Little People Problems

By Jake

Published on Apr 14, 2018


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This the second part to a story which I had pretty much all written in one sitting, but had to cut in half cause it was getting too long. Like I had mentioned in Part 1, this story came to me when I was out at a friend's place in the country, and had met 2 little people, that strutted around with confidence, that I admired. They worked out a lot, and apparently had sexual partners a lot, so it got me to thinking what would happen if they had a big jock around that they could control and man handle with the same kid of exuberance.

Loving the feedback I got for Part 1. Quite a bit of you seemed to enjoy seeing a jock dominated by men older and shorter then him, for sure!

Any comments you might have, are always appreciated at "" but be nice! Haha!

Next day, to my relief I heard from neither of the two guys next door. I found out later, that they had been called to a wrestling tour, and were gone for weeks.

Well, those weeks passed. And again on a weekend that I was off from work, they decided to again have their big jock neighbour as their boy-toy.

I stepped out of the shower to the sound of my phone telling me there was a message waiting.

Unsure how Tarz had gotten my number (perhaps I had given it to him? Was such a daze in our first encounter, who knew?), but his message was pretty clear.


"Wrestling trunks?", I asked myself. I knew that whatever I wore, the little dudes would do all in their power to get me out of those clothes, so what would it matter? I also knew, that if I didn't make an effort, the dudes would certainly threaten to spread around the events of our first encounter. I grabbed the nearest thing I had to wrestling trunks, which was my red Speedo. Threw the snug material on, and like ordered, wearing nothing else, made my way next door.

I knocked and opened the door to the LP's duplex.

"Downstairs", I heard JJ yell out.

Since the duplex was identical on both sides of the house, I easily found the stairs to the basement. When I got there, I was amazed to see that the downstairs was mostly a wrestling ring on one side, and a workout area in the other.

JJ was laying back on a bench lifting weights. All he wore was shorts. Like me, no shirt or shoes/socks.

"Hey muscleboy, come over here and spot me. Yeah, I like that view. Gives me a little incentive to lift harder looking at those hot tits of yours pointing out, begging for action. I jacked up the A/C down here. Your tits seem to like it."

JJ need not worry. I had certainly noticed how cool it was in the basement. My nipples had hardened as soon as I walked down the stairs.

"Our federation (I assumed he meant their wrestling federation) has proposed that our wrestling tour start getting into fights with taller people - like beating up managers, and refs - "

"And we thought, who could we find that would be a big enough fucker that we could practise on?"

Tarz had interrupted JJ as he walked down the stairs. Wearing nothing but his signature "Tarzan-type" loincloth, over his leopard bikini-briefs.

"How tall are you?", JJ asked as he stood up.


"That'll do. Now don't you worry, son. We ain't gonna hurt ya. We just gonna be making some moves to see what works, and what doesn't with a big fucker like you."

JJ led me into the ring, where Tarz was already jumping around. A second later, Tarz landed a bare foot in my stomach. Not enough to hurt, but enough to bend me over a bit. Tarz used the opportunity to grab me in a head lock. As I said before both little dudes were strong, and my head being trapped in Tarz's grip was proof.

"Well, we know that works", laughed JJ as Tarz held me in place.

I, and Tarz obviously, couldn't stay bent over in that position for long, so he pushed us to the mat. Here JJ took over. Grabbing me up by the shoulders, in what he called a "camel clutch". Lifting my head and upper body up as he held both of his hands under my chin. Tarz meanwhile had my lower body in an agonizing leg-lock, which had me gasping.

Hold after hold they tried on me. I could not remember half of the names, as they would yell them out, and suddenly I was a contortionist, being stretched in one direction then the other. If anything, they were getting me more sore, and more tired.

Flipped on my back on the mat, Tarz had one of my legs locked with his arms, the other leg, was locked around his thighs. His smaller stature actually helped him in this move, as I was totally immobile - shaped like the letter "U", with my big butt in full display in the Speedo.

Again this had JJ laughing.

"That's perfect!", he said as he reached down to slap and rub my big upturned buns.

I squirmed like crazy, but Tarz's hold was indeed perfect. I was just able to rock back-and-forth, but unable to stop JJ's hands from spanking my ass.

Tarz freed me from the hold, only to have JJ lift me up to my feet. They grinned at one another as they saw that my 9 incher was stretching a side of the Speedo. In definite excitement of being man-handled.

Tarz flung me to a rope. I bounced off, he grabbed me in a bear hug. In the position, I was unable to move my arms from my side, as Tarz showed his strength. Letting me go for just long enough for JJ to do the same. Again flung in the ropes of the ring, to only bounce in his strong grasp.

JJ slowly let me loose. Chop to the back of my legs, got me to my knees. He quickly locked my arms, as he put his hands on my neck. A full-nelson, as he stood behind me, and had me defenceless on my knees.

