Little Misunderstood

By Joseph Foster

Published on Mar 22, 2011


I wish my life was like an erotic gay fiction...

Everyone seems to be gay or curious or just somehow turned on by the protagonist, and everyone has a million friends, the heaven sent accepting parents, money out the ass, a sick ride, a cock somewhere between 7 and 10 inches long and as thick as a coke can, sound about right?

Its either that or they are subject to extreme bullying by not only their peers but also suffer abuse at home, that somehow goes unnoticed / undisciplined by the staff at their school? Is that right as well?

And to top it all off the nerdy guy always winds up hot, never gets to stay a nerd forever cause then he wouldn't be able to catch the heart of the suspicious suddenly gay jock who up until meeting said nerd has always been a certified ladies man, yet there was something about that little nerd with his bad clothes and hair that swayed that jock gayer than Peter Pan ballet dancing in a feather boa.


Yes its fiction, but sometimes it is so fictitious that you can't make that connection with the character to make you want to know what happens next

And in reality cocks are smaller, parents don't always accept you, we don't always have money to blow or a car, and not all of us are bullied, point in fact some of us are the bullies, and that's where this story differs from others, this is not the story of a nerdy jock loving kid with emotional baggage that could fill an airport runway, this is the untold story...

Little Misunderstood

Chapter 1

I've never been a fan of that word, bully, there is such a negativity to it, makes me seem like a bad person, but I guess that's not untrue, I'm not really a very good person, I yell, I push, I hit, I name call, all the things that a torturer does, but what you don't know is why I became this way

And yes I could tell you the sob story of how I was neglected at home and chastised for everything that went wrong in the world, but the truth be told, I had a very good home life, my parents were always there, never had any problems, I confessed that I might be gay at a young age and they told me to never bring it up unless it became serious... That may seem harsh but I understood, why create chaos when I couldn't be sure, I don't actually pick on people for being gay, I don't think anyone notices that...

It all started when I was 6, my parents started me late so I turned 6 during kindergarten, always being older than everyone led to both jealousy and would you believe it, bullying.

I told my parents about it and they told me stand up for myself, don't just take it laying down... I wasn't sure what that meant, but I knew what standing up for myself was after all.

So at school when the group of three boys Cameron, Silas, and Curtis walked up to me in the proverbial sanbox that started it all, "Heyyy dummy."

"Leave me alone Curtis..."

"Why dummy, we just wanna play with you."

"I said leave me alone, and stop calling me a dummy." I said in a rigid tone

"Oh okay dummy."

With that I lunged forward grabbed him by the back of the head and ground his face into the sand

"Dummy." Was all I said and walked away

I know what you're thinking, really that's why you're such an asshole

To put it simply... yes... bullying in some instances creates bullies, not always but in this case yeah it blazed the trail.

Nobody messed with me the rest of that year, it started off preventative, I would do something to someone each year, then someone became someones and someones became all `nerds.'

Then my sophomore year it all came to a crashing halt

"Who are you calling a fag you ignorant son of a bitch!?" His name Colin O'Reilly and at this moment I fell off my soap box and got wrapped around the tip of his finger

"Um, nobody..." I could feel my blush starting in my ears

"Really? That's funny because I would of sworn I just heard you call me a fag, care to explain."

"Well if you wanna get technical I told you to stop acting like one, never actually called you one, and I only responded after you called me a jackass." I said calmly

"Oh... I see... I guess I'm just as guilty here, if you don't mind me asking why exactly are you such a jackass?" I liked the way he emphasized jackass with air quotes and a bitchy expression on his nice slightly blemished face

"Let's start over, I'm Quinn Cooper, pleasure to officially meet you."

"Goof, I'm Colin O'Reilly most people call me Reilly."

"Something we have in common most people call me Coop."

"Fun both of us have part of our last names used as a nickname, wonder how many people have that. Off to lunch?"

"You're feisty, I could get into that... and yes lunch time"

"You have no idea." Reilly said looking at me speculatively

I definitely felt flirted with at this point, which made me blush a bit. "

We got our lunch trays and went to sit down, I normally don't eat in the café, but I think I'd do anything to be around this guy, his smell was so intoxicating

"So Coop, tell me, why do you bully people, its not a very attractive quality."

"Well I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a bully..."

"Other people would." He said to me bluntly

"Direct approach I dig it, It's a preventing plan, I've always been made fun of for being older, you know people saying I'm an idiot, dumbass, super sophomore, held back a year, but nobody ever stopped to ask, so I always retaliated and sometimes did something to them before they could say or do anything to me."

