, good ones only please (haha), may be sent to ""

As Flex opened the door, the smell of alcohol and weed caught my nose. The neighbors were REALLY partying. It had to be a majority of the guys on their tour. As I walked in, I stood out like crazy, as I towered over all the other men in the room. Was every LP wrestler in Cali invited?

My thoughts were interrupted when Tarz walked from behind and give me a chop to the back of my knees, making me fall to the floor in the middle of the kitchen!

He soon had the others in the room laughing, as he grabbed my hair and forced my face on his crotch. All I saw was his signature Tarzan loincloth, before my face was mashed up on his cock and balls.

In a daze, I was finally freed from Tarz's grip. I was trying to catch my breath, when a split-second later, as if this had been planned, about 7 LPs jumped me.

In a flash, I was bare-ass naked. Hands were pawing at me - my nips, semi-hard cock and full nut sac, their favorite targets. I could hear the laughing as they commented on how the big bitch had obviously been a naughty bitch, judging by those hand-prints on my ass. On my knees my back arched as hands held my arms from behind, while others pulled my hair back. Fingers were fiddling with my erect nipples, while other teasingly, slowly rubbed my dick - despite my hopes of the opposite, my cock quickly rose to it's full 9 inch thickness.

Lifted to my feet, my balls were grabbed. One dude to my left, one to my right both pulled a nut, making me follow - down the stairs.

A half dozen LPs were down here a well. I could hardly make them out by the smoke and the loud music in the basement.

As I got to the bottom, I got a shock as I looked around. There in the wrestling ring was the Viking - bound and naked! His hands and feet tied to each corner of the small ring. He looked in the same stupor I had seem him at the resort. His huge fuckin' pecker a slimy slab of thickness as it lay on his hard belly.

The men grabbing my nuts pushed me into the ring with Vike.

"The little fuckers decided to ALL get their revenge on me, kid! They been teasing me - fuckin' around with me for 3 days. Kid, you gotta help me get me off."

The Viking pleaded between gasps as I lay besides him for a bit. Obvious the big giant had been made a sort of sex-slave for the LPs.

Instead of looking at Vike, I should have been paying attention to where I was! Hands suddenly grabbed me from behind, and flung me in the ropes. Two back-handed SLAPS to my belly had me falling again to the mat over Viking's legs. A punishment ensued!

Flex, DD, JJ, Tarz were just four of the LPs that entered the ring and did every one of their signature moves on my tortured body. And poor Viking underneath, was also feeling the effects, as he was simply used as a part of the mat in the ring. Time and again, I fell HARD on his huge cock and full nuts, causing him to GROWL in reaction. Time and again, I was thrown so my stomach lay right over his face. Almost stopping him from breathing, as shoulders and fist rained down on my back. The LPs literally beating me into another submission.

Abuse finally stopped, when I was thrown for the last time on Viking. My hair grabbed. Forced to turn my head. My face on Vike's stomach, now eyeing his huge pecker laying on his belly.

I GROANED as a bare foot landed on my throat. Keeping my face in place, as I was ordered to stick my tongue out and lick at Vike's swollen piss-slit.

"Yeah, lick you Daddy's piss-slit, boy. Get your ol' Daddy moaning."

I didn't recognize the man's voice, but I had heard him outside the ring calling the Viking and I, Daddy and his boy. So he was continuing to enjoy his fantasy.

I tasted Viking's gobs of pre as I licked at his sensitive slit. I could hear his moans as I licked at swollen member. I felt so bad - knowing his poor dick had been teased so much.

"Time for Daddy to get a taste of his boy."

I was lifted and pushed over the ropes above Viking's head. A shoulder slam kept me in place, slumped over the ropes. My legs lay over the Viking's chest. I felt a hand roughly grab my hard pecker.

"Open your fucking mouth, Vike! Take the boy's cock-head between your lips. And you, don't you fuckin' move, boy."

