Little Leah and Her Wkd Side

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Sep 26, 2012


Little Leah And Her WKD Side -- Part 6 --------------------------------------------------------

It turned out that my Mother and Father had no intention of returning that night, which was exactly what I had wanted. I lay in bed, my room dark, clothed only in my boxers under the covers. I had placed my mobile phone on the bedside table so I could check the time, waiting impatiently for a young girl under the name of Leah to return to me. After what seemed like forever and eternity, at a minute to midnight, I heard the handle on my bedroom door turn slowly and the door gradually creak open. As I had hoped, there stood the shadow of Leah at the entrance to my room, and I was unable to see her face or what she may have been wearing. All I knew was the sound of her voice.

"Tommy," she said in the darkness. "You awake?"

"I am," I replied softly. "Close the door."

She closed the door, the room now pitch black. Then she said, "first, I wanna show you something."

Leah switched the light on, making me squint. Then my eyes went wide as she was revealed to me. She was clad only in a pink bra and panties, her dark hair worn down and re-brushed, her smooth, milky skin on show only for me. There was also the aroma of perfume which was instantly recognisable -- "Charlie Red," I believe it was called, something one of my ex-girlfriends had worn years back.

"Oh my god," was all I could say.

Smiling, a lustful look on her face, she switched the light back off and I could hear her approach. I felt the bed covers being pulled back and then her body heat as she lay next to me. I pulled the covers back over us and I wrapped my arms around my young lover. She was so warm.

In the darkness, she whispered, "I'm so glad I could come back, Tommy." Before I could say a word, she kissed me in the most passionate way that a fourteen-year-old can, pushing her tongue forcefully into my mouth. Our tongues entwined and she tasted so perfect. I ran my hands down her back until I reached her lovely ass, groping it gently over the fabric of her panties, then losing control and reaching underneath the fabric so that I could feel her bare bum. How soft, how smooth, and how tight.

She moaned through our kiss as I touched her, felt her, and she returned the favor by sliding her hand down into my boxers to find my cock, hard and ready for the second time that night. Teasingly she ran a finger gently down the shaft and then her hand found my balls, which she began to caress teasingly. Her fingertips trailed lovingly through my pubes.

Leah broke our kiss and whispered into my ear, "ooh, Tommy, they're so soft! And hairy too. Wow."

"Oh, Leah," was all I could say, growing hornier with her naïve words, knowing that she was experiencing so much more than she would with any of the young punks she had been with before.

"Being with a younger girl aint that bad now, huh?" she giggled.

"Quiet, you," I replied.

"Make me!" she challenged.

Young Leah squealed as I rolled on top of her and pinned her wrists above her head, then pushed her legs apart with the sides of my knees and began to rub my hard dick up against the fabric of her panties. Even through two layers, I could tell this little minx was wet. As I continued my dry humping, I pulled her close to me and reached behind her, searching for the bra clasp. I found it. Snick. No more bra for Leah.

"Oh, naughty, naughty, Tommy," I heard her sweet voice dirty talk into my ear again, "you sure you want these? Sure they're developed enough for a big man like you?"

By now, I was quite happy with the breasts of a fourteen-year-old, even if they weren't fully developed. Who cared? I slid my hands down and found that I could nearly fit each of those soft, budding breasts in each hand. I lowered my head and began to twirl my tongue around her nipples, and I heard her gasp from somewhere in the dark above me.

"Oh, Tommy!" she moaned, arching her back slightly and running her fingers lovingly through my hair. "Mmm, Tommy, that's lovely. Oh!"

I carried on at her nipples for a while, which were now wet and hard following my tongue treatment. I then decided to move on from her breasts and began to kiss further down, over her stomach, belly button, getting closer to the one place I was desperate to visit. As the smell of that young girl aroma hit my nostrils, my instinct took over and I decided to take the non-so-subtle approach. I grasped the side of her panties and began to forcefully pull them down, to which Leah eagerly responded to and maneuvered her legs to make my job easier. I threw her panties somewhere into the middle of my room, then headed straight for her exposed teenage pussy.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs firstly to get better access and secondly to keep the little minx still. As I began to lick around the inside of her pussy lips, she began to writhe around quite a bit and her moans grew louder. Then, when I began to flick my tongue quickly over her clit, writhing became thrashing and incoherent words mixed with profanity.

"Yeah!" she groaned, "yeah, lick my fucking... clit... fuck, Tommy! Oh your fucking tongue. Oh -- God- Fuck! Lick it, you dirty man! Lick my little pussy!"

I hoped God that Michelle couldn't hear us. Then I thought otherwise -- my understanding sister had practically said it was fine for me and Leah to do what we wanted, so to hell with it, if she woke up then she would have to listen her young friend getting what she asked for through the wall.

Regardless, I thought it was best to quiet Leah down a bit just in case we had a knock on the door -- considering how loud she was getting, it wasn't unlikely. Reluctantly, I pulled away from her pussy but knew that her sweet taste would be with me for the rest of my life.

"No, no, Tommy! What you doing?" she asked, frustrated, "Tommmmyyy!"

