Little Leah and Her Wkd Side

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Sep 26, 2012


Little Leah And Her WKD Side -- Part 5 ----------------------------------------------------

So it was to be; Leah and I had been caught in the act. The words from my sister Michelle's mouth had been, quite simply, "what the -hell- is this?". And there she stood in her dressing gown, at my bedroom door, looking at both of us with complete and utter shock. I sat in the computer chair, my trousers down and my dick in full view, now limp after I had released all the cum I had to offer down fourteen-year-old Leah's throat, as well as a nice long streak of it onto her face. Leah simply sat there below me speechless, looking a slutty mess, as she grasped for some sort of explanation. She remained silent, as did I. There wasn't really much to say.

"I-" Michelle began. "I -- oh my god, what the fuck? Tommy! Tommy, fucking say something! What is going on?"

"Ah, Michelle," I said, stupidly. "I, uh -- I -"

"You fucking pervert!" she exploded, waving her arms about frantically, searching for more words to throw at me, "this is -- this is - disgusting! How -could- you!?"

I had never seen Michelle quite so vocal. And me so lost for words.

"I -- I'm sorry, we just -- Leah -- I -" nope, nothing rational came to mind.

"Don't you dare blame this on Leah!" she shouted abruptly. "Leah, get the fuck in the bathroom! Out of here, go on! Clean yourself up, now!"

Leah got up and left the room silently, with no reply to Michelle. I watched her leave and then heard the bathroom door close. Michelle stayed where she was. Then -

"Tommy, please give me something to work with here," she said. "Why? What in the hell would make you do this? She's fourteen years old, for fucks sake! You're five years older than her!"

Never so vocal had been Michelle. Or used so much profanity. Before I replied, I realised that I was still sitting there exposing my penis to my sister, which really didn't make it any easier to confront her. I pulled up my jeans, stood to face her, then replied, keeping my voice low -

"Michelle, you know... you know what she's like. I'll be honest, I -- couldn't uh, help myself."

She grimaced and then groaned in disgust, "oh Tommy, come on! You had control here! You didn't have to go along with it! It's sick."

Had no control? Hadn't she said earlier to my parents that 'not even Tommy could control Leah?' I recalled it being said quite clearly, and in complete seriousness.

"She..." I started, "she knew what she was -"

"Tommy!" she interrupted, "again. Fourteen. She doesn't know what she's doing. Fourteen, Tommy! This is England, you stupid fuck! She's not fucking legal!"

"Michelle," I said, "please, calm down. I know she's not, uh, legal. But I kind of still, uh, like her, ya know?" My god, what was I saying? I was making it worse for myself, I knew that.

"Oh Jesus Christ," my sister groaned, in disbelief. "Like her? It's not going to work. I've the right mind to talk to her parents about this! They should know!"

"P-please, Michelle, no, don't do that!" I begged. Then I remembered something. Michelle's face lost that high and mighty expression as I suddenly smirked. Not all hope was lost! "In fact, if you say anything, Sis, then Mummy and Daddy will be informed about your, uh, drinking habits."

"Under age drinking as opposed to statutory rape!?" she retorted, but not with much confidence in her voice. She could see I was ready for whatever she came at me with now.

"I'll say you made it up, Sis," I said. "I'll say you were pissed off because I was going to tell Mum and Dad about the drinking and you wanted revenge. Leah isn't going to say a word. This wont work out for you."

She went red in the face, holding in all the anger she wished to bestow upon me. She had tears in her eyes, now, and now I felt like a bit of a bastard. I wasn't a bastard. I don't consider myself one -- so I tried to turn the perspective around as best I could.

"Michelle," I said softly, "don't cry. I don't want to hurt you, or Leah. I know she's not of age, but I really can't help it. I'm attracted to her, okay? I'm being completely honest with you. I am." I stopped, waited for her to say something, but she remained silent, then I continued, "I'm not a fucking rapist, for Christ's sake. I'm your brother. And I like your friend. It's as simple as that. I know I didn't go about showing it in the best way, but it just happened. She's not a -kid-, Michelle. She's a teenager. And so am I." Then, I added, "You know Mum and Dad met at mine and Leah's age, right?"

The part really brought it all home. And it wasn't a lie. Michelle could see that in my eyes. Frustrated, pulling her hands back through her blonde hair, she searched for an answer and took a while to find the right one. Then finally, she said, "Tommy, that was a long time ago... but I... oh, for fucks sake, I don't know. It just seems so wrong. I didn't expect this."

"Not even after the Facebook photo?"

She smiled slightly at this. "Oh, God!" was all she could say, her face now flushed red in embarrassment rather than anger, shaking her head as if trying to wake up up from a bad dream. "Fine. Whatever. You two do what you want, but don't you dare hurt her, Tommy. And don't let Mum and Dad catch you, whatever happens."

This had gone brilliantly!

As our conversation came to a close, I heard the bathroom door opening and Leah appear next to Michelle, her head hung in shame but her face at least clean from my cum. "M-Michelle-" she started, her voice shaky.

"Leah, forget about it," Michelle said. "I've spoken with Tommy. I can't really comprehend this right now, I'm off to bed, alright? Don't worry about it."

With that my sister disappeared from view, leaving my young dark-haired princess to stare in wonder and disbelief at me. "It's... okay, Tommy?" she asked.

"Yep!" I smiled back at her. "We're good, for now." I took a quick look at the clock on the wall. 11:15. Mum and Dad had mentioned to us that if they weren't back by midnight to not worry as they would be staying the night at the friend's house they were visiting. It seemed like that was the case, but there was still a chance they could arrive back in the next forty-five minutes. Until then, I wasn't taking any chances.

"Leah," I said, "come here." The beautiful fourteen-year-old made her way towards me and we fell into a natural embrace. I could feel my heart beating fast as she lay her head against me.

"I wanna stay with you tonight, Tommy," she whispered into my chest.

"I know, me too," I wholeheartedly agreed, "but it's possible my parents could still arrive home soon. Stay in Michelle's room until it hits twelve o'clock. As long as you don't hear anybody enter the house by then..."

She looked up at me with eager eyes, "then I can come back in?"

"Fine with me," I replied.

"Oh, Tommy..." she leant up so that she could reach my lips and kissed me hard on the mouth. She had brushed her teeth and tasted of mint. Then she turned and left the room, but not before I gave her a playful slap on the butt, making her giggle.

Forty-five minutes until heaven, I thought, undressing myself for bed, leaving only my boxer shorts on. I turned off the light and got under the covers, hoping to God that my parents didn't return that night.

(Email me with any comments, as usual, at - thanks for reading!)

Next: Chapter 6

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