"Oh, I'll stop him from moving," said JJ as he jumped in the ring in front of me, Grabbing my hair, he pushed my face down to his crotch - pushing his shorts to the side, so his nuts fell out. "Start licking those balls, son. You're fuckin' lips and tongue don't move from that sac, you hear?"

I just whimpered in submission. Someone had grabbed my dick. Holding it in place, so the piss-slit was at Vike's mouth. His lips and tongue getting coated with my pre. Unable to move at all as JJ kept me within reach of his nuts.

I was suddenly moved by a shove to the back, which sent me sprawling out of the ring. A groan from Vike as my bare foot SMACKED his cock and balls as I went flying.

Moments after landing, hands were picking me up. I was soon being passed around by the LPs in the "audience"! Hands were roughly mauling me, as I was being passed around. My cock and balls their main targets. Hands constantly jacking or smacking my pecker. My full nuts yanked or pulled from man to man. My arms always held back, so I had my crotch thrust out. My dick so fuckin' hard. My cock teased with playful tugs to keep it throbbing, in between loud SMACKS and rough grabs of the shaft.

I fell to the side of the ring. Still gasping as I looked up. Viking was having his, what the LPs surrounding him were calling, "mouthpussy" used. DD was the only one of the three I recognized. Taking turns to push their dicks in and out of his groaning lips.

"You miss your daddy, boy?", I heard one of the mocking voices behind me ask, "well you go join him."

I was returned to the ring with a shove.

Just on my chest for a moment, before one of the LPs in the ring grabbed my hair till I was on my knees. Making a production of putting a hand behind his head - before pushing my face so it was locked in his hairy pit.

After mashing my face in that pit until I was groaning to breathe, I was thrown on my stomach. Landing hard across the Vike's broad chest. We both MOANED in pain, as I was made to land on his hard cock - our full nuts smacked together. I was pulled up, with my head near the Vikings'. Being shorter then the giant, the men were able to grab my hard dick from between my legs. They put it next to Vike's and then bound the cocks together.

In the front my mouth was held in place next to Vikes', A dick was soon between our lips for us to lick and kiss. It was like a production line. Different cock between my lips. Different colored - different length. Didn't matter. They were one at a time being placed in position for tongue and lip-action.

In the back, my legs had been kicked so they were well spread apart. My big buns soon getting sole-smacked, or hand-slapped. As I moved in reaction, I YANKED our bound dicks. Poor Viking's pecker unable to move far, was being pulled so hard.

As we lay there licking dicks, Viking's hands and feet were finally being untied from the post of the ring. We were both pleased too when our cocks were released - though the rough manner they untied the shafts, had us growling.

I rolled off Vike. Catching my breath. Both growling AGAIN, as fingers grabbed our balls. Looking up, two new wrestlers sneering at us. Both Asian dudes, flicking the sweat off their smooth chest, so it rained down at us.

Lifting us up, they both SHOVED us towards the ropes - when we would bounce back, Vike and I would again felt our full sacs grabbed. Dragged to the side of the ring, so the buzzed audience could SLAP our huge drippin' cocks.

When our balls freed, Vike and I both fell to our knees, holding our junk. Unfortunately, that was down to the LP's level. Both of us were kicked or mauled by the dude's bare feet. Back to back, holding each other up, as the two LPs' dominated us with kicks. Defenseless, we could only groan and basically, just take it.

The two made us fall forwards - right over one of their knees. To the amusement of all the other men in the room, our big round buns were soon getting spanked. Both dudes grabbing our hair. Making us lick their palms, before that wet hand would SMACK our fat bubble-butts.

Only once they tired, were Viking and I allowed to drop to the mat.

"What the fuck? Stop it! Let us go! (MOAN)!"

"Quit your whining, bitch!, barked DD as he stepped into the ring, "someone bring a cock to shut the fucker up".

By "over-here" he meant to the edge of the ring. I was laying on my stomach facing the side.

"Gladly", said Tarz as he lifted my head off the mat by the hair. Pushing his dick between my lips as he stood outside the ring.