Tarz had JJ laughing as he lifted his loincloth, grabbed my hair and forced my face in the crotch of his leopard skin tights. Then both his hands went down and reached for my erect nipples. Pulling both areolas out as his fingers grabbed the pec. Then making me react with "OOOMMPPHH" as he give me back-handed slaps across my stomach. He followed that with bare-foot kicks at my belly, or grounding his soles into my rock hard cock.

When JJ let me go, I fell to the mat in exhaustion. Was breathing so hard, I didn't hear the doorbell go off. But certainly heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I looked up, I saw two more LPs! Obviously buddies of Tarz and JJ, they quickly shed their clothes till they were down to wrestling briefs only.

"Flex" was the tallest of all the men, but still foot-plus shorter then I was. He was a black dude, with a huge afro, He stood there rubbing his smooth chest and flexing. Probably how he got his name, I thought. His partner, looked a lot like JJ. But while JJ's head was bald, this dude just had a bald top. If Flex looked the youngest of the 4, DD looked the oldest. I found out soon enough that his name was short for Daddy Discipline. (Apparently his shtick was he would put his opponent in submission, which he called giving them the "DD".)

"We just gonna grab some beers, so you boys can get acquainted," said Tarz as he followed JJ up the stairs.

I had just gotten to my feet when from behind Flex flung himself at me. I tripped over my own feet. Bouncing off the top rope, right back into Flex's arms. He wrestled me down, by tightly grabbing my head in both his strong arms. He landed so he had his back against the rope, so able to keep my head in his grasp. When I tried to move, his bare feet SMACKED on my belly.

I could hardly breathe. I couldn't see DD, but I could hear him.

"Flex, look at his fuckin' cock. That's dong ready to bust right out of his Speedo! Yeah you can struggle fucker, but Flex got ya pretty tight there. You ain't moving. "

I GROANED as I felt DD grinding his foot on my cock. Painful, but keeping my meat thick under his foot.

Flex got up from behind me, leaving me sitting against the post. DD got me to my feet. Then throwing me over, so I landed over the middle rope.

He worked the ropes around my head. My arm kept me from choking, but I couldn't move! My face was near DD's crotch, when he suddenly started making the ropes bounce. So my face was grinding up and down on his cock/balls thru his trunks.

Meanwhile Flex had my legs spread in the back as I lay on my stomach. Holding onto one leg, while he had a bare foot pressed against my ass, and nuts.

I was desperately trying to catch my breath, as I kept GROANING from that foot pushing at my ass. But my lips and nose always forced on DD's dick mound.

I was a limp muscled-mass when they pushed me to the mat. I felt both of them roll besides me, and soon I had both legs being locked or stretched. I tried to grab at my stretched inner-thighs but the increasing pressure of a foot at my balls, kept me at bay.

When finally let go, I grabbed at my legs to sooth them somehow, but my arms were quickly thrown over the middle rope.

Not even having to tie me in the ropes, as I was so beat. Flex strutted over. Lifting my head, he made me look up as he flexed. Until my view was covered as I was humiliated by having to SNIFF another packed brief. Flex holding onto my head by the hair. Ensuring I had no choice but to smell his cock.

DD meanwhile was smacking his barefoot on my abs, sides, cock, balls. It was so coordinated between he and Flex, but I couldn't believe they would have done what they were doing, to anyone else!

My head fell to my neck as finally allowed to breath some air which wasn't the scent of Flex!

JJ and Tarz, who had been watching for a bit, applauded as they said in unison, "My turn!"

Flex and DD each grab a beer which had been offered, and sat on the side of the ring.

"Get the fuck up," said Tarz as he grabbed my hair, forcing me to my feet.

Once I was standing, he pulled my head back, smirking and pointing at my packed Speedo. Then he reached down to grab my nuts thru the swimsuit. Roughly rolling those big balls as he pulled me to a corner, where JJ stood.

He pushed my bod back in the corner. Grabbing my legs, he threw them on both sides of the bottom rope. My arms he stretched on the top rope, so I was basically dangling.

"Boys, I am disappointed at you Just beating the bitch up, and never even trying to find any weaknesses a big fuckin' muscleboy like this might be hiding. Like first time Tarz and I saw him sunning himself? He was rubbing his tits like he was a stripper, and I said, Tarz, I think that muscleboy might be the titty-whore we've always wanted! Turns out, I wuz right!"

So embarrassed, as the other LPs all laughed at Tarz, as he went behind the post, and reached in front to scrape fingers all over my nipples. Got me jumping up and down but unable to get balance to stand! My nipples which, after days, had finally stopped feeling swollen, were being rubbed all over. So sensitive after being out in the coolness of the basement, the tit harden even more with nail scratches.

"Where you going bitch?", Tarz asked as he watched me trying to squirm out of the ropes of the ring.

JJ held my shoulders to keep me steady, as Tarz bent over and stuck my entire left tit in his mouth.

