Little Misunderstood

By Joseph Foster

Published on May 13, 2011


Recap: It was up to you to decide how this would happen, the readers have spoken...

Little Misunderstood

Chapter 3

Why are you so Obsessed with Me...

"If you hate me so much, then why are you talking to me, it doesn't make any sense." I nearly yelled at Jason who had been following me to my car

"Maybe I just wanna talk to you..."

"Doubtful very doubtful, but if you wanna do us both a favor, gain a conscience, and while you're at it, make up your mind, you either hate me or you like me there's not a whole lotta middle ground to stand on."

"Why do you always have a response for everything?!" he yelled grabbing my arm

"If you value the use of that arm, you will let go of me right now pretty boy." I said sternly

"Make me faggot." He said with his nose to mine, I could smell the mint gum smell emanating from his mouth, a mouth I might ass that looks really kissable

"I love it when you dirty talk me baby..."I said and abrubtly maneuvered my way out of his grasp, threw my ass into his crotch, and flipped him over onto the hood of my car

"What the fuck man!?" He yelled

"Call me a fag, faggot, or any other derogatory term for being gay and I will personally make you my bitch, with your own dick after I rip it off." I said and got into my car

As I drove home I remembered that day, the first day I ever stood up for myself, it was a day a lot like today, but I was in middle school, I was in the hallway and some guy called me a wimp, I was used to this so I just walked past him and he threw his shoulder into me causing me to fly into the lockers, I looked around and people were staring, nobody stopped him, nobody said anything, there were a few giggles, and that was when I snapped, this was the same guy who'd made it his mission to torture me since school began...

Kindergarten he ground my face into the sandbox

First grade he poured my milk all over my lap if I didn't give him a quarter to buy one

Second grade he would put a whoopee cushion on my chair, flick my ear, and throw thumbtacks at me

Sure I fought back to the other kids that teased me, but he was one of few, who physically would harm me

By third grade I had gotten somewhat good at avoiding him, but when he found me he'd lock me in a closet or anywhere he could find

This all continued up until this day, in sixth grade, I got right up, without thinking about it, kicked him right in the guts and as he keeled over punched him in the face, right to the left eye.

"Don't fuck with me ass hole." I said picking up my bag and leaving the small crowd stunned, this boy... Jason Mitchell, that's right one and the same who wound up on the hood of my car, some people never learn... Why is he so obsessed with torturing me?

I pulled into my driveway and there was an unfamiliar car there, I looked in to see who was here and I was surprised by what I saw, "So, what do YOU want."

"... To talk... please...?"

"I've done enough talking this week, I don't think I need to do any more." I spewed at Brandon, and walked away

"I talked to my brother about you!"

"And what did the soon to be late brother have to say about me."

"He hates gay people, I don't know how it came to that, our parents didn't raise us that way."

"Why are you here?" I asked still not fully understanding this visit

"Because I want you to know that you aren't really that bad, I was judging you based on a lie, I've never known my brother to lie so blatantly, but since he did and I pre-judged you, you should know I am sorry, and that's why I came over here, to apologize, and tell you that I would love it If we could be friends..."

"How long did you have to practice that before you could say it without hesitation...?" I asked with a smile

"About a half hour."

"Come on in, I was just gonna make a snack, you want something?"

"Sure that'd be great."

We walked into the house and went to the kitchen, "I really like your house."

"Thanks, my mom designed it, that's kind of like her calling, she never went to school for it or anything, but I mean look at the place its nice right."


"Turkey or roast beef."

"Roast beef."

"Okay good we can be friends, I hate turkey." I said trying to lighten the mood

We laughed and Brandon spoke up, "It makes me tired, I don't know if its subconscious because of the whole sleeping after turkey at thanksgiving, or what but it doesn't even taste that good."

"Agreed... here you go..." I said as I stepped around the counter and placed the sandwich on the island

"Thanks..." Brandon said as he made eye contact with me, I may be new at this but he was giving me all the signals to lean in, but I just broke eye contact

"You're welcome..." I said taking a bite of my sandwich, I glanced at him and he looked mildly defeated

He sat down and started to eat, "Do you still not like me for the things I said at lunch, like are you mad at me?" he asked

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, I guess I'm just not cute enough, or something..."

