Little People Problems

By Jake

Published on Apr 8, 2018


Hey guys - remember to support Nifty so they can keep the hot stories, that we love so much, coming!!

Story came to me when I went to a bud's place in the country, and he had 2 little people living next to him that were so much into working out - and so much into having sex! My friend said the two guys would fuck anything, which got me to thinking. Haha. Hope you enjoy

Any comments you might have, are always appreciated at

I was lazing on a lounger in the back of the large duplex. High fences gave full privacy, so was an awesome place to tan. Main reason I had moved to Cali was for the weather, and I loved soaking in the rays.

Had been lucky to find this place on a sublet. Guy was willing to pay some of the rent for awhile, just to get rid of it, as he had to leave the city.

"Neighbours on the other side, a little quirky, but they quiet, so they cool", was the only thing I had heard about the folks on the adjoining house from the guy, as he threw me the key." Ending up finding out that they were 2 guys, who were also little people. At 24 and 6'4" I towered above them, but both were solidly built. And both made it clear that they were no pushover - bragging of their exploits as a tag-team in the State's midget-wrestling league.

I worked nights in the clubs, and they seem to work both days AND nights AND weekends, cause I rarely saw them. But, as I lay in the sun the first weeks. I did see movement in the window at the LP's side of the duplex. In fact, it seemed every time I was out there, I could catch a glimpse of someone peering at me. I chuckled to myself - not that I wasn't giving whoever it was a little show. Full privacy in the back meant I usually lay there in just a Speedo. And when I found out it was just dudes, I asked them if it was ok, if I lay out in just a jockstrap - which they said, they "didn't give a fuck".

"Howdy, son"

I was startled on this Saturday afternoon, assuming that there was nobody home. I lifted my head, shielding the sun, and saw JJ. (His wrestler character being the "Judge and Jury" got him the nickname, JJ. Dunno what his real name was).

"Oh, hey, hi! Didn't see ya there.." I stumbled out.

JJ walked to the centre of the yard so I didn't have to block the sun. He stood there in just shorts. His hairless chest had a little paunch, but his shoulders and arms showed a man who had lifted some weights.

He put a beer he was carrying down, and grabbed my sun-screen. He started putting it on his hands.

"Son, you can't be laying out here day after day without putting on a ton of sun-lotion. That ain't good for your skin, for sure!"

JJ seemed to be scolding me, more then anything. I was a little taken aback - but no more so when he placed his oily hands on my meaty pecs and started rubbing. I could have, and should have, stopped him at once, but he seemed to be holding me down as he kept on rubbing my nipples over and over. And they were enjoying the attention!

"Yes son, you can't have your puffy pink nipples out in the sun without some proper protection. Let old JJ here give em' a good rubdown. Fuck boy, those are some lovely tits you got here. You don't mind if I get a nice feel, do you son? Let me put more cool lotion on those hot pecs."

Faawwkkk! I was getting molested by this dude, and all I could do was moan! His oily fingers having learned of the sensitivity of the areolas pinched and rolled the tips. His fingernails scraping around the pink tit in between playful tugs and pinches of the swollen nipple.

He was standing behind me as I lay on the lounger. His hands wrapping around the chair with his fingers in constant motion around my nipples. As I looked down my chest I saw in embarrassment, my dick at full-hardness. The pouch of the jock being stretched out with excitement. I tried to squirm away from his grasp.

"Relax son. No need to be ashamed. JJ can see you lovin' the rubdown. Your pecker about to rip your smelly old jock right off. Your cock-snot been spurting out since I grab your titties, so just enjoy boy."

Again JJ got himself a good hold of my nipples with his oily hands and began a rough rub and tug of the excited tits. I GROANED in fuckin' lust. My super-sensitive pecs even more-so as I stuck them out in the Cali heat for JJ's expert fingers.

But the smaller dude had moved away to get another drink of his beer. Wiping his hands before to ensure his bottle didn't slip.