The two new wrestlers were shaking their head in disbelief. Their buds had actually captured and controlled a big fuckin' muscleboy.

I was leaving nothing to the imagination, as I MOANED when Tarz sucked and slurped even louder. My spread legs give good evidence of my 9 inch excitement, as the Speedo dampened with my dripping pre.


"What you say son? You give? Fuck yeah, you got LOTS to give, and it's mostly all in the rear".

With that he shouldered me from behind, making me fly from the ropes, to the mat. My hair was grabbed. Made to lift my head, seconds before Tarz slid in with his legs locked around my neck. He lifted his loincloth with one hand, as he pushed my face in his crotch. Then holding the loincloth back over my head, so I was unable to move.

"Lift your fat fuckin' ass, boy", said JJ as he slapped each big round cheek.

I SNIFFED Tarz's crotch. No choice as I moaned and wriggled my buns - lifting them as ordered.

JJ smacked my ass. Smirking at the two other men as horny whimpers were heard in Tarz's crotch. Prove his point even more, JJ would reach down and grab my balls. Lifting my butt to show my raging boner stretching the Speedo.

"I can't believe you found a big fuckin' sub-boy next door," said Flex with a roar.

"Not found", JJ corrected, "Made. Muscleboy had no idea that he was a pussyboy, till Tarz and I got our hands on those perky pink titties, and that horny fat ass. Now his secret is OUR little secret, so he has no real choice but to obey, don't you boy?"

"I am disappointed with myself," said DD mockingly shaking his head, "Me, THE Daddy Discipline, with a fuckin' huge round ass in front of me that wants to be manhandled, and I don't even notice."

To show DD even more of what he had missed, Tarz pushed my Speedo over my big cheeks, leaving my ass exposed. Bare-handed SLAPS rained down on my bubble-buns as I GROUND my face in Tarz's nut-sac thru his briefs.

JJ reached into the Speedo from behind. His fingers getting a handful of my balls. Forcing me to stand, as he threatened to squeeze my packed nuts.

Tarz walked over. Reaching up his fingers started pulling on my nipples. He turned to the two other wrestlers.

"See right now we literally got the bitch by the balls. AND the tits. So the bitch is gonna be very accommodating to whatever we ask, ain't ya bitch?"

I could only moan in response as he toyed with my nipples.

JJ and Tarz let me fall to the mat. JJ lifting the Speedo back over my ass, just to pull it down with a TUG. R-I-P-P-I-N-G the material.

As I turned, now naked, Flex pointed a finger at my slab of cock meat.

"Fuck man, cover your white bitch up."

"Here I'll help", said Tarz making the others laugh as he pulled his loincloth up, and pulled his leopard skin briefs down.

Tarz put his small briefs up past my feet, ordering me to put them up the rest. I did as told, as the wrestlers chuckled. The material stretching around my big thighs. Trunks hardly keeping my ass in, but mostly unable to keep my pecker in. Tarz SNAPPED the elastic on the top around my cock making it stick out thru the material.

"Get back down", he ordered with a kick to my shin.

I lay on my back on the mat, as Tarz's continued to "soften me up" a bit by stomping his bare feet on my bod. Until he got to my chest, where he jumped on.

JJ wasn't surprised, but the two other wrestlers felt a stirring in their briefs when they watched Tarz lift his loincloth - exposing his hard pecker. And even more shocked when he forced the big fucker to open his mouth and start doing some serious sucking of that dick.

"Yeah, eat my dick you cock-loving whore. Show the boys how much you like my dick in your mouth. Suck it harder! I want to feel your tongue all over my meat as you suck. Get your fuckin' hands off me, and concentrate on that dick in your mouth, bitch! JJ get his fuckin' hands out of the way."

I groaned as I was now unable to control how much of Tarz's cock he was feeding me, as JJ grabbed my hands and put them over my head. Daring me to move them, with a kick of a bare foot on my shoulder.

"There you go you big fuckin' boy-bitch. Slurp on that dick!"

"That is fuckin' hot!", Flex had to admit. His dick to full hardness in his tights.

Tarz turned towards Flex, watching as the black man was scratching at his huge head of hair - trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

"You wanna turn?"

"Why the hell not" said Flex with a smirk as he got up in the ring.

Gasping as Tarz had finally let his cock out of my throat, I looked up to see Flex pull his briefs off. His black dick approximately the same size as the other men, but what caught me off guard, is that huge head of hair he had, yet totally shaved around his meat and balls.

As the other small wrestlers sat around the ring, Flex walked around me. Like he didn't trust that I would not suddenly bolt, or tackle him. But for someone that was worried, his cock showed that he was both hard, and interested.

He laughed as I MOANED as he flicked his toes on my nipples. Deciding that it was "safe", he straddled me like Tarz had done before.