Viking was grabbed and thrown behind me. His face pushed in my deep asscrack.

"We all know how you like pussy, Vike. Get to work!"

The buzzed men cheered, as DD pushed a bare foot at Viking's head, and FORCED him to start licking that ass. The two Asian wrestlers obviously been made aware of the giant's weakness had both of Vike's huge feet in hand. Fingers tickling and scratching the trapped soles until the Viking would SLOBBER on my hole in moans and groans.

"OH THERE WE GO! THAT'S THE CHAIN REACTION, I BE TALKING ABOUT. From the Vike's big feet, to the bitch's moaning mouth. He is just begging for my cock. Listen to those moans around my dick. Fuck yeah! Keep working Vike's feet man, cause his pussy gettin' eaten has got the bitch cock-hungry."

Even all of Tarz's prick pushing in and out of my mouth could stop my squeals as my hole was tongue-plunged. Vike was in a frenzy. His poor big dawgs having been teased so often - super sensitive - that he would roughly lick in reaction. A bare foot on his head holding him in position. The heat off my spanked ass so hot on his face.

Wasn't long before more of the LPs in the basement wanted some of that action. At times two dicks were forced between my lips, as I moaned, seemingly for more. from the incessant lapping at my horny hole.

When it finally ended, the Viking and I were tossed to different corners. Laying on our backs panting against the turnbuckle. We could hear laughing and taunting from the LPs - pointing at our throbbing peckers. Both of our dicks a humiliating slab of wetness. Pre dripping off the shafts and our stomachs.

JJ and DD came over and got us to our feet. Shoved side-by-side, our arms stretched out over the top rope. Facing the "audience". Hands grabbing our cocks and full bags. Playing with our dicks, till we moaning. Then feeling twine wrapped around our nuts and shaft - before being tethered TIGHT to the bottom rope of the ring.

JJ stood besides me gesturing to the crowd to listen to him. Pointing at my pecs.

"Men, you been ignoring the best part of the bitch-boy. Perky pink titties that are always ON! Look at those puffy tits. Sensitive as FUCK, they are men. Look at his cock. Just a finger around his tit, and the bitch gets wet. "

The older LP got behind me. I felt his hands reach in front, My nipples soon being played with as I CRIED OUT in lust.


"Yes son, and now it seems everyone knows how sensitive 'dem here titties are. Now stick them out, bitch!"

JJ had both nipples between his thumb and forefinger. I had little choice but to stick them out. SQUIRMING around so much, thus yanking my dick and nuts - and Vike's too!

My nipples were soon objects of fascination to the LPs in the room. Amazed at how sensitive they were, the each had to pull, pinch or suck on the tit to hear my pleading moans.

Tarz took a turn to play with my nipples.

"Bitch didn't just wake up a horny boy-whore, men. Let's just say he was persuaded to! And as you can tell by his fat cock, the big jock-boy enjoying every fuckin' minute."

"So is his daddy," yelled someone in the crowd.

The men all laughed. Looking at, obviously, their nemesis, laying over the ropes in a stupor. The Viking's 10 incher showing his pleasure, despite his protests.

No concept of time, but it seemed Vike and I were kept in that position for an hour. The LPs just mingled, drank or smoked. When one would get bored, he would climb in the ring, and play with our broad puffed-out chest. Nipples being teased with, or navels being poked kept the Viking and I hard and moaning, as we lay slumped over the ropes.

We both YELPED when we suddenly felt a finger pushing thru our deep butt cracks! Turning our heads we saw Flex smirking at us as he got us reacting.

"Can't believe these pussies still hungry," smirked Flex as he teased both our holes at the same time, "don't worry boys. We got plenty of cock to keep these tight cunts happy."

Hands were grabbing at our arms, freeing them from the ring-ropes. A not-so-gentle set of hands untied our cock/balls.