"What are you talking about..."

"I just did everything I could but throw myself at you, and here we are, eating a sandwich... And I'm such an idiot.."

Then it registered... He had truly wanted me to kiss him.

"I think you've got it wrong, look I think you are beautiful beyond belief, but I'm just not in the right place right now to be jumping into god knows what, I think you are really something special Brandon, you are smart, and funny, and you don't take my shit, three qualities I find highly attractive, but I just figured out who I am, and I don't think it would be fair to rush into something, I might just run away from, I don't wanna hurt you that way,"

"Wow... I really am an idiot... You are such a sweet guy, I had you pegged all wrong... Look I'm gonna get going, thanks for the snack." He said brushing past me

My heart lurched forward, "Wait..." as I grabbed him by the bicep and pulled him against me, he felt so good

"Don't be mad at me, you really are special, and I do like you, and if you really like me, you'll give me the time to sort things out."

"Thank you." He said and kissed my cheek softly

He left, and I was so far beyond confused, I went down to the basement to do my usual workouts

It was around 8 that I got a call from my dad, "Mom and I have to fly out to Nana Rose's something with her heart, its nothing to worry about, can you fend for yourself for a few days, I'll transfer food, gas, and entertainment money to you, no funny business, we love you."

"Ok, give Nana Rose my love."

"We will, and son, be good, we hope to be back Sunday"

"Ok dad, take good care of her, love you guys too."

It's only Thursday, sweet, two whole days alone..

I got back to my workout, suddenly the music switched off "You know you should really learn to lock the door." I heard and looked over to Jason standing there, still in his practice uniform and letterman's jacket

"What are you doing here, and we have a doorbell you know."

"The door was unlocked and hanging open... anyone could have just walked in, I wanted to make sure you were safe." He said, and almost looked sincere

"What do you care, wouldn't it have just been easier for you if I did get my throat slit, at least then you wouldn't have to see me everyday." I said approaching him with caution, just in case

"Why would I want someone to kill you, when you're so fun to torture." He said with a winning smile and I wanted to punch his lights out

"Oh please, you know you want me." I said taking off my sweats, he took off his jacket

"You're dreaming, if you think I want you." He said pulling off his shirt

"I can feel it." I said pressing my sweaty body against his, "the way you quiver when I'm close to you, even more when i..." I grabbed a hold of his stiffening cock, "touch you."

I pulled off his shorts and jock strap, and he ripped off my underwear, I allowed him to throw me to the floor, he pulled himself on top of me and thrust inside me, I screamed out LOUD he was so rough, but I hurt so good, "Oh god JASON."

"That's right bitch say my fucking name."

"Jason... JASON..." He was long dicking me, pulling all the way out, then slamming in against my prostate

"Oh wow Q, you have the best ass, it's so fucking tight and warm, I could fuck you all day."

I had finally adjusted to the savage entrance that took my virginity, he had obviously planned this cause the lube had to come from somewhere

Then he did something I didn't expect, he pressed his lips to my neck and kissed it, then sucked it, then dragged his tongue up my neck to my lips and firmly planted his lips against mine and slipped his tongue in my mouth, it was a deep, passionate kiss, while his hips were moving rhythmically as his above average cock mashed up my insides, so well, I was in heaven, I never knew I could feel this way, it was so much better than jacking off, I wasn't even touching my dick and I was feeling the sensation of being about to cum

He threw his head back and some sweat dripped off his forehead as he gripped my thighs and pounded into me relentlessly, "I'm gonna cum inside you and make you my bitch."

"N--..." but it was too late he was moaning so loudly and calling out my name, well, he was calling me Q, which I've gotta say was kind of hot, it was so warm as he flooded my ass with all he had to offer, It felt like a gallon, I came all over my body from the feeling, but then he roughly pulled out and I screeched, but my pain was replaced by his tongue lapping at my ass, he slurped and mashed his face against my hole, and came up to my face and kissed me.