"Lick my nuts. Put that tongue out and lick em' all over. In fact kiss em'. Nice slurpy kisses all over my smooth sac, boy. Yeah, that's nice. I think you deserve that piece between those big lips. Open your mouth. GEEZ! FUCK! Like a fuckin' vacuum! Yeah, a fuckin' Hoover. Man, bitch-boy, you can suck a mean dick. Ahhhhh! Fuck yeah! Mouth so hot! Tarz, you ain't fuckin' kidding! He is hungry for dick! Keep your fuckin' hands over your head! Not like you chokin'! Your fuckin' sucking that dick like a pro!"

"Flex, you think his mouth is hot, wait till you try his pussy"

"His pussy? What the fuck? You guys fucked his ass?". asked DD again unbelieving.

Tarz laughed, "Ok, I got dibs on DD's turn, if he wants out!"

Flex was in his glory. His pecker being worked over by that hot muscled-boy mouth. Could've kept his meat in there for hours.

"Hey Flex! You gonna fuck that mouth-pussy til you cum?"

Flex laughed. His butt tightening as he worked his dick in and out pass those moaning lips. Agreeing he was getting close, he pulled out.

"Lick my fuckin' cock all over. Lick your spit off that dick."

I push my tongue on his meat as he held it near my lips.

JJ yelled out at me.

"Boy those small briefs must be getting uncomfortable. Let's go find another pair to try and keep your hard cock and fat ass in control. Refills too, men? No? We all good? Be right back, then."

I couldn't understand myself, why I was so submissive to these little dudes, but I followed JJ obediently.

Upstairs, JJ yanked down Tarz's briefs off me. His fingers grabbed my throbbing cock. Lightly stroking my meat, as I moaned.

"Yeah son, you are so fuckin' hard. That's how ol' JJ wants you. So fuckin' turned on, you in a daze. Happy to be our entertainment, cause you so fuckin' horny, you gonna do whatever ol' JJ tells you, ain't ya?"

My mouth was open, but I wasn't answering. JJ's fingers so light on my cock. And while he spoke his tongue stuck out - barely touching the tip of a nipple. My pecs trying to pump out. To feel more of that tongue on my tit, but he only teased.

Next think I knew, JJ had slipped a lacy white pair of - I guess panties, on me. He carefully put my dick in the pouch. His fingers rubbing the back, which fit like men's briefs - which meant not all of my ass could fit in, but it was better then Tarz's briefs. JJ laughed when he put a "wife-beater" shirt on me. It was obviously his or Tarz's, cause it clung to my pecs, unable to go lower. JJ called it a sports-bra as he adjusted it with a tug, so it wrapped around my pecs.

JJ led me back down the stairs to the sound of cat-calls and whistles at my wardrobe.

Tarz patted the sofa cushion between where he and Flex were sitting.

"Saved a seat right here for you, bitch."

JJ pushed me between the two. Tarz soon had his hands on a nipple. Feeling me up. Flex soon joined him. But his fingers sneaking under the tight tee to touch my tit.

"Look at him squirm, Tarz. Fuck you guys have found yourself a muscled sub-boy to fuck with, for sure. Your titties sensitive, boy? Don't see that often, but when you do? Dem' titties are usually REALLY sensitive. Fuck, bet those titties being rubbed makes this bitch-boy put-out on the first date!"

Tarz laughed as he again covered my nipple with the tee, but played with the erect nub as it jutted out the wife-beater.

"Ok, let the old men in there," said JJ minutes later, as he pointed off the couch, "Get us some more beer."

The "younger" LPs got up and headed for the stairs, while JJ sat besides me. He lifted the tee back, exposing the excited tit, and pushed his lips around the areola - same time he lifted my leg over his bod.

JJ motioned to DD to come over. Though at first he was hesitant, wary of the muscle-boy, DD now was watching a big fuckin' bitch-boy writhing in heat.

He wanted a piece of that! DD sat on the other side of me. Lifting my legs over his so I was now totally spread out. He pushed a forearm on my neck, keeping me in place, as he and JJ went back and forth with chirps.

"Stick those fuckin' tits out. What you mean, "please no", your cock about to cream in your panties, and you saying "no"? Keep those fuckin' legs nice and wide, boy. Yeah advertise those goods. You like showing them off in my back yard, so in the house should be no problem. Fuck son, your pussy itchy? My finger rubbing on your panties, making you squirm. Fuck let's check that out, right now! Get on the mat. Yeah, right there boy. Shoulders on the mat, that fat ass in the air a bit. There you go. Spread those big fuckin' legs. Now show us your pussy. Son, you don't say "no" to old JJ, now reach back, move those fuckin' panties to the side, and show us your fuckin' pussy."

Though I could hardly be shy around these two LPs, something about having to show them my asshole in this position, was SO humiliating.

The two other men came back down as JJ continued.