"Why are you older than everyone?"

"My parents started me late, so I turned six about a week into kindergarten, that's all, I'm actually somewhat smart, I get mostly A's with the exception of math, aka the bane of my existence, the only class that keeps me from straight A's."

"Nice, I would never have guessed."

"Probably because like everyone else, you make assumptions about me." I said bluntly

"Touché, I believe you might be right... Do you think you're gonna keep bullying, I mean its gotta stop at some point."

"I'm typically provoked."

"So if no one provokes you?"

"Then I keep to myself, I am slandered, I'm really not as bad as one would have you believe."

"I'm starting to see that for myself." Reilly said with a smile, and wow, that smile, not only did it turn me to goo, but I think that smile could bring about world peace

"Do you wanna come over and study today?" I asked hopefully

"Yeah, I don't have practice today so why not..." Right I was eating with the head cheerleaders right hand man, I forgot about that.

"That's cool, so how's the cheerleading thing working out for you?"

"About as well as math is working out for you, if I don't get this soon I'm toast... I'm just not flexible enough."

"Well I'm sure you could be with practice." I said with as much swagger as I could manage

"That's the bell, I'll meet you in the parking lot after school."

A few more classes later and I was on my way outside, making my way to my 96' Toyota camry

"Your rides about as classy as mine." Reilly said pulling up in a 98' Saturn

"Mines still worth more... " I said with a toothy grin

"He knows cars..." he said smiling back

"Lets go."

We drove to my cookie cutter neighborhood where every fourth house was the same one maybe in a different color, mine, beige, just beige, nothing fancy, just beige."

"I didn't realize you lived so close to me, my house Is right through those woods over there." Reilly said walking around to my side

"There are plenty of things we don't know about each other." I said

We were studying for what seemed like hours when I got stock.

"The answers infinite..." Reilly said matter of factly


"To question 20, the limit is infinite."

"I didn't need help..."

"It's math... I thought you said you did."

"Well I said it was my worst subject, not necessarily did I need help..." I had turned my desk chair, and now he was sitting on the edge of my bed.

I walked over to him, "Do you think of me as just a bully?"

"No, I think there's more to you than people care to find out, do you think I'm nothing more than a dumb cheerleader?"

"I don't think you're dumb, and I don't think its bad that you're a cheerleader, kinda hot, means you can lift over 100 lbs over your head..."

"You think I'm hot...?" Reilly said standing up and looking me directly in the eyes

"I know you're hot..." I said bringing our noses to a point they are almost touching

"And what, you think just cause I'm a cheerleader I must be gay..."

"I don't normally go for cheerleaders, I find that REAL dancers are sexier..."

"Is that why Nate from orchesis said you fucked his brains out?" Reilly asked backing off

I pulled him back, "I never fucked him, but he wanted me to, we just made out" I said breathing on his pouty lips that were just begging to be kissed

"Well I don't want to..." he said and sat back on the bed and began to start packing up his books

"That was playing it hot and cold... salty... very salty I guess you know it now, I'm gay, you got it out of me, feel free to tell everyone, let everyone know what a raging homo I am." I said crudely

"I wasn't gonna..."

"Sure you weren't, you know I should have seen through the act, pretend to understand me, pretend everything, make sure you have enough info to take down the school bully

"Dude... this isn't an online gay story, this is reality, and in reality people don't normally do those sorts of things unless they need serious psychiatric help, yes I played you hot and cold, but that doesn't mean I don't want you, but I want you to respect me enough to know that I'm not that kind of person, I don't go after people in their vulnerable states..."

"I'm sorry, I overreacted."

"Yeah you did... but it was kinda cute."

"Maybe I should call up Nate, at least he'll kiss me..." I said arching an eyebrow

"That's just mean..." Reilly said giving me an innocent look

"just one kiss... for the road?" I asked

"Just one." Reilly said and took my hand he pulled me on top of him, I snuggled my face into his neck and inhaled, "I love the way you smell."

I run my hand through his soft brown hair, and pull his face towards mine by his chin, and slowly brought my lips to his, and with the charge of a car battery the sparks were flying, but I exercised self control and gave him a very tender, very sensual kiss, that I'm pretty sure got him hooked.

To Be Continued...

Its been a while since I tried my hand at writing check out my other stories if you want

Celebrity--Twilight Morning Sun, Marvelously Charming

I had a couple in the high school section but I haven't worked on those in years, my completed story in high school is sometimes surprised from august of 2007

Feedback, ideas etc

Next: Chapter 2

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