Trying to discourage the sexual tension I thought I felt building up in the back yard, I turned on my stomach. Hoping to keep my worked up nipples away from JJ's teasing fingers. But in hindsight, wtf was I thinking!? When JJ put his beer down, he smirked as he saw me displaying my big round buns - which I was seemingly showing off in the jockstrap.

"Fuck son, there is no WAY you will be able to reach back and cover that big ass with sun-screen all by yourself. Good thing I came along, eh?"

J sat on my back - facing my butt, putting lotion on my ass. He soon was rubbing the cheeks with his roaming fingers.

There is no way the sun would have redden my ass as much as JJ did that afternoon. Rubs were intermixed with SPANKING of both of my big buns as I squealed like a bitch.

"Lift that fat ass boy. Yeah, show me how much you like having my hands working your big jock butt. Yeah, I could tell watching you that you were one horny slut. Rubbing yourself. Teasing your tits and cock when you were out tanning yourself. Gonna give you what you didn't know you wanted, son. A little attention for your fat ass. Oohhhh, look at those big round buns. Just rippling when I spank em'. Yeah. listen to those moans. Don't worry. son. I know nothing makes horny muscleboys more excited, then getting their big glutes man-handled."


Back and forth JJ went from one cheek to the other. I was babbling incoherently. Being dominated by this dude, pretty much half my size, and wasn't even trying to get him to stop. Instead I chose to lay on my stomach to hide my raging boner which was sticky and uncomfortable in the soaked jockstrap.

I felt JJ move away. My ass stinging from the surprise attention.

I was still in a confusing horned-up daze, when I raised my head, I watched JJ strip his shorts off. And the hard-prick he had sticking from his pubes, meant he was enjoying himself for sure!

Now I was pretty open sexually - guys, girls didn't really make a difference to me, except I was always the dude in control. This was obviously about to change.

JJ moved to the back of the chair. Pushing his dick between the slat, he grabbed my sweat-soaked blond hair.

"Open your mouth, muscleboy. Yeah, slide those hot lips around my cock. Fuck yeah. Take it. Take all of it. Yeah, you a hungry boy, ain't ya? Nothing like getting your tits played with and then your fat ass spanked to make you a hungry cock-slut, didn't it boy? Ooohh yeah, I like that. Moan around that cock. Man, you love my dick more than those wrestling-bunnies at the arena. You definitely like a sweaty cock more then they do. Ohhhh fuck. I think you better at it, too! Yeah boy, my dick and your mouth were made for each other. Suck it. Harder. Yeah, worship my cock with your lips and tongue."

JJ's cut 6 incher did actually fit snug in my mouth! I slurped on it like a dog with a bone. as he pushed it in and out of my open lips. I was so turned on, I actually moaned when he would grab my hair, and push my head back, so his meat would fall out from my mouth.

"Stick your tongue out. Lick my cock all over. Even my nuts. Suck my balls in your mouth. Now lick em'! Good boy. You take directions very well, son. Now back to the head of my pecker. Just the head, boy. Now suck it. Ooohh fuck, yeah that's it. Suck that mushroom head, muscleboy. Turn over on your back, boy. No, no, keep that dick in that hot wet mouth. Yeah, look-at-that. You enjoying this for sure, boy. Your big cock so excited, it escape your little jockstrap."

I couldn't see it at the moment, but knew the head of my dick had indeed pushed out of the pouch of the jock. My piss slit smearing my smooth belly with gobs of pre as I took orders from the demanding LP.

JJ straddled the lounger. Facing me, he began fucking my open mouth with his stiff cock. His nuts tapping my chin with each stroke.

"Boy, you have such an amazing mouth. A mouth-pussy, is what it is. So hot, so tight. Just gonna reach down and dial up those perky pink titties of yours. Bet that gets that mouth working in overdrive. Fuck, those tits connected to your mouth, boy? Those pretty lips just tighten around my pecker, as soon as those tits got touched. Old JJ here ain't gonna disappoint those tits of yours. Yeah, suck my cock boy, as your puffy titties get yanked."