"DD, you ever fuck muscled pussy like that? No? You don't know what you been missing. A muscled boy like that? He's right into squats. Working his legs. He don't know it, but he just doing reps to tighten his pussy. And that cunt you looking at there, might be the tightest your pecker has visited in a while."

Flex laughed as he walk to the ring, "All right, let me test that boy-muff out."

Being the tallest of the four, he didn't have to have me move back, when he unexpectedly grabbed my ass and while grabbing the panties, started EATING my ass. Now I had little experience to go back on, but the way Flex was working my ass was the WILDEST I had ever felt! I grabbed at the mat. Slapping it with my hand, as I tried to SQUIRM away, cause that tongue was tickling me like MAD!

"Get your fuckin' pussy back here, boy. That muscled-muff is gonna get a proper tonguin'!"

Flex had a good hold of my bikini-briefs, so I was unable to move very far as again he forced his face between my deep crack to tongue the winking pink gash.

"What I tell you boys? Bitch didn't know it, but he had turned his hole into a very horny pussy. So JJ and I, we sort of "helping him" deflower his horny pussy"

DD had enough. He pulled his briefs off.

"I'll help "deflower his horny pussy"," he said with a laugh.

He got in the ring, and smacked me in the head with his bare foot. I looked up at the naked Daddy of Discipline. Though the other LPs had average size cocks, this wrestler was packed like mine. I was looking at an angry hard prick, and it looked like I was yelping for it like crazy as Flex's tongue give more flicks at my asslips.

"Yeah you fuckin knob' gobbler. Suck that dick. Yeah you don't know whether you so happy you gettin' your pussy eaten, or because you sucking on a big old cock. Big muscle boy nothing but a pussy-boy, or better yet, cunt-boy. Quit your whimperin' you big fuck. You just concentrate on my dick. Fuckin' whore. Always thinking about what's going on with his pussy. Oooooh fuck! Boys were right. Bitch gotta nasty cock-suckin' mouth. He would stuff his lips with my cock AND balls if he could. Oooooh, there you go. In and out of your horny mouth. FUCK, suck that fuckin' dick you big nasty bitch."

I let DD's huge cock fall from my lips.


The four wrestlers all laughed.

"Get the bitch up. Man what a big fucker he is. Get that fat pantied ass up the stairs. Keep going. Next floor, guys. Grab some beers too! Gang-bangs can get a man thirsty. Quit your moaning, bitch. I can smell you leaking so much cum, you just begging for cock in every hole".

Up the two flight of stairs we climbed, ending up in the familiar room I was in last time.

"You wearing way to much clothes, son" said JJ - the dude that had dressed me (!?) - as he roughly took off the top and panties. Bare ass naked, I was thrown on the bed, while the four of them circled. My arms over my head, totally submissive to the LPs.

DD got up on the bed first near my face. Directing my head towards his pecker.

"Get those big fuckin' lips around my cock, boy. Now slide them up and down the shaft. Worship my cock with your lips. Ooohh fuucckk, boy! I like what getting your tits suck does to your mouth. Nasty big bitch. Those pretty lips right down to my balls. Fuck yeah boys, work the bitch for me!"

DD was talking to my two duplex-mates. They had lay on top of me, the two making loud SUCKING noises as they swallowed my nipples. As I reacted, I moaned and drooled all over DD's cock. My lips in reaction slurping right down the entire shaft of that huge dick.

I felt my legs being lifted and spread. And again the pleasure/torture of Flex's flexing tongue was felt on my hole, again leaving me a writhing horny mess. I lifted my pecs to feel the teasing of my nipples. I reached down with one hand, and held DD's prick, so it couldn't leave my lips. Ensuring my horny cries were kept muffled as the men played with my body, and Flex's tongue tunnelled.

The men then each took a turn on a nip. Each took a turn getting their cock sucked. Even DD who had been the hardest to convince to join in, had gotten between my spread legs and ate my hole till I was crying out, when his turn came up. Though none as good as Flex, my hole was so sensitive by this point, that any tongue had me shivering.

At times they each just had fingernails on my body. One scratching at my enflamed cock head, 2 hands working a nipple, and more fingernails scratching around the twitching lips of my asshole.

The LPs loving the sounds of my LOUD moans. My body was so tensed up from being teased, the goosebumps went from my nipples to my hole.

When Tarz had one of his turns teasing my ass, he decided that the pussy lips needed more then just teasing.

"There you go bitch. Finger fuckin your pussy gets you moaning around that cock in your mouth, no problem. Spread your fuckin' legs wider. Take that finger. Listen to ya, "oohh no, please stop". Shut up, you lying whore. Your own cock leaking so much on your belly. Your own dick saying "Tarz. you just keep finger-fucking my pussy, as long as you want". Well thank you Mr. big-cock, I think we will. "

"Switch, Tarz let me get a chance to finger-bang that boy-cunt.", said JJ as he got between my legs.