"Get down boys. Shoulders on the mat, legs spread, hands reaching back spreading those fat fuckin' cheeks. Show us your pussy. Don't get all shy now, muscle boy. That pink gash of yours can't wait to be spread. Loot-at-that men. Muscled pink pussy. Tight as fuck, no matter how much you fuck."

Flex had Viking and I unable to stop moaning or cussin'! No matter how many times we were forced to, showing our assholes so humiliating - but then Flex fingering or tongue lapping at our pussy lips was making us beg for more!


Both of us grabbed, Viking and I pushed off the ring. Made to stand, and then bend over - our bellies on the mat, body beneath the lower rope of the ring, Our big butts in the air, and "open for business" according to Flex.

I would be lying to say they fucked us all - there was around a dozen guys there - but 6 or 7 took a turn. It was a blur to know how many, as some, like Tarz, "went for seconds!" Like the LPs we knew, some were married and were happy enough getting their cock-sucked from the big alpha-bitches.

Vike and I had no pleasure from their enjoyment. They fucked until they would hear our moans rising and then stop to "calm the pussy down". Our horny holes continuing to give them sensations, with the spasms of the near-miss ejaculation. Then either the cock would begin to piston again, or another dick would invade. SLAPS on our ass as, depending on the height of the man behind us, we were ordered to spread wider.

Vike was turned on his back, thru the rings. On his back, his legs spread, and feet hanging on the top rope. As a dick was exiting my hole, I saw one of the Asian wrestlers that had abused us earlier, filling Vike's ass to the balls.

I was again brought completely in the ring. Facing the ropes near Viking, I was ordered to drop my huge nuts into his open mouth. Vike, who was so out of it as he got railed, sucked and chewed on my sac.

DD came over and grabbed my head. Roughly taking me by the hair, so I was leaned over and able to take the giant's huge big toe between my lips.

Same tight a dick was tunneling past my clenched buns.

Again a pleasurable experience for whomever was fucking us, and sweet torture for Vike and I! Our sweaty muscles just writhing from the sensations. Holes getting plugged satisfying that itch, but my tongue all over the Viking's toe making him GROWL - and unfortunately he was doing that growling around my nut sac. His teeth locked around them, as sets of balls lay on his face, as the LPs fucked me.

I was doing my best not to react, but my captured sac being worked on, had me tongue-lashing the Viking's toe.

Again a round of fucking our meaty buns. Both of us unable to see who was drilling our holes. But feeling dick after dick (or maybe the same dick as before?) taking our ass for a ride. If the LP fucking us was chirping, we never heard. Such a din of music and men talking in the basement left the only noise to our ears, to be our own sucking.

As quickly as it began, the fucking stopped. The Viking and I took a time to realize! I slipped my lips off the giant's foot. Lifting myself up a bit, so my balls were no longer being worked on.

Looking around, the LPs were completely ignoring us. All in chats with their fellow wrestlers.

"Vike, let's get the fuck out of here!", I whispered to the dazed dude.

Knowing this house, cause mind next door of course was identical, we quietly made our way in the basement, and out a door. Finding my emergency key under a rock, we entered my side of the duplex. Locking the door securely, we went upstairs where I showed Vike where he could take a shower. Was like I was talking to a robot. He just followed me around the house.

He was in the shower for so long, I began to worry. Knocking on the door, I opened the steamy room. My shower was pretty big, and the giant filled it. He was standing there letting the water pound on his face and chest, eyes closed.

"Mr. Vike, are you alright?"

I seemed to startle him out of a dream, as he stared at me. I knew I had to get him to focus. I also knew what I had to do, as he turned a bit and showed his huge cock at full hardness.

I stepped into the shower. Letting the water wash me down a bit, I then led the wet Viking out to my bedroom. I got down to my knees and SWALLOWED his dong. My lips TIGHT as I forced them to SLOWLY go up and down the length of his pecker. Didn't take long for Vike to get into it!


I licked that huge pecker as it stood our proudly from the Viking's pubes. The meat having been teased for who knows how many hours, was just oozing sap from the swollen piss slit.