JJ s-l-o-w-l-y pushed his cock in and out of my mouth. His pecker so hard, each vein pulsing as more and more as his wet shaft was revealed. I GROANED around the head which remained between my lips, as JJ had both of my nipples pulled out between his thumbs and forefingers. Working them over and over to feel the humming around his meat as I moaned.

"Let's go inside and get more comfortable, son."

JJ reached down. His fingers wrapping around the exposed part of my raging 9 incher. He teased and pulled my meat with his oily fingers, making me follow along like an obedient puppy.

Thru his house JJ walked. Upstairs to the bathroom, with me still being led by my hard cock.

He grabbed the shower head. Turning it on, without even checking the temperature, he sprayed the cool water on me as I stood in the bath. JJ stood on the side of the tub, as he washed the oil off my pecs. I bit my lip as the cold water forced my erect nipples to harden even more. I winced as I was turned so the cool spray could soothe my red spanked ass.

The cold water did little to soften my hard dick. It BOUNCED once freed, as JJ YANKED my jockstrap down my legs - leaving me bare ass naked.

He grabbed my dick. Jacking and rubbing my meat till it was again enflamed with excitement.

JJ led me to a room, where he pushed me back on a huge bed. I wondered how the little dude managed to jump in his bed - that was quickly answered as he jumped like he was in a wrestling ring, and landed hard on my stomach.

JJ started roaming his hands all over my chest. Soon his lips followed. Wrapping around one of my pecs, he began SUCKING so hard, that the suction had my erect nipple totally swallowed between his lips.

"Fuck yeah, moan bitch. Love hearing you react from having those big tits played with boy. Yeah, they sensitive titties, ain't they son? Perfect pink nipples. Could slurp on these for hours, boy. I can tell you love it, bitch. Big muscleboy pecs you love to show-off. Just hoping that someone would notice and give em' a good work-out. I'm glad to do it boy! Mmmmm|"

With that. JJ went back to rolling my nipples between his fingers, in between taking LICKS at the titty-tip. His prick so hard. I could feel the heat off that rod as JJ lay on top of me.

I may have said 2 words in the last hours of me being manhandled by the LP. I embarrassed myself with my little whimpers, but fuck, his manipulation of my nipples only left me moaning with lust.

"Please dude! Man! You driving me fuckin crazy! FAAWWKKK! My nipples! So sore! Feels so good in your mouth! Can't believe it! Please!"

"Believe it son, your tits were made for my pleasure, for sure. Mmmmmmm. So sensitive. Can feel them just trembling between my lips. Perfect to know how they feel when they get sucked HARD!"

I SQUEALED like a slut. Lifting my pecs off the bed as much as I could as again, one of my nipples got swallowed by JJ's lips. His teeth scraping the tit, while his tongue lashed the entire nipple trapped in his mouth. The other tit was being teased and rubbed, so it stayed hard and horny. JJ working the nipple like a dial.

"You COULDN'T fuckin' wait for me to take the big fucker down, could you? Thought we were gonna tag-team?"

I froze as I heard another voice in the room - awakening from the tit-worship dream I was in. But JJ did not stop. Laughing around my nipple in his mouth, as he leaned back a bit. Enough to be able to SMACK his hard dick right-on my throbbing pecker as my slab lay leaking on my stomach. Showing to "Tarz" that he had had no problem taking "the big fucker down".

Like JJ, Tarz was short for a wrestling alter-ego, "Tarzan". And I was watching him strip-down to his signature leopard print underwear right now! Tarz's upper body was tattooed with eagle designs . Only his nipple area bare, as the "claws" wrapped around his pecs. I had no idea of his age, but figured late 30s like his roommate.