JJ teased the pink hole till it I could feel it actually pulsing around the tip of the finger waiting for, and wanting, more. Now muffled cries around Flex's black boner in my mouth, as the finger penetrated and started to piston in and out pass the twitching asslips.

Between their abuse, and verbal taunts, I was every bit as horny as they had wanted when they had started. I could hardly know who was saying what, as my moans filled the bedroom.

"Fuckin' whore. Big fat ass working my finger so good. Pussy only feels natural with something in it, don't it boy. Quit moaning about your nipples, bitch. These ain't nipples, they tits. Big, puffy, perky, sensitive tits. Suck my cock. Keep your fuckin' arms in the air, and your legs spread like the bitch you are. Totally at the mercy of real men, you fuckin' bottom bitch-boy. Boy-toy is what you are. Mouth, tits and pussy for the pleasure of real men, that's all. "

Not that I could argue. When they stepped away to grab a drink of beer, I was left squirming on the bed. Moaning as my hole, missing the abuse, pulsed between my legs. My nipples swollen from being sucked so hard, still tingling. And my 9 incher just rolling back and forth on my belly. Streaking my stomach with my own pre, as my excited dick leaked like a tap.

Without a dick in my mouth, my cries were loud, just moments after Flex had put his beer down and went between my spread legs. His talented tongue returning to torment my pink hole. The sensation reminded me when you'd tickle your own palate with your tongue. Except, if I did that I would stop. Flex wasn't stopping. Creating that sensation in my hole as I mooooaannned.


"Shut up, son. You just lay there with your legs spread wide, and let that pussy get eaten, like you know you like!", said JJ as he too put his beer down, and fed me his dick.

Flex pushed his middle finger up my hole, as he licked at the puckering asslips.

"I think this pussy wants something bigger up there, don't it boy? Mmmmm perhaps I could interest you in something hard and black. Judging by those moans around your cock JJ, the pussy-boy agrees."

I could no longer see what was going on between my spread legs. JJ having leaned over me, so his cock was in my mouth, his stomach over my face. That dick soon down my throat as I GGGRROOOAANNN - feeling Flex suddenly docking his meat at my twitching hole.

"Look at that contrast boys. Big black dick, and tight pink hole. Fuck, you would think that pussy wouldn't be able to take a big cock, but you know it's fuckin' hungry for it. Yeah, you got a big hungry hole, don't you bitch. Yeah, that muscled boy-muff just begging for it. Oooohh fuck, that cunt so tight around my meat. Spread that pussy, boy. It's gonna get plugged with black cock one way or another. Geeeezz Fuck, so tight!"

"I told you! Muscled boy pussy, is tight boy pussy", said Tarz as he licked at my erect nipple.

"One way or another", my hole got filled down to swaying black balls with cock - then the fuckin' began. My head was thrashing from side-to-side, but being forced to suck on JJ's cock and then DDs', when I did.

Flex moved his hips like crazy, as he held onto my big spread legs.

"You big bitch! Tightest pussy, ever! Should be charging rent to fuck this cunt, Tarz. So fuckin' tight and wet. Take that black dick, boy. Yeah work that pussy around that cock."

I had no idea that my hole could give so much pleasure, but again an LP was raving of how talented it was. Fuck, I thought, maybe it WAS a pussy. There was very little pain as my hole got ravaged. Just a feeling of fullness and my own thrills as that dick pushed in and out over and over and over.

The promised gang-bang soon followed. Tarz, JJ and Flex taking turns filling my willing hole with their hard-ons. DD meanwhile enjoyed keeping his shaft in my mouth and yelling orders at me.

"You just concentrate on my hard cock in your mouth, boy. Grab the shaft of my dick and slurp on the head. Wanna see those pretty lips sliding down the length of my meat, as you get fucked. Man, you are one bitch bottom-boy for sure. Moaning more then any slut I ever had suck my cock. No whore every enjoyed it more, then you do, for sure. Suck it. Lick the piss-slit. Get a taste of that seed you addicted too, slut."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, you have got to get a try at this boy-muff, DD", said Flex as he again thrust his black pecker deep up that horny hole, "gonna take my cream, fucker! ARRGGHHHHH!"

Flex's ass a blur, as he finally SQUIRTED seed up that tight hole.

My ass never had time to recover from that flooding, cause JJ then forced his hard cock thru the wet asslips.

"Muscled boy-cunt is the way to go, boys. Fuck, Flex you just drenched this pussy, and it's still as tight as when it was cherry. Yeah tighten that pussy around my meat, big boy. Gonna cum so deep into ya, gonna get you pregnant."

I had been used to JJ's quiet orgasms. Grinding his belly up - so it was rubbing on my nuts, as his piss-slit shot streaks of jizz in my hole.

Tarz was next to get aboard. Drilling my ass in the same manner he had before. Quick hard thrust, over and over as I GROANED around DD's big dick.