The Viking reached down, and lifted me by my arm pits, and pushed me back on the bed. Like he had done to probably thousand of chicks, he pushed my legs back, as he lay on his belly. His huge hands reaching up and grabbing a tit. Same time he started licking at the clenching pink asslips. Knowing from before, the muscled jock's weaknesses, he played with the nipples while slurping wildly on the winking pucker.


My big legs spread, and in the air. Buns bouncin' while ass getting wetly eaten. Moments before a fuck-finger is soon pounding away at my horny hole.

"Kid that muscled cunt of yours is sooooooo wet. Just snapping around my finger. Yeah, that pussy just gonna be so ready for my big cock. Fuck, yeah. Don't worry boy, I remember how much your cunt liked my dick. And my meat had no complaints, either. MAN, your nipples are sensitive. Never seen a dude with such horny tits. Man, you want my cock bad, don't you kid?"

The giant had me gasping. Finger-banging or licking my hole. Other finger playing with a tit, or pushed in my mouth to lick.


I had felt that huge meat before, but it still made me gasp as it forced my hole to open. And then a FUCK started that had the bed rocking. The Viking unleashing all of his sexual tension in a hard 5 minutes of pistoning of that huge meat into my willing hole. We hardly spoke. Too busy moaning as Viking threw me around the bed in different positions. He never seemed to lose stride as he fucked me on my back, on all 4s, one leg in the air - on and on working his meat DEEP.

Flipping us around, I sat on his crotch. Impaling myself on the Viking's throbbing spear, as he laid back with his hands clasped behind his head.


I was writhing and rocking my buns on the Viking's dick. My own meat SMACKING all over his belly. My cock was so hard - being thrown around while it dripped my brewing cum.

I was bouncing so much, I was losing my balance. That huge dick beginning to slip out of my hole. Vike quickly reached down to push his prick back into that hot jock-twat.

The two of us grunting, moaning, riding. Almost to the point, when I was suddenly GRABBED.

JJ having my neck in a "head-lock" from behind as he stood on the bed. One of his bare feet stepping on Vike's balls.

"They in here Tarz."

"Well, well, well. What have we interrupted here? Don't fuckin' move Vike."

I had forgotten, though I had locked my door, that my clothes with my OTHER key had been stripped in the LPs kitchen.

The next 15 minutes were a blur. The two LPs forcing us to our feet - down the steps and back to the duplex next door. A lot less men hung around, but a cheer, and laughs were heard when we were paraded back into the basement. Though their interest in using us as sex-toys had passed for the time being, they still wanted to make sure we were both being played. Tarz had thrown ropes THRU the ropes, so their imaginations could throw out ideas.

The giant they had little problems with. Once back in the other duplex, the LPs had begun shoving him around, or playing with his huge pecker - which had AGAIN been denied any release. He moaned in anger and lust - reactions turning to grunts when they forced him to open his mouth and "take-a-little-pick-me-up," Showing him the bottle of Viagra, so he knew what part of his bod was gonna be "picked-up."

They then shoved him on his back on the mat, and they all set to work.

An intricate display of engineering followed. To be asked how they did it, I would not know. Cause I was being flung from one side of where Vike lay to the other. But when the dust had cleared and the LPs all moved back, they had bound us like big game hunters would do their kill.

His hands were bound over his head and attached to the corner. His feet, I could hear Tarz direct how they should be attached (knowing the big bitches' buttons from before when he and Flex had done the same). Ropes went around my bod, and tied one of the Viking's soles to my side. Tarz making sure the toes, rested on one of my swollen pink nipples. His other foot was at my lips. I had no choice but to again take a big toe between my lips, as ropes went around my neck and the Viking's leg, keeping us in place.