JJ had returned his attention to my nipples. Increasing my moans and growls, making me react, as I looked down at Tarz.

He lewdly grabbed his pecker thru his coloured underwear.

"Listen to those fuckin' moans. You must love what you seeing, bitch. Here let me give ya a better view."

Like JJ had done before, Tarz did an athletic jump onto the bed. Landing his crotch right on my face, as he held my arms.

"That will muffle those moans, you big horny-fuck. Sniff my cock and balls. Get your mind off how horny your fucking tits are. "

Tarz roughly passed his crotch on my face. Grinding that sweaty brief on my nose and mouth. JJ meanwhile was forever finding new ways to work my nipples with his fingers and mouth, forcing more low moans to be heard in Tarz's crotch.

"What's that? What you say? You want the real thing on your face? Well geez, since you are a guest in my house.."

Tarz tailed off his sentence, as he worked his briefs off. Now rubbing his hard cock and sweaty balls all over my face.

"You right, this IS a lot better," he laughed as he made me sniff his nuts, while he looked down at JJ behind him, "man, we got a moaner here, don't we?"

JJ let a nipple fall from his lips.

"Muscleboy got one horny body, Tarz. He was drippin' as soon as his tits got noticed. You do have a good eye for the "I think I'm straight" guys."

"Man, his cock is some fuckin' hard. You say he cum already?"

"No he hasn't," answered JJ by again SMACKING his hard cock on my dick. Pre splashing on my belly off our piss slits.

"Oooh! Oohh! I like that. You know bitches get pretty slutty if you won't let em' cum.

Tarz got off my face. I took deep breaths of that air, as I watched him lay besides me. He took the ignored nipple between his lip. Biting and sucking on it, as he reached down and playfully touched my throbbing pecker from piss slit to nuts. He chuckled as he saw my dick burp out more pre.

JJ got up on the bed. Grabbing my head by the hair, he turned it so I faced his dick.

"Get on that, son. You remember how good it felt in your mouth earlier? Yeah suck that cock boy. There you go. Right to the balls. Slide dem' pretty lips up and down the shaft. Get your tongue busy too, son. Worship that cock. You know you love it. Fuck knows you wanted it, boy. Teasing me out there tanning every day. Just begging me to come out and work your big muscle bod, while you made love to my cock. You got your wish, boy. Every inch of my dick in your pretty mouth."

"JJ turn him around. Get on your belly bitch. I gotta see that fat fuckin' ass of yours! Ohhh yeah! I like big butts, and I cannot lie. Boy, that is a round sets of cakes you got there. See a little pinkish hue too! Think JJ may have been feeling up those twin globes - he wuz gettin' rough with em', wasn't he bitch?"

I could hardly hear the two men laughing. My mouth was filled with JJ's dick as he held my head in place. My back arched. Legs spread. My dick being held between my legs.

"Bitch, Tarz here ain't gonna be rough on your big ass. My interest is more into that pink hole you showing off to me."

I was so naive I didn't even think about my asshole being on display in this position. But I soon found out when Tarz started rubbing around and around my twitchin' hole. I slobbered on JJ's dick. He was holding me in place with his hand behind my head. Tarz was keeping me in place with a grip around my cock, as he held it between my legs.

JJ grabbed my hair. Pulling his cock from my moaning mouth. Holding the wet head at my lips.

"Let's see those duck-lips boy. Pucker up. Let me wipe my piss slit all over your lips so you can get a taste of that pre. Fuck yeah, you are one horny muscleboy. You addicted to the taste of my dick, son. Stick your tongue out and lick your lips. Now my piss slit. Get your fill of that goo."

I had no choice but to get my tongue and lips flicking all over his cock head, as I was being made aware of what a tongue would feel on my asshole!


Tarz rolled my nuts in his fingers.