It tasted different, I was still on a sexual high so I was turned on by this new action, he pulled me into him and had me snuggling against him, again, not expecting this, he looked down at me, and puled my face to his with my chin, "hey... I'm sorry."

It was a loaded apology, but I could see the sincerity in his brown eyes, he kissed me and pulled me up, "We stink."

After a shower we ordered a pizza, "They said about half and hour." I said and plopped on the couch

He sat in the arm chair, "So I guess you wanna talk huh?"

"You could say that, why don't you start by telling me how you came to be here today."

"I've had a crush on you for a long time, but until recently, I was being treated badly by my dad, see I'm out at home, to my parents, my dad hated me, my mom would tell me every night to be patient, that he would come around, and he never did, he would smack me around, nothing big just a smack to the head or face, and all that and she would just let it happen, until recently when he hit her for standing up for me, then he turned on me, I was out of school for two weeks, my mom had him arrested, and since he's been out of my life, I've been through counseling and se helped me see that the way I was treating you was me punishing you because that's all I've ever known, to hide who I am by taking it out on you, I am so sorry, I just didn't wanna be this way."

"I understand, I know what its like to have this constant internal battle going on, it sucks, I can't hate you for taking it out on me, its funny, because of your bullying, that's why I became such a bully."

"What do you mean?"

"You were the one person who was like the ring leader against me, all throughout elementary, there you were, whether it was face planting me in the sandbox or slamming me into lockers, calling me any name you could think of, that's why I began taking it out on others, because I figured if I could have power over someone else I wouldn't feel as bad about myself, and then when I figured out I was gay, I started to believe the mean things people would say, it took a long time for me to come to terms with who I am, and now I am here, and I have just had sex with the person one would call my arch nemesis, it seems so cliché, like its right out of some kind of badly written story, or cheap underproduced gay cinema."

"I know what you mean, it seems like nothing is different about our lives than the lives of people in the formats, but I'll tell you this, I don't have a heart of gold, I'm not gonna suddenly become your boyfriend or something and start begging you to be with me, you're hot, and are actually a nice guy, but I'm all about the sex, always have been, I don't want nothing more from you than that sweet ass."

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not ALL about the sex, yeah, I have sex, but it doesn't rule my life, so I'll text YOU when I want that fat cock, not the other way around, I'm no booty call, I do the calling." I said flashing him a crooked smile

"You are still such a bitch."

"Isn't that why you wanted me in the first place."


There was a knock at the door, "Does no one use doorbells." I asked as I stood up

"That's 19.50." a familiar voice said

"Oh hey there little fella..." I said to Brandon's little brother

"Well, I didn't even realize I was delivering to a fag's house."

That got Jason's attention and he came to the door, "Is there a problem here baby?" he asked me, and I internalize the face I wanted to make

"Actually sweetie, there is, this little guy here just called me the f-word."

"Take the pizza inside, we are getting it for free." Jason said and grabbed Tad by the collar

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are to come to my boyfriend's house and saying those kinds of words to him, I think you owe him an apology."

"Fuck you."

"Such a big mouth on such a little fucker, maybe you need to learn who to talk to like that, I'll be back later baby, keep that pizza warm for me."

About 45 minutes later Jason walked back in, "What did you do?" I asked practically snorting

"Well, first I got him fired for what he said, then I got us a bunch of free shit, then I took him to his parents, explained what had happened, told them they needed to teach their son some manners, of course they swear they didn't raise him that way, I suggested a beating, because that's what he's gonna get from me if he continues to be so blind to the world around him."

"You're shittin' me..."

"No that's how it went down..."

"You mean you didn't beat him up?"

"Nope, I played it bitchy, just like my "boyfriend""

"Please don't ever refer to me as that."