I didn't answer. I was too busy removing my boxers, but she didn't know that. My cock sprung into the open and I lay back on top of my fourteen-year-old angel, and she stopped complaining at once as she felt the bare head of my dick touch the entrance of her pussy.

"I tell you what I'm doing," I murmured into her ear, "I'm getting ready to fuck you."

I said this as I began to move the head of my cock in a circular motion around her awaiting entrance, lubricating it, preparing to fuck this young girl silly.

"Oh, gosh... Tommy..." she said, her voice a bit shaky. "It's gonna hurt, isn't it? It's bigger..."

"A lot bigger than the other boys," I replied, "but you'll be fine, babe." It was then that I managed to think rationally for a second, and added, "Leah... is it... is it safe? Are you-"

"It's fine," she confirmed, "my Mum makes me take the pill for my periods."

Well thank you, Leah's Mum, I thought, amused. Was that really the case? Or did she know exactly what her daughter was like? Either way, I was happy.

I embraced Leah tight and pulled her close, her head resting on my shoulder. With it being dark and not able to see her, it was then that I realised how small she was compared to me. She had such a skinny frame. Fourteen years old, Tommy, you dirty bastard! I thought. Never mind, nobody would know about this. Ever.

As that last thought entered my mind and left just as quickly, I began to push myself into the young girl and felt hundreds of nerve endings go wild as the head of my dick entered the tightest pussy it had ever had the pleasure of fucking. I heard her inhale sharply as the first few inches of me went in, and I kept talking to her, telling her it was okay, that she would be fine, that it would only hurt a bit, that she could take me.

That was when I heard her begin to sob. "Leah, I don't have to-" I started.

"No!" she cut in, her face wet with tears. "No, Tommy. It's fine. Keep going, I... oooh, it hurts so much... but it's nice as well... Tommy keep going! Please!"

I was halfway in. I was sure I could feel her pussy slowly expand as it accommodated my size, yet with Leah so nervous I could feel her tighten up and though she might have been in a little pain, I'm not going to lie -- it felt absolutely heavenly. Further I pushed in. Her sobs began to diminish. All seven inches nearly inside her. Nearly. I felt her claw at my back, and that helped, causing me to grit my teeth and push a little more aggressively into her. As my pleasure increased, any worry of hurting her or making her cry disappeared, and I simply envisioned fucking her. Human emotion was now out of the picture; I genuinely couldn't help it. It was simply time to fuck.

Leah was now filled with the whole seven inches of my cock. Her sobs turned to moans as I withdrew halfway and pushed all the way in again, making her little body shake with the force. Out again, then back in, harder this time, my balls slapping against her ass. I increased my speed and before long I was fucking her. I was finally fucking her.

"Oh, Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!" she cried my name over and over as she helplessly felt my cock pounding into her young body, still tightening up every time I filled her all the way. Every second she held onto me tighter as I ravaged her, her nails now digging into my back. Like before, this only increased how hard I fucked her. I was drawing ever closer to orgasm -- my animal instinct had taken over and I just wanted to cum inside her young, fertile body.

"You like that, Leah?" I coaxed, "you like that cock inside you?"

"Oh, Tommy!"

"I asked you a question!" I growled into her ear, slamming harder into her with each word. "Do you like it?"

"Yuh-yuh-yes!" she managed.

"I'm gonna cum inside you, Leah, baby. You want that?"

"Yes, Tommy! Ohhh!"

"You sure? You sure you want Tommy's cum inside you?"

"Yes! Tommy! Tommy!"

That was consensual enough for me. Her beautiful voice cheered me on, and I felt my dick begin to work of its own accord. I felt the muscles below grow tighter, tighter and that wonderful tingling sensation begin to travel through the shaft of my dick. Cum bubbled up inside me and before long I felt it make its way out.

"I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming in you, Leah! Fuck!" I hissed through gritted teeth as I felt the cum shoot ferociously from the head of my dick and deep into the fourteen-year-old's body. Into my beautiful little Leah. I felt her shudder as I unloaded stream after stream of cum into her awaiting pussy, filling her up to the brim. I felt her clamped tight around me and her pussy eager to take in everything I had to offer.

I practically fell on top of her when I had finished, then remembered how heavy I was compared to her and fell to side of instead, lying on my back and catching my breath. Leah rolled over and rested her head on my chest, running her fingers through the hairs on my chest. "Tommmyy," she coed. "That was amazing. Thank yooou."

I smiled at that, her choice of words instantly reminding me of her age. Not that it really mattered any more. The deed had been done.

I ran my fingers through her hair and said softly to her, "no problem, Leah. I enjoyed it too."

"Hope Michelle didn't hear," she giggled.

"Doubt it. Who cares?"

We lay there in the darkness and in our exhaustion began to drop off to sleep. Not the best of ideas, considering that we could wake up in the morning to anybody. My Mother and Father, or even worse, Leah's. But of course, we didn't think about that.

We simply lay there together, naked, happy and without a worry in the world. Unfortunately the next morning was to bring wild panic, but for the moment, that was something we had no need to think of.

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