"Reach back and spread that fat ass, boy! (SLAP! SLAP!) I will spank your ass till you do, bitch, so you fuckin' reach back, and spread that fu - there you go. Fuck, yeah! Show-off that tight pink pussy, bitch. "

I was moaning as loud as ever. Tarz was tongue-diving at my asslips. Never had my hole touched, and now it was being invaded by that wriggly tongue over and over! I was shaking my rump like a stripper. That new feeling driving me fuckin' wild. My cheeks suctioned around JJ's shaft which was pushed back in my mouth. It muffled humiliating SQUEALS!

"Tarz, switch with me. Muscleboy gonna vacuum the cum right out of my nuts, if I don't get a break."

"I need to get a beer anyway."

"Grab me one too, bud. Meanwhile, you son, you get that fat ass up here."

I was so horny, I would have done whatever JJ had said. In a complete dumb-daze I stood near the bed.

JJ led me to the flat low bed post, and made me lay on my belly over it. The decorative bed post had a curved design so my hard cock and balls were free to fall. I noticed that, as JJ got me to the position he wanted. I found it strange, he would make me lean over, till I saw the base of the big bed was adjustable. Post was now moving up a bit, so I slowly slid down to my stretched hands on the bed. Same time I was spreading my legs, thus lifting my ass in the air - my toes barely on the floor when it stopped.

I noticed when I turned my head, that with the very high-large bed, and my body lifted by the post, I was now at eye-level to the smaller man - least my ass was!

"Look at those glutes! Look (SLAP!) at those fat (SLAP!) fuckin' (SLAP!) glutes (SLAP!). Moan all you want, son. Your cock leaking so much snot, you fuckin' loving it! My hands all over your big round butt. You showing off to us every fuckin' day in the back yard, like a slut. (SLAP! SLAP!) Cock-teasing us with your fat ass bustin' out of the smallest jockstrap you could fuckin' find. But now, you getting your wish, son. Your big fuckin' ass getting all the attention you wanted, and then some."

"Ooooh fuck, I like that position!", said Tarz returning with the drinks.

I had no doubt that the two LP had women, and probably dudes, in this same position, but I had little time to wonder, as Tarz forced his tongue at my exposed hole. I GASPED! His tongue so cold from the beer, and my ass so hot from the slaps. Sensation at my hole made me cry out!


The two LP had me flopping on that post, like a fish at the end of a hook. Either hands were pawing at my ass, or they were roughly holding my deep cheeks apart to eat my hole. Laughing as they tried to SUCK at my hole so it would pucker in reaction.

At times I protested! Begging them to stop, but I was so horned up, I didn't even try to move. Even with my big feet tired of being on tip-toes in this position, I kept my ass in the air for their pleasure. And I certainly was aware that my huge cock, completely ignored, was able to maintain full dripping hardness.

The men pushed me off the post. I hadn't stopped bouncing, when one was on each side of me, using a wrestling move I am sure they had used before. My legs were spread wide. I GROANED as the men both lay on my inner thigh. Keeping my big legs spread in the air. With one arm they held one of my arms up. The other hand was down either slapping their hard cocks on my sore boner or rubbing a finger dangerously close to my exposed asshole!

My erect nipples were back a target of both dudes. They didn't even stop their chatter! My pecs between their lips either sucked on or nibbled as they talked back and forth.

"Feel the heat around the pussy? That is one bitch in heat"

"Big tits and a horny pussy? I think we hit the "good-neighbour" jackpot, Tarz.

"Ooooh, what's that bitch? My finger just slipped in your pussy. That gets the moaning a little louder, don't it?"

I writhe, as much as I could. Little fuckin' gasps escaped my lips as that finger didn't just stay in my hole, but started wriggling and pushing in and out.


"Here muscleboy, suck on my finger! Suck it! Get it wet son! I said SUCK IT boy! You can handle my cock, you can handle my finger. There you go. Now that finger nice and wet to slide in your pussy."

JJ quickly took his finger our of my mouth, and drilled it in my hole next to Tarzs'!