"AAHHH FUCK! Tight cunted whore! Take my cum! Ahhh man, can't believe this pussy! Just works for every drip of my snot, every time. Take my cum, whore! Take it!"

Tarz kept drilling that hole in post-orgasms. Himself breathing hard as my hole grabbed at his dick. Forcing the last of his cum to seep out.

"Ok, cunt-boy, you had the rest, now get ready for the best", said DD as he let his cock from my moaning lips, "On your belly, bitch".

I groaned as I lay on my hard dick at the end of the bed. My big feet on the floor, forced to spread them, and lift my ass.

"Ooooh Fuck, how did I not slap that fat fuckin' ass earlier (SMACK! SMACK!). Big round bubble-butt on ya! Love those moans cunt-boy. Those ain't moans of pain, those are moans of "spank me harder Daddy Discipline". Gonna spank you alright. Soon as I give you all 8 inches of cock up your twitching cunt-hole."

After being railed by the 3 other LP's dick, my hole was more then ready to take DD's. However his prick was the bigger of the four, and forced my hole to stretch even MORE to accommodate the girth.

Did I have system to gauge what dick I liked more in my ass? No. But if there was, DD's would have gotten the prize.

The fuck was intense. He pounded his cock in my hole, making my buns bounce back time after time onto his stomach. He lived up to his name as Daddy Discipline, as his hands SLAPPED my ass over and over as he fucked. And the fuck itself, had me grabbing at the sheets of the bed, as his dick-head seemed to ram my prostrate each and every time he thrust. That p-spot would just be getting over the first tap, when another tap would bang on that swollen nut.

"Yeah squeeze your cunt around my dick, whore. Fuck, listen to those horny moans. Yeah, moan for Daddy to fuck you harder. To spank you harder. Daddy Discipline knows all about you big fuckin' bitch-bottom-boys. All macho and alpha and shit, until you get a cock up your pussy, and then it's "fuck-me Daddy". That's what you need, ain't it bitch? Daddy to control that pussy of yours. Daddy to take you over his knee once and awhile to redden those big smooth buns. Aaaahh. fuckin' tight pussy. Boys were right, this is one tight cunt. You gonna be our pussy-boy fuck slave, for sure, cause you love it, don't you big boy? That pussy needs cock so bad. Ahhhh fuck. Been fucked for hour, and still as tight as a cherry pussy. Yeah, moan for it, bitch. Tell me how much you like my cock taking your pussy."

I was just crying out in lust. That meat perfectly ramming my prostrate each and every time. Forcing my hole to keep tightening around his shaft.


I couldn't believe, but I was agreeing with every word he said. I couldn't get enough of his cock in my ass, and his hands slapping my buns.

"You gonna make me cum whore, but you gonna have to work for it. Push that fat booty back on my cock. (SLAP! SLAP!) Keep that pussy tight, bitch! Milk my cock with your pussy. That's it. Back and forth. (SLAP! SLAP!) You slow down, you getting spanked. Not that you don't enjoy that, you big fuckin' whore. Ohhh yeah, keep doing that. You gonna get Daddy's seed wetting your pussy in no time. Oh yeah, you gonna get my cum, bitch! Take it!"

DD crawled on me a bit. Laying on my red spanked ass. Cock buried to the nuts in my hole, as his balls unleashed a torrent of sticky cum deep up my spasm-twitching pussy.

Moment later, DD grabbed my hair. Forcing me to my knees, with him still behind me, with his spent cock still plugging my hole.

"Lock your fuckin' hands behind your neck," he said giving my ass a SLAP to get me moving.

DD reached up. His fingers reaching for the tips of my pecs, so he could roughly roll the pink nipples.

The other wrestlers had been just sitting back on the bed. All three had been leaning on the headboard watching me get fucked.

"Look at his hard fuckin' cock. JJ and I were trying to figure out last week, if the bitch had cum or not. Today same thing. Leaks so much juice, that you never know if he jizzed or not."

"I don't know about his cock, but his cunt is still on high alert. Geezus, playing with his tits, and that pussy is STILL trying to milk my dick."

"DD, don't stop man. See if you can get our bitch creaming without touching his cock."

"Fuck that is a good plan, but wait, wait", said Flex as he scooted down. Spreading his legs, so his dick lay right underneath mine. "Now go ahead, DD, do your thing. But bitch, let me tell ya. You get cream on my cock? You gonna be sucking that cream off this black dick, you hear me?"

"That's it bitch-boy, you just relax and let your new Daddy take over that big fuckin' smooth body of yours. Yeah, I'm betting that if I start milking your tits, that will get your cock's attention. Cause they ARE horny big-tits, ain't they? Fuck yeah, boy. I can feel your cunt just trying to to get my cock deeper. But no way boy, your new Daddy controls that pussy now. Just gonna leave that cunt hungry for more. Fuck boy, your spanked ass so fuckin' hot. Can feel it on my sweaty nuts. Daddy not only owns your pussy, he owns those fat buns also. Ohhhh yeah, that gets those smooth buns rubbing on Daddy's belly don't it. So let's see. I control these tits, I control that pussy, so only seems right that I control that fat cock too."