"I know, its hard to even say that word, but it was for dramatic effect..." my face dropped, he went over there, Brandon would have been there, I felt a rush of guilt and I put my face in my hands

"Don't worry, I explained the situation to your little boyfriend, he just thinks you and I were calling a truce and having some pizza, he has no idea we were fucking around."

"How did you..."

"I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I can read a face when I said my boyfriend Quinn Cooper, he looked devastated, I couldn't just leave, so I told him my version of the truth, but I am serious, I am willing to have a ceasefire."

"Deal." I said and shook on it

He pulled me into a kiss, "just because we're only friends, doesn't mean I won't kiss you every now and then

"Who says we're friends?" I asked with a smile

"Well you were enjoying my company for a good two hours of my visit, unless you need me to show you again how friendly I can be." He said grabbing my ass

"Think you have it in you?"

"Oh Q, with you around... I'm always ready to go."

"Maybe another time, my ass is on fire right now, you know first time and all."

"Wait that was your first time?"

"Well not first time ever, just first time taking it."

"Oh, okay, was gonna say, what a shitty first time to be a hate fucking, but since it wasn't like your first time ever, not so bad...catch ya later sweet cheeks." He said with a slap to my ass

"What is it with you and my ass?"

"You ever heard of a bubble butt...? Well you have the biggest, juiciest bubble butt I've ever seen on a guy, you should consider a different cut of jeans, those regular fits do nothing for you... 514 levi's and I guarantee you'll see what I mean."

"You're crazy, my ass isn't all that."

"Oh BUTT it IS."

"Get outta here, I'll see you tomorrow, take some of this pizza with you."

"I have like two in the car that the owner gave me to shut me up."

"Okay then, bye." I said waving him off and he left with a spring in his step it was past 11 and I didn't get any homework done, I was in bed by 1, the next day went smoothly without my usual torture the day was somewhat pleasant.

"It was fifth period with the dreamy Mr. Seth I always looked forward too, his natural blonde hair in an unkempt mop with his crystal clear blue eyes, with his youthful appearance, he blended right in, until he would speak, all eyes were on the charismatic young teacher as he taught us all about Calculus

After class he stopped me, "Quinn, your grade is falling, tell me what's wrong."

He was so soothing, "I've just been going through a lot lately, what with being outted to the entire school, and still trying to keep up on my studies, has been a little difficult."

"This isn't a required math course for a sophomore, are you sure you're ready for this class?"

"I am not an idiot."

He chuckled with a little bit of a a high pitched noise, it was cute, "I didn't say you were, in fact up until very recently, you were setting the curve, now, well not so much, you need to improve you're grade, or I'm going to have to fail you, and I don't want to do that, because I know you're smart."

"Thank you, I really appreciate that." I said making eye contact with him, his blue eyes glancing away then looking directly into mine, "It has been very hard to focus lately, but I think I've found a way to put my attentions where they should be." I said in a moderately suggestive tone

"That's very good, keep it up and maybe your grades will improve..." He said oblivious, oh well, not as smart as I thought

"Thanks for the concern, you're obviously a very dedicated teacher." I said with a half smile and threw my bag over my shoulder, "Can I have a pass?"

"Oh right, sorry to keep you."

"Never a problem for you sir." I said and walked out with a slight swish in my step being sure not to look back, just in case he hadn't actually been checking me out in detention

At lunch time it was a different story altogether, I actually talked to everyone, turns out that once people know you're not a complete asshole, they are actually warm and inviting... who knew?

Brandon pulled me aside, "Be honest with me are you fucking Jason Mitchell?"

"Wow... blunt, I'll be honest with you, yesterday was the first and only time we ever did anything."

"I thought we..."

"Thought what?"

"That you liked me." The way he said it, it hurt me, to hear him hurt

"Look, I didn't lie to you, I like you, but I'm still new to this whole thing, I don't know if I'd be any good at having a boyfriend."

"So you just want sex?"

"That's all I'm getting."

"I'm offering you more."

"Well maybe I'm not ready, I think if you really like me, well... Maybe you'd wanna, go out to dinner with me for starters." I asked... this was new for me...

"You know what..."

To Be Continued...

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