I don't know how the two LP were able to hold me down! I was squirming my big bod on the bed with frantic motions, but their lips never wavered on my nipples. And a ragged finger-fucking rhythm had my big spread butt at their mercy.


Tarz lewdly licked his tongue around my erect tit. Same time he started sliding down my bod

"I got just what you need to scratch that itch in your pussy, bitch."

Tarz was slapping the head of his hard pecker on my asslips. Moments after both men pulled their finger out, a hard cock was smacking on the twitchin' hole.

JJ meanwhile jumped on my chest. He reached back to hold my legs spread, while telling me to take his cock head in my mouth. Even with my head on pillows, the head would be al I could swallow in this position. Enough to be muffling some excited moans.

Tarz had waited for my hole to relax from the slaps on the lips. I was expecting the smack of the hard rod, instead I felt the hole forced to spread to let a determined pecker tunnel. My ass so fuckin' teased, that the pain of the invasion, soon turning to a satisfying of an itch.

"Fuck, man! I told ya, muscled pussy is the way-to-go! Bitch has done some squats to get this tight a hole! Yeah take my cock! AHHH FUCKER! Yeah squeeze your pussy around my dick! Fuckin' whore can't get enough"

Man, so humiliated, but Tarz was right! I MMOOOAANNED around JJ's dick in my mouth.

"Got that right. What a pretty picture in front of me. Two swollen pink titties, and your pretty lips nursing on my dick head. I told you before, we definitely hit the neighbour jackpot. Less moaning, more suckin', son. Get my cock head at it's wettest, boy. Cause you know old JJ is gonna want a crack at that pussy."

My "pussy" was getting filled to Tarz's balls over and over. The little dude able to rock his hips in a steady hard beat that had me seeing stars! I felt like I was passing out and coming too over and over. Did I cum? Didn't I? I had no clue. My meat was at full fuckin' hardness, though my belly was sticky with jizz.

And soon my "pussy" was sticky with jizz!

Tarz plunged in a frantic pace up my hole. His nuts smacking on my ass with each thrust. Until he started to GRIND his body on mine, as his piss-slit shot blasts of cum.

"You fuckin' tight-cunted bitch! Ahhhh man! Take my load! I am flooding your pussy, bitch! You earned every drop. AAhhhhh fuck! Pussy squeezing my meat! Man, I am serious I don't remember the last time I shot so much fuckin' snot!"

As Tarz pulled out, I gasped. Dick in my hole had gotten familiar. That feeling wasn't long in returning.

JJ made me turn on my stomach. Scoot again over the post. This time adjusted so my hole was in reach of his prick. He rubbed it over and over between my deep crack. Then my fucked hole was forced to surrender to a hard pipe piercing thru.

JJ teased the pucker. My hole expecting to be railed, but JJ just poked the head in and out past the swollen lips. His hands were all over my ass. Returning to the mauling and spanking he had given them earlier.

"Yeah, muscleboy. love watching that fat ass jiggle. Fuck, can hardly see my dick in that deep crack. Luckily it's nice and safe in that pussy! Mm! Mm! Mm! That pussy is tight. And wet! Fuckin' Tarz spray-painted your pussy with his cum, boy! (SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!) Fuckin' slut couldn't let old JJ flood it first!"

Tarz, who had been out cleaning himself up, walked in with a beer, laughing.

"What the fuck is all the commotion in here? Bitch is moaning louder then ever! Gonna disturb the neighbours - oh wait, that's not really a problem now, is it? But I'm getting tired of your carrying on here, bitch, so lift your head."

I lifted my head off the bed as I lay sprawled. Tarz took the opportunity, to lay on his stomach, and scoot his butt back. Happened so fast, my face was soon wedged in his ass-crack.