DD was talking in such a low voice. Was driving me crazy. His words making my dick seep pre all over Flex's cock.

JJ laughing moved his bare foot down, "man, let's help the bitch out. At this rate, he'll cream tomorrow,"

I GASPED as I felt JJ's cool sole on one side of my hot cock. Tarz moved his to the other. They started a deliberate slow slide of their feet up and down the length of my prick. The good news is they were jacking my cock. The bad news is they would stop as soon as they felt my pecker REALLY start to throb.

The result was my meat seeping pre non stop all over Flex's black dong, as my hole twitch around DD's cock, AND my nipples were being tugged.

"Moan! Please! Please let me cum! Gaawwwwddd, my nuts so sore. Please!"

Again the LP started teasing my big bod. Again stopping as I got close. Laughing as a gob of my pre connected from Flex's cock to my piss slit. Having been stopped from unloading by mere seconds.

"Now boy, who controls your cock?"

"You do", I moaned gasping with lust.

"Who's in charge of your fat ass, and your pussy?"

"Moan. Moan. Please. Moan. You are."

"I think we have an understanding boy. Cause your talented pussy and mouth, and these fuckin' horny perky tits of yours are too good to just give out to anyone, you know."

The LPs were getting a little buzzed and laughing as DD had me whimpering with lust. They finally tired of having me moaning, so they decided to give me a break - by letting me cum.

DD's reaching, using his thumb and 3rd finger to pinch the areola, while the fore-finger scratched the pink protruding nipple. He rolled his hips, so his spent cock, still lodged deep in my hole, could tease my pussy. JJ and Tarz started sliding their feet up and down the entire sides of my huge dick, as DD again started chirpin'.

"You're gonna fuckin' cum, ain't ya bitch? No way you can stop yourself. Big fuckin' jock at the mercy of his fuckin' tits. Basically our bottom-bitch boys, cause we holding these titties prisoner. Pinch and a scratch of the tits, and BAM, we got ourselves a muscled jock-slut. Moaning like we paid ya! Stay up on your knees, boy! Cause I WILL pinch these tits to keep you standing. Fuck, your pussy is snapping around my cock, like it's trying to get my cock's attention. You wanna cream sooooooo bad. Ohhh fuck. You there, ain't ya, cunt-boy? Yeah, you can't take it. Those feet gonna make you cum? Or your tits? What's gonna make yo - OOOOHHHH, there you go. FUCK your cunt just went into overdrive on my dick, bitch. Shoot that pussy juice! (HA! HA! HA! HA!) Fuck yeah boys, paint Flex's cock with that huge fuckin' load."

I GROWLED as my balls were finally allowed to drain! My duplex-neighbours kept jerking my dick with their feet, while pushing it from side to side. Looking down, I could see my swollen piss-slit just splattering cum on Flex's stomach, cock and balls.


"Relax son. Tarz and I don't give a fuck how sensitive your dick is, cause if I remember correctly, we four now "control" this fat slab. And we gonna make sure OUR slab has got rid of all of it's juice - not giving a fuck how sensitive it is."

I grit my teeth. Muffling a whimper as Tarz purposely played with the head of my spent cock.

When assured that my piss-slit could no longer coax cum from my balls, DD moved back, as Tarz stood up and flung me down to the bed besides Flex.

"Get him busy down there, Flex", said Tarz getting off the bed, "I'll go for refills"

Flex grabbed me by the hair. Making me stick my tongue out and lick his stomach of my thick load. Once done to his liking, his nuts were next. Tongue lapping at his smooth balls.

I was leaving too inviting a target for the two older LPs. On all 4s, my head down licking away at Flex's nuts, had my big ass in the air. Soon both had an asscheek to SLAP. Making me MOAN as when they saw cum seep out of my fucked hole - they would simply finger-fuck it back in the sensitive pink gash. Then back to manhandling "their" butt-cheek.

Flex smacked the side of my head.

"You hear me bitch, I said time to get my cock shiny. No, no. Put your tongue back in your mouth. Now take all my dick between those pretty lips. Right to my balls. Now tighten your lips around my dick. Don't move them fuckin' lips either. Now you gonna suck, lick, slurp, I don't give a fuck what you do, but my cock better be clean of your fuckin' slime when you done!"

Still on all 4s, with Flex's dick lodged deep in my mouth. Forcing me to arch my back even more. Thus lifting my buns even more. A SLAP on both of my butt cheeks at the same time, a reminder that my ass was still easily accessible to the two men.

Moaning as Flex held my head in place by the hair. Making sure that my whimpering mouth was doing it's job of cock-cleaning-worship.

Next: Chapter 3

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