I knew I was lifted a bit - mostly cause at the moment only my side and lips touched the Viking. My rock hard cock, and packed balls were roughly pulled back and bound to the giant's nuts. Vike's huge cock, which was again being lightly teased was soon pressing at my hole. Hands roughly spread my ass, exposing the horny pussy. Then I felt the huge head POKING past the asslips - but then the LPs again got their plan back to work. My bod was bound in the air in that position. Unable to move - with just the boner-head spreading the pussy.

And that is where we were left. The two of us kept at a sexual-high - dazed. horned and defeated. Like sex-toys, moaning at the LP's enjoyment of our humiliation.

Viking's moans were muffled as Tarz had gagged him with his leopard skin briefs. Lips drooling and sucking on his sensitive toe was making him growl - not to mention that jock-cunt that was choking his now, drug-induced boner. Forcing it to ooze hot gobs of pre into the pussy.

I know that Tarz had seen this dance before. Every action by the giant, was causing me to react. Viking was accidentally scraping his toes on my tit - add to that me wanting his dick to satisfy the itch in my hole, but only getting the head? And I too was left a moaning slut.

There was no moving around for the Viking and I - every inch of us tied so tight.

It had to be close to daybreak, when the "climax" of the long night was finally allowed to occur.

JJ hopped in the ring. His hand soon making my ass ripple with SLAPS. Making a the obvious chain-reaction a hit with the remaining audience. Viking groaned as he felt my hole tightening right under the huge mushroom cap. My moans tickling his toe in my mouth, thus making him roughly scrape my nipple with his other foot.

"Boys, what-do-you-think? Time to have the bitches cream? Ohhhh bet there are some huge loads in here?"

Vike and I GROWLING as JJ smacked on our tied balls.

Mercifully the older LP wasn't kidding. Our blue balls finally were gonna be allowed to spew.

I groaned as I felt my arms, legs and cock being untied. Bod aching from being suspended.

Lifted up I was brought to a corner. There the LPs had pushed the giant so he sat on the mat, head leaning on the post, arms flung over the second rope.

"Sit on your Daddy's cock", sneered one of the "newer" LPs.

Facing the Viking, they made me go chest-to-chest with him, before sliding my bod down. Inch by inch until his huge cock head started penetrating my horny hole - then DOWN to the huge set of bull nuts.

My legs were spread over the bottom rope of the ring. My arms holding onto the post to try and stay steady. My pecs on Vike's face.

"Daddy, open your fuckin' mouth and get to work on that big titty", Tarz said laughing as he pushed a foot on the bottom rope. Making me BOUNCE on the length of Vike's prick.

I MOANED like the horny slut I had become. That huge dong hitting that swollen p-spot. Shivers going up and down my bod each time it hit the depths. Vike was moaning so much, that he was just slobbering on my nipple. Fuckin' nursing on it, like he was possessed!


Viking could not answer. His dick was getting absolutely milked by that tight jock-cunt. GROWLING! No hornier tit, or tighter pussy he could remember sucking or feeling around his prick.

Our orgasm if not simultaneous, were within minutes. Who knows? Vike and I were just THRASHING against one another so much, no idea who jizzed first. In all the writhing and moaning, I could feel that dick in my hole was coated with cum, as Viking fired a volley over and over and over.

As Vike sucked my tit, he was soon licking up cum. My piss-slit BLASTING cum straight up where our chest were touching. His lips and face feeling my jizz shots.

The men all cheered, or mocked as we grunted, growled or moaned until we were spent. Exactly like before, when Vike and I came back to our senses, we noticed the men were completely ignoring us.

Pulling myself off Vike's wet cock, we again made our way to the side door and out of the duplex. Quickly running next door, as there was sunlight outside

Both of us went straight up to my bed, and fell in face-first.

During the morning, in his sleep, I felt the giant push his cock - still probably feeling the effects of the Viagra - in my hole. Vike not even fucking. Snoring contently with his meat balls deep in that pussy still soaked with cum.

The giant had been through enough. I didn't even try to push him off. I simply pushed back. Rubbing my hot spanked ass on his hard belly, and fell back to sleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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