Both men laughed as Tarz looked at his phone, while keeping me face-trapped at his ass. I didn't really had to service, cause I was moaning enough in that butt! JJ dick was now bearing down fully up my ass. His belly rubbing on my sore buns, before rapid fucks had my buns bouncing off his stomach. Unable to move off the post, it just slid right back down the length of JJ's cock.

JJ's orgasm, unlike Tarzs' was a quiet affair, which he made up with the amount of cream he shot from his enflamed pecker! He grabbed a handful of both my butt cheeks. Holding my spanked ass firmly up on his belly, his dick swelled in my hole and he pissed a stream of sticky goo right up my ass. His meat could not lie - his teasing of my bod was making him fire cum from the very depths of his nut sac.

We were still breathing hard, when JJ pushed me off the post - with his cock still pulsing deep in my hole. Turned on my back a bit, enough so my rigid cock was exposed. Tarz reached for it. I MOANED as he lifted my 9 incher off my soaked belly.

"JJ look at his stomach. Bitch leaked so much juice. Fuck, you cum bitch? I don't think so, look how hard you are!"

Tarz jacked my meat. I twisted and turned from the reaction.

"Boy, you trying to get my cock hard again? Man, your pussy just grabbing at my shaft! What you say old JJ take your cunt for another ride?"

I was soon on all 4s on the bed. My ignored cock left to leak like a sieve as the two reawakened LP dicks were filling both my holes. Again, my moans echoed in the bedroom, as JJ's cock plunged in and out of my wet hole and aimed for my prostrate. Meanwhile, Tarz ground his belly on my face, as my mouth was filled to his balls with cock.

"Yeah slut, take my cock down your throat. Suck it! Fuuuccck yeah! Mouth so hot. You got me so hard again, bitch. Perfect position for you, getting spit-roasted on both ends with cock."

How could I deny I was a slut? Being completely dominated by the two LP, and obvious by my cries, loving it! Again, I could feel my buns bouncing off JJ's stomach as he thrust his cock deep in my hole.

"Tarz, I swear his pussy is still as fuckin' tight as when you probably started fucking! Yeah, squeeze those big buns, son! (SLAP! SLAP!)"

Tarz never answered. Too occupied with holding my face up by the hair, so he had a perfect target of my open moaning mouth with each push of his prick.


"Fuck yourself on my cock, boy. Work your fat ass back on that dick you like so much. The boy is insatiable, Tarz. Don't you worry, muscleboy, all the teasing you did outside is gonna pay off for you, cause you gonna be sucking and getting fucked by my hard dick a LOT! Yeah, that's it. Swallow my cock right to the nuts with that talented pussy."

"Kiss the head of my dick, bitch", Tarz ordered as he pulled his meat out, "Now get that tongue lapping all over the head. Fuck, you got my piss slit just seeping my snot, bitch."

"Turn the boy over, Tarz. I wanna play with some titties, as I fuck."

Tarz lay over my face. His cock staying in my mouth. Stopping any of my groans, as JJ, now standing between my spread legs, was laying over my big bod, with his hands all over my nipples.

"Yeah boy, let me rub-down those perky tits of yours. FUCK! Pussy just TIGHTENS around my meat when I do that. Can hardly push my cock in or out! And the way my belly getting all wet under me, you loving it, son!"

"And that's a big belly!", laughed Tarz, getting him a playful SLAP on his ass as he face-fucked, "Ow! Fucker! Hey bitch, you grab my ass with those big hands of yours. Protect from that ass-spankin' fucker back there. There you go bitch. Now you do the work. Push my cock in and out of your horny mouth! Eat my dick!"

My poor hole! Forced to constantly jerk around the shaft of JJ's dick, as his fore-fingers and thumbs scratched and pulled the point of my nipples. Forcing my ass to spasm in reactions.

The orgasms, if not in unison, were merely seconds apart! JJ, while still fuckin' had stood up, and grabbed my packed balls. Jerking on them so hard, that my dick SLAPPED all over my stomach. Exact moment, JJ's cockhead rammed my prostrate JUST right. I swallowed Tarz's dick as I BLASTED cum repeatedly from my swollen piss-slit. Streak of thick cream, splashed right up to my nipples. Breathing so hard, creating a suction around Tarz's cock that got his load SPURTING down my throat.

JJ was mostly holding onto my nuts now, to just stay steady as the orgasm wracked my asshole. SPASMS around JJ's dick had him stop his drilling, as that pussy was taking that jizz from his cock. And like before, another HUGE load was unleashed by his excited pecker.

Tarz rolled off my face.

I gasped, catching my breath from the hard cum. Looking down my bod, I watched JJ scooting up. Again, lifting my legs so his cock was able to stay in my hole, he bent over and started licking cum off my nipple.

"Let me get that titty-milk, son."

I grimaced as my other tit was taken between Tarz's lips. He lifted my slab of meat, which was still in post-jizz sensitivity. Fingernail scratching under the big mushroom head.

"Moaaaaaann! Please let me go. So tired. You guys have fucked around with me enough!"

"We'll decide that, son. First a few duplex rules we gotta go over, since we the senior tenants."

Tarz laughed as he again scratched all around my sensitive dick.

"That smooth ass has to be exposed as much as possible. So you may wanna buy some more jocks or thongs. And failure to do so, may result in that fat ass getting a little disciplined."

Tarz again laughed as he felt my prick getting thicker between his fingers as he played with the head.

"And these tits, that pussy, this fat cock and that fat ass, are now parts of this duplex that will be shared by all tenants of this duplex. And to be fair, in return, we have two cocks full of cream for you, to keep everybody happy."

My dick had been teased to full hardness. Tarz rubbing the swollen piss-slit had me gritting my teeth.

"And we all want to be happy. Wouldn't want the rumours about how horny your pussy and tits are, to be spread around the neighbourhood. Fuck, next thing you know the mailman will want some, the paperboy, the grocer, the cable guy"

Tarz naming off guys, in time to jerking my hard cock. When JJ pulled out. Tarz drilled a fuck-finger in my sore hole. Determined to get me to cream again, he increased his efforts.

"Spread your fuckin' legs back, bitch. Take that finger-fuck. Rub your tits too! Yeah, there you go. Big boy in full display like a whore, getting finger-fucked with tits being pinched and pulled. You gonna shoot ain't ya bitch? Tarz gonna make you squirt all over yourself!"

Tarz jerking my cock so hard with one hand, that my nuts slapped on his wrist. His other hand had 2 fingers now working in and out of my asshole. He kept them going in and out faster and faster until I yelled out, and again SPURT.. SPURT.. SPURT cum all over my chest.

Still breathing hard, when he pulled his fingers out and let my dick fall to my soaked belly with a SPLAT.

The men high-5ed as they walked out and left me in the bedroom.

I got up. Went to the bath, where I found my jockstrap. I quickly got in the shower. Washing off the cum that had splattered all over, and in, me!

I made it as far as the door downstairs. JJ and Tarz stood on both sides of me. I was very aware that they eye to eye with my swollen nipples. As they began talking, they both flicked at the extended tit.

"Tomorrow night, we wrestle tag-team with a couple of friends of ours, and then we gonna come back here for a few beers, and YOU gonna be here waiting, got it?"

They each had a hand playing with a tit and another hand cupping and feeling up my exposed ass. Leaving me very vulnerable to the two LP.

"Yes, yes I'll be here. Whatever you say."

I couldn't believe that I was basically agreeing to be the slut of the two smaller men, AND their friends, but their hands playing with my sore nipples and big ass was putting me in a trance to do their bidding.

Turning me around, both SPANKED my "fat ass" before I was allowed to go - just to reinforce who was the alphas in our new duplex-arrangements.

With my big bubble buns a pinkish hue as they stuck out the straps of the jock, I stepped outside and scurried over to my side of the house.

Next: Chapter 2

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